Doubt anyone would get debate going on an internet forum without a degree of negativity sneaking in from some quarters, it's the nature of the beast. Plus side is that people coming from contrary views can only help to keep things busier
I imagine it's hard to get new purely-poker related topics to discuss though, given how long internet forums have existed and the limited number of times people will want to discuss the merits of HUDs, best poker player in the world, best casinos in Vegas, best poker books or videos, moral position of playing sats for cash or sitting versus obviously weaker players etc
The hand history / clinic is the only bit I'd figure should always be much busier, although perhaps the ability to talk hands on Skype and Facebook has removed the value that a forum can offer.
Makes it more impressive how Sky's presenters used to be able to waffle on and fill 5 hours 3 days every week. Albeit they brought in lots more non-personal stuff from their own day-to-day lives or those of the people contributing to the show, rather than being pure poker chat. I suppose it was in effect a live diary-with-a-bit-of-poker, which is why so many enjoyed watching it rather than being online watching GTO videos.
Hope Derby mess up in the play-offs again. Not for any hating reasons, just that Forest will likely have nothing to play for next season, so at least a couple of games vs Derby is something to break-up the monotony of another relegation fight
Just driving on a very quite street. Needed to turn around and so reversed into a side street. Didn't notice car behind me. He may have just got there or been there when I reversed. My fault. Didn't hit him but was maybe close
He pulled in his drive so I turned back round and went to his door and apologised
Not a word, totally blank look, he shut the door in my face.
I'd find it so hard to do that. Entirely blank someone. I do the thing that I think most people do. Someone I don't like is walking towards each and I think to myself "I'll blank them"
Then when we pass each other I either give a small nod or go "hi mate"
Watched Derby Saturday afternoon. Nice to be able to relax watching a game for once. Wednesday look decent enough side.
Had 2nd worse losing night of the year in the evening. Clawed it back to £235 down in the end. It was plenty worse at one stage. Felt OK with most of how I played. Made a big mistake in a hand v Curt when I should have folded on turn and river and that cost me £100.
Got a call for pub last night which was a relief as I would have prob played and may have lost a bit more. Got home drunk and then played for an hour instead. Wp me.
Fortunately it went ok and I won £40.
Last Dym was very suspicious with a couple of players on 3 or 4 occasions. Somehow sneaked through despite one of them protecting the other when he had only a small blind left by shoving with J5. He hit a 5 to win hand
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : That sort of thing is very odd, Paul, poker players do seem to think in very unusual ways when it comes to money. Posted by Tikay10
Not sure I agree with the first comment, the second may be very true however.
Buying a good is a cost, the value decision is whether that particular good is worth the price. Whereas Paul playing poker is an investment so has different metrics. Only if Paul didn't have a +ve ROI would the cost become more important, and even then it would be the net cost not upfront price that was relevant.
sigh at this, heard a friend was running well in the main so i popped in to have a look. saw 1 hand
Jac35: gl eamonn cpfc_2010: ty Sky Poker: Neilio123 has knocked out cpfc_2010, collecting a Head Prize of £64.41. Neilio123's head value is now £103.35. 01:01cpfc_2010: world class bokking
what makes this injustice even worse is that the powers that be tried to wriggle out of there incompetance right till the end by no end of cover ups,prosecutions should be made to all those held responsible
this inquest has meant alot to me i didn,t know anybody personally that was affected by this horrendous tradegy but i was following stoke around the county at this time in my life,the police were,well lets say,let of the leash when it came to football fans knowing that they could get away with practically anything,GBH on fans was common place
i went to Barnsley in an FA cup replay about 8 weeks before hillsbourgh, thats right south yorkshire police again,big traffic jam on the M1 fans late for kick off massive queues outside the turnstiles people gettin crushed guess what happend? thats right they opened the gates it was a good job Barnsley had a massive terrace thats all i can say
the police treated fans back then like second rate citizens and didn,t hold back
im glad its all come out now its a pity it needed this terrible tradegy to bring it to a head
i was sat on the terrace at bouremouth while it was all unfolding a bloke with a radio was updating the fans around us we only took about 200 so pretty much all of us knew what was going on
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : what makes this injustice even worse is that the powers that be tried to wriggle out of there incompetance right till the end by no end of cover ups,prosecutions should be made to all those held responsible RIP to the 96 Posted by stokefc
27 long years to find the truth.
Hard to believe that a lot of people reading this weren't even born when this happened.
