Played 2 tourneys tonight late on and they didn't really work out. I can't play any more sngs/Dyms until tomorrow as I'm still placed well in the leaderboard and so Jumped onto some cash and things improved. Weird how this can happen. Started smashing the deck and had the perfect scenarios where opponents were also strong. Won £115 in 30 mins so new pic needed. No more angry old man ....
Deleted a post and edited this one a bit. Saw a post from Matt237 and thought "yep, he's right Paul, don't moan about things when you're doing ok, it looks a bit rubbish"
I watched the final table of the UKPC last night. Thought it was a good watch. The guy who won it seemed a good player and a nice lad. I much preferred the coverage in this episode. I couldn't really understand why they did the non poker bits in the other episodes. There may be the odd moan that it only showed the action hands but that's all they can do really. I remember there was a live cash game from DTD streamed a while ago and to be honest it was pretty boring. They only did it the once.
I do now have a new poker hero. James Rimmmer, the bloke who came 4th, not the former Aston Villa keeper. He gave the best exit interview I've ever seen. None of this, "the money will all go in the bankroll and help me on my quest for world poker domination". Just an honest answer. The money was going to pay off his bills and he was going to give his daughter £250 for a new frock for her wedding. Brilliant! The story we were told was that he was only there because there was a spare seat in a car and he satted into the event. No grumbles of any bad beats either, (take note Paul,) and he must have been a nightmare to play against. Loved the hand where he got the aces to fold. Very emotional in the interview and most definitely my new hero. .. I was unfaithful for the first time tonight. Played a sat on DTD for the £250 mini. Never got going unfortunately. As I'm on a poker break ☺ I only played one game alongside it. The mini rebuy on here. Played pretty good and got 6th for £121 for a small overall profit on the night. .. Had a nice little result on Ebay today as well. I've had a set of clubs in the shed for ages and I keep looking at them thinking I really should sell them. Well, I got round to it at last at the weekend and got £165 for them which I'm very pleased with. .. Sky are so ridiculous sometimes. I've had to edit my new heroes name. The filters don't seem to like Rimmmer ☺
I watched the final table of the UKPC last night. Thought it was a good watch. The guy who won it seemed a good player and a nice lad. I much preferred the coverage in this episode. I couldn't really understand why they did the non poker bits in the other episodes. There may be the odd moan that it only showed the action hands but that's all they can do really. I remember there was a live cash game from DTD streamed a while ago and to be honest it was pretty boring. They only did it the once. I do now have a new poker hero. James Rimmmer, the bloke who came 4th, not the former Aston Villa keeper. He gave the best exit interview I've ever seen. None of this, "the money will all go in the bankroll and help me on my quest for world poker domination". Just an honest answer. The money was going to pay off his bills and he was going to give his daughter £250 for a new frock for her wedding. Brilliant! The story we were told was that he was only there because there was a spare seat in a car and he satted into the event. No grumbles of any bad beats either, (take note Paul,) and he must have been a nightmare to play against. Loved the hand where he got the aces to fold. Very emotional in the interview and most definitely my new hero. .. I was unfaithful for the first time tonight. Played a sat on DTD for the £250 mini. Never got going unfortunately. As I'm on a poker break ☺ I only played one game alongside it. The mini rebuy on here. Played pretty good and got 6th for £121 for a small overall profit on the night. .. Had a nice little result on Ebay today as well. I've had a set of clubs in the shed for ages and I keep looking at them thinking I really should sell them. Well, I got round to it at last at the weekend and got £165 for them which I'm very pleased with. .. Sky are so ridiculous sometimes. I've had to edit my new heroes name. The filters don't seem to like Rimmmer ☺ Posted by Jac35
This time last year I was really looking forward to my first SPT on 7th June. Had my hotel booked and was thinking off setting off in a couple of hours to meet up with PokerTrev and the TPT people.
Was looking forward to playing the Friday comp and getting to know some of the Sky people and getting wrecked before the actual event on the Saturday.
This year is different.
No SPT tomorrow. Although the good news is that loads of people who don't play on Sky and probably never will, are going to have a whale of a time in August at huge buy in event that 99% of people on Sky can't afford to buy in to.
I've qualified for the £48 sat on Sunday. If by some miracle I get a seat for the £220 sat, I'll dereg and use the cash towards the pretend SPT. I can't justify to myself playing a £220 sat.
Not much to talk about really. Doesn't normally stop me though.
I've not quite had the break from poker I was talking about but have hardly played this month. A whole 234 reward points so far. I have pretty much ditched the Dyms for now. Played a couple of tourneys and had a couple of results. Done ok at cash.
The pretend spt seat seems a long way away. I've had a few goes so far and just keep missing out. Should just buy in directly, surely cheaper.
Holibobs next week, Skydive booked. Scared.
Looking forward to the Workd Cup.
