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Ramblings of an old man



  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2014
    I really am the most stupid Jac35 in the whole wide world :(

    I have bad teeth.
    Due to the badliness of my teeth, I became a project for some trainee dentist people and it now looks like I have good teeth. This is courtesy of 6 super duper veneers. However, I have really bad teeth.

    Going through a rubbishy spell of losing fillings. Lifespan of filling according to dentist. Costing me loads.

    Couple of weeks ago, I was offered a fun size wham bar. I used to love wham bars. I don't love wham bars anymore. I lost another **** filling.

    Oh well. Lesson learned.

    Or so you would think. Today, my sister says "would you like a toffee, Paul?" My mum says "I wouldn't if I were you, Jac35"
    I say "be alright, I won't chew it"

    Two minutes later I have lost another filling.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2014
    Booked a big win tonight  - £12.46

    Didn't want to put those 3 pints and a packet of crisps  at risk and so stopped playing. As it seems to be another long night in store with Harry, I decided to rail some 2/4 or 400NL, whichever you prefer.

    Something that's confused me for a while is the min raising in these games. Pretty much the whole table is sitting 200BB deep. This isn't a tourney where we're trying to steal blinds. We're presumably coming in with decent hands and looking to win big pots. Thought it may just be me and I've fallen way behind. However. Watched a bit of the show the other night and Alex Goulder also commented on the min raising.

    Be really interested in anyones thoughts on this.

  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of a New Daddy:
    Booked a big win tonight  - £12.46 Didn't want to put those 3 pints and a packet of crisps  at risk and so stopped playing. As it seems to be another long night in store with Harry, I decided to rail some 2/4 or 400NL, whichever you prefer. Something that's confused me for a while is the min raising in these games. Pretty much the whole table is sitting 200BB deep. This isn't a tourney where we're trying to steal blinds. We're presumably coming in with decent hands and looking to win big pots. Thought it may just be me and I've fallen way behind. However. Watched a bit of the show the other night and Alex Goulder also commented on the min raising. Be really interested in anyones thoughts on this.
    Posted by Jac35
    didnt see the show, and dont play cash much online... but I presume the idea behind the min raising is you can open wider (and get called wider) with the betting lead. If your confident you have an edge postflop then you might win more playing like this because you have more options to get creative, or just take down more pots when your op misses. It also give you the option of calling 3bets with more speculative hands - suited connectors, small pairs etc and having better implied odds. You might also find that people dont adapt to your raise sizing well and call/3bet with the same hands they would with a 3x. 

    personally, I dont think the raise size preflop makes a huge amount of difference in cash (within reason, say 2x - 4x), as long as you adapt your ranges accordingly.

    what did alex say about it?

    from what I've seen of nosebleed stakes that standard raise size varies from person to person, 2.25x is pretty standard. not seen 2x much.

    congrats on becoming a dad btw - I just had a baby too (well, my wife did anyway - 2nd Feb). Its my first, and I never thought I would like it so much!

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of a New Daddy:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of a New Daddy : didnt see the show, and dont play cash much online... but I presume the idea behind the min raising is you can open wider (and get called wider) with the betting lead. If your confident you have an edge postflop then you might win more playing like this because you have more options to get creative, or just take down more pots when your op misses. It also give you the option of calling 3bets with more speculative hands - suited connectors, small pairs etc and having better implied odds. You might also find that people dont adapt to your raise sizing well and call/3bet with the same hands they would with a 3x.  personally, I dont think the raise size preflop makes a huge amount of difference in cash (within reason, say 2x - 4x), as long as you adapt your ranges accordingly. what did alex say about it? from what I've seen of nosebleed stakes that standard raise size varies from person to person, 2.25x is pretty standard. not seen 2x much. congrats on becoming a dad btw - I just had a baby too (well, my wife did anyway - 2nd Feb). Its my first, and I never thought I would like it so much!
    Posted by chicknMelt
    Congrats to you too :)
    Have you been to sleep yet?

    Jac35 (posting at 05.58)
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2014
    Just call me a Rakeback pro!

    Not getting much sleep at night and so playing till all hours. No Dyms running during the early hours and so I've played plenty of 50nl. (Obv a great idea when, as I've mentioned before, I'm **** awful at cash.)