I was at the other semi that day- Everton v Norwich at Villa Park.
Just the luck of the semi final draw that I wasn't in those pens at Hillsborough.
It's absolutely right that a criminal investigation will be forthcoming. However, in a way it's sad as the families will still have a long way to go before they truly get closure on the tragedy all those years ago.
At least now we have officially got the truth. The truth which we have known for many years.
sigh at this, heard a friend was running well in the main so i popped in to have a look. saw 1 hand Jac35: gl eamonn cpfc_2010: ty Sky Poker: Neilio123 has knocked out cpfc_2010, collecting a Head Prize of £64.41. Neilio123's head value is now £103.35. 01:01cpfc_2010: world class bokking Posted by Jac35
bok karma?
Jac35:ul mateday4eire76:gl buddy›Phantom66 has won 4,600 chips with Ace highAhQsTd9d8h›Jac35 has finished 756th, and was awarded 2 Poker Points.
I hope that most of the relatives can find peace and closure from this verdict. Their family have been formally cleared of any wrongdoing and the truth is now out and irrefutable. I dare say some will carry on until those responsible for the events and the cover up are held to account, which needs to happen of course.
On top of the human tragedy of loss of life, the pain and suffering brought about be the lies, in official circles and the press added so much unnecessary hurt and extra suffering over a ridiculous length of time.
I remember being at my cousins wedding on that day. News started filtering through as people tuned into their car radios after the ceremony but didn't really get the extent of what happened until we saw the news pictures on tv at the venue.
I didn't know any real Liverpool fans at the time and it wasn't until I moved up north and spoke to people from Liverpool that I began to realise some of the facts and questioned what I had read.
Just about the end of the month so time for look at results against goals.
Be a good Dad
Not spent as much time as i should have done with Harry this month. And there was Shoegate.
Be happy
Post less on here and be positive when i do.
Big tick there, if we just ignore Spamgate and maybe a couple of other minor discretions
Watch Derby in Premier League (It is Premier League, not this EPL rubbish)
Still a chance i guess
Make priority at least 6 times
Fail so far. Bit frustrating that i didn't put enough volume in on double points weekends. Going to end up with about 8k this month.
Play 95% Dyms
Not quite but we're going back to that plan
Not one hand of online cash
Huge fail
Have a 10k year
Stalled ths month. One of my worst months for a long time. £361 down at mtts. Had a terrible run in them. £130 down at cash online. Up £191 at dyms. Won £180 at live cash when i played with the fat lad. Going to be around £210 in rakeback for the month. So still in profit for month but not much at all. Still on track although i've lost my buffer.
A lot of new players across the stakes at Dyms right now. Putting some of them on a hand is proving difficult. Got a read right in 1 £20 dym last night. Guy was pretty wild. First level i raise in sb with AQ and he flats in bb. A 3 2 flop. I can't remember getting it in with AQ in the first level for a very long time but i felt confident i was ahead. I cbet and he shoved. He had A6 and it was gg me by the river. It was that kind of night.
Not at all - debate is good, as so were your intentions.
Buying a good is a cost, the value decision is whether that particular good is worth the price. Whereas Paul playing poker is an investment so has different metrics. Only if Paul didn't have a +ve ROI would the cost become more important, and even then it would be the net cost not upfront price that was relevant.
cpfc_2010: ty
Sky Poker: Neilio123 has knocked out cpfc_2010, collecting a Head Prize of £64.41. Neilio123's head value is now £103.35.
01:01cpfc_2010: world class bokking
well played jury. wp.
what makes this injustice even worse is that the powers that be tried to wriggle out of there incompetance right till the end by no end of cover ups,prosecutions should be made to all those held responsible
Jac35: ul mateday4eire76: gl buddy› Phantom66 has won 4,600 chips with Ace high AhQsTd9d8h› Jac35 has finished 756th, and was awarded 2 Poker Points.
On top of the human tragedy of loss of life, the pain and suffering brought about be the lies, in official circles and the press added so much unnecessary hurt and extra suffering over a ridiculous length of time.
I remember being at my cousins wedding on that day. News started filtering through as people tuned into their car radios after the ceremony but didn't really get the extent of what happened until we saw the news pictures on tv at the venue.
I didn't know any real Liverpool fans at the time and it wasn't until I moved up north and spoke to people from Liverpool that I began to realise some of the facts and questioned what I had read.