Hey Jac, hope all is going well with the other half (and yourself obv)
Bit annoying earlier, I was enjoying our chat at the table then my Sky software crashed and by the time I got it to reload I had lost my seat on every single table so decided it was time for bed.
It's an interesting debate and maybe I don't know enough to really comment... Part of me says that increasing the rake at the lower end does help the poker economy, keep the rec players happy etc BUT the other part of me says meh most rec players are still probably gonna get like <£5 back each month, is that really gonna be the deal breaker? These people are playing for a laugh, enjoying the game/the gamble etc and if they're willing to stick in £50 a month and give it a spin, I don't think getting £1.50 back is gonna make the slightest difference as to where they play, or encourage them to play more than they want to just so they can get an extra 50p.
Also, as you pointed out, I don't think increasing it at the bottom end means it needs to be reduced so significantly at the top end.
Not posted since last Friday and yesterday was the first time I've posted at all since then.
I'm disappointed with myself at how I seem to have come across in recent posts. Geldy is right. I'm pretty thin skinned and worry about silly things. With some big life stuff about to happen, it just seemed silly fretting about things on here.
Unless Baby Jackson joins the party early, I'm still on to make priority for the first time this month. Around 8600 at present. This last week has been tougher. Had 3 losing days on the trot but managed to recover those losses, plus make a bit last night and earlier today.
I really enjoy playing on Sky and there are many great aspects to it. However, got to say I'm frustrated by the Happy Hours promotion. To run it 3 weeks after another promotion has started and for it to affect that promotion is not good. The logic is really poor. They will doubtless do very well this weekend. Long term though, it's really poor. The promotion no doubt is partly about attracting new players to the site. A number of grinders from elsewhere have played on here this month. As has been stated in other threads, it's highly unlikely that they will play here again after this month. I was cruising into the freeroll but now I may not make it. To drop this in at this stage looks amateurish and doesn't do the sites credibilty much good.
Overall the promotion has been really good for me. It motivated me to play more and play at a higher stake. I take my hat off to the players in the Top 10. I was a long way out with my guess as to how many points I would need to get in there. I originally thought 15000 would do it. I'm knackered from work and getting the number of points I have. Greater discipline than I have from these guys to keep putting in the hours.
I've felt comfortable at the slightly higher levels and so I think I will continue at them next month. Volume will probably drop down to about normal though.
Not posted since last Friday and yesterday was the first time I've posted at all since then. I'm disappointed with myself at how I seem to have come across in recent posts. Geldy is right. I'm pretty thin skinned and worry about silly things. With some big life stuff about to happen, it just seemed silly fretting about things on here. ..... Unless Baby Jackson joins the party early, I'm still on to make priority for the first time this month. Around 8600 at present. This last week has been tougher. Had 3 losing days on the trot but managed to recover those losses, plus make a bit last night and earlier today. ..... I really enjoy playing on Sky and there are many great aspects to it. However, got to say I'm frustrated by the Happy Hours promotion. To run it 3 weeks after another promotion has started and for it to affect that promotion is not good. The logic is really poor. They will doubtless do very well this weekend. Long term though, it's really poor. The promotion no doubt is partly about attracting new players to the site. A number of grinders from elsewhere have played on here this month. As has been stated in other threads, it's highly unlikely that they will play here again after this month. I was cruising into the freeroll but now I may not make it. To drop this in at this stage looks amateurish and doesn't do the sites credibilty much good. ...... Overall the promotion has been really good for me. It motivated me to play more and play at a higher stake. I take my hat off to the players in the Top 10. I was a long way out with my guess as to how many points I would need to get in there. I originally thought 15000 would do it. I'm knackered from work and getting the number of points I have. Greater discipline than I have from these guys to keep putting in the hours. I've felt comfortable at the slightly higher levels and so I think I will continue at them next month. Volume will probably drop down to about normal though. Posted by Jac35
Feel your pain regarding the promo mate. I have worked hard to stay in the top 50 all month and was very surprised to see about this cash promo which could mean all that hard work has been for sweet FA!!!
