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1,000 Poker Points -----> £1,000 Can it be done? ****Yes**** Latest balance £1,089.01 :



    edited March 2013

    Great Blog on your Vegas trip Gary, sounds like you, Lea and your family had a great time.  It makes playing a hobby and making enough profit to afford trips like this worthwhile, nice work, keep it going mate.
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    edited March 2013
    Great read, I wouldn't know where to start in Vegas. My brother is out there in a couple of weeks, I'll show him your report. Cheers.
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited March 2013
    Day 74

    Closing Balance £63.93

    Up £2.75 today

    After nearly two weeks off I returned to the tables feeling a little on the rusty side. I warmed up in the Charlotte Freeroll, exiting in the mid-stages when I managed to open-shove K9s from the button into pocket AA on the BB.

    After that I played in a few standard £1.05 HU matches to ease myself back into real money play, very happy to win 4 of my 5 games. My first impression of the new structure in these is that the shallower starting stacks (down from 75BB to 50BB) leave a little less room for post-flop play and gives the unskilled players a slightly better chance. Though it’s hardly a massive shift, I don’t think the best players will see their ROI dented too much.

    That was it for today. I’m itching to get back into Bounty Hunters, though I’m going to rigidly enforce a 30 buy-in rule to make myself immune to a painful downswing like that I suffered in February. The £69.00 balance required to buy into £2.30 tourneys is within sight now. Using the same rule I'm now rolled to play £2.10 HU matches if I so wish. 

    Todays results;

    7706787HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker17/03/2013 17:21NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957706696HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker17/03/2013 17:00NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957706601HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker17/03/2013 16:49NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957706261HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker17/03/2013 16:30NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057705173HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker17/03/2013 13:58NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.95
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited March 2013
    "ladies of  dubious morality " lol - well put

    Enjoyed the Vegas thread and glad you had a good time.

    As someone hoping to go myself this year for the first time I,m looking forward to it even more now


  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited March 2013
    Day 75

    Closing Balance £62.38

    Down £1.55 today

    My session consisted of another batch of £1.05 HU STTs today.

    It started terribly, I ran super-bad to lose 6 of the first 8 games courtesy of a series of beats. I can’t whine or complain. Over the last couple of months I’ve been running at +27% ROI in these, that’s much higher than I can expect to maintain in the long-run, so I must have been running pretty well before now and a correction is well overdue.

    In the afternoon my fortunes improved. After winning the final three games I was relieved to have pulled it back to a final score of won five, lost six.

    Todays results;

    7710330HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker18/03/2013 15:51NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957710320HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker18/03/2013 15:32NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957710191HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker18/03/2013 15:12NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957710136HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker18/03/2013 15:03NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057710010HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker18/03/2013 14:34NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057709823HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker18/03/2013 12:31NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957709743HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker18/03/2013 11:59NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957709687HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker18/03/2013 11:41NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057709666HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker18/03/2013 11:36NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057709171HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker18/03/2013 11:11NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057709337HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker18/03/2013 10:54NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.05
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited March 2013
    Day 76

    Closing Balance £61.23

    Down £1.15 today

    Another day of frustration in the HU STTs.

    It started well with 3 wins from 4 in standard £1.05s. At that point I was sufficiently rolled for £2.10s and keenly gave them a go. Unfortunately as soon as I moved up it started to go pear-shaped. After losing the first two I quickly retreated back to the £1.05s with my tail between my legs.

    It was brutal stuff for an hour or so. I watched as my opponents hitjust about everything in the book, including a guy who made a royal flush after getting his chips all-in preflop with an offsuit ace. I couldn’t hold in a 60/40 to save my life.

    After a while I decided to let off a bit steam by switching to hypers. I saw the usual hyper-turbo craziness with wild swings of luck both ways, however results there did improve. When the dust settled I was very pleased to see I’d only dropped a quid across the session, it felt a lot worse.

    In a £1.10 6-max I was disappointed to finish second to a wild player whose heads-up strategy was to push all-in preflop every hand with any two cards. When I eventually called-off with a pocket pair he flipped over the next pair up and held, a hand that summed up my poker day well.

