Played a sat and a mtt on another site. Both were great value. £2000 added in a €20 deepstack and 6 seats guaranteed for the IPO next month. I missed out unfortuantely in the sat and ran deep in the deepstack before busting in pretty gross fashion. Great news was that CPFC qualified. Must be tough running like Eamonn. One hand was pretty standard for him. He 3bet KK and picked up 2 callers. Flopped quads and one of his opponents decided to shove. Tough game right?
I played some Dyms on here as well. It's been a bit of a tough month for me so far in them. Oddly cash has been really good for me which has kept me ahead. Tonight went much much better though. Won 11 out of 14 for a £99 profit on the night plus 200 odd Rakeback points.
I grumbled a bit about the new software a while ago. Having played on the other site tonight, I don't think that I'll be moaning again. Sky seemed much crisper and the layout was better in my opinion. I very rarely lose connection on here but on the other site I must have disco'ed at least 10 times.
Was unfaithful again tonight. 2nd time this year. Played a sat and a mtt on another site. Both were great value. £2000 added in a €20 deepstack and 6 seats guaranteed for the IPO next month. I missed out unfortuantely in the sat and ran deep in the deepstack before busting in pretty gross fashion. Great news was that CPFC qualified. Must be tough running like Eamonn. One hand was pretty standard for him. He 3bet KK and picked up 2 callers. Flopped quads and one of his opponents decided to shove. Tough game right? I played some Dyms on here as well. It's been a bit of a tough month for me so far in them. Oddly cash has been really good for me which has kept me ahead. Tonight went much much better though. Won 11 out of 14 for a £99 profit on the night plus 200 odd Rakeback points. I grumbled a bit about the new software a while ago. Having played on the other site tonight, I don't think that I'll be moaning again. Sky seemed much crisper and the layout was better in my opinion. I very rarely lose connection on here but on the other site I must have disco'ed at least 10 times. Learned me lesson. Won't play around in future Posted by Jac35
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : Anyone offering a price on this? Posted by MattBates
Ok, up early, I'll bite
"I think part of the problem is one persons banter can be another persons troll."
A quote from you not long back.
On the face of it, it just looks like banter between friends. The thing is though, we're not friends. I have no idea why it is but you have never been friendly towards me. I thought it might just be my imagination but... At the recent UKPC I chatted with all the Sky regs I saw, except you. You just looked the other way when I was going to say hello a couple of times. On the rare occasions that you do post a reply to anything that I write on here and other threads, it's sarcastic.
I'd rather you just don't post at all on here in future.
I'm going to nip this in the bud before it escalates.
I am good good friends with both of you and I can categorically vouch for Matt and confirm that you have nothing to worry about here. His post above was nothing more than friendly banter. He's a lovely bloke and makes a genuine effort with all of the Community.
The UKPC thing will have been either a) Matt not seeing you, b) Matt's vision being impaired by the numerous shandys he consumed or c) him just being a docile thing!!!
Morning my lovelies. I'm going to nip this in the bud before it escalates. I am good good friends with both of you and I can categorically vouch for Matt and confirm that you have nothing to worry about here. His post above was nothing more than friendly banter. He's a lovely bloke and makes a genuine effort with all of the Community. The UKPC thing will have been either a) Matt not seeing you, b) Matt's vision being impaired by the numerous shandys he consumed or c) him just being a docile thing!!! I call a cease fire. All is gravy xx Posted by Bromley023
The Boy just added a d) option.
Matt can't usually recognise people from their knees.
Can't believe I missed that opportunity ... The shame.
'Father of very young child needs a few hours extra kip shock'!
I had a good chat with Matt at my first SPT 'away tie', though I doubt either of us recalls much of the conversation. I had tried to introduce myself to a few other regs earlier in the evening and got completely shunned lol. First impressions can be hard to shake, even if we've seen it from a different angle, but I'm sure if Matt could find half an hour to chat with a toolbag like me he'd give you a whole evening given the chance.
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : I'd rather you just don't post at all on here in future. Posted by Jac35
even I've not been castigated that way (well i probably have but only on posts that were deleted) and i seem to be able to wind up Paul without trying.
