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Ramblings of an old man



  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited February 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    Over confidence, complacency, stupid fancy play syndrome has led to me havn my worst spell of poker that I can remember. Lost over £400 at live cash the other night. Didn't run particularly well but in all truthfulness, the vast majority of the losses were due to total spew.  I think I would have lost a decent amount anyway but should have been no more than £150 really. Next day I fired up 6 cash tables on here basically attempting to get it all back at once. Pretty stupid! Surely after all these years I should be past all that. It was actually embarrassing. One of the regs did the wtf? Comments a couple of times, and he was dead right. Just clicking buttons ( the wrong ones) Escaped with just losing £30 which was only due  to a couple of £100 pots where I had he skilfulness to get aces versus kings. Finally had a proper chat with myself and we've concluded that i Should stop being an idiot and go back to basics for the time being. Going to leave cash for a while altogether and grind out the £5 / £10 Dym's. 
    Posted by Jac35
    Start of year run-bad. This time last year I was going through the exact same spell and it wasn't until march that I broke through. All I can say is; you're a great Poker and especially SNG player. You're an experienced enough player all round to know that it just takes patience, patience, patience. 

    In the meantime..

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man : Start of year run-bad. This time last year I was going through the exact same spell and it wasn't until march that I broke through. All I can say is; you're a great Poker and especially SNG player. You're an experienced enough player all round to know that it just takes patience, patience, patience.  In the meantime..
    Posted by patwalshh
    That's really nice Pat. Thanks a lot

    Not everyone agrees with you though.
    Just had a session and there was one reg who is a really good winning player.
    I've played against him a fair few times and asked him a number of questions as i tend to do with good players.
    Mountains of abuse back.

    Trying hard to remember most of it but apparently:
    i'm old - ok, can take that one
    really bad -
    full of ego -
    have glaring leaks-
    deluded -
    a bingo player -
    just pushing buttons -
    go and take my ramblings elsewhere as no one wants to read my s--t - cool! he's a fan!

    There was plenty more, but at my age i can get a little forgetful.

    It was such a shame, that he won when he showed his class by raising a guy and when he shoved all in he let the timebar run right down before calling with his aces.
  • jams88jams88 Member Posts: 694
    edited February 2013
    Shrug, you can't please all the people and all that nonsense. Plenty of people do read this thread and enjoy it :)

    It seems that just because somebody is good it doesn;t make them a nice person it would seem lol
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    Shrug, you can't please all the people and all that nonsense. Plenty of people do read this thread and enjoy it :) It seems that just because somebody is good it doesn;t make them a nice person it would seem lol
    Posted by jams88
    Cheers Jams

    Wasn't upset. Confused more like. Just seemed so strange that someone would take off like that.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2013
    Grow up Paul!
    After my new best friends slow roll I really couldn't resist it when he shoved over my raise whilst I was holding dem aces.
    After a long hard think I finally pressed the call button with about a second left.
    Fortunately he didn't hit a miracle. Think he may have enjoyed that!

  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited February 2013
    Trying hard to remember most of it but apparently:
    i'm old - ok, can take that one
    really bad -
    full of ego -
    have glaring leaks-
    deluded -
    a bingo player -
    just pushing buttons -
    go and take my ramblings elsewhere as no one wants to read my s--t - cool! he's a fan!

    Sounds like a nice guy lol funnily enough another person who writes a diary told me he got followed for 6 games and abused with a mention towards his diary, is this a new breed of insulting based on forum content ha ha. Glad to see his got his poker karma with the slowroll, been guilty myself of taking revenge in a similar way but they always hit there miracle cards against me then run.
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited February 2013

    In reference to the unjustified abuse you receieved, all I can say is that everyone has their bad days. I myself tilt at the tables from time to time. Just completely ignore it.  A real reg wouldn't slowroll anyway. 

    All the best for the rest of the month :)

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2013
    For Tikay

    My Aunt was Mayor of Derby the year the Mighty Rams were in the Premier League.
    I had the fortune! of accompanying her to the home games as the Mayors escort.
    It was really enjoyable. Chaufferred to the ground and then a meal and seats in the directors box.
    Although the mayor was very popular i was mostly ignored.
    Except by a gentleman you are familiar with, i believe, John Kirkland
    As a supporter of her party, he would always come over to say a few words to her. Nicely though, he always made a point of saying hello to me.

