In a bit of a turn up for the books, I was grumpy over the weekend.
Developed toothache on Friday night and hardly slept. This was unrelated to the forthcoming £1k bill for more root canal. Had a headache all weekend and something else unpleasant as well. Decided I'm bored of being single figure golfer and so for the first time in 20 years I'll be putting 10 next to name in the next competition.
Derby scored 3 again on Saturday.
Played a bit of poker last night. I've hardly played at all this month but it's gone really well when I have played. Around £420 up. So it was a bit odd last night when at one stage I had around £400 spread across some cash tables. Ran pretty badly early on but then ran really well later and made a whole £30 for my efforts. I had 2 biggish pots against Liamboi that went my way and helped the cause. I'm dreadful at cash and Liam is very good. It's just one of those strange quirks that I seem to run well v him. The way both hands played out the money just had to go in and I was lucky to be on the right side of it.
I went to see my Grandad yesterday with my Mum and Harry. It was his 92nd birthday. My Grandad is a proper gentleman and has told me some wonderful stories over the years. He's still in wonderful shape physically and still lives on his own. He was the eldest son and took that responsibility very seriously. He cared for his younger brother and sister when they were both hit by dementia. After they'd both passed away I think he was able to rest and now dementia has hit him. It's so sad.
I was always his favourite grandchild on account of being the only boy. He had no idea later on yesterday that I'd been to see him. Only after a bit of encouragement did he say "that bloke may have come around with that other bloke who's always with him" other bloke is Harry.
I could write stacks more but i fear I'm already boring you. Just a few other things, honest!
My Grandads father used to own a bus company. From around 10 years old my Grandad would move vehicles for him in the yard. He only stopped driving a couple of years ago. I wonder how many people can say that they've been driving for 80 years?
A story that always made me smile was that the gentlest person I've ever met, used to box during the war. He was stationed in India for the majority of the time and Victor Lauder used to enter the ring as "Tiger Lauder"
I always wondered where I got my gambling from. My Grandad would never tell me this but my Mum did.
Similar to me, my Great Grandfather liked a drink and a game of cards. Similar to me, my Great Grandfather wasn't very good at cards. The story is that late one night in a backstreet Derby pub he was very drunk. Just like a scene in a bad Western he lost the Bus Company on the turn of a card.
That is a bad beat!
I'll finish this in the same way as I finished an Easter Essay competition when I was at Primary School. I was selected to represent my year with 2 others and I didn't let them down. It was a masterpiece.
I wrote about Bob the Easter Egg who was pretty handy at football. He was so good that he played for Derby and later went on to get the winner for England in the World Cup FInal. The essay had to be 100 words. Disaster!
Quality posts Jac - nice to hear the poker gods have turned back in your favour... they must have if you've been taking money off of Liamboi at the cash tables... can you give me some tips on how you do that because I only ever donate when I'm at his table?
Grandparents are awesome. I can't picture many of my male peers (and certainly not myself lol) being a touch on the Proper Gentlemen my Grandpa and his peers are (or sadly, were). Different age, I guess a bit more character building than the environment we grow up in today.
Great post Paul, as usual. Looking forward to the forfeits... because there is zero chance you can keep your gob shut - typical Outlaw really, huh? Posted by Slipwater
I decided a while ago that I wasn't really enjoying this forum anymore. There seems to be a lot of anger nowadays whereas previously its been really positive. I do quite like boring people though and so I decided to post on another forum. It's very good and everyone has been very friendly but in all honesty I don't think my kind of writing works over there. Most of the diaries on there are written by guys who are properly crushing the game. Reading about how I won a couple of dyms doesn't really grab their attention
I've looked in on here a few times and to be honest, I think things have got worse if anything. A real shame.
I'm not really planning on resurrecting this but might do the occasional post. There is a chance that I might do a "Confused Old man does Vegas" thread.
I'll expand on that although a few of you already know about it. Being a bit dumb I entered a £17 sat for VLV with the intention of taking the cash only to realise that it wasn't possible to do that for these sats. I got through that and also the £77 sat and somehow bumbled my way into the final. At no stage did i I ever have a stack but somehow got to the final table. 5 seats and £320 for 6th. In truth I froze a bit and played really badly. I ended up bubbling the seat which was pretty gutting. A few days later I got a phone call from Sky. One of the players had dropped out and as the package bubble guy I was next in line and the package was offered to me. A bit shell shocked I asked for a day or so to make sure that I could go and once things were sorted with work etc, I happily accepted.
Penny was brilliant about it all. Although she knows that it will be tough for her on her own with Harry she said that I just couldn't turn it down. The Grandparents are great and they'll give her loads of support.
And so. on June 28th I fly out from Manchester and will be playing the Little One for One drop on the Tuesday. Rather exciting.
