Getting silly now. Long DYM session again. As is fast becoming the norm, lost the first 4 and was around 50 down before eventually winning 7 out of last 8 to return small profit. Think the 10's are becoming a bit tougher. Still some let's say interesting play. Highlight being 3 limps to my bb at 100/200! I shove ak for 1650 and get snapped by first limper with j5! Didn't win that game.
There seems to be a post just about every day right now about 'obvious' collusion. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but i just think it may be a lot less than people think. Sky to its credit is a site that actively encourages and seeks players new to the game. They provide many low stake games and my personal opinion is that rather than any form of collusion players are just making new player mistakes. I was playing a DYM the other night. A player had lost a big hand and was left with 350 chips. He went all in next hand and the big blind who had posted 300 passed. Collusion? I doubt it. I had sharkscoped him as i do any new player i don't have notes on and saw that he was playing his 5th game. This may have been his 5th game of poker ever. He may have looked at his cards and seen, lets say 8 2 and thought thats no good and passed. As a new player he maybe didn't realise that it would be correct to call with any 2 there. Maybe this is a poor example but i was amused to see the 2 other players left in the game instantly start typing 'Collusion' in the chat box. Posted by Jac35
Hi J A very good point m8 well made sir! You were lucky, i had a racist and a drunk9two people) on my table in a dym who called my 10 BB ai of TT fron sb with q8 o with a bigger stack. It does spoil a game and puts me off......for about ten seconds before signing up again. Ha
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man : misread this - thought you said his writing style was too similar to yours! meanwhile happy birthday to Jac, and if Sky doesn't give you the cash you'll just have to win it! Posted by GELDY
lol, if only!!! Wasn't going to play today as didn't want to lose on my birthday. But i did play and i did lose on my birthday. Grrrrr Down 70 at moment with just one 10 dym still going.
I went to the £30 re-entry plus add on comp last night. They add £500 to the prize pool, which in my opinion makes it a great value tourney. I hit absolutely everything in first hour but then went card dead until the break. I was umming and ahhing ( does that work? ) about adding on and i'm sure all advice would be to 100% do this but for some reason i'm always reluctant. Glad i didn't as i went out frist hand after the break and the action would have been just the same and he had me covered. Had JJ and J high board was pleasant. Villain shoved turn, i snapped, he won. Bit of a gross 2nd pair turning flush draw and getting there. Got chatting to a DTD 'superstar' Wadey who i hadn't seen in there before and he was good to talk to. He plays very differently to most players but does extremely well at the game. He was saying that everything he does is gut feeling and will literally play any 2 when he's feeling it because he knows he will win.
As one of the first out there was no cash game running at that stage. To pass time and because i'v always been interested i got the waiting cash game dealer to give me a brief explanation of the dealers choice games. Wow! I occasionaly play omaha was ok with high/low but the others? Well, i definately require more lessons before i go anywhere near a dc table with money in my pocket. Seems a bit ridiculous that after all these years i've not learned these games but i am pretty lazy.
We eventually started and everyone was sitting really short so i sat with £70 which was the same as next biggest stack. Shame that after hand one i was sitting with nothing! Pesky JJ again, flopped set again, didn't win again, ouch! Went to ATM and and drew £200 which cost me £201.75. Always annoys me that some of these places put a charge on withdrawals and prey on lazy fools like me who can't be bothered to go out and draw from somewhere else.
Long, long session where i did ok and got lucky at the right times. Flopped ace high flush against King high flush which also had a straight flush redraw. Obviously all the money went in and i faded the straight flush. One of the biggest pots i've won this year and i said sorry to opponent which i never normally would do because i wouldn't mean it. But this chap had been sat next to me for a long time and we had been chatting away. He was a really nice guy and although i obviously wanted to win the pot i would much rather it had been against someone else. Also, he plays on SKY.
I'm generally not a big drinker but recently i have been drinking far too much when i've been to casino. This probably sounds a bit soft but i hate it the following day when i really worry that i may have upset people. I'm very chatty always but i'm sure i overdo it when drunk. No one as far as i can recall seemed annoyed and i got a few light hearted comments about being a drunk. i am aware though that while for a spell the table drunk can be amusing it can wear very thin after a few hours. So, i'm driving next time and will walk in sheepishly as usual and hope i don't get told about anything too embarrassing that i did. Won't be going there next week anyway as i've kindly been put into the freeroll by SKY.
