In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : Despite the above you still find reason to moan, you really are a grumpy old man. Enjoy the live play Donkfish. Posted by cpfc_2010
Fair point
I envy you.
You still manage your cheery disposition, despite being a Palace fan.
Well batted sir
Quick edit
Before you start on which division you're playing in. My season ticket is at the back of the stand. If I supported your team, I'd never see the game!
Went to a bbq today with the group of people we met when Penny made me pay for a course in how to look after babies. "How will we know what to do if we don't go to NCT classes Paul?" "Well darling, people seem to have managed just fine for a fair few centuries now but if you really want to we'll do it"
The couple who hosted the bbq lived in a wonderful place out in the sticks. Kirk Ireton. Fell in love with the place. Probably in reality it wouldn't be for me but it certainly ticked some boxes. Pub being the main one ... Got home late and was knackered, so the DTD idea will have to wait another week. ... Got a mouth ulcer right now. Had it for 2 weeks, never had one before. Not impressed. I know it's an ulcer but being a total hypochondriac I'm convincing myself it's something more sinister. ... Poker. Not played much, won a few quid over the month. Feel I'm due a mtt score. ... Went with my Aunt to buy a new car yesterday. She always seems to get ripped off so I thought I'd try and help. Salesman was a lad I went to school with. Super smooth. Before I can get a word in, when they come back with a price to change, she says 'I can afford that. You better gives some mats and fuel as well" Sigh, any point me going with her? ... I think the forums changed a lot over the time I've been on here. A few really good people have drifted away which is a shame. It's the nature of forums I guess. ... Back to work on Monday after a couple of weeks off. Feel sad. Not fond of work these days. Now I'm deadending it theres very little motivation there for me. ... I'm mediocre at FIFA. ... Started on '24' on Netflix. I've never watched it before. May take a while to get through. Enjoyed the first few episodes. ... The Mighty Rams have a new sponsor 'Just Eat'. Yeah, that'll look really good on all the 40 year old lardarses who like buying football kits. ... My Uncles neighbour had a baby boy just before the end of last season. She named him 'Bryson'. It looks as though we may be selling him now unfortunately. Think she should a put a letter of complaint into the club.
Being soft I went to the dentists earlier to put my mind at rest.
The ulcer isn't an ulcer. He wanted to do an xray straight away and saw me noticeably gulp. He quickly let me know that it wasn't what I was thinking but an abscess. That's the good news. The bad news is that it requires root canal and a couple of crowns and they don't come cheap. All in all it's going to cost me about £700. Pleasingly there's no pain right now and he's given me some antibiotics. Worked out that with this I'll have paid out about £2000 in the last 18 months at the dentist.
So this all means that my volume is going to have to be increased earlier than I planned. I always slow right down in the summer and pick it up again in the Autumn.
Expenses have been pretty big recently. Holiday, football ticket, skydives etc
I've been a little disparaging about setting challenges in the past and so will look a total hypocrite now but...
I think I might set myself a Dym game target for July and update on here to make myself do it. Nothing dramatic. I'm thinking 600 games for July at stakes from £11 up to £33. It doesn't sound much but bearing in mind I've only got 926 points this month, it would be quite a upturn in volume. I think if I get off to a decent start that I may also push for priority as well.
Hopefully with enough volume I should make a few quid. Last time I pushed myself Dym wise was January with the PS4 promotion and I was chuffed with the results. I played 583 games and made £1114 at an ROI of 10.1. I'd take that again very happily.
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man: Good luck. wow, I know how painful a tooth abscess can be. Hope it gets sorted soon
Darn it! Being soft I went to the dentists earlier to put my mind at rest. The ulcer isn't an ulcer. He wanted to do an xray straight away and saw me noticeably gulp. He quickly let me know that it wasn't what I was thinking but an abscess. That's the good news. The bad news is that it requires root canal and a couple of crowns and they don't come cheap. All in all it's going to cost me about £700. Pleasingly there's no pain right now and he's given me some antibiotics. Worked out that with this I'll have paid out about £2000 in the last 18 months at the dentist. So this all means that my volume is going to have to be increased earlier than I planned. I always slow right down in the summer and pick it up again in the Autumn. Expenses have been pretty big recently. Holiday, football ticket, skydives etc I've been a little disparaging about setting challenges in the past and so will look a total hypocrite now but... I think I might set myself a Dym game target for July and update on here to make myself do it. Nothing dramatic. I'm thinking 600 games for July at stakes from £11 up to £33. It doesn't sound much but bearing in mind I've only got 926 points this month, it would be quite a upturn in volume. I think if I get off to a decent start that I may also push for priority as well. Hopefully with enough volume I should make a few quid. Last time I pushed myself Dym wise was January with the PS4 promotion and I was chuffed with the results. I played 583 games and made £1114 at an ROI of 10.1. I'd take that again very happily. Posted by Jac35
If you thought it was an ulcer it must be inside the cheek or on the gum line, or even around the tongue?
