Good news for all 3 5 and 10 DYM players. I'm going to be rejoining you, so more easy money out there for you. Wife isn't too well at moment and i've been going out to the casino a bit too often. Priorities!
I've really enjoyed the live thing recently but too much of my time has been spent doing it and i need to be home a bit more. Doesn't sound much a couple of times a week but factor in getting home about 6.30 in morning and then sleeping for most of the following day and its been pretty selfish on my part.
I have been running very well and sometimes when this happens i think your judgement can be a little clouded. I need to realise that it is exactly what i just said, 'running well' and not suddenly that i've cracked the game and i'm amazing.
Last night for example. I'm not a poker genius because i get aces and flop an ace on flop against a guy who's just flopped a set of jacks.
Was quite proud of myself on Friday. On this occasion i didn't actually get very many cards worth playing in a 7 hour session. In the past i probably would have started to try and force things but this time i stayed pretty disciplined and didn't spew much. Lost £20 on the night which i thought was a great result.
Couple of horrible moments from me though. In bb and button raises over 2 or 3 limpers to £17! In my head i'm i'm thinking that's way too much if he actually has much. Also he had an impression of me that i was a total nit. Seemed a good spot to reraise. £57????? What am i thinking! If he does have air then £40 would have been plenty to get rid of him especially when he thinks i'm a rock. He shouts "all in" and i have to do a tank, which i rarely do, and then reluctantly fold my 85. He shows aces and says he's 100% i had qq. I sigh and tell him he's right and it was really close.
I then decided to bluff a river when i missed against a player who last folded when Arthur Cox was Derby manager. Well played Paul.
Last night i played a comp and went out set over set which was a bit rubbish and then won a little at cash. Started becoming aware of a few really bad leaks though. A few times recently i've got nicely into profit but then dribbled a fair bit away when absoultely no need to be involved, need to address that when i go back. The plan though is to leave live for a month, maybe and just get back grinding some DYM'S.
On a side note. Noticed a few very smart people writing for example " i had gotten a new pair of jeans" . Is this now correct? I always thought that 'gotten' was American and we just said 'got'?
Confession - The curious case of the reappearing jacket.
Many, many years ago when i first started going to the local pub, i got into 3 card brag. I was rubbish. I used to lose most nights and was the whale in the game. I got invited to a one of the regular players houses one night to play a higher stake game with a few of the others. I won. In fact i won pretty big and after a few hours it was just me and the host playing on. About 3 in the morning i finished him off and i had won about £180 of him alone. Every dog has its day. He asked if he could borrow £60 back off me as he needed to buy his Gran a birthday present. This seemed very reasonable to me as who doesn't spend £60 on their Grans birthday?
I was quite comfortable with this as this chap was a gambler and i'd heard that gamblers always settled their debts. However after a few weeks of me asking for my money he turned round and said "lets cut the c**p, i'm not giving it you" B****r!
I was a little tipsy and hatched what appeared to be an exceedingly good plan. My equally tipsy friend agreed it was a fantastic plan. We all used to hang our jackets on the coat stand and he had a rather expensive leather jacket. If i were to kidnap the jacket, take it hostage and then negotiate a price of say £60 for its safe return the world would be a happy place again. My friend was lookout and the jacket was secured and i ran home.
Then started the self loathing. The closest i had ever come to criminal activity was 8 years earlier when i was 9 and had taken a penny chew from a stall at the fair on the local park. That time, i hadn't slept for days and days, waiting for the inevitable police raid that was imminent. This time, i felt worse.
I was determined to see it through though and the next night i walked to the pub with my friend determined to sort the issue out quickly. We got there and in the corner of the room was the victim. Oddly though he was wearing a very similar jacket to the one that was currently residing in my wardrobe! Confusion reigned until my friend whispered to me, "Jacko, you nicked the wrong jacket, you knob" In a state of bewilderment i went to the bar. I then overheard a conversation. "Can you believe it? some idiot stole Big Johns jacket last night. If he ever catches him he'll kill em"
"Oh dear" i thought. A new plan was hatched. I would follow Big John home and then in the dead of night i would return his jacket. I found out where he lived and then returned around 2.00 and dropped his jacket on the doormat and ran for my life.
