Don't need to read a book to help me stop tilting. I've found the answer to my problems. From now on I'm not playing pocket 10's. Simple .. Maybe should add Aces to that list On bubble of main I 3bet shoved that troublesome pair. 2 callers and Q turn and Q river gave AQ a better hand But... someone bust out somewhere else same hand and had less chips. Min cash Jac
Dyms have been a pain in the arsee tonight. Won half my games and so rake was the big winner. Wasn't playing well and so decided to drop the £30's for the night. Oddly, there were hardly any £22's running and the £15's rarely run. Decided to play a few £5 and £10 games to work on stuff (like folding pocket 10's pre)
In the end I decided to 'book the loss'
TimmyRaRa might be annoying to play at Dyms but he's my hero right now. Made my first Sky Premiership cash mainly thanks to him ... Off work this week. Doing thrilling stuff like painting fences. Managed to get out for a quick knock today. Played so so. That's reminded me. Apologies to Stuarty. I had a lot of games on the go and chatting at the table was just a bit too much for an old bloke like me. ... Picked up my new car yesterday. Love it. Deliberating on whether to take it for a run up to Blackburn tomorrow night to watch the Mighty Rams. Could even drop in on the Broms if I go and maybe borrow some of their rungood.
Not left much time for poker. The few times I've played it's gone pretty well. I was going to play a big session tonight. Played a £3.60 sat, no good. I regged 5 Dyms, 3 £10 and 2 £15's. Did my usual and lost the first one but won the other 4. Gave me a quick £30 profit and I just thought "sod it, can't be bothered to play anymore" £30 a day will do me nicely. Still a bit of a poor show from me though. Things gave gone okayish this month and I've won about half the cost of me new teeth. Should have put more volume in really, especially with having this week off. Only up to 2440 points which is quite lazy.
Didn't manage to get up to Blackburn which was a shame. From the reports that I heard, we were back to last seasons form.
Harry got fully discharged today. We went back for the follow up appointment and they were happy with him. We then took him to Carsingon Reservoir and he had a go on a swing for the first time. We recorded it and it was lovely.
Been a busy week off. Jobs Golf Drink Not left much time for poker. The few times I've played it's gone pretty well. I was going to play a big session tonight. I regged 5 Dyms, 3 £10 and 2 £15's. Did my usual and lost the first one but won the other 4. Gave me a quick £30 profit and I just thought "sod it, can't be bothered to play anymore" £30 a day will do me nicely. Still a bit of a poor show from me though. Things gave gone okayish this month and I've won about half the cost of me new teeth. Should have put more volume in really, especially with having this week off. Only up to 2440 points which is quite lazy. . Didn't manage to get up to Blackburn which was a shame. From the reports that I heard, we were back to last seasons form. . Harry got fully discharged today. We went back for the follow up appointment and they were happy with him. We then took him to Carsingon Reservoir and he had a go on a swing for the first time. We recorded it and it was lovely. Posted by Jac35
Great news about Harry, what a relief that must be.
Got bored of my book and regged 3 more Dyms £10, £15 and a £20 and joined a 20nl cash table.
Ran great (sorry bbmike) in the Dyms and won em all. Made £14 at cash.
Brag over
Thanks Tony
We were confident that he was fine but if was nice to get it confirmed.
We had an interesting conversation with the consultant. Ever since he was born we've had an 'angel monitor'. It detects breathing and movement. The consultant tried really hard to persuade us to stop using it and offered us counselling. No chance were we going to agree to remove it. I asked the consultant why she was so keen for us to take it away. She said that it was so that we could relax and get some sleep. We were baffled. The monitor is the reason we do get sleep. We trust that it will alert us if there are any problems. Take it away from us and we'd be nervous wrecks again. Obviousky it has to go at some stage but right now it's a huge comfort.
I found it interesting when we spoke to a different consultant last time. He said that he didn't agree with them as they could go off and unnecessarily worry the parents. Later on though he said that they were given to parents who had previously suffered a cot death with a baby.
All a bit contradictory. I think trying to get inside the heads of parents is always going to be very difficult. What may suit one couple would be wrong for another. Probably best left to the parents to decide i think.
