. In summary; I needed luck at the start to make my foundations and got it. Now discipline and sensible BR management will enable my skill edge to slowly build from there. Posted by GaryQQQ
Thanks for reply - Nicely put. Hope your "luck" continues in the BH's. Having watched your last challenge with interest I'm guessing it could be "rollercoaster" time. ;-)
My session started with yet more HU STTs. After four wins from six my balance had risen to £47.51, so I decided to allow myself a crack at a small £2.30 Bounty Hunter tournament, this being my first scheduled MTT of the challenge with a cash entry fee. I made some very strong hands in the first couple of levels but was unable to get paid at a surprisingly passive table. After that the cards dried up and I busted with ATs<88 aipf when I squeeze/shoved 19BB over 4 limpers to exit in 12th/21 for no return during level 5. Being the last hand before a blind increase it was a good spot to get my stack in, so I’m happy with my play. After six weeks away it feels great to get back into these lucrative games.
After another couple of HU wins I finished up with an entry in the £50 guaranteed Community Bounty Hunter at 5-15pm, irresistible for just 35p. I enjoyed a fun run until I was left hopelessly short after losing a big pot just before the bubble. I busted soon after in 13th/147 for a min-cash. The new Community Night looks like a great idea and I hope it’s a big success. Unfortunately I won’t be able to participate in any of the other events as they run at times when I’m unable to play.
A small losing day for me today. First game was another small £2.30 Bounty Hunter. I went out in 7th/16 after losing a standard flip, 88<AKo aipf with the ace hitting on the river. If I won the race I’d have had the biggest stack at my table and a great shot at winning the tournament, so I’m happy with my play and hold no regrets there.
After that I played a series of HU STTs. I played my usual game but struggled to get my usual results. In three of the four losing games I had all my opponents’ chips in the middle on the flop or turn while behind, each time they managed to hit an out and go on to win. To be honest I can’t complain, over the last couple of weeks I’ve probably run well above expectation in HU matches, I can put todays results down to the luck factor levelling out.
I didn’t play much poker today, but what I did play went very well. I started off with a couple of £1.05 HU matches and won both. My opponent in the first match must have registered in the wrong tournament by mistake. He was all-in preflop in about 75% of hands, I’m pretty sure he was looking for a Russian Roulette table!
Next up I entered my third £2.30 Bounty Hunter of this challenge. It was a very small tournament with only 17 entrants, however I was still delighted to take it down for a total prize of £14.99. It's easily my biggest win so far and it boosts my bankroll by almost a third.
Solid ABC tournament poker took me into money (3 paid). Then three handed play lasted almost an hour as the chips went round in circles and the shortest stack kept doubling-up. Eventually it got to the point where the average was only 14BB. Something had to give, and it did when I got lucky; I found myself aipf with A3s against pocket 44. An ace on the river won me the pot and the chiplead going into heads-up play. Two handed play only lasted a couple of minutes. The hand below ended up as a pretty harsh cooler for my opponent after he’d made an unwise call pre-flop. My decision to slowplay my set bore fruit when the perfect river card was dealt.
In the afternoon I tried one of the Run Poker test freerolls. I came away empty handed after losing a mid-stages flip, however the tournament was great fun and very good value for only 20 Poker Points.
Over the weekend I’m very busy, poker time will be either very limited or non-existent. If this diary isn’t updated it means I haven’t played.
I enjoyed this one, the hand that brought my first MTT win of this challenge;
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGaryQQQ Small blind 400.00 400.00 21900.00 Big blind 800.00 1200.00 10900.00 Your hole cards K K GaryQQQ Raise 1200.00 2400.00 20700.00 Call 800.00 3200.00 10100.00 Flop K A 4 Check GaryQQQ Check Turn 6 Bet 1600.00 4800.00 8500.00 GaryQQQ Call 1600.00 6400.00 19100.00 River 4 Bet 3200.00 9600.00 5300.00 GaryQQQ All-in 19100.00 28700.00 0.00 All-in 5300.00 34000.00 0.00 GaryQQQ Unmatched bet 10600.00 23400.00 10600.00 GaryQQQ Show K K Show 9 4 GaryQQQ Win Full House, Kings and 4s 23400.00 34000.00
Great going going so far. Honestly, considering the times you play too when there isnt much added value to winning a tourny is great. I have no doubts at all now that you will do this challange and come on, this is perfect advertising for Sky Poker and when you do complete this they need to treat you to a holiday! Im sure you'll agree!
I'll say again though, 1,000 poker points (well, less) to £60 is brilliant. Turning it into £1000 (which you WILL do) is epic.
Sky should definatley get you on the show to talk through it as a great example to new players of what can be done with the right attitude.
