Follwing the thread started by Sky about increasing the price of the mini event to £5-50 I now see that the last 4 Minis including tonight have all been priced at £5-50, the last £3-30 event being Fridays Mini Open. Does this mean that all Minis are now £5-50 irrespective of the main buy in being £33 or £55? If this is so Sky I would like some answers.
Why were we not informed that the dearer price was being adopted after the "trial run"?
As you well know the Minis were a way for the smaller BR player to take on some of the bigger names and try and improve their game. I am not rolled to pay £5-50 for every Mini so now will stop playing them and I'm sure I won't be the only one. You've taken yet another option away from the smaller rolled player and done this after a "trial" where I believe the outcome was never in any doubt.
At the bottom of this page there are large letters that say responsible gambling. This works both ways and Sky have done nothing with this move to encourage it.
I love playing on this site but this decision I believe is wrong. Don't forget players with a big BR can afford to play any game they want. Us smaller players are slowly being squeezed out and I don't like it one little bit.
A very disillusioned FlyingDagg.
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I agree with you about why did SKY bother asking but this gambling responsibly bit is not relevent to your point at all.
I agree with FD here with regards the way in which this has been done but feel that the responsible gambling
arguement is detracting from the main issue. The mini events were introduced as a result of a forum comp.
and were proposed by Maxally. His proposal was that the minis should cost 10% of the main. They were recognised
by Sky as worthy of atrial run and the awarding of a prize to Alan.
Now i cant remember how long they have been running but they have been very successful and so successful that
they now form part of the Jackpot promo.
Obviously the pricing of tournies, rake charged, schedules etc are all within Sky's remit and they are entitled to alter
or amend these as they see fit, they are after all a business.
However, the thing that annoys people is the way they have gone about this and other changes. WHY ask for feedback
on the forum, listen to the views of the customer, announce a trial (the results of which have not been published) and
then just implement the changes with no announcement.
Pretty poor IMO.
If they do not have sats into the mini make your own by playing a £3 sng or any variation you like.
I have put on the forum before that the mini should be 10% of the main buy in and I still think this
By the way Dohhhhhhh I agree there are still other games but the reasonable price of the Mini was a bridge between the small and medium stake players. It was the only chance for the likes of me to share a tourney with Yoyo, MrBurns, Scotty77 etc., knowing I had to play to my best to get a cash. (notwithstanding Sats of course).
Excluding roulette and 15min donk athon timed tournies there can be an hour or more between games.
Where as mid to high buy-in games run 2-3 an hour.
Good morning all.
I just need to clear my overnight "to-do" list, then I'll reply to this thread.
Bear with me please.
Hi again.
Let me first deal with pure facts, then I'll try & reply to a few of the questions & comments.
More follows.....
The schedules change all the time, nothing is ever cast in stone, this is quite natural.
Currently, the "Mini" Schedule consists of 5 x £5.50 Buy-Ins, & two x £3.30 Buy-Ins.
£5.50's are Every night except Wednesday & Friday, £3.30's are Wednesday & Friday.
So tonight it is £3.30.
There are no current plans that I am aware of to change this in either direction.
They may, or may not, change the scheduling & Buy-Ins in the light of Customer Experience.