    Glad you got your watch back.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2013
    I think 2 cash games shown recently have shown how difficult it is to pitch a game right.
    In the sky game there has been critism that the game was too small for the players and so they just splashed around.
    In the other game it was the exact opposite. A few of the players may have been unde rolled for the game and so it was a bit nitty.
    Personally I actually enjoyed both and was entertained.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited March 2013

    A really good month with a decent return online meaning a nice profit was had.
    ... Oh no, wait a minute, i lost £460 live due to getting drunk, playing really, really badly and spewing off at least £250 of it with awful play.

    Mixed emotions to be honest.
    The reality of the live losses is that it was just over 2 buy ins. The trouble was, is that in that game, most of the players hate money and just a little bit of patience and normally there are great spots to make a nice profit.
    Over confidence was a problem and probably sub-consciously i felt after previous nights that i just needed to turn up to win. ( Pretty gormless )

    What has been pleasing is that other than immediately after the live loss when i dabbled in cash online and again played badly and was just pushing buttons, i got my head down and grinded hard and came back well.

    I needed to go back to ABC stuff and played a lot of low level Dyms and actually ended up up with my highest C4P's since i started on SKY. I've run pretty well in them and made some money.

    All in all ended up making a tiny profit but thats fine as at one stage i thought it was going to be a big losing month.

    Live - -£460
    Online - +523
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited March 2013

    Getting quite excited.
    One more day at work and then off to Turnberry.
    Actually playing reasonably well for once, so maybe a little optimistic but if i can play near my handicap then can break 80 which i would be really happy with.
    I'm sure the weather wasn't this unpredictable when i were a lad.
    Last year we went to Wales and played Nefyn amongst others at this exact same time of year and we came back with suntans. The following week we wouldn't have been able to play as it snowed heavily.
    Looks like we're just going to be cold this year, which is fine. Just no rain please.

    Found a fantastic series on Youtube yesterday, Bodyline.
    I remember watching it as a child and enjoying it and have been hoping to see it repeated again.
    It's about Douglas Jardines infamous Ashes tour of far back that Tikay was still at school!
    Dohhhhhhh if you read this  and haven't seen it before it's well worth a look, i think you would enjoy it.

    Funny month of poker.
    Had a ring game credit from a site  trying to entice people back. I ran really well and was able to cash out £145.
    Even more surprising was it actually found its way into my bank account.
    Not played live at all.
    Played mixture of 3,5 and 10 dym's and had good results, just short of £400 so far this month.
    To be honest i think i've played pretty badly but just had one of those runs where things have fallen my way.
    Bit frustrating that sharkscope has missed a couple of my best sessions.

    Had a fun one yesterday.
    5 left , blinds 150/300 folds to me on button. BB is sitting out. I only have 1400 and so standard any 2 shove.
    Sb snaps me off and is very unhappy when i get lucky.

    "no justice" and "i knew you were at it"

    The cards? i had 7 3, he had 8 3.

  • jonjo75jonjo75 Member Posts: 999
    edited March 2013
    I have recently bought the Bodyline series on DVD. I remember watching it as a kid with my late father (the tv series not the tour) and watching it again has bought back some good memories of him . Amazing that Don Bradman was that good that we had to think of a whole new theory on bowling and fielding to try and stop him.
    I would recommend it to anyone interested in Cricket or just sporting history in general.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited March 2013
    Well it didn't quite work out as planned.
    Drove up to Scotland on Wednesday, just he six hours. Few beers and a good meal.
    Thursday we played at Kilmarnock in near gale force conditions but thankfully no snow.
    Friday and Saturday we were due to play Turnberry. Got up early raced to the window.
    Brilliant! No snow, no frost. As I was celebrating the phone went. "Hello, Turnberry here, course closed"

    Had a hideous journey back. I'm a pretty confident driver but that was scary. Car got hit by a can, a branch and a huge clump of snow. Can only find one small scratch from the can fortunately.

    Eventually got home and as wife is away as well thought well at least I could go down to the SPT now.
    Got up Saturday morning, snowed in.
    Couldn't get stupid rear wheel drive car off drive.

    Only silver lining was as not much to do, I've played loads and made a decent profit over the weekend
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited March 2013
    Well at least most of us have stopped kidding ourselves now. England are very very average.
    I really hope we do get to the World Cup, USA 94 should have been awesome but just had no interest in it.
    However, if we do make it unfortunately getting past the group stages will probably be an achievement.