    The other night I got myself in a hole as usual. Clawed my way out and proudly informed TommyD that as I had got to the dizzy heights of £1.10 up, I was quitting. 22p an hour is not to be sniffed at! Add some Rakeback and I was prob close to a pint of Peroni up.

    Tonight I got  myself in a hole as usual. Nearly clawed my way out. Had a pair of Kings where I lost a buy in that I didn't need to. I was beating absolutely nothing by the river and went to press fold. However, as I'm stupid, curiosity got the better of me and my finger rather annoyingly moved it's way across to the call button.

    Played some of the 50nl capped games for a spell. You know, the ones that Bolly has such love for. Think that they could be quite profitable if you have a knowledge of ranges. Ran pretty rubbish for an hour or so. 

    I can laugh now (well actually I can't, but it sounds better than venting) but I managed to get AK in four times v the same player preflop and he had AJ twice and AQ twice. Following those hands, I was four buy ins down and he was four buy ins up. :(

    As I said, I got most back and after Rakeback ended up around £15 down on the night. Wait a minute that means I've lost over the two nights.

    Umm, think I might need to revisit the Rakeback pro idea.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2014
    Well, I've had worse nights. Who says men can't multitask?

    Had the Priority freeroll to play. Thought I'd enter the Turbo as well.
    Listened to the Mighty Rams on the radio and watched Man City v Barca on the TV.

    Went pretty well.

    5/505 in the Turbo for £277
    4/67 in the freeroll for £200

    Most importantly off all, Derby got a late winner. Up to 3rd now.

    Going to bed happy.

  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited February 2014
    Cant keep a good man down.

    Well done jac
  • nickd49931nickd49931 Member Posts: 124
    edited February 2014
    WP jac very nice year so far on and off the tables
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited February 2014
    Good work Jac on your main event finish. It was good to tussle and chat with you for most of it!
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2014
    Thanks chaps.
    Yep, good game Rich. 
    Don't tell everyone how lucky I was!
    All skill from me, honest.

    Who was I kidding?
    Like I'm gonna get any sleep tonight. Harry kicking off again.
    They tell me it gets better. Soon, please :)
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited February 2014
    Well done, nice cashes:)
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2014
    I've hardly played any poker over the last few days. A little tourney the other night, which was fun. Had a good chat with Samantha35., who was bossing the table. Got busted by newish forum poster Nick(loads of numbers)
    Hit and run cash tonight. Played for 4 minutes, up £1.13 and stood. Was a bit bored.

    I'm one of the lucky ones who hasn't seen 'Breaking Bad' yet. This means that I have a serious amount of hours to watch. Onto series 2 now and it really is as good as everyone says. No spoilers please :)

    Big win for Derby today. Another late goal. Not playing too well at the moment but keep grinding out the wins.
    Huge match next week. Burnley away. Got my ticket yesterday and looking forward to meeting up with the Bromleys at Turf Moor. Got a feeling that we'll get battered up there. We never get anything against Burnley.

    Not got the PS4 yet which is a bit disappointing. I've managed to add a week onto my paternity leave and so was hoping to be able to get into it next week.

    Was hoping to get across to DTD this week. The look I got from Mrs J informed me that going over would not be a good idea. Had managed to escape twice to play golf and so in fairness, it was a long shot.

    I am horrible at golf. Should pack it up. Just got membership fees through. £1166. Urgh. Trouble is, it's the best game in the world, when you play well. At least I think it is. So long it is since i have played well.

  • cpfc_2010cpfc_2010 Member Posts: 320
    edited February 2014
    Glad to see your still alive. Was gonna ask you about the PS4, nothing here yet either :(
    Shame you werent online last nite, I wanted someone to brag to after I shipped the Primo.
    Forget golf and get back to making money. Chat soon.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of a New Daddy:
    Glad to see your still alive. Was gonna ask you about the PS4, nothing here yet either :( Shame you werent online last nite, I wanted someone to brag to after I shipped the Primo. Forget golf and get back to making money. Chat soon.
    Posted by cpfc_2010
    Wow! Brilliant stuff mate. 
    To put it in golfing terms, if I was an annoying American spectator, "You're the Man".

    Shame I couldn't rail it. Have been watching a lot of the last stages of tourneys recently and that would have been great to see. Just looked at the final two tables and saw Dohhhhhh had a great run as well.
    Internet played up for a lot of the night and I didn't dare play. Getting upgraded on Monday, so hopefully no more problems.