The next night i returned to the scene of the crime. Big John had a group of people round him all listening intently as he told them about the mysterious return of his favourite jacket.
Great storys Paul... had me laughing. ever thought of writing a book? i'm sure there's a market there for you. keep 'em thread bar none. (* *) ^ dev Posted by devonfish5
Cheers Ian I just write any old random stuff that comes back to me. Huge weight off my shoulders, that one has haunted me for years!
I think this thread has gone a bit stale recently and i've been struggling to get motivated to post anything. I realise that some random story from 20 years ago is probably not going to attract the masses.
I've done a bit of thinking and i've decided that i will continue to post the odd tale, that will be far too long and basically be a load of waffle for the small number who may be interested.
In addition though i'll post my winnings/losses at the end of each month. I don't really set myself challenges as such but in the back of my mind i'm aiming to win £500 plus a month. There is no set way for me to do this, i just play what i feel is right for me at the time.
Last year i did achieve my target comfortably - £7425, by mainly playing online on Sky Dym's. Had a couple of tourney binks and the odd cash session and finished off £5150 up online.
For the last few months though my main game has been live cash. I'm playing at the local casino and in my opinion the standard is far lower than nl10 on here. This has lead to some nice results but i'm not fooling myself ,things could have gone differently.
I had numerous 'big' pots which have gone my way. There was a hand which i mentioned in a previous post.
I also flopped a straight and got it all in 3 way on the flop. When i got home and did the calculations i was only 49.1% to win the hand! I was up against the nut flush draw and a flopped 2 pair and somehow held.
Another one was with aces, floped the ace but 3 club board. Called the all in and was up against a flopped set of jacks.
I could easily of lost all of these and my results would look a lot different.
I've obviously been running well recently and that can, as we all know change at any time.
I'll write about the odd cash hand but won't really mention the dym's. Not sure anyone is really bothered about hearing that i played a session where i won 12 lost 6, that sort of thing. I clump everything together live and online. So for example a £50+8 comp buy in and then my cash results will be placed together. e.g. go out of comp then play cash, win £25 at cash = down £33 on night. This will be accurate, someone at work calls me 'Rainman' Online all dym's, c4p cash games, tourneys will all be together.
So just to start the ball rolling this month so far.
Morning Paul. You can only write good stuff when the mood takes you, so don't force it, but I'm sure many would love to hear some tales from back in the day.
I heard some dreadfully sad news yesterday, about someone I think you may know, which I don't want to post publically yet, but I'll drop you a note.
My wife is a lot better now and so with Wednesday being a day off work for me I decided to go to the Casino last night.
Swerved the tourney as it was a turbo and blinds were up to 300/600 when I arrived.
Waited for cash and was annoyed with myself right from the off when pride stopped me finding a better seat.
The best player at the table sat down directly to my left and I couldn't make myself get up and move.
He totally outplayed me a couple of times when I just couldn't pull the trigger when I knew I should have done.
Luckily after dominating the table for an hour and making a couple of hundred or so, he left for the night.
Became an amazing table after that. One guy for example calling an all in for 70 with 3rd pair on AK8 board and being good. 83 obviously the nuts.
Got chatting to a nice guy with a Florida cap. Said he had been there every year for the last 30 years but sadly can't go anymore as the insurance was too much now that he's over 75,
He said he had been playing for over 40 years and he had some interesting tales of playing stud in snooker clubs and so on.
Had a few pots which went my way and made £173 on the night, so all in all, good fun.
I've been running incredibly well for quite a while, not tonight! Some disgusting rivers and pretty much every time i shoved at least one player had aces.
These things happen though and just a bit disappointed with myself that i let it affect my decisions a little at the time. Lack of confidence meant i shied away from the correct move on a few occasions. Was down around £150 at the low point which was pretty gross at £10 dym's but clawed back some at the end to finish £58 down.