    Fell over in the snow yesterday (stop laughing) like everyone else normally I just jump up feeling a bit embarrassed.
    Not this time, all my weight went over my ankle. Pain got really bad and it's swelled up. Saw the doctor and he is sending me for an X-ray.
    Surely if it was broken I wold know about it though? It certainly hurts but compared with other injuries I've had it's more bearable.

    Played some poker today.
    Was quite fortunate really. Had some pretty awful beats to begin with. These were at the 3 and 5 Dym's.
    Foolishly I got fed up with them and registered for every 10 Dym going for the next 30 mins. Ran much beter and Won all but 1 and so have turned a small loss into a half decent win for the day.

    Rebooked turnberry and kindly they've not charged us anymore even though the prices will have gone up by the time we go.

    Something wrong with wife I think.
    She's talking of changing her Alfa guiletta and getting something smaller like a fiesta! 
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited March 2013
    Because i'm old, cantankerous and my ankle hurts, i've decided to have a rant.

    Random things that annoy me.

    1- People who write "lol" or "ty" after winning a pot. Particulary applies to bad beats obviously.

    2- The incredibly tedious "sky is rigged" brigade. From one of the biggest winners at dyms and who has played tens of thousands of them yesterday, "Sky cheating again" when his ak lost to a7. Seriously? He has played that many of these and he writes drivel like that.

    3- The seemingly nonstop droning about how poor the software is. Simple, just go and play on another site then.

    4- The mocking or critism of other players through displaying hand histories. There is one newish poster in particular who seems to enjoy doing this.

    5- I do enjoy playing on Sky and think the forum is very good. However, i am utterly baffled by the fact that a site that promotes gambling, and encourages playing at unwinnable games like blackjack and roulette, will not let me put in words in posts that i wouldn't even consider as swear words.We're adults and i would be shocked if anyone realy got offended by anything that i have had to edit.

    Rant over.
    Just as i was writing this i was 5bet all in 1st level of a dym by a guy with pocket 9's. I had aces, i didn't win.
    Sky is rigged obviously

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2013
    Hey Jac

    Another diary that I do pop in and read but never post so I thought Id say hello as its always a good read.

    I agree with everyone of your rants above btw, especially number 1!!
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited April 2013
    First live game since the disaster last time.
    Didn't start well,couldn't find my bank card. No matter i'll go with £130
    Min cashed the comp and then sat at cash with £150
    Chipped up nicely to £450 and then the wheels came off.

    Hand 1 - KQ on K high board, £100 goes in the direction of Mr Set.
    Hand 2 - 3 barrell against a guy who gets stubborn wiith 8's.
    Hand 3 - Raise button with K10 spades, Mr Set raise SB, i peel. 2 spade board all unders. He leads £25 and i raise to £75. Shove from Mr Set, i feel that i have to call here and turn and river are blanks.
    GG me.

     Guess i only lost £130 total but it feels worse. After grinding all month making a decent profit online had a chance to finish month on a high. To give a fair bit back live is a blow. Don't actually mind how i played all of these hands but it still stings a little.

    Went rather dejectedly (word?) for  a taxi, "be about an hour sir" Wonderful! Balls to that, first walk home in about 15 years.
    Feeling sad
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited April 2013
    Pretty good month

    Live -    - £100 approx (bought a fair few drinks)
    Online  £610 (give or take a few pence, bought no drinks)

    Enjoyed writing all this and many thanks to all those who have posted.
    Feel it's all a bit stale now, and so

    Thread closed
  • DagnamitDagnamit Member Posts: 299
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    Pretty good month Live -    - £100 approx (bought a fair few drinks) Online  £610 (give or take a few pence, bought no drinks) Enjoyed writing all this and many thanks to all those who have posted. Feel it's all a bit stale now, and so Thread closed
    Posted by Jac35
    I've thoroughly enjoyed your ramblings and I'll be sorry to see them go.  Best of luck with your pokers both live and on-line.
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    Pretty good month Live -    - £100 approx (bought a fair few drinks) Online  £610 (give or take a few pence, bought no drinks) Enjoyed writing all this and many thanks to all those who have posted. Feel it's all a bit stale now, and so Thread closed
    Posted by Jac35
    Hope you get inspired again it's been a great read. Hope you continue to post on TPT thread.
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