Went to a family meal yesterday. 11 year old neice explained that her boyfriend had told her he had bought her some chocolate for Christmas. She said that she had no idea what to get him and was considering just wrapping herself up and letting him unwrap her! Awkward looks all round.
How to get a stack Ali 'Bag of B******s' Ahmed style. Join the table 4 hands before end of re-entry period. Get greeted warmly by entire table and shyly take you seat.
Hand 1
Announce 'raise it' and go 8xbb. Obviously as you're Ali you pick up 2 callers. Check call each street and show QQ on K high board and it's good, Nice pot.
Hand 2
Limp and then call a big raise. Hit top pair on turn and collect flush draw. Pot gets raised and then when it comes to you say 'All in'. Obviously as you're Ali you hit flush and beat the opponents flopped 2 pair. Very nice pot.
Hand 3
Have a rest.
Hand 4
Limp. Call raise. When oppenent says all in on river say 'call that' and win with another flush.
Now sat with around 50000 say 'i think i add on now and be chip leader'. Smile pleasantly at rest of table and stroll off at the break.
Don't know how he did for rest of the tourney as i was rather rudely asked to leave the table when i lost all my chips. However as people came to join the cash table they would get asked 'what happened?' to which they would reply 'Ali happened'.
Just watched 'One night in Turin' Memories came flooding back. Best England team i've ever seen. I'd forgotten just how much abuse Bobby Robson got as England manager and was also amused to hear the press bemoaning the lack of creative players in the team. Midfield of Waddle, Gascoigne, Platt and Barnes. Up front Lineker and Beardsley and we were lacking creation? Anyone of those would walk into the present team. The game against Ireland was ranked the World Cups worst ever game but then we started. Holland were next and they had thrashed us in the Euro's 2 years earlier. I remember racing my paper round and getting back home just in time for the kick off. Matthaus for Germany was brilliant but if we had actually gone on to win the cup i think Gascoigne would have been player of the tournament and rated the best player in the world. We drew with the Dutch and the Mighty Rams Mark Wright put us through to the knockout stages with the winner against Egypt. Fantastic game against a really good Belgium team with a stunning winner from Platt in injury time. Nerve racking game against Cameroon which we just came through and then, Germany.
We were fantastic that night, our best performance by far, but then it went to penalties. Our first in a long line of penalty shoot out losses. I cried.
I thought, at 15, that fur years time maybe i could be the next Gascoigne and help England win the World Cup. In truth though, i had sadly already peaked! The winner for Derby Boys against Borussa Monchengladbach in Osnabruck at 10 years old was the highlight of my career
Sadly Mr Gascoigne has fallen off the wagon again. He is supposed to be in rehab down here in Bournemouth but just a couple of days ago my wifes work mate found him slumped on the pavement , drunk and covered in blood.
Definitely going to play in as many SPTs as I can. Be good to see the schedule as soon as possible to see which ones are feasible. Work Saturday mornings so will need to look at annual leave etc.
Really enjoyed my first full year on SKY.
On the forum there seems to be a really nice mix of characters who all offer loads in different ways.
Be great to put faces to the names and be fun to see people and think how differently they look to what I expected them to.
I don't really have any other aims apart from that. Like the mix of playing the Dym's on here and continuing with live cash and tourneys.
Need to get back grinding the Dym's a lot more, really dropped off in the last 2/3 months. Been hard to get motivated for them as the live cash has gone well. This is a poor way of looking at it though as the Dym's have given me a nice steady monthly income.
Don't think I'll play much cash on here as I think even the lowish limits are tougher than where I'm playing live.
The tourneys on here don't really interest me much either.
I was nervous about starting to post on here but would like to thank everyone for making me really welcome.
I was reading the other day on another forum about a dealers choice hand at DTD. 2 of the players in the pot were guys who were playing £30 freezeouts with me back in the day. The pot also involved a very prominent forum member on here. they got it all in preflop for £11000!
Now one of these players is a very successful businessman, so fair play. The other was just like me a few years ago. Someone just getting into poker. The big difference between us though was he was a gambler. Was he any better than me at the time? probably not. Is he now? undoubtably.