    Good work in seeing it out. The difference in the last few places in tournaments is massive. I've had a few good runs recently and finished top 4 or 5 but the real money is at the very top.

    I'm really going to have to find a way to start playing in the bigger games on here. :)
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2014

    How can we ever prove it? I've just read a very long thread on another forum regarding collusion in satellites.
    What can be construed as collusion? And what is just standard satellite play?

    I play very few sats. There was one a while ago for the roller that I played. 2 tables left, 12 players, 11 seats.
    The table I was on, everybody had comfortable stacks. The other table had 2 or 3 short stacks. Most hands on my table. the big blind was given a walk. Is this wrong? From my perspective, I had a top 3 stack and had no real inclination to play another hand. Fortunately, I became card dead as well. (I'm bad enough to get involved even in this position with marginal hands sometimes)

    There was one hand that I was a bit uncomfortable with. The small blind, who I knew a bit online, said he passed QQ against me. I had AK and as it folded round to him I was praying I got the walk. Wasn't sure what I would do. I think, I probably pass 95% of the time there. Lose the hand and I would have been down to about 8th or 9th. But, could there ever be an argument for collusion there? Him passing? Or me not calling if he shoves? I don't think so. It's just common sense for him to pass, or if he does shove, for me to pass.

  • jdsallstarjdsallstar Member Posts: 1,675
    edited February 2014
    Collusion must be close to impossible to prove apart from blatant obvious things like raise folding for just small amounts. 

    Funny you should bring this up though because over the past two nights I've been accused of collusion with a dym reg with his reason being we're never both AIPF against each other, we play loads of tables together and the best one - we're both in profit lol We obviously have clashed and knocked each other out many times but in the games he's seen we maybe haven't and with hand ranges, as you know, being very tight for calling shoves and reshoves in a dym you can imagine how he could come to this conclusion. We've possibly even put in chat that we folded some pretty big hands.

    Ironic though that the player then went on to say he'd seen us playing many times together using his second account lol whoops!

    Had to end up reporting him anyway for constantly calling me a cheat at every table we played at despite trying to explain to him he was barking up the wrong tree. I've a rep to keep after all lol
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2014
    Just had the variance thing.

    It happens, no need to get too upset about it. Somehow scrambled a tiny profit at the end. Played a few sats, no good, played cash(why?) no good. Decided  to stop messing around and return to my normal games. Fired up a few £22's and £15's and proceeded to be bewildered as the short stack seemed to win every all in on the bubble. 
    Lost AK v A6 on bubble 
    Lost AQ v A9 on the bubble 
    Lost set of J's to a straight for a lock to cash.
    Lost KK v a speculative call 5 handed A2.

    Befuddled. My account says I'm up a the goodly amount of £4.89 for the day. Can't be right. Tiredness means I'm not comprehending numbers properly. I've quickly withdrawn it before they realise a mistakes been made.

    That'll do me for the month. 
    Been so different to last month. In January, I made priority for the first time and won steadily through the month for a nice profit. This month, I've made a mighty 2756 points. Just not had time. Had a nightmare night when I lost £330 live an then gave away another £140 on the cash tables when I got home. Played as badly as it's possible to play that night.

    Somehow it's turned out alright in the end. Won the PS4 (although beginning to think that I must have dreamed it up as it still hasn't arrived) 
    Was a bit dymemed out and played a few tourneys. Had a good couple of days when I won £477 ion a couple of tourneys and won a few buy ins at 30nl. Plodded along playing a few Dyms most days. In the end, I've made just over 700 for the month and so I'm really pleased with that for a low volume month and a silly night. I do include last months Rakeback in that as the way I see it, if I didn't play, I wouldn't get Rakeback, so it's poker profits. :)

    Luckily it has gone well. Golf club fees, car insurance, car tax, 2 new tyres all had to be paid for over the last couple of days. :(
    Let's see what March brings

    Gl all
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited February 2014
    Nice steady month Jac
    Hope it continues for you and your family.
    Best wishes
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited March 2014
    My PS4 still hasn't arrived yet either :( Hopefully turn up soon, did say it could take a month!!
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited March 2014
    Guess who won?

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