    Todays results;

    7714717HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 16:34NL Hold'em £0.5 + £0.051/2£0.457714763HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 16:25NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957714731HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 16:23NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057714720HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 16:16NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957714696HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 16:13NL Hold'em £0.5 + £0.052/2-£0.557714638HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 16:05NL Hold'em £0.5 + £0.052/2-£0.557714629HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 15:59NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957714598HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 15:57NL Hold'em £0.5 + £0.052/2-£0.557714588HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 15:46NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957714571HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 15:38NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957714555HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 15:31NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057714509HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 15:29NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957714505HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 15:20NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057714074HNL6MX0.1GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 15:12NL Hold'em £1 + £0.12/6£17714379HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 14:43NL Hold'em £0.5 + £0.051/2£0.457714330HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 14:38NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057714324HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 14:29NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957714272HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 14:22NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957714265HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 14:14NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057714229HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 14:06NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957714221HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 13:56NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957714155HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 13:53NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057714145HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/03/2013 13:44NL Hold'em £1 + £0.05<td style="padding-bottom:2.25pt;padding-left:3.75pt;padding-right:3.75pt;background:#f4f4f
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited March 2013
    Day 77

    Closing Balance £68.43

    Up £7.20 today

    Didn’t play as much as I could have today. I came over very tired in the afternoon for some reason and couldn’t be bothered with poker. I think my body hasn’t fully settled back into my normal sleeping pattern yet.

    For a while I thought it was Groundhog Day. Yesterday morning’s sequence of events were replicated exactly; I won my first 3 £1.05 HU STTs, which meant I was then rolled to start buying into £2.10s, from the moment I moved up I suddenly found myself unable to win a hand.

    However the similarities ended there. After that first £2.10 results were much better than yesterday and I was pleased to finish with a healthy profit on the day. I’m now tantalisingly close to the 30 buy-in mark (£69.00) at which I’ll allow myself to re-enter the fray in £2.30 Bounty Hunters. My pre-downswing peak balance of £78.50 now feels within range too.

    The STTs are getting a bit boring now and I'm looking forward to some MTT fun. I even threw in a DYM today just for a bit of variety.

    Todays results;

    7719171HNLT,HU0.1GBPSkyPoker20/03/2013 17:43NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.97718854HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker20/03/2013 17:38NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057718911HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker20/03/2013 17:13NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957718221HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker20/03/2013 13:09NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.97718251HNL6MX,DN0.15GBPSkyPoker20/03/2013 12:36NL Hold'em £1 + £0.151/6£0.857718239HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker20/03/2013 12:00NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.97717969HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker20/03/2013 11:48NL Hold'em £2 + £0.12/2-£2.17717848HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker20/03/2013 11:07NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957717972HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker20/03/2013 10:51NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957717656HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker20/03/2013 10:15NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.95

    Progress so far;

  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited March 2013
    Day 78

    Closing Balance £67.13

    Down £1.30 today

    After 11 days rebuilding in STTs (excludes non-playing days) I was very pleased to make a return, albeit briefly, to the world of MTTs today. A win in my first HU STT meant my balance was high enough to enter a £2.30 Bounty Hunter without breaking my revised 30 buy-in rule, a rule I intend to obey rigidly to avoid another cycle of boom/bust.

    I didn’t last long in the tournament, busting out in level 2. There were no regrets about my exit; I opened UTG+1 with pocket 99 with a shortie down to 12BB on the big blind. There was one flat caller behind then the shortie 3-bet jammed. I correctly read the flat caller as weak so 4-bet shoved all-in, hoping to get heads-up in great shape against the shorties all-in range with over 50% overlay in the pot. The flat caller made what I consider a loose call with his KJ, however it worked out for him this time. The big blind held KT meaning I was favourite at around 60/40 for the huge side-pot, however a jack landed on the run-out and knocked us both out. It was a great spot for me, the pot was worth a big chiplead in the early stages and a head-prize, I don’t mind if I bust out in circumstances like that.

    I spent the rest of the my shortish session back in HU STTs. After a bad start a pleasing recovery pulling me to almost level on the day. As often happens I managed to beat the strongest players I faced HU, yet did much worse against the weaker opponents make unwise decisions.

    During this transitional stage I will focus on the following games according to balance;

    £63.00 or below……… £1.05 HU STTs
    £63.00 to £69.00………£2.10 HU STTs
    £69.00 or over……….…£2.30 Bounty Hunters

    My hope is to get established over in the over £69+ bracket asap so that I can start concentrating on low stakes MTTs.