How do players get to this stage? Obviously binking something big after satting in is the stress free option. More likely though, rather than turn over an ok profit at small stakes like me and staying there he moved up.
I've always treated poker as a game to enjoy and hopefully make a few quid from. However, i do often wonder if i had had enough 'gamble' in me could i have done more? Not sure. Right now i can't even comprehend the idea of getting in £5000 in a cash game but it's all relative i guess.
A friend of mine has starting playing recently on here 30p dym's. When i told him i lost a £550 pot a few days ago he said that he wouldn't be able to sleep for a month.
Due to a decent year, while it obviously stung a bit, i could take it and i guess it's the same for the guy with 5000 in the middle, different bankrolls.
We all have varying levels at which we are prepared to gamble i think. For some on here i see that they've deposited a certain amount and don't wish to redeposit again and stick strictly to their bankrolls. Others reload on a regular basis and 'take a shot'.
I don't think there is a right or wrong, we are all just built differently. .
Morning Jac. BOTH of the players in that £11,000 hand have a lot of "gamble" in them........ Both began playing at the same venue - Gala Notts - & same time as me. One of them has been busto plenty of times, the other runs a very successful business. If you are a nit, my advice would be that if you end up on the same table as them, make sure you sit to their left. Then just use hand-selection, pot-control, patience & discipline VERY carefully, & it'll be just fine. I have loved your "ramblings" this year, keep them coming please. Merry Christmas. Posted by Tikay10
Morning Tikay
Merry Christmas
I have just looked back and i got a couple of hands mixed up, age thing i guess. 1st pot was actually £10000 i believe and the other hand involved our member.
I remember being heads up with Richard Berridge one night and he had a good sized chip lead. Was a little surprised when he said i could take 1st place money as long as he was given 1st for the leaderboard. They were doing a promotion at the time and he said the money didn't matter to him. Must be nice.
The other player as you say has been broke a few times. I guess we all have different responsibilties. Going broke wouldn't be an option for me.
It's funny, we must have started playing at similar times and yet, i don't believe i have ever actually sat at table with you.
I do remember 'Chipie?' telling me one night about how he had got heads up with you and you LIMPED into his big blind. He shoved and you had the ACES.
Did you ever play the Sunday night £100 rebuy they had? Seems crazy now, £100 rebuy with 2000 starting stack.
I sometimes wish you'd stop telling these tales! It brings back so many memories for me, especially of all the lovely friends I have made through poker, & these friendships last forever.
Yes, I remember Chippie, I still see him from time to time, & I bumped into him last week in Nottingham, he even fetched me a latte.
The "incident" with the Aces must have been 10 years ago, but he still reminds me of it to this day every time I see him, lol. When it happened, he was a bit cross with me, "you trapped me" (!!), & in those days, Gala Notts was full of "same village" softplay, so I think he expected me to go easy on him. He is a good lad though, he apologised for his outburst the next day, & we've never had a cross word since.
Long DYM session again.
As is fast becoming the norm, lost the first 4 and was around 50 down before eventually winning 7 out of last 8 to return small profit.
Think the 10's are becoming a bit tougher.
Still some let's say interesting play. Highlight being 3 limps to my bb at 100/200! I shove ak for 1650 and get snapped by first limper with j5! Didn't win that game.
Also Happy Birthday me on Thursday.
Hoping SKY might chuck me a load of money as they did with Dev!
hope you have a great day mate...
come on your dealing...
he's a very nice man you know!!!
there,done my bit Paul. lol
(* *)
Hi J
A very good point m8 well made sir! You were lucky, i had a racist and a drunk9two people) on my table in a dym who called my 10 BB ai of TT fron sb with q8 o with a bigger stack. It does spoil a game and puts me off......for about ten seconds before signing up again. Ha
meanwhile happy birthday to Jac, and if Sky doesn't give you the cash you'll just have to win it!
Wasn't going to play today as didn't want to lose on my birthday.
But i did play and i did lose on my birthday. Grrrrr
Down 70 at moment with just one 10 dym still going.
Edit: no games running 70 down
Morning Jac.
On last night's TV Show, you were awarded a little birthday pressie - a Santa's Grotto Freeroll Seat.
I hit absolutely everything in first hour but then went card dead until the break.