Well, as that AJS character seems to be already aware, I'm not good enough to play cash. He's prolly right, not really tried for a while. Unfortunately on tonight's evidence, I'm not good enough to play Dyms either! Did not go well. However, I am reasonably capable at the "crapshoot tourneys" as the lovely AJS refers to them. Decent record on the night. Played 1 won 1. A nice £188. Think all my luck came in that tourney rather than the Dyms. 3 handed I skillfully had AA in the BB and the small shoved. I then very skillfully flopped quads. .... Had a fun exchange in a Dym. Was playing stacks of tables and raised with JJ. Got shoved on and snapped him off. Oops, 1st level. Made my set but not good enough against his set of Aces. I made a comment about mixing up my tables. Player then did a "really?, ty for your chips" thing. I replied with something very mature He then kindly asked me if it was my 1st game. Again, I replied with the maturity of a 10 year old. I made a spelling error, "reasd" which he kindly corrected and told me not to be so "fecicitious" Which I found quite amusing. He warmly said goodbye to me when I got knocked out and playfully called me a "donk" I love originality. .... Decent result for Derby today. Bamford looks a player. Love McLaren at the moment but I can only assume that Jamie Ward has some hold over the club. How does he get a game every week? Surely he'll start Bamford on Tuesday. Noticed Billy Sharp has gone back to Donny. Thought that we might have gone for him for about the 5th time. As a loan, I think he's a great signing. Knows how to score goals. .... Lost my gold star which sucks
Ah the ups and downs of poker pal. Good read as always. I'm not one for comments in chat but I will admit I had a little rant last night after bubbling a seat for UKIP Dublin on an other site.It did spill over to Sky and to an unlucky limp caller who did me in a mtt here. I did say sorry when I bumped into them tonight. I always find it funny the cash v mtt player debate. To me its like 5 a side footballers and 11 a side players same game but different skills. It seems to me that its always cash players saying they are the better players but I suppose we could all crush if we got to choose our opponents. Hopefully you will get your star back soon.
Made hard work of that Jacco! I was preparing my rant, but that 94th minute winner made a lot of punters very happy Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Ah, now I understand.
I was at the game and couldn't work out how lowly Yeovil were beating the Mighty Rams. You had money on it! They're the best games of all when you win like that. Think I'm gonna get a ticket for Birmingham on Saturday now.
Took my niece. She thought we had gone 3-0 just after half time. Didn't realise that we'd changed ends. She also thought they were called Yonderfield. Glad her ticket was only a fiver. ....
Urgh Dyms tonight. Huge escape. I've run so well this month that it was inevitable things were going to turn at some stage. That's just how it works. Made a couple of horrible calls early on but I luckboxed the hands. Thought "this is nice, normal kind of stuff, play bad and win" Then it turned.
Felt I was actually playing better as I got into it and so stopped for a bit and looked at my exits. All in pre I lost with overpairs 6 times. Funniest was when I had KK and QQ binked his Q. Another player kindly informed me that he had folded a Q. "Oh really? cheers for that"
Also, it was one of those heavily frustrating nights when every short stack all in resulted in a double up.
Oddly enough I felt better after the quick review. There are always times when the cards will go against you. If you're happy with your play though, it's fine.
Rediscovered the rungood at the end and managed to finish £24 down. Add in the near enough 500 rakeback points and it's a great result. Was looking like being a £200+ touch for a lot of the night. ....
I've really got to sort my sleep out. Gonna feel evil in the morning. Up at 5.30. What am I doing being awake at this time? I'm a fool!
Pokers rubbish at the moment. Not getting lucky like normal. Doing this losing thing that's not very pleasant. Crossed the line at last for Priority and I've had a really good month. Just playing cr.ap last couple of days. Down around £60 today and I'm packing in the Dyms for the night. Feel that I would lose more. D game not getting the job done.
Was playing too many games and missed the add-on in the main which was a bit dumb.
So, just mini left now. Gonna 1 table like a boss and get the job done.
Always the way. After playing till long past midnight last night and having to get up at 5.30, work was hideously tough today. Feel rubbish. Gonna double up or go to bed early. I will be even more shove happy than usual.
I'd love to know who it is at Sky that thinks cr.ap is an offensive word!