Great going going so far. Honestly, considering the times you play too when there isnt much added value to winning a tourny is great. I have no doubts at all now that you will do this challange and come on, this is perfect advertising for Sky Poker and when you do complete this they need to treat you to a holiday! Im sure you'll agree! I'll say again though, 1,000 poker points (well, less) to £60 is brilliant. Turning it into £1000 (which you WILL do) is epic. Sky should definatley get you on the show to talk through it as a great example to new players of what can be done with the right attitude. Well done. Posted by CraigSG1
Thanks. It's been pretty much a dream start so far. Admittedly my risk of ruin is now close to zero, though I'm currently only 6% of the way to the target. There are many months of play ahead and it will inevitably include several downswings.
As for a holiday, I'm already booked to go to Vegas in 3 weeks, paid for by last years £51 to £1,051 BR challenge. Sky Poker have already generously given me a seat in the Big Freeroll and an £11 tournament seat (not taken yet), see page 1 of this thread.
After 72 hours away from the tables I returned to enter a £2.30 Bounty Hunter this afternoon. It was destined to be a near miss when I exited in 3rd/32 for a small profit.
A poor player at my table from the start was my nemesis throughout. He got lucky several times, no matter how I tried I just couldn’t win a big pot against him. In my heart I knew my demise would come at his hands, and it did at the sharp end. I got all my chips in with A8 on an 876 flop and couldn’t hold against his KQ. While this was somewhat frustrating I want guys like this at my tournament tables, I know it’s important they have their day every once in a while to keep them in the games.
My only other games were a couple of HU matches. In the second I made a pleasing come-back after finding myself 120-2880 down after being 3-outered with 2 to come for my stack after getting it in good on a level 1 flop (see below).
Today’s results bring mixed feelings. A 10%+ increase in my balance is always very welcome, though at the same time I’m somewhat frustrated it wasn’t even better.
I managed third and second in two small £2.30 Bounty Hunters. In the first I was eliminated with K9<J9 aipf for a pot worth the chiplead, going out without any bounties and with a prize that didn’t quite cover my entry fee. In the second I spent at least an hour as chipleader but was unable to close it out when heads-up. My lead diminished when I was out-flopped several times and my opponent survived a standard aipf confrontation when short. Eventually I went out as runner-up when the boot was on the other foot, I jammed A7 into TT and didn’t improve.
Still, there is much to be happy about. Healthy upwards progress continues and I haven’t suffered a downswing yet. I’m using an aggressive 20-buy-in BRM rule at the moment. That means after today I now consider myself sufficiently rolled for £3.30 Bounty Hunters and £1 rebuys (assumes 1 buy-in, 1 rebuy and 1 add-on).
Day 48 Closing Balances; Cash £72.06 Poker Points 273 Up £6.76 today Today’s results bring mixed feelings. A 10%+ increase in my balance is always very welcome, though at the same time I’m somewhat frustrated it wasn’t even better. I managed third and second in two small £2.30 Bounty Hunters. In the first I was eliminated with K9<J9 aipf for a pot worth the chiplead, going out without any bounties and a prize that didn’t quite cover my entry fee. In the second I spent at least an hour as chipleader but was unable to close it out when heads-up. My lead diminished when I was out-flopped several times and my opponent survived a standard aipf confrontation when short. Eventually I went out as runner-up when the boot was on the other foot, I jammed A7 into TT and didn’t improve. Still, there is much to be happy about. Healthy upwards progress continues and I haven’t suffered a downswing yet. I’m using an aggressive 20-buy-in BRM rule at the moment. That means after today I now consider myself sufficiently rolled for £3.30 Bounty Hunters and £1 rebuys. Today’s results; 7591957 H NL B 0.3 GBP SkyPoker 19/02/2013 12:15 NL Hold'em £2 + £0.3 2/19 £6.11 7594182 H NL HU 0.05 GBP SkyPoker 19/02/2013 11:44 NL Hold'em £1 + £0.05 1/2 £0.95 7591278 H NL B 0.3 GBP SkyPoker 19/02/2013 10:15 NL Hold'em £2 + £0.3 3/10 -£0.3 Posted by GaryQQQ
As always Gary,gd work. A healthy bink in a £3.30 game should see your BR rocket and you climbing even faster towards your total. Expect you start another challenge by the end of March. I shall of course follow that too.
In Response to Re: 1,000 Poker Points ----- /> £1,000 Can it be done? Latest balances; Cash £65.30 Poker Points 266 : As always Gary,gd work. A healthy bink in a £3.30 game should see your BR rocket and you climbing even faster towards your total. Expect you start another challenge by the end of March. I shall of course follow that too. Posted by Mohican
Cheers Carl. I'm very happy with progress so far, but I need a miracle to be done by the end of March! Particularly when you consider my low volume and imminent two week break.
