I was so happy when he took charge and gave him a lot longer than most people.
His transfer dealings were bemusing and his treatment of players was disgusting.
5 years is a long time in management now with no discernable improvement. Contrary to popular belief we have spent plenty of money in his time. Seemingly dozens of £350,000 signings from Scotland.
I think he will pack up management altogether. He used to say when at Burton that he loved it being a part time job for him as he wanted to spend time with his family. Doubt he will bother again or that anybody would want him for that matter.
Pulls was in the crowd today and people are putting 2 and 2 together. Mixed feelings if he came. Proven but the football his teams play leaves me a little cold.
Lol knew you would be happy today Jac. Who would you prefer to take the job? Some decent candidates out of work.
Pretty sure DOHHHH has a bit of a man crush on Mr Kean which is why he touts him for every job that becomes available . I’ve tried to show him the error of his ways but it always falls on deaf ears lol! It’s a year to the day that the news was finally announced that he had walked away from the club he took down. It’s been celebrated by many today as much as it was a year ago!
I would say your prayers you don’t get him and i hope that one day he takes the Doncaster job lol!
I was so happy when he took charge and gave him a lot longer than most people. His transfer dealings were bemusing and his treatment of players was disgusting. 5 years is a long time in management now with no discernable improvement. Contrary to popular belief we have spent plenty of money in his time. Seemingly dozens of £350,000 signings from Scotland. I think he will pack up management altogether. He used to say when at Burton that he loved it being a part time job for him as he wanted to spend time with his family. Doubt he will bother again or that anybody would want him for that matter. Pulls was in the crowd today and people are putting 2 and 2 together. Mixed feelings if he came. Proven but the football his teams play leaves me a little cold. Posted by Jac35
We have street lightning now ya know?....You can warm yourself up on them when cold if you like. : )
It appears Derby have approached QPR to speak to McLaren. Don't really know what to make of it. Most fans pretty despondent about it but i'd give him a chance.
Poker has been fun. Been playing a fair bit of 25/50 last few days. As Maxally doesn't read anymore I might get away with this
Got in a bit of a hole early on. 4 bet shoved AK against busy opponent who snapped with AQ and got there -£110 A couple of over bad run outs and I was around £220 down for the day.
Then things changed
3bet called pre against 2 players with AJ hearts. Turn gave me the straight with backdoor flush draw 7 8 9 10. River gave me nuts and got paid of by a very unlucky guy who had QJ +£135
JJ v AK for +£99
Then weird hand where guy decided to outplay me with 72. Became a little difficult for him as I had AK and flopped a straight +£120
Few other bits and bobs and when I sat out I found I was £13.26 up on the day
Oh, bubbled another SPT sat. B*gger! Had a bash at the super roller sats but didn't make much headway. Thought about buying in but have decided to go and spend my hard earned £13.26 on beer instead ... One last thing, as you play higher, generally the idiots who want to abuse start to disappear. People are taking the game a bit more seriously and just concentrate on their play and understand variance. Welcomed to one of the tables by someone asking me if I liked cabbage? Assumed this was some sort of hilarious putdown. He then told everyone how bad they were for a while. Someone else peeled my 3bet with 68 and turned 2 pair. I made a better 2 pair on river with AK and he got rather cross.
One guy lost a pot and told the other player what he thought of him and the opponent said "cheers guys" and left the game. I couldn't help myself and asked him if he was happy now that he had lost his customer, someone who he considered to be far worse than him?
I've written about all this before and I know it's all a little boring but I've seen Beaneh write this before and he's right 'These guys just don't get poker'
So it is Shteeve McClaren then. Should be a decent appointment. There are def better managers aroundbut he should do a decent job and could be good for Derby imo. Hope he gets the time he will need.
So it is Shteeve McClaren then. Should be a decent appointment. There are def better managers around but he should do a decent job and could be good for Derby imo. Hope he gets the time he will need. Hope the accent has stuck with him . lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZnoP4sUV90 Posted by AJ_Rockets
A lot of my Steve Kean stuff is banter tbh (don't know much about him just seems a nice guy & I feel sorry for him so want to see him get another chance somewhere), but I 100%, genuinely, no messing, would rather have Steve Kean than Steve McClaren.
Certainly prepared to give him a chance AJ and Dohhhh
Very happy with the guys he's brought with him as well. I think Mclaren does sometimes get a bit of unfair press.
He was a terrible England manager it's true, but we're not after an England manager, we need someone with a reasonable track record in club management. He's got that. Did ok with Middlesborough, won the Dutch league.
I'm interested to see if we might get in a few foreign players. With his knowledge of the Dutch and German leagues we may be able to get in some players that would be too expensive for us if they were British.
Don't think Nigel had a passport. Total refusal to even consider players from overseas. Probably didn't help that the chief scout was a newsagent from Nottingham, his brother!