    Todays results;

    7722736HNLT,HU0.1GBPSkyPoker21/03/2013 15:02NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.97722657HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker21/03/2013 14:54NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.97722633HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker21/03/2013 14:39NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957722518HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker21/03/2013 14:19NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957722488HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker21/03/2013 14:08NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057722420HNLT,HU0.1GBPSkyPoker21/03/2013 13:38NL Hold'em £2 + £0.12/2-£2.17722380HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker21/03/2013 13:27NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.97722415HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker21/03/2013 13:10NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.97722389HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker21/03/2013 13:03NL Hold'em £2 + £0.12/2-£2.17722333HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker21/03/2013 12:56NL Hold'em £2 + £0.12/2-£2.17722317HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker21/03/2013 12:49NL Hold'em £2 + £0.12/2-£2.17719985HNLB0.3GBPSkyPoker21/03/2013 12:15NL Hold'em £2 + £0.310/12-£2.37722054HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker21/03/2013 11:51NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.95
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited March 2013
    Day 79

    Closing Balance £71.38

    Up £4.25 today

    There was pleasing news for me on the forum this morning; I won a seat in Sunday’s Mini Primo in last night’s live show thread. I’m looking forward to it very much as it’ll be the biggest tournament I’ve played on Sky for a while.

    As for today’s poker; I was quite busy with other stuff so didn’t have too much time to play, just a few HU STTs. At first the deck gave me a hammering and I lost several games courtesy of some harsh suck-outs (see below). However, “all's well that ends well” as they say. I won the last five in a row to make a strong comeback and finish ahead on the day.

    Todays results;

    7727593HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker22/03/2013 17:40NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957727112HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker22/03/2013 14:53NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.97727055HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker22/03/2013 14:42NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.97726548HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker22/03/2013 13:01NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957726608HNLT,HU0.1GBPSkyPoker22/03/2013 12:44NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.97726528HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker22/03/2013 12:32NL Hold'em £2 + £0.12/2-£2.17726503HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker22/03/2013 12:24NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057726533HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker22/03/2013 12:13NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957726525HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker22/03/2013 12:11NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057726433HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker22/03/2013 12:09NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057726007HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker22/03/2013 12:02NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.95

    This is only the second hand of a HU STT, I'm playing completely read-less though I’d already scoped my opponent and knew is a consistent loser in these games. The 4-bet river shove on a paired board put me to a tough decision, so I was very relieved to see the hopeless bluff. There are several competent regs in these games against who I’d find a pretty easy fold to the same action.

    PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceSmall blind  15.00 15.00 1500.00 GaryQQQ Big blind  30.00 45.00 1455.00  Your hole cards 5 3    x Call  15.00 60.00 1485.00 GaryQQQ Check     Flop  10 6 2    GaryQQQ Check     x Check     Turn  4    GaryQQQ Bet  45.00 105.00 1410.00 x Call  45.00 150.00 1440.00 River  10    GaryQQQ Bet  100.00 250.00 1310.00 x Raise  275.00 525.00 1165.00 GaryQQQ Raise  450.00 975.00 860.00 x All-in  1165.00 2140.00 0.00 GaryQQQ All-in  860.00 3000.00 0.00 x Unmatched bet  30.00 2970.00 30.00 x Show 7 K    GaryQQQ Show 5 3    GaryQQQ Win Straight to the 6 2970.00  2970.00

    Ouch! This is a £2.10 standard speed game in which I'm facing a bingo maniac, one of several nasty beats I took this morning.

    PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancex Small blind  15.00 15.00 1740.00 GaryQQQ Big blind  30.00 45.00 1215.00  Your hole cards J J    x All-in  1740.00 1785.00 0.00 GaryQQQ All-in  1215.00 3000.00 0.00 x Unmatched bet  510.00 2490.00 510.00 x Show 2 9    GaryQQQ Show J J    Flop  9 2 K    Turn  8    River  Q    x Win Two Pairs, 9s and 2s 2490.00  3000.00
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited March 2013
    Day 80

    Closing Balance £89.10

    Up £17.72 today

    During the afternoon I switched between HU STTs and £2.30 Bounty Hunters. My choice of game was dictated by the 30-buy-in rule while my account balance fluctuated around the £69.00 mark. In the HU games I returned a small profit. I bricked the first two MTTs to lose it back.

    The third Bounty Hunter was destined to be the highlight of the day. In fact it was the highlight of the week, I love making deep tournament runs regardless of buy-in.

    The deck gave me plenty of premium cards to work with through the early to mid-stages. They kindly held up the crucial all-in situations to give me a fairly easy run to the final table from a starting field of 223 entrants. It turned out to be much tougher at the final table, 5-handed play lasted ages, all the weak spots had gone by then and nobody seemed to be making any mistakes. With stacks growing shallow I open-shoved my last 11BB from UTG with pocket 66 and ran into pocket JJ, a cooler in the circumstances. Congratulations to spurs_13, a reader of this diary who played a great game to take it down.