In Response to Re: 1,000 Poker Points ----- /> £1,000 Can it be done? Latest balances; Cash £65.30 Poker Points 266 : Cheers Carl. I'm very happy with progress so far, but I need a miracle to be done by the end of March! Particularly when you consider my low volume and immenent two week break. Posted by GaryQQQ
Thinest of brags considering your 'work break' was funded from last years challenge!!!! Enjoy the rewards of your poker and post sum poker updates from your break.
After 7 weeks away I was delighted to return to my favourite morning tournaments today; the two £150 gtd Bounty Hunters with a £3.30 entry fee.
The 9-45am is best forgotten. I exited after 30 minutes of play without having won a single pot, going out when my pocket 99 was no good against Q9o, BB vs button.
The 10-45am went somewhat better. My chances took a big knock when I finished second in a crucial level 6 race, TT<AQ aipf with a big pot and a head-prize up for grabs. From there it was an uphill battle and I spent the rest of the tournament well below average. Somehow I survived all the way to the final table, eventually busting in 5th/86 when I jammed any two cards (Q6o) from the button into QQ on the BB. While my prize was very welcome it was less than I’d usually expect for fifth as I didn’t manage to take any head-prizes.
I was hoping to reg into a few more tournaments in the afternoon but found myself too busy due to non-poker stuff. I did manage to squeeze in three HU STTs and was pleased to win all three.
Today’s results;
(two HU STT matches were missed by Sharkscope, so I've copied/pasted results from 'my account')
20 Feb '13 at 16:21Poker£2 + £0.10£1.9020 Feb '13 at 13:09Poker£0.50 + £0.05£0.4520 Feb '13 at 10:17Poker£1 + £0.05£0.9520 Feb '13 at 10:16 Poker £150 B/Hunter £6.4420 Feb '13 at 09:43Poker£150 B/Hunter £-3.30
So far so good. Graph of progress taken from my spreadsheet.
It wasn’t my day today. I ran pretty badly through most of my session and dropped a few quid.
I started off with a couple of £2.30 Bounty Hunters but didn’t get any joy. In the first, after a good start, I was eliminated by the only player at my table who had me covered. His QQ held-up against my AsKs with all the chips going in on a 7d6sTs flop. A short stack was also all-in. My hand was 55/45 favourite and I’m runaway chipleader if I hit one of my 15 outs. Win or lose I was happy to play for my tournament life in such a good spot. In the second game I just couldn’t get anything going at all.
Heads-up matches didn’t really go much better. I’m perfectly happy with my play, it was just a case of my opponents running much better than me in a few key all-in spots.
Losing days are fully expected. In fact today’s disappointing results are probably long overdue after my recent upward streak. There'll undoubtedly be many days much worse than this ahead on my path to £1K. I'm pretty much tilt-proof and will take them in my stride.
The £500 freeroll at 7-00pm this evening is quite attractive at this stage of my challenge, I’ve decided to adjust my sleeping pattern a little to let me participate. I’ll probably take a high variance approach and gamble early if I find a suitable spot. If I do manage to bink I’ll return later to edit this entry.
Now that I have a comfortable cushion of money in my account my poker points balance has little relevance, for that reason I’ll no longer be reporting it from today.
looks like the hard part is done, good luck with the rest Posted by sillymunch
Thanks. Before starting I thought £0 to £50 would be the toughest bit of all. I'm very pleased I've got out of that zone, though clearly I still have months of work ahead.
Closing Balances; Cash £47.33 Poker Points 264
Up £1.52 today
My session started with yet more HU STTs. After four wins from six my balance had risen to £47.51, so I decided to allow myself a crack at a small £2.30 Bounty Hunter tournament, this being my first scheduled MTT of the challenge with a cash entry fee. I made some very strong hands in the first couple of levels but was unable to get paid at a surprisingly passive table. After that the cards dried up and I busted with ATs<88 aipf when I squeeze/shoved 19BB over 4 limpers to exit in 12th/21 for no return during level 5. Being the last hand before a blind increase it was a good spot to get my stack in, so I’m happy with my play. After six weeks away it feels great to get back into these lucrative games.
After another couple of HU wins I finished up with an entry in the £50 guaranteed Community Bounty Hunter at 5-15pm, irresistible for just 35p. I enjoyed a fun run until I was left hopelessly short after losing a big pot just before the bubble. I busted soon after in 13th/147 for a min-cash. The new Community Night looks like a great idea and I hope it’s a big success. Unfortunately I won’t be able to participate in any of the other events as they run at times when I’m unable to play.
