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Ramblings of an old man



  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited October 2013
    Thanks guys. Fortunately I'm not cynical enough to think you're all following the first rule of poker. "Always be nice to the value" :)

    You've hit the nail on the head. I just don't take it as seriously, which is obviously a huge mistake. 
    I do generally "beat it" but can certainly come unstuck against the better players. 
    Obviously the money on the table is less than when I'm playing live. Even so if I'm playing 6/7 tables some pretty big losses can happen if I'm not playing well.

    I disagree about 20nl online and 100nl live being similar. At Dtd maybe but mostly I think it plays a lot softer live. Sure there will be some decent players but 8/9 handed there will always be some decent spots.
    As you say, when I'm playing live I will be far more focussed. Tonight for example when I bust the comp, I'll sit with £200+ and won't be splashing around particulary as a small mistake can quickly lead to a big loss.

    I tend to find I read people well at live cash and have done pretty well this year. You soon see who is playing higher than they really want to and can be easily bullied. Also as you know, live players don't like folding and even if you have been fairly nitty, it's amazing how many times when you do smash the board you can get paid off fully by one pair hands etc.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited October 2013

    So, didn't go into Derby as planned last night. Got a call from a friend and just had a few drinks instead.
    Got back around midnight and obviously there is no better time to play poker than when you're a little tipsy and a little tired.

    Regged 6 Dyms, 2 £10 and 4 £5. Plus a couple of  cash tables. Dtm was on there and I can only imagine he doesn't read this as he didn't tell me to "clear off" as per my request on here.
    Made a few quid at cash and won 5 out of the 6 Dyms.
    This meant that 40 mins after sitting down I had won a quick £40. Very pleased, morale somewhat restored.

    Far more importantly, someone was kind enough to pm me and now I can do this!


    Thankyou very much indeed. Morale is now FULLY restored.

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,661
    edited October 2013


  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited October 2013
    You need to change your title, ramblings of a smiley man :) I can't do the smiley faces, you computer guru you
  • jdsallstarjdsallstar Member Posts: 1,675
    edited October 2013

    ­­Can you do these?
    ♥ ♦

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    ­­Can you do these? ♣ ♠ ♥ ♦ ☻
    Posted by jdsallstar
    These old boy?

    ♠ ◘ ○

    I do believe that I can, yes
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,923
    edited October 2013
    ☻    ♠ ◘ ○
    sorry jac,thought i try it out
    great thread btw

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    ☻  ♥   ♦   ♣  ♠ ◘ ○ test sorry jac,thought i try it out great thread btw ☺
    Posted by stokefc
    Thanks Stoke
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited October 2013
    Just played a few £3.30 Dyms alongside the sat for the main tonight.
    Slipwater shows up! For goodness sake man, leave me alone!
    Now I've said I'm going to leave cash it looks like he's going to hunt me down in my other games.
    We both cashed :)

    Lost the sat 10's v 8's. Might put it in BB&V. Would fit right in with some of the hands being posted in there at the moment.
    Oh my good! He hit a 2 outer, rigged site.

    Just noticed I'm up £1.24 today so that's me done. Gonna book the winning day.
    Good luck all
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,703
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    Just played a few £3.30 Dyms alongside the sat for the main tonight. Slipwater shows up! For goodness sake man, leave me alone! Now I've said I'm going to leave cash it looks like he's going to hunt me down in my other games. We both cashed :)
    Posted by Jac35
    I get a text alert whenever you have joined a table :)
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited October 2013
    Something came up elsewhere today about how people are in real life compared with how they act online.
    Thought it was pretty interesting. 
    The people who I have met at the Spt's have all been close to what I expected. 

    An idea was put forward that many are just poor communicators, or struggle with writing and come across in a totally different way to how they intend. I know that I can me overly sarcastic. I'm just trying to have fun with people but  maybe sometimes it's misjudged.  Humour, unless you're blessed with great writing skills,  which I'm not, is quite difficult to get across without just appearing to be rude.

    So, it got me thinking. 
    Who do you think may surprise you when you meet them away from a forum?
    For example,  is the poster you're not keen on actually a lovely chap? Is he a cantankerous 83 year old? Is he actually a she? A former lapdancer from Stranraer, who now runs a bakery in Milton Keynes? 
    That kind of thing

  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,703
    edited October 2013
    Well I was certainly surprised when I Pokey2011 at the SPT in Newcastle. I had this idea (for whatever reason) that he was going to be a snot-nose little brat who left school, had no job, no girfriend, and kept his virginity in a jar...

    ...turns out not all of that was true.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    Is he a cantankerous 83 year old?
    Posted by Jac35
    I did look for you at Birmingham on that basis
    only to find out it wasn't all true
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited October 2013
    Fun night
    Played 5 £11Dyms and won them all.
    Entered the main, didn't get started and didn't bother rebuying

    Played the mini and came 5th. Had a crazy table with about 65 left. In a £5 6max game. Mattbates, Gerrard9, Tallytink,Gliterbabe and Pokey.
    Wish I could say I played well but that wouldn't be true.
    My luckboxing ability kicked into full gear and when I didn't have to play any poker I was pretty awesome at all ins.
    With 8 left, I absolutely massacred a hand where I had 9's in the bb. Flatted a raise from guy who was playing super aggressively and didn't really do folding preflop once he'd put a raise in.
    Paid him off 3 streets on AA854 board.
    Huge leak, pretty backwards thinking on my part, trying to play small ball and then check calling all the way, making it the biggest pot I played all night.
    Went out shoving 9 bigs with 9's.