I was umming and ahhing ( does that work? ) about adding on and i'm sure all advice would be to 100% do this but for some reason i'm always reluctant.
Glad i didn't as i went out frist hand after the break and the action would have been just the same and he had me covered.
Had JJ and J high board was pleasant. Villain shoved turn, i snapped, he won. Bit of a gross 2nd pair turning flush draw and getting there.
Got chatting to a DTD 'superstar' Wadey who i hadn't seen in there before and he was good to talk to. He plays very differently to most players but does extremely well at the game. He was saying that everything he does is gut feeling and will literally play any 2 when he's feeling it because he knows he will win.
As one of the first out there was no cash game running at that stage. To pass time and because i'v always been interested i got the waiting cash game dealer to give me a brief explanation of the dealers choice games. Wow! I occasionaly play omaha was ok with high/low but the others? Well, i definately require more lessons before i go anywhere near a dc table with money in my pocket. Seems a bit ridiculous that after all these years i've not learned these games but i am pretty lazy.
We eventually started and everyone was sitting really short so i sat with £70 which was the same as next biggest stack.
Shame that after hand one i was sitting with nothing! Pesky JJ again, flopped set again, didn't win again, ouch!
Went to ATM and and drew £200 which cost me £201.75. Always annoys me that some of these places put a charge on withdrawals and prey on lazy fools like me who can't be bothered to go out and draw from somewhere else.
Long, long session where i did ok and got lucky at the right times. Flopped ace high flush against King high flush which also had a straight flush redraw. Obviously all the money went in and i faded the straight flush. One of the biggest pots i've won this year and i said sorry to opponent which i never normally would do because i wouldn't mean it. But this chap had been sat next to me for a long time and we had been chatting away. He was a really nice guy and although i obviously wanted to win the pot i would much rather it had been against someone else. Also, he plays on SKY.
I'm generally not a big drinker but recently i have been drinking far too much when i've been to casino.
This probably sounds a bit soft but i hate it the following day when i really worry that i may have upset people. I'm very chatty always but i'm sure i overdo it when drunk. No one as far as i can recall seemed annoyed and i got a few light hearted comments about being a drunk. i am aware though that while for a spell the table drunk can be amusing it can wear very thin after a few hours.
So, i'm driving next time and will walk in sheepishly as usual and hope i don't get told about anything too embarrassing that i did. Won't be going there next week anyway as i've kindly been put into the freeroll by SKY.
Went to a family meal yesterday. 11 year old neice explained that her boyfriend had told her he had bought her some chocolate for Christmas. She said that she had no idea what to get him and was considering just wrapping herself up and letting him unwrap her! Awkward looks all round.
Good luck everyone
Join the table 4 hands before end of re-entry period. Get greeted warmly by entire table and shyly take you seat.
Hand 1
Announce 'raise it' and go 8xbb. Obviously as you're Ali you pick up 2 callers. Check call each street and show QQ on K high board and it's good, Nice pot.
Hand 2
Limp and then call a big raise. Hit top pair on turn and collect flush draw. Pot gets raised and then when it comes to you say 'All in'. Obviously as you're Ali you hit flush and beat the opponents flopped 2 pair. Very nice pot.
Hand 3
Have a rest.
Hand 4
Limp. Call raise. When oppenent says all in on river say 'call that' and win with another flush.
Now sat with around 50000 say 'i think i add on now and be chip leader'. Smile pleasantly at rest of table and stroll off at the break.
Don't know how he did for rest of the tourney as i was rather rudely asked to leave the table when i lost all my chips.
However as people came to join the cash table they would get asked 'what happened?' to which they would reply 'Ali happened'.
Lovely guy.
Memories came flooding back. Best England team i've ever seen. I'd forgotten just how much abuse Bobby Robson got as England manager and was also amused to hear the press bemoaning the lack of creative players in the team.
Midfield of Waddle, Gascoigne, Platt and Barnes. Up front Lineker and Beardsley and we were lacking creation?
Anyone of those would walk into the present team.
The game against Ireland was ranked the World Cups worst ever game but then we started.
Holland were next and they had thrashed us in the Euro's 2 years earlier. I remember racing my paper round and getting back home just in time for the kick off.