Don't need to read a book to help me stop tilting. I've found the answer to my problems. From now on I'm not playing pocket 10's. Simple .. Maybe should add Aces to that list On bubble of main I 3bet shoved that troublesome pair. 2 callers and Q turn and Q river gave AQ a better hand But... someone bust out somewhere else same hand and had less chips. Min cash Jac Dyms have been a pain in the arsee tonight. Won half my games and so rake was the big winner. Wasn't playing well and so decided to drop the £30's for the night. Oddly, there were hardly any £22's running and the £15's rarely run. Decided to play a few £5 and £10 games to work on stuff (like folding pocket 10's pre) In the end I decided to 'book the loss' TimmyRaRa might be annoying to play at Dyms but he's my hero right now. Made my first Sky Premiership cash mainly thanks to him ... Off work this week. Doing thrilling stuff like painting fences. Managed to get out for a quick knock today. Played so so. That's reminded me. Apologies to Stuarty. I had a lot of games on the go and chatting at the table was just a bit too much for an old bloke like me. ... Picked up my new car yesterday. Love it. Deliberating on whether to take it for a run up to Blackburn tomorrow night to watch the Mighty Rams. Could even drop in on the Broms if I go and maybe borrow some of their rungood. Posted by Jac35
Been a busy week off. Jobs Golf Drink Not left much time for poker. The few times I've played it's gone pretty well. I was going to play a big session tonight. Played a £3.60 sat, no good. I regged 5 Dyms, 3 £10 and 2 £15's. Did my usual and lost the first one but won the other 4. Gave me a quick £30 profit and I just thought "sod it, can't be bothered to play anymore" £30 a day will do me nicely. Still a bit of a poor show from me though. Things gave gone okayish this month and I've won about half the cost of me new teeth. Should have put more volume in really, especially with having this week off. Only up to 2440 points which is quite lazy. . Didn't manage to get up to Blackburn which was a shame. From the reports that I heard, we were back to last seasons form. . Harry got fully discharged today. We went back for the follow up appointment and they were happy with him. We then took him to Carsingon Reservoir and he had a go on a swing for the first time. We recorded it and it was lovely. Posted by Jac35
Maintained my record of never having won a sat for the roller. Me and sats don't get on. I keep saying it and I keep playing them. I'm a very silly boy. Failed in my standard sat manner, Aces into 3rd pair making trips on river
Ran horribly in Dyms tonight. In all fairness, I was due. They've been very kind to me over the last week.
Luckily cash was different. Played 3 tables for a short while at 50nl and won around a buy in on each one.
Got me last one running right now. A £15. Win that and I'm up £20 got the night. Lose it and it's still a result given where I was at one point this evening.
Back to work tomorrow
Slowly finding some form with my golf. 76 yesterday. Just a knock of yellows so short course but still happy.
Right book for an hour and then the small matter of winning the European Cup Final v Juve at Fifa. Derby have a bloke called Jackson up front who's scored loads this season
Right, bubble time. Phew! Just got a shove with 10 2 through. hanging on. Wish me luck
FAO of MrsDuck Dental Plan Mark 2 update It's gone pretty well this month. My main game, the Dyms, have been up and down so far. Up around £90 I think Cashed for around £180 in a mtt at the start of the month on here. Last Sunday won £292 live. For once cash has gone really well on here. Not played much but nearly all winning sessions. Throw in a bit of Rakeback and some Sky Premiership money (I lump everything in and count it as winnings )and I'm up £822 so far. Not quite got there but a decent chunk of it. Posted by Jac35
How much do you need altogether for the teeth?! :S
Hi Jac, Have you tried the turbo DYMs? 1000 chips, 2 min blinds. Horrible things if you are a nit like me. Accidently registered for a few when quickly checking the lobby between hands. Shove or fold comes around very quickly. I must pay more attention to the lobby in future. Posted by dragon1964
Hi Dragon
Haven't tried them. Can see how you could register by mistake. Nearly done it a couple of times myself. Can't see a way if filtering them out unfortunately. Not really interested in them tbh
Maybe should add Aces to that list
On bubble of main I 3bet shoved that troublesome pair. 2 callers and Q turn and Q river gave AQ a better hand
But... someone bust out somewhere else same hand and had less chips. Min cash Jac
Dyms have been a pain in the arsee tonight. Won half my games and so rake was the big winner. Wasn't playing well and so decided to drop the £30's for the night. Oddly, there were hardly any £22's running and the £15's rarely run. Decided to play a few £5 and £10 games to work on stuff (like folding pocket 10's pre)
In the end I decided to 'book the loss'
TimmyRaRa might be annoying to play at Dyms but he's my hero right now. Made my first Sky Premiership cash mainly thanks to him
Off work this week. Doing thrilling stuff like painting fences. Managed to get out for a quick knock today. Played so so. That's reminded me.
Apologies to Stuarty. I had a lot of games on the go and chatting at the table was just a bit too much for an old bloke like me.
Picked up my new car yesterday. Love it. Deliberating on whether to take it for a run up to Blackburn tomorrow night to watch the Mighty Rams. Could even drop in on the Broms if I go and maybe borrow some of their rungood.
Sort it out Jac.
Good to hear things settling down at home.