Certainly prepared to give him a chance AJ and Dohhhh Very happy with the guys he's brought with him as well. I think Mclaren does sometimes get a bit of unfair press. He was a terrible England manager it's true, but we're not after an England manager, we need someone with a reasonable track record in club management. He's got that. Did ok with Middlesborough, won the Dutch league. I'm interested to see if we might get in a few foreign players. With his knowledge of the Dutch and German leagues we may be able to get in some players that would be too expensive for us if they were British. Don't think Nigel had a passport. Total refusal to even consider players from overseas. Probably didn't help that the chief scout was a newsagent from Nottingham, his brother! Posted by Jac35
Wow that is impressive. I didn't even know Middlesborough were in the Dutch league.
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man : Wow that is impressive. I didn't even know Middlesborough were in the Dutch league. Posted by gazza127
Well you see the last time I saw an interview with him he said he had enjoyed his time as Middlesborough manager. He said the word Middlesborough in a Dutch accent and so I just assumed they must be a new team in the Eredivisie.
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man : Lol Well you see the last time I saw an interview with him he said he had enjoyed his time as Middlesborough manager. He said the word Middlesborough in a Dutch accent and so I just assumed they must be a new team in the Eredivisie. Posted by Jac35
He had a dutch accent about 4 days after he moved there!
I am hoping this interview wasn't recent as it would be pretty disgraceful if he's still got that clearly fake accent he put on to try and make the press and his fans like him over there!
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man : He had a dutch accent about 4 days after he moved there! I am hoping this interview wasn't recent as it would be pretty disgraceful if he's still got that clearly fake accent he put on to try and make the press and his fans like him over there! Posted by gazza127
No the Dutch accent has gone.
He now talks like the true East Midlander he is.
He says things like "aye up me duck" and "it's getting a bit black over bill's motha's"
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man : No the Dutch accent has gone. He now talks like the true East Midlander he is. He says things like "aye up me duck" and "it's getting a bit black over bill's motha's" Posted by Jac35
Don't joke. Just wait for his first interview/press conference... You may yet be surprised (or not as the case may be).
Enjoyable night at the tables Started off with usual sat failure in the £16 Q/F.As i'm clearly never going to sat in I had the idea of trying to win a tourney to pay for buy in.
Played 4 and had deep runs in 3, cashed but missed out on the decent money.
4th in the £5.50 megastack where I got megalucky a couple of times, so have to be happy with that £43.46 8th in the speed rebuy for £18.59, got pretty lucky a couple of times in that as well 11th in the £10 rebuy. Didn't get lucky in that 91st in £10 BH, Just didn't get started in that one.
So all good, a little profit on the night.
Rebuy was frustrating. Key hand was a mixture of bad play from me and maybe a bit unlucky. Guy peeled a 4bet from me. I had ACE 10. Flop was AAJ. He checked and first mistake, I checked back. Turn K and it ended up with me bet, calling when he clicked it back on the river to see Q10 for the turned straight. Given how the guy was playing i'm pretty sure he calls any bet I made on flop anyway but... This left me with 13 bigs and I put them in with 88 next hand, he had AJ. Ace on river sealed the deal.
No SPT yet then but relaxing night of poker and a little bit extra in my account.
Derby against Dirty Leeds tomorrow. Looking forward to it. Always a big game against them. Somehow we've won the last 9 encounters v them. With it being Mclarens first game as well, it should be a great atmosphere for once at Pride Park. Should see some goals at least as we're averaging conceding 3 every home game so far.
Lovely gesture from PokerTrev in the TPT thread. I'm not going to play it as I don't normally, and so I don't think it would be right for me to try and claim the prize. Good luck to all the usual players though.
Lovely gesture from PokerTrev in the TPT thread. I'm not going to play it as I don't normally, and so I don't think it would be right for me to try and claim the prize. Good luck to all the usual players though. Posted by Jac35
You sir, never stop showing what a thoroughly decent chap you are, nice one.
Just guessing, but pretty sure Trev is trying to drum up interest (as well as rewarding his team's efforts) to fight back at the utterly dominant HitSquad. Join the fun, even if you go on to defer any prize. It's a great night tis Monday DTD.
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man : You sir, never stop showing what a thoroughly decent chap you are, nice one. Just guessing, but pretty sure Trev is trying to drum up interest (as well as rewarding his team's efforts) to fight back at the utterly dominant HitSquad . Join the fun, even if you go on to defer any prize. It's a great night tis Monday DTD. Posted by bbMike
Cheers Mike, not everyone agrees with your first comment though, (see clinic)
Not a bad idea of yours to play anyway. I know everyone really enjoys the games on Mondays. Just a problem for me to as I rarely set out to play for a whole evening. Just happens by chance occasionally that I play a few tourneys on odd nights.
Are you at Notts? I've changed my mind about a hundred times already on what I'm going to do. Latest thought is the I'll play the evening comp and have a few beers with everyone.
Great result today, played really well. Better attendance. Bit of feel good again.
Amazing that we've beaten Leeds for the 10th consecutive time. To many Derby fans the game against Leeds is as big as Forest. Goes back to before my time but all kids were brought up to hate Leeds in Derby.
Be interesting if we can sign a couple more defenders. You never know....