Matthaus for Germany was brilliant but if we had actually gone on to win the cup i think Gascoigne would have been player of the tournament and rated the best player in the world.
We drew with the Dutch and the Mighty Rams Mark Wright put us through to the knockout stages with the winner against Egypt.
Fantastic game against a really good Belgium team with a stunning winner from Platt in injury time.
Nerve racking game against Cameroon which we just came through and then, Germany.
We were fantastic that night, our best performance by far, but then it went to penalties.
Our first in a long line of penalty shoot out losses. I cried.
I thought, at 15, that fur years time maybe i could be the next Gascoigne and help England win the World Cup. In truth though, i had sadly already peaked!
The winner for Derby Boys against Borussa Monchengladbach in Osnabruck at 10 years old was the highlight of my career
He is supposed to be in rehab down here in Bournemouth but just a couple of days ago my wifes work mate found him slumped on the pavement , drunk and covered in blood.
Such a wasted talent :-(
I was reading the other day on another forum about a dealers choice hand at DTD.
2 of the players in the pot were guys who were playing £30 freezeouts with me back in the day. The pot also involved a very prominent forum member on here. they got it all in preflop for £11000!
Now one of these players is a very successful businessman, so fair play. The other was just like me a few years ago. Someone just getting into poker. The big difference between us though was he was a gambler. Was he any better than me at the time? probably not. Is he now? undoubtably.
How do players get to this stage? Obviously binking something big after satting in is the stress free option.
More likely though, rather than turn over an ok profit at small stakes like me and staying there he moved up.
I've always treated poker as a game to enjoy and hopefully make a few quid from. However, i do often wonder if i had had enough 'gamble' in me could i have done more?
Not sure. Right now i can't even comprehend the idea of getting in £5000 in a cash game but it's all relative i guess.
A friend of mine has starting playing recently on here 30p dym's. When i told him i lost a £550 pot a few days ago he said that he wouldn't be able to sleep for a month.
Due to a decent year, while it obviously stung a bit, i could take it and i guess it's the same for the guy with 5000 in the middle, different bankrolls.
We all have varying levels at which we are prepared to gamble i think.
For some on here i see that they've deposited a certain amount and don't wish to redeposit again and stick strictly to their bankrolls. Others reload on a regular basis and 'take a shot'.
I don't think there is a right or wrong, we are all just built differently.
Morning Jac.
BOTH of the players in that £11,000 hand have a lot of "gamble" in them........
Both began playing at the same venue - Gala Notts - & same time as me.
One of them has been busto plenty of times, the other runs a very successful business.
If you are a nit, my advice would be that if you end up on the same table as them, make sure you sit to their left.
Then just use hand-selection, pot-control, patience & discipline VERY carefully, & it'll be just fine.
I have loved your "ramblings" this year, keep them coming please.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas
I have just looked back and i got a couple of hands mixed up, age thing i guess.
1st pot was actually £10000 i believe and the other hand involved our member.
I remember being heads up with Richard Berridge one night and he had a good sized chip lead.
Was a little surprised when he said i could take 1st place money as long as he was given 1st for the leaderboard.
They were doing a promotion at the time and he said the money didn't matter to him. Must be nice.
The other player as you say has been broke a few times. I guess we all have different responsibilties. Going broke wouldn't be an option for me.
It's funny, we must have started playing at similar times and yet, i don't believe i have ever actually sat at table with you.
I do remember 'Chipie?' telling me one night about how he had got heads up with you and you LIMPED into his big blind. He shoved and you had the ACES.
Did you ever play the Sunday night £100 rebuy they had? Seems crazy now, £100 rebuy with 2000 starting stack.
Morning Jac.
I sometimes wish you'd stop telling these tales! It brings back so many memories for me, especially of all the lovely friends I have made through poker, & these friendships last forever.
Yes, I remember Chippie, I still see him from time to time, & I bumped into him last week in Nottingham, he even fetched me a latte.
The "incident" with the Aces must have been 10 years ago, but he still reminds me of it to this day every time I see him, lol. When it happened, he was a bit cross with me, "you trapped me" (!!), & in those days, Gala Notts was full of "same village" softplay, so I think he expected me to go easy on him. He is a good lad though, he apologised for his outburst the next day, & we've never had a cross word since.