At least i've now qualified for the freeroll, so not all bad!
Nearly forgot. There was one brilliant moment just before the good player left. He got into a hand with an elderly Asian gentleman known as, La La. La La will always sit with the minimum and fold every hand until he gets aces, kings or queens. Sometimes he will blind down to 4 or 5 quid before he gets his hand and then will kick off a bit when everyone passes to his raise. This time though he got his hand early and was sitting with about £25. Good player raised and La La called. Flop came and good player checked. La La went all in. Good player laughed, passed and asked to see La La's aces. La La flung down his 72 triumphantly and did a kind of weird sitting down dance. Tremendous Posted by Jac35
Apologies, this one is likely to be even longer than normal! Cliffs at the bottom for the majority who will have better things to do than get through all of this.
Played last night in live comp. Didn't win anything but had a great time nonetheless and really happy with how i played. Played for around 4 1/2 hours and was a bit unlucky when with 12 left couldn't get top 2 on flop to hold up for chip lead. Shoved soon after and just missed the money.
Nevermind that though. Had some really good company. Dave Nisbet, who always has as few good tales to tell was on my table for most of the night. La La treated us to the sitting down dance thing again. Not sure if that is actually going to start to grate a bit but we'll see how it goes.
A first for me at the poker table was when after just sitting back down to resume after a break, i realised i was starting a nose bleed. Ran to the toilets and got there before dripping blood all over the place. One of the more petty dealers was on the table at the time and was a little concerned when i went back that they would try and give me a penalty for folding out of turn! Had a few of these over the last couple of months and although everyone keeps telling me that theres nothing to worry about, being me, i do.
Not sure whether to play the GPS sat for Stoke on Wednesday. Venue obviously leading me towards entering as Stoke is just behind Moscow and Cape Town on the list of places i most want to travel to.
Decided i am fat. Stopped playing football and squash a while ago after doing my ACL on right and cruciate on left knee. With the weather meaning golf has been impossible, i am not getting much exercise.
Going to get in shape as i'm making my debut at the Shrovetide football this year. Never really been bothered but my wifes family are all from Ashbourne and they make a real day of it each year. Father-in-law has big balls. Two, in fact. He has 'scored' the winning goals twice which i think he is the only person to achieve this. I think the years were 1967 and 1969 and the balls have pride of place in their home. They really are fantastic with wonderfully detailed design on them.
Cliffs I lost, I am fat, had nosebleed Posted by Jac35
World's greatest cliffs?
Just a quick note to say hello and that I admire your dedication to the thread Paul. Great stories, and fantastic results for the month. All the best for the rest of the year and beyond.
I'm going to be rejoining you, so more easy money out there for you.
Wife isn't too well at moment and i've been going out to the casino a bit too often.
I've really enjoyed the live thing recently but too much of my time has been spent doing it and i need to be home a bit more.
Doesn't sound much a couple of times a week but factor in getting home about 6.30 in morning and then sleeping for most of the following day and its been pretty selfish on my part.
I have been running very well and sometimes when this happens i think your judgement can be a little clouded.
I need to realise that it is exactly what i just said, 'running well' and not suddenly that i've cracked the game and i'm amazing.
Last night for example. I'm not a poker genius because i get aces and flop an ace on flop against a guy who's just flopped a set of jacks.
Was quite proud of myself on Friday. On this occasion i didn't actually get very many cards worth playing in a 7 hour session. In the past i probably would have started to try and force things but this time i stayed pretty disciplined and didn't spew much. Lost £20 on the night which i thought was a great result.
Couple of horrible moments from me though.
In bb and button raises over 2 or 3 limpers to £17! In my head i'm i'm thinking that's way too much if he actually has much. Also he had an impression of me that i was a total nit. Seemed a good spot to reraise. £57????? What am i thinking! If he does have air then £40 would have been plenty to get rid of him especially when he thinks i'm a rock. He shouts "all in" and i have to do a tank, which i rarely do, and then reluctantly fold my 85. He shows aces and says he's 100% i had qq. I sigh and tell him he's right and it was really close.