I'm a tranmere fan do you remember our mid-nineties battles, swapping four goal victories? You had a collection of top players.paul williams, craig short and gary charles, mark pembridge, gabbiadini upfront. Didnt paul kitson and tommy jonson play for you then too? Paul simpson was your left winger, used to love watching him play. Team full of personality, most of them ended up in the premiership without you though. Some great players outside the premiership then.
Really wanted it to work for mini Clough!
What now for him? And who now for you????
Steve Kean still jobless
Lol knew you would be happy today Jac. Who would you prefer to take the job? Some decent candidates out of work.
Pretty sure DOHHHH has a bit of a man crush on Mr Kean which is why he touts him for every job that becomes available
. I’ve tried to show him the error of his ways but it always falls on deaf ears lol! It’s a year to the day that the news was finally announced that he had walked away from the club he took down. It’s been celebrated by many today as much as it was a year ago!
I would say your prayers you don’t get him and i hope that one day he takes the Doncaster job lol!
Interesting day

It appears Derby have approached QPR to speak to McLaren.
Don't really know what to make of it. Most fans pretty despondent about it but i'd give him a chance.
Poker has been fun.
Been playing a fair bit of 25/50 last few days. As Maxally doesn't read anymore I might get away with this
Got in a bit of a hole early on.
4 bet shoved AK against busy opponent who snapped with AQ and got there -£110
A couple of over bad run outs and I was around £220 down for the day.
Then things changed
3bet called pre against 2 players with AJ hearts. Turn gave me the straight with backdoor flush draw 7 8 9 10. River gave me nuts and got paid of by a very unlucky guy who had QJ +£135
JJ v AK for +£99
Then weird hand where guy decided to outplay me with 72. Became a little difficult for him as I had AK and flopped a straight +£120
Few other bits and bobs and when I sat out I found I was £13.26 up on the day
Oh, bubbled another SPT sat. B*gger!
Had a bash at the super roller sats but didn't make much headway. Thought about buying in but have decided to go and spend my hard earned £13.26 on beer instead
One last thing, as you play higher, generally the idiots who want to abuse start to disappear. People are taking the game a bit more seriously and just concentrate on their play and understand variance.
Welcomed to one of the tables by someone asking me if I liked cabbage? Assumed this was some sort of hilarious putdown. He then told everyone how bad they were for a while. Someone else peeled my 3bet with 68 and turned 2 pair. I made a better 2 pair on river with AK and he got rather cross.
One guy lost a pot and told the other player what he thought of him and the opponent said "cheers guys" and left the game.
I couldn't help myself and asked him if he was happy now that he had lost his customer, someone who he considered to be far worse than him?
I've written about all this before and I know it's all a little boring but I've seen Beaneh write this before and he's right 'These guys just don't get poker'
So it is Shteeve McClaren then. Should be a decent appointment. There are def better managers around but he should do a decent job and could be good for Derby imo. Hope he gets the time he will need.
Hope the accent has stuck with him
. lol
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZnoP4sUV90Unlucky Jac!!!!!
You're going down with the Barnsley!
Wow that is impressive. I didn't even know Middlesborough were in the Dutch league.
I am hoping this interview wasn't recent as it would be pretty disgraceful if he's still got that clearly fake accent he put on to try and make the press and his fans like him over there!
Don't joke. Just wait for his first interview/press conference... You may yet be surprised (or not as the case may be).
Started off with usual sat failure in the £16 Q/F.As i'm clearly never going to sat in I had the idea of trying to win a tourney to pay for buy in.
Played 4 and had deep runs in 3, cashed but missed out on the decent money.
4th in the £5.50 megastack where I got megalucky a couple of times, so have to be happy with that £43.46
8th in the speed rebuy for £18.59, got pretty lucky a couple of times in that as well
11th in the £10 rebuy. Didn't get lucky in that
91st in £10 BH, Just didn't get started in that one.
So all good, a little profit on the night.
Rebuy was frustrating. Key hand was a mixture of bad play from me and maybe a bit unlucky.
Guy peeled a 4bet from me. I had ACE 10. Flop was AAJ. He checked and first mistake, I checked back.
Turn K and it ended up with me bet, calling when he clicked it back on the river to see Q10 for the turned straight.
Given how the guy was playing i'm pretty sure he calls any bet I made on flop anyway but...
This left me with 13 bigs and I put them in with 88 next hand, he had AJ. Ace on river sealed the deal.
No SPT yet then but relaxing night of poker and a little bit extra in my account.
Derby against Dirty Leeds tomorrow. Looking forward to it. Always a big game against them. Somehow we've won the last 9 encounters v them. With it being Mclarens first game as well, it should be a great atmosphere for once at Pride Park. Should see some goals at least as we're averaging conceding 3 every home game so far.
Lovely gesture from PokerTrev in the TPT thread. I'm not going to play it as I don't normally, and so I don't think it would be right for me to try and claim the prize. Good luck to all the usual players though.
Good luck with qualifying for the SPT or binking a tounrie for the Buyin!
Just guessing, but pretty sure Trev is trying to drum up interest (as well as rewarding his team's efforts) to fight back at the utterly dominant HitSquad. Join the fun, even if you go on to defer any prize. It's a great night tis Monday DTD.