It's great that I already know a few of the people who've qualified. People like Liamboi and Donttelmum. There's a few others who I chat too on here as well who are going and so it should be fantastic.
Other stuff quickly Penny and Harry doing really well. Was in boots the other day and Penny was printing off a load of pictures. Took ages and Harry was bored. I let him run around the shop a bit. I didn't really see this coming. Fat bloke is on his haunches looking at something. Harry goes full pelt towards him and shoves his backside and sends him flying. Luckily fat bloke thought it was funny. .... Derby Sad to see McLaren go. Hope the new guy does well. .... Teeth finally fixed. Just finished having root canal on 3 teeth. .... Poker in general. Tonight was crapp. Had a great live game on Sunday. Only 50/1 but could buy in for 500bbs. By 4am average stack was probably about £700. It was the softest game I've ever played in and I walked away with £1140 and a £700+ profit on the night. Bust tourney by calling a shove from a 120 year old guy who had played one hand all night. WP me .... Off to Majorca on Sunday .... Golf abysmal
WP on the Vegas result. I think Mrs P would need alot more than 75p in her holiday fund to be so understanding about a Vegas trip for me so WP Penny too!
Enjoy the family holiday and the Vegas trip - and as I have said to others, don't let the poker get in the way of the poker.
Of course this is my big holiday of the year, the one I've most looked forward too. What could be more enjoyable than a week away with my inlaws and Penny's brother , his wife and baby Barnaby?
Late check in, not my fault. Things looked to be starting badly. 8 suitcases, 2 pushchairs and Penny in a wheelchair. 5 minutes to get to the gate. All sorted bar one small case.
Things looked to be improving somewhat, although I thought the timing could have been better when Penny said
"For Gods sake Paul, just put it between my legs right now"
"....Came home in a not good mood and did 10 minutes of unnecessary grumbling
Now that's a great spot for a 4 bet.
Grandparents are awesome. I can't picture many of my male peers (and certainly not myself lol) being a touch on the Proper Gentlemen my Grandpa and his peers are (or sadly, were). Different age, I guess a bit more character building than the environment we grow up in today.
I can't see any way that Jac will be getting a Forest tattoo so there is bound to be silence unless the alternative forfeit option is agreed!
Been a while. Found this tat on page 11
I decided a while ago that I wasn't really enjoying this forum anymore. There seems to be a lot of anger nowadays whereas previously its been really positive.
I do quite like boring people though and so I decided to post on another forum. It's very good and everyone has been very friendly but in all honesty I don't think my kind of writing works over there. Most of the diaries on there are written by guys who are properly crushing the game. Reading about how I won a couple of dyms doesn't really grab their attention
I've looked in on here a few times and to be honest, I think things have got worse if anything. A real shame.
I'm not really planning on resurrecting this but might do the occasional post. There is a chance that I might do a "Confused Old man does Vegas" thread.
I'll expand on that although a few of you already know about it. Being a bit dumb I entered a £17 sat for VLV with the intention of taking the cash only to realise that it wasn't possible to do that for these sats. I got through that and also the £77 sat and somehow bumbled my way into the final. At no stage did i I ever have a stack but somehow got to the final table. 5 seats and £320 for 6th. In truth I froze a bit and played really badly. I ended up bubbling the seat which was pretty gutting. A few days later I got a phone call from Sky. One of the players had dropped out and as the package bubble guy I was next in line and the package was offered to me. A bit shell shocked I asked for a day or so to make sure that I could go and once things were sorted with work etc, I happily accepted.
Penny was brilliant about it all. Although she knows that it will be tough for her on her own with Harry she said that I just couldn't turn it down. The Grandparents are great and they'll give her loads of support.
And so. on June 28th I fly out from Manchester and will be playing the Little One for One drop on the Tuesday. Rather exciting.
It's great that I already know a few of the people who've qualified. People like Liamboi and Donttelmum. There's a few others who I chat too on here as well who are going and so it should be fantastic.
Other stuff quickly
Penny and Harry doing really well. Was in boots the other day and Penny was printing off a load of pictures. Took ages and Harry was bored. I let him run around the shop a bit. I didn't really see this coming. Fat bloke is on his haunches looking at something. Harry goes full pelt towards him and shoves his backside and sends him flying. Luckily fat bloke thought it was funny.
Sad to see McLaren go. Hope the new guy does well.
Teeth finally fixed. Just finished having root canal on 3 teeth.
Poker in general. Tonight was crapp. Had a great live game on Sunday. Only 50/1 but could buy in for 500bbs. By 4am average stack was probably about £700. It was the softest game I've ever played in and I walked away with £1140 and a £700+ profit on the night. Bust tourney by calling a shove from a 120 year old guy who had played one hand all night. WP me
Off to Majorca on Sunday
Golf abysmal
It pains but I think Derby have pulled a masterstroke... could be a very long season for Forest fans!