    I'm still playing on old tables wherever I can, do prefer them. Noticed when I opened up the other tables in the tourney, they loaded up the new tables.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited October 2013
    Good to see you survived the 'table of death' en route to the mini FT. Wp sir! 
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited October 2013
    Pork scratchings, grrrr
    Chipped tooth, dentists Monday.
    I hate dentists. A few years ago I was sent to the training hospital at Sheffield. Had a dentist from Iraq, who didn't seem to believe in anesthetic,  fit 6 crowns. Pretty traumatic actually. In the chair for around 4 hours a time for a period of around 6 weeks to get it done.
    I was kind of lucky. My normal dentist said that I wouldn't be able to afford the treatment required to sort my useless teeth out. He thought I was exactly the sort of case that the teaching hospital required. Thus, the work was done for nothing.
    Bizarrely though, after having gone through that, you would imagine I would take future work as a piece of cake, I am now terrified of dentists.
    Sigh, pay the man his money and get out of there as quickly as possible.. Tooth feels like a razor blade and it's impossible to stop running my tongue over it. 

    Slightly more cheerful. 
    The rams are going up!
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited October 2013
    Something fishy about Derby's winner yesterday.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited October 2013
    Enjoyable last few days in the main.
    Won the £2000 rebuy on Friday night for £570, which is my best win to date on Sky. Got lucky at one stage to double up when I made a pretty average call. After that was really pleased with my game.

    Went to the Derby match yesterday and even though we may have only drawn and not played particulary well, there are real signs of improvement. Biggest gate of the season and there is an air of optimism that has been lacking for the last few years. Wisdom, looks like a great loan signing and if Mclaren gets money to spend in January, which I think he will, then I think we could be pushing for the top six.

    Went over to Dtd today and met up with some of the usual suspects. Played he £100 and never got anything going. Posted a hand in the clinic which was really annoying but happy with how I played it. Went out shipping QQ from small blind against cut off open. He thought he was priced in, he wasn't and called it off with Ace 10.

    Bit of a quandary for me at the moment regarding tourneys on here. So much fun when a decent amount comes your way and I've run really well in the small amount I've played on here. Trouble is, I think I'm just running good and far better players than me, Harry and Gazza for example have talked about their recent downswings. With the Dyms, whilst the profits are much slower, I know I will beat them and plod along  quite nicely. Tourneys are different. You can go a long time without a decent score and do a fair bit of cash along the way. Hmmm....

    Thought the SPT didn't really have the same feel as the other ones I've been to. I know they're about attracting new customers but it's nice when the majority are sky players. This one priced out a lot of the normal players. I'm just not sure at a venue like DTD you're actually going to be attracting new people to the site. Most people playing £330 buyin comps are already going to be pretty aware of which online site they want to play on in my opinion.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    Enjoyable last few days in the main. Won the £2000 rebuy on Friday night for £570, which is my best win to date on Sky. Got lucky at one stage to double up when I made a pretty average call. After that was really pleased with my game. Went to the Derby match yesterday and even though we may have only drawn and not played particulary well, there are real signs of improvement. Biggest gate of the season and there is an air of optimism that has been lacking for the last few years. Wisdom, looks like a great loan signing and if Mclaren gets money to spend in January, which I think he will, then I think we could be pushing for the top six. Went over to Dtd today and met up with some of the usual suspects. Played he £100 and never got anything going. Posted a hand in the clinic which was really annoying but happy with how I played it. Went out shipping QQ from small blind against cut off open. He thought he was priced in, he wasn't and called it off with Ace 10. Bit of a quandary for me at the moment regarding tourneys on here. So much fun when a decent amount comes your way and I've run really well in the small amount I've played on here. Trouble is, I think I'm just running good and far better players than me, Harry and Gazza for example have talked about their recent downswings. With the Dyms, whilst the profits are much slower, I know I will beat them and plod along  quite nicely. Tourneys are different. You can go a long time without a decent score and do a fair bit of cash along the way. Hmmm.... Thought the SPT didn't really have the same feel as the other ones I've been to. I know they're about attracting new customers but it's nice when the majority are sky players. This one priced out a lot of the normal players. I'm just not sure at a venue like DTD you're actually going to be attracting new people to the site. Most people playing £330 buyin comps are already going to be pretty aware of which online site they want to play on in my opinion.
    Posted by Jac35

    This is absurd.......You're way better than Gazza ;)

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited October 2013

    My hand of the day. Not often your all in gets called by the nut worst hand!

    Hand History #704496908 (00:19 29/10/2013)

    Lambert180 Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £40.96
    ricoramb03 Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £21.47
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    Jac35 Raise  £0.60 £0.90 £17.86
    XRaise  £1.00 £1.90 £63.65
    Lambert180 Call  £0.90 £2.80 £40.06
    ricoramb03 Fold     
    Jac35 Raise  £2.20 £5.00 £15.66
    XCall  £1.80 £6.80 £61.85
    Lambert180 Fold     
    • 9
    • 9
    • 4
    Jac35 Bet  £1.80 £8.60 £13.86
    XCall  £1.80 £10.40 £60.05
    • 7
    Jac35 Bet  £4.80 £15.20 £9.06
    XCall  £4.80 £20.00 £55.25
    • 7
    Jac35 All-in  £9.06 £29.06 £0.00
    XCall  £9.06 £38.12 £46.19
    Jac35 Show
    • A
    • A
    • 2
    • 2
    Jac35 Win Two Pairs, Aces and 9s £36.32  £36.32
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