I then decided to bluff a river when i missed against a player who last folded when Arthur Cox was Derby manager. Well played Paul.
Last night i played a comp and went out set over set which was a bit rubbish and then won a little at cash.
Started becoming aware of a few really bad leaks though. A few times recently i've got nicely into profit but then dribbled a fair bit away when absoultely no need to be involved, need to address that when i go back.
The plan though is to leave live for a month, maybe and just get back grinding some DYM'S.
On a side note.
Noticed a few very smart people writing for example " i had gotten a new pair of jeans" .
Is this now correct? I always thought that 'gotten' was American and we just said 'got'?
Many, many years ago when i first started going to the local pub, i got into 3 card brag.
I was rubbish. I used to lose most nights and was the whale in the game. I got invited to a one of the regular players houses one night to play a higher stake game with a few of the others.
I won. In fact i won pretty big and after a few hours it was just me and the host playing on. About 3 in the morning i finished him off and i had won about £180 of him alone. Every dog has its day.
He asked if he could borrow £60 back off me as he needed to buy his Gran a birthday present. This seemed very reasonable to me as who doesn't spend £60 on their Grans birthday?
I was quite comfortable with this as this chap was a gambler and i'd heard that gamblers always settled their debts.
However after a few weeks of me asking for my money he turned round and said "lets cut the c**p, i'm not giving it you" B****r!
I was a little tipsy and hatched what appeared to be an exceedingly good plan. My equally tipsy friend agreed it was a fantastic plan. We all used to hang our jackets on the coat stand and he had a rather expensive leather jacket.
If i were to kidnap the jacket, take it hostage and then negotiate a price of say £60 for its safe return the world would be a happy place again. My friend was lookout and the jacket was secured and i ran home.
Then started the self loathing. The closest i had ever come to criminal activity was 8 years earlier when i was 9 and had taken a penny chew from a stall at the fair on the local park. That time, i hadn't slept for days and days, waiting for the inevitable police raid that was imminent.
This time, i felt worse.
I was determined to see it through though and the next night i walked to the pub with my friend determined to sort the issue out quickly. We got there and in the corner of the room was the victim. Oddly though he was wearing a very similar jacket to the one that was currently residing in my wardrobe!
Confusion reigned until my friend whispered to me, "Jacko, you nicked the wrong jacket, you knob"
In a state of bewilderment i went to the bar. I then overheard a conversation. "Can you believe it? some idiot stole Big Johns jacket last night. If he ever catches him he'll kill em"
"Oh dear" i thought.
A new plan was hatched. I would follow Big John home and then in the dead of night i would return his jacket.
I found out where he lived and then returned around 2.00 and dropped his jacket on the doormat and ran for my life.
The next night i returned to the scene of the crime.
Big John had a group of people round him all listening intently as he told them about the mysterious return of his favourite jacket.
Great storys Paul...
had me laughing.
ever thought of writing a book?
i'm sure there's a market there for you.
keep 'em thread bar none.
(* *)
Cheers Ian
I just write any old random stuff that comes back to me.
Huge weight off my shoulders, that one has haunted me for years!
I think this thread has gone a bit stale recently and i've been struggling to get motivated to post anything.
I realise that some random story from 20 years ago is probably not going to attract the masses.
I've done a bit of thinking and i've decided that i will continue to post the odd tale, that will be far too long and basically be a load of waffle for the small number who may be interested.
In addition though i'll post my winnings/losses at the end of each month.
I don't really set myself challenges as such but in the back of my mind i'm aiming to win £500 plus a month.
There is no set way for me to do this, i just play what i feel is right for me at the time.
Last year i did achieve my target comfortably - £7425, by mainly playing online on Sky Dym's. Had a couple of tourney binks and the odd cash session and finished off £5150 up online.
For the last few months though my main game has been live cash. I'm playing at the local casino and in my opinion the standard is far lower than nl10 on here. This has lead to some nice results but i'm not fooling myself ,things could have gone differently.
I had numerous 'big' pots which have gone my way.