Forget the D game I was playing in the Dyms. In the mini I employed the 'I've never played before' or 'abuse me, I'm the shi!!est player in the world approach' Take your pick. Both fit the bill quite well. Through being very lucky I stumbled my way through to the bubble. I folded a big hand to Andrew1947 because I wanted to cash after a bad day (I know, I know) but then decided to go with JJ when I was clearly behind and bubbled.
Think I'm going to have to consider retirement. I'm the worst. .... One fun thing earlier in a Dym. Some player was grumbling about Sky being rigged. He didn't answer my question, which was "why do you play here then?"
Then bizarrely some guy not playing piped in with "Sky deffo rigged" Cool! That guy needs to question what he's doing with his life when he's railing £20 Dym games
Quickly realised that even with playing the higher stake Dyms, I wasn't going to make the Top 20. I put in a lot more hours than normal but had to settle for Top 50 and the freeroll. Made priority for the 1st time which was good. And unless people have gone absolutely crazy on the last day will have made the freeroll.
Did play more £20's than any other stake and got off to a flyer. Certainly helped me feel comfortable with them and was good to get to know a few of the regs at that stake. Some really nice guys there, good players as well. Eamonn, Miraj etc
Turned the £500 into £2061. Guessing around £230 to come in Rakeback as well. Couldn't be happier with result. I did run very well and certainly won more than my fair share of flips. Played around 7 or 8 tourneys and had a 1st for £188. Dabbled every so often with cash. Won a few buy ins but certainly I'm weaker than the good regs and think I could well lose over time if I played much.
So what do we do in February?
Play less for sure. Too many other things that I like doing and big family stuff happening. I imagine that I'm actually unlikely to ever make priority again. Had extra motivation with the promotion and with the weather being awful, plenty of time to play.
Pretty sure I will stick with the £20's as the main game. Just need to be aware that I'm probably due a bad run and step down as and when I need to. Oh, no more bankroll updates. Strictly a one off thing last month.
BRILLIANT BRILLIANT BRILLIANT WHAT MORE CAN I SAY.... WELL PLAYED PAUL !!! Think that just about covers it. run good in Feb too... Dev Posted by devonfish5
BRILLIANT BRILLIANT BRILLIANT WHAT MORE CAN I SAY.... WELL PLAYED PAUL !!! Think that just about covers it. run good in Feb too... Dev Posted by devonfish5
& here's hoping your family february performs as well
I've never really been very confident about my poker. I have some glaring leaks in cash and tourneys. In the Dyms and this is probably through the sheer volume of games, I feel the most confident.
I keep waiting for the bubbie to burst. Whenever I have a losing session, I really start to doubt myself. By now I should be past all that but it's just the way I am. One thing that didn't help much was a forum reg who I always got on well with has really gone for me this month.
Pretty much every game he has made comments about how the downswing will come soon. Plenty of comments about how badly I've played hands. I pointed out that I've played 8000 games and my stats should be fairly realistic at this stage. He replied that until I've played 10000 I shouldn't take much notice of ROI. Thought this was silly but he then claimed I'm delusional if I think i will continue with my results and I just don't understand math.
Found it really disappointing and let it get to me a bit. Deregged all my games one night as I was just a bit fed up with it. I asked him to give it a rest and he said he was on a 600 game downswing and suggested a truce. A truce? I thought we were friends and I haven't made any derogatory comments towards him. It's made me quite sad.
He can't deny doing that surely.
It's an interesting debate and maybe I don't know enough to really comment... Part of me says that increasing the rake at the lower end does help the poker economy, keep the rec players happy etc BUT the other part of me says meh most rec players are still probably gonna get like <£5 back each month, is that really gonna be the deal breaker? These people are playing for a laugh, enjoying the game/the gamble etc and if they're willing to stick in £50 a month and give it a spin, I don't think getting £1.50 back is gonna make the slightest difference as to where they play, or encourage them to play more than they want to just so they can get an extra 50p.
Unfortunately on tonight's evidence, I'm not good enough to play Dyms either! Did not go well.
However, I am reasonably capable at the "crapshoot tourneys" as the lovely AJS refers to them. Decent record on the night. Played 1 won 1. A nice £188. Think all my luck came in that tourney rather than the Dyms. 3 handed I skillfully had AA in the BB and the small shoved. I then very skillfully flopped quads.