Hart, Johnson, Jagikelka, Cahill, Baines
Sterling, Barkley, Gerard, Ox
Sturrtidge, Rooney
Would do for me.
Been reading about Che Guevara and Castro recently. Should already know more than I do about them. But I don't, thought provoking reading for me. Not quite sure where I stand.
Proven cheats can't be named. Bizarre.
Golf handicap in danger of losing single figure status again tomorrow.
Played a couple of sats earlier. Got 2nd for £44 in one. Used money for beer. Bit drunk.
Finished 10th in the mini for a small profit on the night. Was a bit embarrassed with how I played for the last hour. I know you're not supposed to say this but.. I wanted to cash after playing for 4 hours. Doubled up once around the bubble when Haysie snapped on the button v me. I had QQ and he had 10 3 so I was waiting for the pain but luckily escaped. I missed plenty of spots and crept into the money with around 4bigs.
Doubled up again and just kept nudging upwards and then had a standard blind v blind hand when short stacked. Was up against Chrisdboy and so it wasn't really a fair fight
That's me done now for the next 10 days or so. Go on holiday on Saturday. I'm quite pleased that I'm forced into a break actually as I just seem to be going through the motions and not really enjoying it. Definitely need a live game to get me going again. A real shame for me that the Blackpool thing is this Saturday. Would have loved to go up there and see a few people again.
2 more days at work can't go quickly enough. In my head I'm in holiday mode already and works really dragging.
Oh yeah.
First time for a while tonight that someone's followed me around after being knocked out. Seemed pretty standard to me but apparently I'm a lucky, lucky donkfish
He got his reads right on me a little bit quicker than most people!
Not much to talk about really. Doesn't normally stop me though. I've not quite had the break from poker I was talking about but have hardly played this month. A whole 234 reward points so far. I have pretty much ditched the Dyms for now. Played a couple of tourneys and had a couple of results. Done ok at cash. The pretend spt seat seems a long way away. I've had a few goes so far and just keep missing out. Should just buy in directly, surely cheaper. Holibobs next week, Skydive booked. Scared. Looking forward to the Workd Cup. Hart, Johnson, Jagikelka, Cahill, Baines Sterling, Henderson, Gerard, Ox Sturrtidge, Rooney Would do for me. Been reading about Che Guevara and Castro recently. Should already know more than I do about them. But I don't, thought provoking reading for me. Not quite sure where I stand. Proven cheats can't be named. Bizarre. Golf handicap in danger of losing single figure status again tomorrow. Played a couple of sats earlier. Got 2nd for £44 in one. Used money for beer. Bit drunk. Posted by Jac35
Think your England team is close to spot on Hopefully Ox is fit for the second game.
I'm staying in tonight looking after the boy as Penny isn't well this evening unfortunately.
So I thought I'd do a mid holiday post.
I did my Skydive today. Exhilarating. It was at Honiton about 40 miles from where we're staying. An incredible experience. The jump was from 15000 feet which is the highest that you can go without oxygen. Freefall for 60 seconds and then about a further 4 minutes to reach the ground. The feeling in those seconds before you leave the plane is pretty hard to describe. Perched on the edge waiting to jump, Wow!
I'm still here and so it was a pretty good day all in all.
We've had a great week so far. We happened upon a fabulous place to stay in a quiet location overlooking the sea. Apparently Charles Darwin stayed here during his convalescence shortly after finishing the Origin of Species.
We've been very lucky with the weather and had a lovely time so far. A few more things planned to do before leaving on Saturday.
I've managed to watch a bit of the World Cup in the evenings and it's been terrific so far. None of the usual cagey group games that we've become accustomed to seeing. Huge game tomorrow. I've managed to get incredibly wound up seeing some of England's World Cup losses before but felt quite different after the Italy game. It was great to see an England team attack the opposition and I think whilst this tournament may have come a little early for some of the squad, there's reason for optimism.
One last thing. Just for Churchy and Belsibub this one. I seem to do better at poker when I'm not playing!
Had a bash at cash tonight. First time in a while I've played it properly. 4 tabled 50nl and soon came to the conclusion that I'm still absurdly bad at it online (stop peeling with shitt ffs Paul)
I did my usual and was quickly down 4 buy ins. A couple of scummy ones where I think it's just gotta go in. Had AK spades on one of them and flopped Q 10 rag, 2 spades. He had 10's and hit quads on the turn. Obv made the the flush on the river for rubs. Other one I remember was where I got in with the flush draw again and came up against a set again. No flush this time
Other 2 I think I just donked off stupidly.
Had an annoying spell where I flopped the world and no one wanted to play. An irritating one where I had JJ in small blind and flopped the set on an ace high board 4 to the flop. Led out and they couldn't fold quickly enough. How the **** did none of them have an ace?
A pretty big pot v TommyD where I got there on the river when I shouldn't really have still been in the pot. He led big and folded to my shove. About £150 pot. Wish I could say I'd outplayed him but in truth as the saying goes, even a blind squirrel finds a nut every so often.