There was a hand which i mentioned in a previous post.
I also flopped a straight and got it all in 3 way on the flop. When i got home and did the calculations i was only 49.1% to win the hand! I was up against the nut flush draw and a flopped 2 pair and somehow held.
Another one was with aces, floped the ace but 3 club board. Called the all in and was up against a flopped set of jacks.
I could easily of lost all of these and my results would look a lot different.
I've obviously been running well recently and that can, as we all know change at any time.
I'll write about the odd cash hand but won't really mention the dym's. Not sure anyone is really bothered about hearing that i played a session where i won 12 lost 6, that sort of thing.
I clump everything together live and online. So for example a £50+8 comp buy in and then my cash results will be placed together. e.g. go out of comp then play cash, win £25 at cash = down £33 on night.
This will be accurate, someone at work calls me 'Rainman'
Online all dym's, c4p cash games, tourneys will all be together.
So just to start the ball rolling this month so far.
Live +£328
Online +£167
Morning Paul. You can only write good stuff when the mood takes you, so don't force it, but I'm sure many would love to hear some tales from back in the day.
I heard some dreadfully sad news yesterday, about someone I think you may know, which I don't want to post publically yet, but I'll drop you a note.
These stories make me giggle. Keep up the good work.
I've been running incredibly well for quite a while, not tonight!
Some disgusting rivers and pretty much every time i shoved at least one player had aces.
These things happen though and just a bit disappointed with myself that i let it affect my decisions a little at the time. Lack of confidence meant i shied away from the correct move on a few occasions.
Was down around £150 at the low point which was pretty gross at £10 dym's but clawed back some at the end to finish £58 down.
At least i've now qualified for the freeroll, so not all bad!
Good Lord, he must be quite old now.
Spent so much time in his company, quite a guy.
He used to wear a dress to the Casino.
Cliffs at the bottom for the majority who will have better things to do than get through all of this.
Played last night in live comp.
Didn't win anything but had a great time nonetheless and really happy with how i played. Played for around 4 1/2 hours and was a bit unlucky when with 12 left couldn't get top 2 on flop to hold up for chip lead. Shoved soon after and just missed the money.
Nevermind that though. Had some really good company. Dave Nisbet, who always has as few good tales to tell was on my table for most of the night. La La treated us to the sitting down dance thing again. Not sure if that is actually going to start to grate a bit but we'll see how it goes.
A first for me at the poker table was when after just sitting back down to resume after a break, i realised i was starting a nose bleed. Ran to the toilets and got there before dripping blood all over the place. One of the more petty dealers was on the table at the time and was a little concerned when i went back that they would try and give me a penalty for folding out of turn!
Had a few of these over the last couple of months and although everyone keeps telling me that theres nothing to worry about, being me, i do.
Not sure whether to play the GPS sat for Stoke on Wednesday. Venue obviously leading me towards entering as Stoke is just behind Moscow and Cape Town on the list of places i most want to travel to.
Decided i am fat.
Stopped playing football and squash a while ago after doing my ACL on right and cruciate on left knee. With the weather meaning golf has been impossible, i am not getting much exercise.
Going to get in shape as i'm making my debut at the Shrovetide football this year.
Never really been bothered but my wifes family are all from Ashbourne and they make a real day of it each year.
Father-in-law has big balls.
Two, in fact. He has 'scored' the winning goals twice which i think he is the only person to achieve this. I think the years were 1967 and 1969 and the balls have pride of place in their home.
They really are fantastic with wonderfully detailed design on them.
Not quite as long as i thought!
I lost, I am fat, had nosebleed
I know i said i was due to run bad but tonight was crazy.
Wasn't going to play but something i was doing fell through. Pity.
To give an idea of how it went, in my last game i had 5300 chips on the bubble and one guy had 50 chips.
I bubbled!
Lost another £73 so need to edit months results unfortunately.
Daren't look at my sharkscope!
Live £462
Online £59
Had £43 pot where had full house they turned quads.
Would have got me into profit for the day.
The LaLa seven-deuce story made me laugh out loud.