    While I was disappointed not to go further I can be nothing but happy with my £21.22 of prize money. It was my biggest win of this challenge so far and means I finish the day on a new highest balance. Suddenly £100 doesn’t seem too far away………bring it on!

    Todays results;

    7732930HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker23/03/2013 18:01NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.97730615HNLB0.3GBPSkyPoker23/03/2013 18:00NL Hold'em £2 + £0.35/223£18.927730428HNLB0.3GBPSkyPoker23/03/2013 17:05NL Hold'em £2 + £0.329/53-£2.37732942HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker23/03/2013 16:59NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057731755HNLT,HU0.1GBPSkyPoker23/03/2013 15:17NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.97729892HNLB0.3GBPSkyPoker23/03/2013 15:15NL Hold'em £2 + £0.329/74-£2.37732232HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker23/03/2013 15:13NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057731718HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker23/03/2013 13:33NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957731524HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker23/03/2013 12:30NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.95
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,667
    edited March 2013

    Nice progress Gary. You can go from grinding to trying to enjoy some poker now and hopefully hit that £100 mark (which in old money will be a tenth of your target)!
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited March 2013
    well played Gary,
    good to see you haven't lost your touch.
    keep going mate...we're all behind you.
  • spurs_13spurs_13 Member Posts: 221
    edited March 2013
    Hi Gary

    Was a great game, well played and look forward to seeing you hit the next level

    Run good mate


  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2013
    Hi Gary well done on the cash and getting close to the 3 figure mark. Just a couple of questions if you don't mind..

    How did you go about improving your mtt game? was it just through experience and a natural ability to pick up on what the best way to go about things was or did you put alot of study time in watch videos-read etc? if so any particular resources you would reccomend?

    Thanks and keep up the good work.
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: 1,000 Poker Points -----> £1,000 Can it be done? Latest balance £0.00:
    Wow! Best of luck with this Gary. Here's a kickstart for you, if you are agreeable.   Sky Poker will give you....... 1 x £11 Tourney Entry. You can choose ANY single £11 Tourney. Free Entry to the Sky Poker BIG Freeroll on 10th February. Really, this is sort of, & partly, by way of thanking you for the Results Threads you do. Communites only exist if people work at them, & you tick that box big time.  Let us know, please.     
    Posted by Tikay10

    i've only started readin this post for the first time today (sorry) but this is exactly why i play on sky and donate all my money to you guys instead of any other site, great to know how much you guys appriciate the people putting in the effort and making the community a great place.

    the tournament result thread really is great and must take ages. Wd on your progress with your challange so far gary!!
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: 1,000 Poker Points -----> £1,000 Can it be done? Latest balance £89.10_______________________ ***Las Vegas trip report on page 16***:

    Thanks for the comments and encouragement guys.
    How did you go about improving your mtt game? was it just through experience and a natural ability to pick up on what the best way to go about things was or did you put alot of study time in watch videos-read etc? if so any particular resources you would reccomend? Thanks and keep up the good work.
    Posted by benc
    To begin I was completely self-taught. My results started to take-off in Autumn 2010 after I bought 'Winning Poker Tournaments One Hand at a Time' Volumes I and II. They were the first poker books I'd ever owned and I learned a lot. Soon after buying them I took a 2 month break to do a walk from Lands End to John o'Groats. The books went on the trip in my ruck-sack and I had time to read them several times over. When I returned to the tables my results were better than ever.

    Since then I've had taken free trials at couple of well-known online training sites, though I barely used them as I found 90%+ of the content irrelevant to me, I never even considered subscribing.

    There's another smaller online training site called Tournament Poker Edge that specialises in MTTs. I thought their free videos looked pretty good, so I bought a one month subscription in 2011, using it to downloaded dozens of videos. They mainly focus on higher stakes 9-max games with antes, so they depict a style of play that isn't best suited to the 6-max low stakes games I play on Sky. Even so I thought I learned quite a lot and it was pretty good value so I've bought occasional months since then, downloading all their latest content each time. The videos have no DRM, so you can save a whole load to your hard drive and watch them whenever you want, even after your month has expired.

    Volume III of the Winning Poker Tournaments One Hand at a Time series only came out recently. I'm currently half-way through my copy. They're an excellent series of books which I wouldn't hesitate to recommend.
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited March 2013
    Day 81

    Closing Balance £90.40
    Up £1.30 today

    Didn’t play much today. I only had time for the one Bounty Hunter. It wasn’t my day in that one; 88<55 aipf and KK<ace-rag in the space of three level 4 hands relieved me of my above average stack. At least I left with the consolation of a head-prize. Wins in a couple of HU STTs meant I finished slightly up on the day.