Won a few more pots and ended up £1.13 up on the evening plus a few quid in Rakeback. So, well worth all the stress
Did have one fun hand when a guy who was playing in an interesting fashion raised to £17.63 preflop utg. I had QQ and obv just shoved. He snapped with 88 and nothing untoward happened.
Had a bash at cash tonight. First time in a while I've played it properly. 4 tabled 50nl and soon came to the conclusion that I'm still absurdly bad at it online (stop peeling with shitt ffs Paul) I did my usual and was quickly down 4 buy ins. A couple of scummy ones where I think it's just gotta go in. Had AK spades on one of them and flopped Q 10 rag, 2 spades. He had 10's and hit quads on the turn. Obv made the the flush on the river for rubs. Other one I remember was where I got in with the flush draw again and came up against a set again. No flush this time Other 2 I think I just donked off stupidly. Had an annoying spell where I flopped the world and no one wanted to play. An irritating one where I had JJ in small blind and flopped the set on an ace high board 4 to the flop. Led out and they couldn't fold quickly enough. How the **** did none of them have an ace? A pretty big pot v TommyD where I got there on the river when I shouldn't really have still been in the pot. He led big and folded to my shove. About £150 pot. Wish I could say I'd outplayed him but in truth as the saying goes, even a blind squirrel finds a nut every so often. Won a few more pots and ended up £1.13 up on the evening plus a few quid in Rakeback. So, well worth all the stress Did have one fun hand when a guy who was playing in an interesting fashion raised to £17.63 preflop utg. I had QQ and obv just shoved. He snapped with 88 and nothing untoward happened. Cash isn't for me online. ..... By far the funniest spoof commentary I've ever heard. I could just listen to it over and over again. Cahills goal v Holland Posted by Jac35
Ignore the fact that I'm rubbish at cash and load up a few tables.
All looking good then. Play 20 mins, playing ok, getting cards, winning a few quid, about £50
Baby wakes up, wants feeding, grr
Put him in the car where I can't hear him and carry on
Stop playing and feed the boy
Wrestle with conscience and decide that the latter is probably the correct course of action
DTD looking like a good shout for either tonight or tomorrow. Missing playing live loads. Also if I drive to DTD rather than play at Derby, then I'll be saved having to delete all the drunken posts that I normally make on my visits to the local Genting.
Want to play poker Wife goes to her Mums Off work, nothing planned for the afternoon Baby asleep. Ignore the fact that I'm rubbish at cash and load up a few tables. All looking good then. Play 20 mins, playing ok, getting cards, winning a few quid, about £50 Baby wakes up, wants feeding, grr Options Put him in the car where I can't hear him and carry on Stop playing and feed the boy Wrestle with conscience and decide that the latter is probably the correct course of action .... DTD looking like a good shout for either tonight or tomorrow. Missing playing live loads. Also if I drive to DTD rather than play at Derby, then I'll be saved having to delete all the drunken posts that I normally make on my visits to the local Genting. Posted by Jac35
Despite the above you still find reason to moan, you really are a grumpy old man.
Played 2 tourneys tonight late on and they didn't really work out. I can't play any more sngs/Dyms until tomorrow as I'm still placed well in the leaderboard and so
Jumped onto some cash and things improved. Weird how this can happen. Started smashing the deck and had the perfect scenarios where opponents were also strong. Won £115 in 30 mins so new pic needed. No more angry old man
Deleted a post and edited this one a bit. Saw a post from Matt237 and thought "yep, he's right Paul, don't moan about things when you're doing ok, it looks a bit rubbish"
I do now have a new poker hero. James Rimmmer, the bloke who came 4th, not the former Aston Villa keeper. He gave the best exit interview I've ever seen. None of this, "the money will all go in the bankroll and help me on my quest for world poker domination". Just an honest answer. The money was going to pay off his bills and he was going to give his daughter £250 for a new frock for her wedding. Brilliant! The story we were told was that he was only there because there was a spare seat in a car and he satted into the event. No grumbles of any bad beats either, (take note Paul,) and he must have been a nightmare to play against. Loved the hand where he got the aces to fold. Very emotional in the interview and most definitely my new hero.
I was unfaithful for the first time tonight. Played a sat on DTD for the £250 mini. Never got going unfortunately.
As I'm on a poker break ☺ I only played one game alongside it. The mini rebuy on here. Played pretty good and got 6th for £121 for a small overall profit on the night.
Had a nice little result on Ebay today as well. I've had a set of clubs in the shed for ages and I keep looking at them thinking I really should sell them. Well, I got round to it at last at the weekend and got £165 for them which I'm very pleased with.
Sky are so ridiculous sometimes. I've had to edit my new heroes name. The filters don't seem to like Rimmmer ☺
Enjoy the skydiving
Enjoy the live play Donkfish.