I'm not sure Matt has a bad bone in his body so would be very surprised if any of that was deliberate.
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : Ok, up early, I'll bite Matt "I think part of the problem is one persons banter can be another persons troll." A quote from you not long back. On the face of it, it just looks like banter between friends. The thing is though, we're not friends. I have no idea why it is but you have never been friendly towards me. I thought it might just be my imagination but... At the recent UKPC I chatted with all the Sky regs I saw, except you. You just looked the other way when I was going to say hello a couple of times. On the rare occasions that you do post a reply to anything that I write on here and other threads, it's sarcastic. I'd rather you just don't post at all on here in future. Posted by Jac35
Sorry, thought we had met and spoke and got on fine at an SPT a while back where you won/came 2nd (maybe I have you confused with someone else?). I always make time to speak to people at live events like SPTs/UKPC etc. Sometimes its people I have known for years that I consider friends, sometimes its people that I have played with online and have spoke virtually but haven't met, other times its people that know me that I don't know. So all in all its a lot of people and I try and make time to speak to them all whether it be general chat or strategy type stuff. If you think I don't speak to you or have an issue with you its not the case at all.
To back Jac up I've always found Matt to be pure evil. He once stole my last Rolo. Yes, THE LAST ONE. I also have a recording of him teasing budgerigars with a single seed hanging from a tiny rod stapled to their heads, the lovely looking seeds just out of their reach. He also steals from the poor to give to the rich. And he's actually six foot seven in height but only pretends to be short so he can get into cinemas half price.
Jac, Matt's a top bloke imo. The thing is at SPTs and UKPCs people mix and mingle, I've never seen anyone blank or shun anyone at a SPT. But people are people, some are shy and unsure, some times people just don't notice everything and everyone who is about or trying to say hello. And generally at these things, speaking for myself, some times we've had a few. Not speaking for Matt but speaking for myself there have been a few spots where I go to a new SPT or something similar, see someone and think 'Did I meet that person before or am I going mad?' And suddenly you start staring over but never actually go up to someone and say 'Do I know you?' in case you do but forgot and therefore would be worried about offending them. In other words poker players such as myself are not brilliant at social interaction, we make mistakes. You probably have in the past as has Matts, therefore silly little misunderstandings like this happen. Come say hello or I'll try to find you at the next one, we can all have a drink together and discuss all the correct reasons to hate Matt.
I got something wrong earlier today. I believed that Matt was mocking me with his posts, but he wasn't. Thanks to the people who have posted on here and also to a couple of mutual friends who have been in touch to let me know that I'd got it wrong.
As I said to them and Matt in a pm, I've always been over sensitive and a worrier. I couldn't care less if someone that I have no time for doesn't like me but when it's someone that I respect it bothers me greatly. Matt certainly fits into that category.
I'm sorry Matt
Shall we move on?
Shot 75 today. Best I've played in ages.
It looks like the Castle Stuart, Dornoch and Nairn thing is a goer. The deal was fantastic.
Was unfaithful again tonight. 2nd time this year. Played a sat and a mtt on another site. Both were great value. £2000 added in a €20 deepstack and 6 seats guaranteed for the IPO next month. I missed out unfortuantely in the sat and ran deep in the deepstack before busting in pretty gross fashion. Great news was that CPFC qualified. Must be tough running like Eamonn. One hand was pretty standard for him. He 3bet KK and picked up 2 callers. Flopped quads and one of his opponents decided to shove. Tough game right? I played some Dyms on here as well. It's been a bit of a tough month for me so far in them. Oddly cash has been really good for me which has kept me ahead. Tonight went much much better though. Won 11 out of 14 for a £99 profit on the night plus 200 odd Rakeback points. I grumbled a bit about the new software a while ago. Having played on the other site tonight, I don't think that I'll be moaning again. Sky seemed much crisper and the layout was better in my opinion. I very rarely lose connection on here but on the other site I must have disco'ed at least 10 times. Learned me lesson. Won't play around in future Posted by Jac35
Is this every night only got around to setting up account will probaly buy in direct and worry aboutt sats at a later date.