    This evening I’ll be playing in the Mini Primo courtesy of a competition prize. I need to be up for work at 1-30am, only five and a bit hours after the tournament kicks-off. So here’s a tip if you find yourself at my table; I’ll be gambling in the early stages, happy to bust quickly so I can get some sleep. If I get lucky and run-up a big stack I’ll start to take it more seriously.

    No joy in the Mini Primo. I was looking good after 75 minutes of play, a double-up with AKo>AQs aipf put me near the top of the field at that point with half the field left. Then my stack did the poker equivalent of 'Gone in 60 Seconds'. First I lost a whopping pot when my Q8 failed to hold against KJo when the chips went in on a QQ9 flop. I swerved the gutshot, but not the runner-runner flush. Two hands later I was out; I got my stack in on the turn when my Q9s made a flush on an unpaired board, I was drawing dead to a bigger flush. Goodnight!

    Todays results;

    7736775HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker24/03/2013 14:12NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.97736657HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker24/03/2013 11:32NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957733467HNLB0.3GBPSkyPoker24/03/2013 10:15NL Hold'em £2 + £0.310/21-£1.55
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2013
    Thanks for the detailed response, much appreciated.
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited March 2013
    Day 82

    Closing Balance £87.00

    Down £3.40 today
    It wasn’t my day in the Bounty Hunters. I left three £2.30s empty-handed, unable to get past bingo callers who were catching their cards. I’m satisfied I was playing well, so I can live with the results good or bad. The HU STTs went better and returned a small profit.

    I’ll have to get used to losing. As the proportion of MTTs in my schedule grows so will the frequency of losing days, in fact I fully expect them to start outnumbering winning days. When I’m rolled for more than just £2.30 BHs I’ll drop the HU STTs for the most part, only reverting to them when I don’t have time for an MTT, or if I feel the need to boost my points to chase a C4P target.

    Todays results;

    7741626HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker25/03/2013 15:37NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.97741545HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker25/03/2013 15:07NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.97739674HNLB0.3GBPSkyPoker25/03/2013 14:15NL Hold'em £2 + £0.310/21-£2.37741446HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker25/03/2013 14:13NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957741352HNLT,HU0.1GBPSkyPoker25/03/2013 14:03NL Hold'em £2 + £0.12/2-£2.17741242HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker25/03/2013 13:58NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057741197HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker25/03/2013 12:52NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957739212HNLB0.3GBPSkyPoker25/03/2013 12:45NL Hold'em £2 + £0.37/17-£2.37739052HNLB0.3GBPSkyPoker25/03/2013 12:15NL Hold'em £2 + £0.312/17-£2.37741134HNLT,HU0.05GBPSkyPoker25/03/2013 12:09NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.95
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited March 2013
    Day 83

    Closing Balance £92.06

    Up £5.06 today

    After donking myself out of my first Bounty Hunter of the day in only the second hand I managed a 4/33 finish at the second attempt. It was somewhat pleasing to make a final table and win a small prize after a run of five blanks in these, though I was disappointed it wasn’t a bit better after a spell as chipleader in the late stages. My demise came when I jammed 14BB with AQo from the button over an open-limp. I was being trapped by AKs and didn’t improve.

    In HU STTs I won 4 from 6. Both of the defeats were thanks to out-draws. Particularly harsh was my K7 failing to hold against A7 with the board showing AKK7. However, I'm not going to pretend it's all one-way traffic; I feel I was outplayed in only one game, which I won because it was my turn to get lucky. My A7s got there against pocket QQ in an aipf pot when my opponent had me covered. The board ran-out AxxA7, my full-house was a classic case of overkill, that’s poker for you!

    When I logged-off I was very happy to see I was a fiver up on the day and showing my highest balance to date.

    Todays results;

    7745764HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker26/03/2013 15:32NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.97745750HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker26/03/2013 15:13NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.97745702HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker26/03/2013 15:05NL Hold'em £2 + £0.12/2-£2.17745205HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker26/03/2013 12:54NL Hold'em £2 + £0.12/2-£2.17743140HNLB0.3GBPSkyPoker26/03/2013 12:45NL Hold'em £2 + £0.34/33£3.967742969HNLB0.3GBPSkyPoker26/03/2013 12:15NL Hold'em £2 + £0.319/20-£2.37745082HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker26/03/2013 11:51NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.97744477HNLHU0.1GBPSkyPoker26/03/2013 10:48NL Hold'em £2 + £0.11/2£1.9
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