I thought abscesses were really close to the teeth?
Detest dentists, would you pay double right now to avoid the whole thing and just have instantly healthy teeth again? I'd probably pay 4x the cost to avoid it. ughhhh, biggest fear by miles.
Not good news Jac but I'm sure you will win the £700 and more with the DYM's. May I advise you to avoid the £11 DYMs though because I am trying to beat them again and could do without the likes of you on my tables.........if not then at least I know you will be making good use of my money!
Good luck with DYM's mate. We share a mutual loathing of the dentist. I look forward to an altogether more positive Jac35 after a month or two of DYM crushing.
Darn it! Being soft I went to the dentists earlier to put my mind at rest. The ulcer isn't an ulcer. He wanted to do an xray straight away and saw me noticeably gulp. He quickly let me know that it wasn't what I was thinking but an abscess. That's the good news. The bad news is that it requires root canal and a couple of crowns and they don't come cheap. All in all it's going to cost me about £700. Pleasingly there's no pain right now and he's given me some antibiotics. Worked out that with this I'll have paid out about £2000 in the last 18 months at the dentist. So this all means that my volume is going to have to be increased earlier than I planned. I always slow right down in the summer and pick it up again in the Autumn. Expenses have been pretty big recently. Holiday, football ticket, skydives etc I've been a little disparaging about setting challenges in the past and so will look a total hypocrite now but... I think I might set myself a Dym game target for July and update on here to make myself do it. Nothing dramatic. I'm thinking 600 games for July at stakes from £11 up to £33. It doesn't sound much but bearing in mind I've only got 926 points this month, it would be quite a upturn in volume. I think if I get off to a decent start that I may also push for priority as well. Hopefully with enough volume I should make a few quid. Last time I pushed myself Dym wise was January with the PS4 promotion and I was chuffed with the results. I played 583 games and made £1114 at an ROI of 10.1. I'd take that again very happily. Posted by Jac35
Tsarina - Ty for good wishes. Yeah, it's not much fun
Dohhhh - Yep, be quite happy to 4x it
Mrs Duck - Ty
Waller - Hopefully I can do it. Just had a look at the people playing £11 Dyms tonight. Adding you to that list as well and they look tougher than ususal, sigh.
Cpfc - Cheers mate. You can stay away from the Dyms as well
Tsarina - Ty for good wishes. Yeah, it's not much fun Dohhhh - Yep, be quite happy to 4x it Mrs Duck - Ty Waller - Hopefully I can do it. Just had a look at the people playing £11 Dyms tonight. Adding you to that list as well and they look tougher than ususal, sigh. Cpfc - Cheers mate. You can stay away from the Dyms as well hhyftftdr - Thanks for your support Maxally - ****! smiley in case ☺ Posted by Jac35
Yeah the 11's are tough atm but nothing you can't handle. Pingu seems to be grinding them, few new regs since I last played them in January. You will still smash them, just makes my life harder. You can't really table select either because its nearly always the same players........just gotta jump in and pray!
You starting tomorrow then? I'm thinking of devoting the vast majority of my playing time on them next month. If things start getting too tough (which I imagine they might) then I will leave you and the regs to it!!
I've decided to use Junes winnings as my bankroll and so it will be pretty aggressive bankroll management Starting off with £370 (can replenish, don't want to)
Jacs Dental Plan Day 1
Ugly start. First few games had KK beaten twice by Ace rag and QQ done by 10 J. Folded trip 7's in one game to 2 all ins on the river. Both had top pair! went out next hand.
Played a couple of cash tables alongside the Dyms which was silly. Won a buy in off Donttelmum which must be a first Fortunately made a bit at that, £24
Dyms - Pretty dull stuff Played 8 won 4 lost 4 (rake wins)
A bit surprising the Dyms tonight. It might be tough to get the volume in that I wanted. I played golf this evening and sat down to play at 10.30. Regged 8 games and it took until 10.55 to get one filled up. Only managed to get those 8 games in by midnight. Things appear to be a bit slower than I thought.
Managed to come out ahead by a little and so all in all a decent enough start.