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : Hi fella . I just noticed a post of yours from a while ago mentioning SPT Dublin. A few of us ( Sky Players )are playing an event in Dublin in October if your intrested. The last I heard is drinks on Friday and poker Saturday. Not sure if I can mention the event here Posted by day4eire76
Prolly best not to mention that it's the IPO 16-20th October, €230 buy in.
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : Hi fella . I just noticed a post of yours from a while ago mentioning SPT Dublin. A few of us ( Sky Players )are playing an event in Dublin in October if your intrested. The last I heard is drinks on Friday and poker Saturday. Not sure if I can mention the event here Posted by day4eire76
Hi there
thanks for letting be know will have to take a look into it. But the wife may not give me permission. Just me and a few mates were talking about it and i mentioned SPT Dublin would be a great day poker. As if i remember i think it was only a 1 day event, which would be perfect.
First live outing at Derby since Harry was born. Surprisingly got a pass out for the night.
Played the £30 rebuy which had £400 added.
It was good to see some of the old faces again after a while away. It's amazing that in poker you can be absent for some time and drop straight back into things. Lala greeted me like a long lost brother. "Paul, where you been? Prison?" Brooksy said that he'd heard a rumour that I'd gone broke playing blackjack.
Standard was pretty much the usual. Started with 10k. Guy raises under the gun to 1600 at 150/300. I'm in the bb and look down at aces. 4 players have called the raise. I have no bet here other than all in. But... This is live. I make it 4500 from 10k and utg ships. The rest get out of the way and I call. Utg has K9 . Had a sweat on the turn but hold and we're off and running.
Get short with 14 left and shove the mighty j4 for 6 bigs. Get snapped by 7's and I turn the flush ,
Then have a weird situation where with 8 left and 7 paid there is a guy who has been away for an hour. He only has about 3 bigs. I raise 6 hands consecutively and everyone folds. Now I'm a huge chipleader.
Make the cash and that's when I start to run bad. Shortie twice shoves his sb into me for about 4 bigs. I call both times and get shown kings. I then get kings on the button and min. Sb calls and bb shoves. I snap and lose to ace 2 for a 200k pot. I then make a standard shove in the sb and walk into Jacks. Rivered trips but he had the straight . Left with 31k at 15000/30000 I'm rather pleased to ladder to 4th when there's a needless clash between two middling stacks. Go out next hand in 4th for £292.
Could have been better but I'm delighted with the cash. I should really have bust before the money and so can hardly complain.
Sod the sats that I'm rubbish at. I now have the buy in sorted for Ireland
3/11 that he will moan.
I wont post on here again.
To back Jac up I've always found Matt to be pure evil. He once stole my last Rolo. Yes, THE LAST ONE. I also have a recording of him teasing budgerigars with a single seed hanging from a tiny rod stapled to their heads, the lovely looking seeds just out of their reach. He also steals from the poor to give to the rich. And he's actually six foot seven in height but only pretends to be short so he can get into cinemas half price.
Jac, Matt's a top bloke imo. The thing is at SPTs and UKPCs people mix and mingle, I've never seen anyone blank or shun anyone at a SPT. But people are people, some are shy and unsure, some times people just don't notice everything and everyone who is about or trying to say hello. And generally at these things, speaking for myself, some times we've had a few. Not speaking for Matt but speaking for myself there have been a few spots where I go to a new SPT or something similar, see someone and think 'Did I meet that person before or am I going mad?' And suddenly you start staring over but never actually go up to someone and say 'Do I know you?' in case you do but forgot and therefore would be worried about offending them. In other words poker players such as myself are not brilliant at social interaction, we make mistakes. You probably have in the past as has Matts, therefore silly little misunderstandings like this happen. Come say hello or I'll try to find you at the next one, we can all have a drink together and discuss all the correct reasons to hate Matt.
".....Left with 31k at 15000/30000 I'm rather pleased to ladder to 4th when there's a needless clash between two middling stacks...."
Ego, testosterone & mindless stupidity has remarkable side-effects for others at the table!
Well done Paul.