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THe Sky Poker Slang Rhyme



  • D3ADH4ND5D3ADH4ND5 Member Posts: 189
    edited November 2009
    fandabiedozy!!!! put a big smile on my face on this day of all days.

    and as a thank you i will ask "translate plz" :)
  • Hevaace1Hevaace1 Member Posts: 110
    edited November 2009
    ha like it  very well done whens the next one up.
  • vaigretvaigret Member Posts: 16,412
    edited November 2009
    Thank you Deadhanz and Hevaace

    Surely no translation deadhanz

    Ok one verse at a time to any posts.

    Its time for a game, (amount to enter) to me,

    Texas Hold Em not (sit and go),

    Action starts, (mandatory bets) but no (forced bet to see),

    Player (calls big blind), oh what a (bad player).

    Certainly doesn't scan now

  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited November 2009
    Hi vaigret

    Loving the rhyme, and it was right on time (sigh, nah all your m8 and thank you:))
  • NeildownNeildown Member Posts: 1,635
    edited November 2009
    Great stuff vaigret... shame there was no mention of any colins
  • vaigretvaigret Member Posts: 16,412
    edited November 2009
    Thanks Ace much appreciated.

    Verse two translation for those who want it.

    Number 2 goes (all chips) with (a pair of queens in the hole),

    Fold goes the (Q3 in the hole),

    Call says (KJ), (check then raise) a (K),

    (Hands reveal) and he’s walking in (A high straight)

  • vaigretvaigret Member Posts: 16,412
    edited November 2009
    Sorry HuFlungPu , 

    I'll see what i can do

    Third verse now I suppose. B translation 

    You set me a goal Deadhanz


    Hands come , hands go, Lucky 7’s hits (pocket 7’s),

    As (Nerves of steel) holds nerve with (pair Aces in hole),

    (Increased amount) says TK with (pocket AK)

    Out he goes on his walking stick.

  • scrumdownscrumdown Member Posts: 1,609
    edited November 2009
    great stuff u should take it up for a liveing
  • apollo_11apollo_11 Member Posts: 969
    edited November 2009
    Great poem Father. Keep up the good work on and off the tables.
  • D3ADH4ND5D3ADH4ND5 Member Posts: 189
    edited November 2009

    its always good to have a goal father lol

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,666
    edited November 2009

    Sorry father....i have sinned. Only just come across your EXCELLENT thread so i can only apologise at the lateness of my appreciation for it. Great stuff indeed!.

    You are a poet

    And you did not even........................................................realise (the old ones r the best)

  • fitzer14fitzer14 Member Posts: 248
    edited November 2009
    n1 m8...v good read...may the flop be with you m8.

  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited November 2009
    Nice work vaigret, great poem mate---you should put your name up for blogging next time too---keep it up!,gl
  • vaigretvaigret Member Posts: 16,412
    edited November 2009

    Thanks all, especially you deadhands for the extra work. Loving it LOL  

    Next instalament of translation below,

    Thanks Apollo and Fitzer , sorry I didn't include you both.

    Scrumdown, Max and Oy , hoped you liked your bitz although having read Oy's blogs I think I need to improve.

    On that Oy, still hoping to move very very soon so blogging have to go on hold until 2010 at earliest. 

    That is if anybody wants to read an old priest's thoughts.

    Pillowman the (tight player) on a roll,

    Vaigret his mate’s on the dole,

    The (poor player) (1st three community cards) a (5 of a suit), Orf’s in a (first 2 down cards),

    As the (call of a beaten man) goes to the wall.

    that certainly doesn't make sense now , let alone scan.

    How clever are these slang words, say so little, mean so much

  • tiggerace7tiggerace7 Member Posts: 93
    edited November 2009
    Good work Vai,

    Think these type of blogs are ace

  • loonytoonsloonytoons Member Posts: 4,270
    edited November 2009
    All well and good father, but how can you play poker with the commandments though shalt not steal, and shall not bear false witness lol
  • vaigretvaigret Member Posts: 16,412
    edited November 2009

    Thanks Pam for your kind comments.

    Hi Loonytoons, come to my confessional box and I will put you right.

    As you know from playing me I leave those parts of the game to others.

    Next verse translation.

    (Spectator)’s in chat , oh what a card,

    As oynutter (calls a bet and a raise) (K8in the hole),

    Rover has (88), Oz (10,2),

    (An easy game) here to my (full house) on the ocean.

  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited November 2009
    That post of loonys got me thinking, maybe we should have the 10 Commandments of Poker

    Just to start it off how about:-

    Thou shall not covet thy neighbours full house
  • vaigretvaigret Member Posts: 16,412
    edited November 2009
    Great idea Kiwini and good start.

    Why don't you start a thread on it.

    If not I have applied for the job of Team Chaplain to Team TK so If successful I might use.

    Unfortunately for your post we all have to endure another verse translation.

    Not that I'm complaining lol, but some people might.

    (First to bet) with (9, 5 in the hole),

    (Wired Queens) are on the (last hand to play),

    (Pocket J, 5) are (pocket cards of same rank) to (J,5in the hole),

    The (best possible hand wins), well done scrumdown

  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited November 2009
    Gonna upset some more people now lol

    Feel free to use the Commandments idea, not sure how much I will be around for the next few days so won't be able to monitor a new thread.

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