I had a plan this morning to play a lot of Dyms tonight and the main and mini as well. I was absolutely shattered and fell asleep, as old people tend to do, (Tikay could probably confirm) and woke up just in time to late reg the two mtts. Loaded up 4 Dyms as well and away we went.
I again stood still in the Dyms and won 2 lost 2. Not really playing them very well at present.
I decided to just concentrate on the mtts after min 3betting to 900 from Jordz open to 600! I'm pretty bad at poker but that was a misclick, honest!
I ran pretty well in both. Got annoyed with myself after tilt shoving in the mini after losing a big hand in the main and getting lucky. Rare that I do that but got away with it this time.
Grinded a short stack in both for about an hour but then got some hands and made the final table quite comfortably in the main. It was then down to the mini as obviously thoughts of the jackpot entered my head. I lost a standard hand against TommyD when he shoved 10bigs and I had 10's in the sb which left me with about 14 bigs. We got down to 8 and it was a bit of a struggle. The bb to my sb had done well, had a monster stack and wasn't frightened to call and so it was difficult to find spots. Eventually I shoved K 10 from the small for about 8 bigs and they snapped with J5 and it wasn't to be.
Really nice to run deep though. I don't play many mtts and have been grumbling a bit recently about running badly in them. No sample size at all to be honest but as you know, I do like a moan.
Some nice comments from the rail wishing me luck. Thanks to Arazi, Chrisdboy, Cpfc and a few others for that.
Ended up losing a flip in the main for 4th and £483.12 and 8th in the mini for £74.80. Huge congrats to Heddoh for the win. Played fantastically well on the final table and beat me up every time we tangled. ... So, it appears the root canal might be paid for. Yippee for that. Just love root canal. Maybe one crown as well. As I'm super lazy, I'm abandoning my challenge after a whole 2 days at it. Hopefully with a few bits and bobs I can pay for the anaesthetic as well by the end of the month
Balance £937.17
(Not bolded to brag this post. Just pressed something and it all went big and bold. Got rid of the big, couldn't get rid of the bold. Good with computers me)
PS - Great start to your latest Bankroll Thingie. I've started one too, & have so far managed to lose £30 in 2 nights. But I don't do misclicks, if you get my drift....
Making a few quid was fun but far, far better was that Oscar the cat is still with us.
As you will be aware I'm getting on a bit and so when I say Oscar has been with me for nearly all my adult life you'll realise he's pretty old.
When I was 19 I rented a flat (think they're known as apartments these days) with my then girlfriend as I saved up for a house. Next door had a cat and it was a tiny thing that I saw them actually kick on a fair few occasions. My girlfriend let him in regulary to feed him and one day the cretins next door saw hmm coming out of our fiat. They said that if we liked the little basstard that much we could have him. So we did. He was terrified off people and ran away from everyone but us two.
The girlfriend went but Oscar stayed and he grew in confidence and is my mate. Many times I'd get home from a night out and get halfway through a kebab before falling asleep. I'd wake up and the kebab would be gone and a very happy cat smiling at me. Only the best for Oscar!
I noticed a couple of days ago that he seemed to have a few lumps on his back and feared the worst. He was due to go to the vets anyway as he needs his claws clipping. Apparently as they get older cats can't retract them as They can when they're young.
The lumps the vet thought were just due to scratches he'd picked up whilst out and about that had become infected. A course of antibiotics and he should be fine.
Proper random stuff
Went to a bbq today with the group of people we met when Penny made me pay for a course in how to look after babies. "How will we know what to do if we don't go to NCT classes Paul?"
"Well darling, people seem to have managed just fine for a fair few centuries now but if you really want to we'll do it"
The couple who hosted the bbq lived in a wonderful place out in the sticks. Kirk Ireton. Fell in love with the place. Probably in reality it wouldn't be for me but it certainly ticked some boxes. Pub being the main one
Got home late and was knackered, so the DTD idea will have to wait another week.
Got a mouth ulcer right now. Had it for 2 weeks, never had one before. Not impressed. I know it's an ulcer but being a total hypochondriac I'm convincing myself it's something more sinister.
Poker. Not played much, won a few quid over the month. Feel I'm due a mtt score.
Went with my Aunt to buy a new car yesterday. She always seems to get ripped off so I thought I'd try and help. Salesman was a lad I went to school with. Super smooth. Before I can get a word in,
when they come back with a price to change, she says 'I can afford that. You better gives some mats and fuel as well"
Sigh, any point me going with her?