Had a fun exchange in a Dym. Was playing stacks of tables and raised with JJ. Got shoved on and snapped him off. Oops, 1st level. Made my set but not good enough against his set of Aces. I made a comment about mixing up my tables. Player then did a "really?, ty for your chips" thing. I replied with something very mature
Decent result for Derby today. Bamford looks a player. Love McLaren at the moment but I can only assume that Jamie Ward has some hold over the club. How does he get a game every week? Surely he'll start Bamford on Tuesday.
Noticed Billy Sharp has gone back to Donny. Thought that we might have gone for him for about the 5th time. As a loan, I think he's a great signing. Knows how to score goals.
Lost my gold star which sucks
Good read as always.
I'm not one for comments in chat but I will admit I had a little rant last night after bubbling a seat for UKIP Dublin on an other site.It did spill over to Sky and to an unlucky limp caller who did me in a mtt here.
I did say sorry when I bumped into them tonight.
I always find it funny the cash v mtt player debate.
To me its like 5 a side footballers and 11 a side players same game but different skills.
It seems to me that its always cash players saying they are the better players but I suppose we could all crush if we got to choose our opponents.
Hopefully you will get your star back soon.
PS Hope Penny is doing well , cant be long now.
Run Good Pal.
Made hard work of that Jacco!
I was preparing my rant, but that 94th minute winner made a lot of punters very happy
I was at the game and couldn't work out how lowly Yeovil were beating the Mighty Rams. You had money on it!
They're the best games of all when you win like that. Think I'm gonna get a ticket for Birmingham on Saturday now.
Took my niece. She thought we had gone 3-0 just after half time. Didn't realise that we'd changed ends. She also thought they were called Yonderfield. Glad her ticket was only a fiver.
Urgh Dyms tonight. Huge escape. I've run so well this month that it was inevitable things were going to turn at some stage. That's just how it works. Made a couple of horrible calls early on but I luckboxed the hands. Thought "this is nice, normal kind of stuff, play bad and win" Then it turned.
Felt I was actually playing better as I got into it and so stopped for a bit and looked at my exits. All in pre I lost with overpairs 6 times. Funniest was when I had KK and QQ binked his Q. Another player kindly informed me that he had folded a Q. "Oh really? cheers for that"
Also, it was one of those heavily frustrating nights when every short stack all in resulted in a double up.
Oddly enough I felt better after the quick review. There are always times when the cards will go against you. If you're happy with your play though, it's fine.
Rediscovered the rungood at the end and managed to finish £24 down. Add in the near enough 500 rakeback points and it's a great result. Was looking like being a £200+ touch for a lot of the night.
I've really got to sort my sleep out. Gonna feel evil in the morning. Up at 5.30. What am I doing being awake at this time? I'm a fool!
Crossed the line at last for Priority and I've had a really good month. Just playing cr.ap last couple of days.
Down around £60 today and I'm packing in the Dyms for the night. Feel that I would lose more. D game not getting the job done.
Was playing too many games and missed the add-on in the main which was a bit dumb.
So, just mini left now. Gonna 1 table like a boss and get the job done.
Always the way. After playing till long past midnight last night and having to get up at 5.30, work was hideously tough today. Feel rubbish. Gonna double up or go to bed early. I will be even more shove happy than usual.
I'd love to know who it is at Sky that thinks cr.ap is an offensive word!
Forget the D game I was playing in the Dyms.
In the mini I employed the 'I've never played before' or 'abuse me, I'm the shi!!est player in the world approach'
Take your pick. Both fit the bill quite well.
Through being very lucky I stumbled my way through to the bubble. I folded a big hand to Andrew1947 because I wanted to cash after a bad day (I know, I know) but then decided to go with JJ when I was clearly behind and bubbled.
Think I'm going to have to consider retirement.
I'm the worst.
One fun thing earlier in a Dym. Some player was grumbling about Sky being rigged. He didn't answer
my question, which was "why do you play here then?"
Then bizarrely some guy not playing piped in with "Sky deffo rigged"
Cool! That guy needs to question what he's doing with his life when he's railing £20 Dym games
Just to recap
I'm the worst
Think that just about covers it.
run good in Feb too...
Well done mate, great month!