I think the forums changed a lot over the time I've been on here. A few really good people have drifted away which is a shame. It's the nature of forums I guess.
Back to work on Monday after a couple of weeks off. Feel sad. Not fond of work these days. Now I'm deadending it theres very little motivation there for me.
I'm mediocre at FIFA.
Started on '24' on Netflix. I've never watched it before. May take a while to get through. Enjoyed the first few episodes.
The Mighty Rams have a new sponsor 'Just Eat'. Yeah, that'll look really good on all the 40 year old lardarses who like buying football kits.
My Uncles neighbour had a baby boy just before the end of last season. She named him 'Bryson'. It looks as though we may be selling him now unfortunately. Think she should a put a letter of complaint into the club.
Where abouts is the abscess Jac?
If you thought it was an ulcer it must be inside the cheek or on the gum line, or even around the tongue?
I thought abscesses were really close to the teeth?
Detest dentists, would you pay double right now to avoid the whole thing and just have instantly healthy teeth again? I'd probably pay 4x the cost to avoid it. ughhhh, biggest fear by miles.
I'm going to absolutely LOVE watching you smash a challenge!
Dohhhh - Yep, be quite happy to 4x it
Mrs Duck - Ty
Waller - Hopefully I can do it. Just had a look at the people playing £11 Dyms tonight. Adding you to that list as well and they look tougher than ususal, sigh.
Cpfc - Cheers mate. You can stay away from the Dyms as well
hhyftftdr - Thanks for your support
Maxally - ****! smiley in case ☺
You starting tomorrow then? I'm thinking of devoting the vast majority of my playing time on them next month. If things start getting too tough (which I imagine they might) then I will leave you and the regs to it!!
I've decided to use Junes winnings as my bankroll and so it will be pretty aggressive bankroll management
Starting off with £370 (can replenish, don't want to)
Jacs Dental Plan Day 1
Ugly start. First few games had KK beaten twice by Ace rag and QQ done by 10 J.
Folded trip 7's in one game to 2 all ins on the river. Both had top pair!
Played a couple of cash tables alongside the Dyms which was silly. Won a buy in off Donttelmum which must be a first
Dyms - Pretty dull stuff Played 8 won 4 lost 4 (rake wins)
Balance £392
Jacs Dental Plan Day 2

A good day!
I had a plan this morning to play a lot of Dyms tonight and the main and mini as well. I was absolutely shattered and fell asleep, as old people tend to do, (Tikay could probably confirm) and woke up just in time to late reg the two mtts.
Loaded up 4 Dyms as well and away we went.
I again stood still in the Dyms and won 2 lost 2. Not really playing them very well at present.
I decided to just concentrate on the mtts after min 3betting to 900 from Jordz open to 600! I'm pretty bad at poker but that was a misclick, honest!
I ran pretty well in both. Got annoyed with myself after tilt shoving in the mini after losing a big hand in the main and getting lucky. Rare that I do that but got away with it this time.
Grinded a short stack in both for about an hour but then got some hands and made the final table quite comfortably in the main. It was then down to the mini as obviously thoughts of the jackpot entered my head. I lost a standard hand against TommyD when he shoved 10bigs and I had 10's in the sb which left me with about 14 bigs. We got down to 8 and it was a bit of a struggle. The bb to my sb had done well, had a monster stack and wasn't frightened to call and so it was difficult to find spots. Eventually I shoved K 10 from the small for about 8 bigs and they snapped with J5 and it wasn't to be.
Really nice to run deep though. I don't play many mtts and have been grumbling a bit recently about running badly in them. No sample size at all to be honest but as you know, I do like a moan.
Some nice comments from the rail wishing me luck. Thanks to Arazi, Chrisdboy, Cpfc and a few others for that.
Ended up losing a flip in the main for 4th and £483.12 and 8th in the mini for £74.80. Huge congrats to Heddoh for the win. Played fantastically well on the final table and beat me up every time we tangled.
So, it appears the root canal might be paid for. Yippee for that. Just love root canal. Maybe one crown as well. As I'm super lazy, I'm abandoning my challenge after a whole 2 days at it. Hopefully with a few bits and bobs I can pay for the anaesthetic as well by the end of the month
Balance £937.17
(Not bolded to brag this post. Just pressed something and it all went big and bold. Got rid of the big, couldn't get rid of the bold. Good with computers me)
I will confirm no such thing.
PS - Great start to your latest Bankroll Thingie. I've started one too, & have so far managed to lose £30 in 2 nights. But I don't do misclicks, if you get my drift....