7566843HNL 0.05GBPSkyPoker13/02/2013 18:15NL Hold'em £0.3 + £0.0513/147£0.227565904HNLB0.3GBPSkyPoker13/02/2013 16:16NL Hold'em £2 + £0.312/21-£2.37568300HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker13/02/2013 15:20NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957568087HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker13/02/2013 15:18NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957567683HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker13/02/2013 14:00NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957567661HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker13/02/2013 11:55NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957567587HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker13/02/2013 11:26NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957567550HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker13/02/2013 11:14NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057567515HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker13/02/2013 10:49NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957567236HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker13/02/2013 10:42NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.05
Closing Balances; Cash £46.08 Poker Points 276
Down £1.25 today
A small losing day for me today. First game was another small £2.30 Bounty Hunter. I went out in 7th/16 after losing a standard flip, 88<AKo aipf with the ace hitting on the river. If I won the race I’d have had the biggest stack at my table and a great shot at winning the tournament, so I’m happy with my play and hold no regrets there.
After that I played a series of HU STTs. I played my usual game but struggled to get my usual results. In three of the four losing games I had all my opponents’ chips in the middle on the flop or turn while behind, each time they managed to hit an out and go on to win. To be honest I can’t complain, over the last couple of weeks I’ve probably run well above expectation in HU matches, I can put todays results down to the luck factor levelling out.
Todays results;
7572819HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker14/02/2013 16:26NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957572784HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker14/02/2013 16:11NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057572622HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker14/02/2013 15:39NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957572557HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker14/02/2013 15:10NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957572618HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker14/02/2013 14:53NL Hold'em £0.5 + £0.052/2-£0.557572506HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker14/02/2013 14:46NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057572356HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker14/02/2013 14:14NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057569682HNLB0.3GBPSkyPoker14/02/2013 13:46NL Hold'em £2 + £0.37/16-£2.37572264HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker14/02/2013 13:31NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957572244HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker14/02/2013 12:59NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.95
Not my day in the HU STTS;
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGaryQQQ Small blind 20.00 20.00 1660.00 Big blind 40.00 60.00 1280.00 Your hole cards K Q GaryQQQ Raise 60.00 120.00 1600.00 Call 40.00 160.00 1240.00 Flop J Q 5 Bet 160.00 320.00 1080.00 GaryQQQ Raise 400.00 720.00 1200.00 All-in 1080.00 1800.00 0.00 GaryQQQ Call 840.00 2640.00 360.00 GaryQQQ Show K Q Show 4 Q Turn 2 River 4 Win Two Pairs, Queens and 4s 2640.00 2640.00
Closing Balances; Cash £60.67 Poker Points 261
Up £14.59 today
I didn’t play much poker today, but what I did play went very well. I started off with a couple of £1.05 HU matches and won both. My opponent in the first match must have registered in the wrong tournament by mistake. He was all-in preflop in about 75% of hands, I’m pretty sure he was looking for a Russian Roulette table!
Next up I entered my third £2.30 Bounty Hunter of this challenge. It was a very small tournament with only 17 entrants, however I was still delighted to take it down for a total prize of £14.99. It's easily my biggest win so far and it boosts my bankroll by almost a third.
Solid ABC tournament poker took me into money (3 paid). Then three handed play lasted almost an hour as the chips went round in circles and the shortest stack kept doubling-up. Eventually it got to the point where the average was only 14BB. Something had to give, and it did when I got lucky; I found myself aipf with A3s against pocket 44. An ace on the river won me the pot and the chiplead going into heads-up play. Two handed play only lasted a couple of minutes. The hand below ended up as a pretty harsh cooler for my opponent after he’d made an unwise call pre-flop. My decision to slowplay my set bore fruit when the perfect river card was dealt.
In the afternoon I tried one of the Run Poker test freerolls. I came away empty handed after losing a mid-stages flip, however the tournament was great fun and very good value for only 20 Poker Points.
Over the weekend I’m very busy, poker time will be either very limited or non-existent. If this diary isn’t updated it means I haven’t played.
I enjoyed this one, the hand that brought my first MTT win of this challenge;
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGaryQQQ Small blind 400.00 400.00 21900.00 Big blind 800.00 1200.00 10900.00 Your hole cards K K GaryQQQ Raise 1200.00 2400.00 20700.00 Call 800.00 3200.00 10100.00 Flop K A 4 Check GaryQQQ Check Turn 6 Bet 1600.00 4800.00 8500.00 GaryQQQ Call 1600.00 6400.00 19100.00 River 4 Bet 3200.00 9600.00 5300.00 GaryQQQ All-in 19100.00 28700.00 0.00 All-in 5300.00 34000.00 0.00 GaryQQQ Unmatched bet 10600.00 23400.00 10600.00 GaryQQQ Show K K Show 9 4 GaryQQQ Win Full House, Kings and 4s 23400.00 34000.00
Today’s results;
7576507HNL 0.0GBPSkyPoker15/02/2013 16:13NL Hold'em Freeroll48/162£07573923HNLB0.3GBPSkyPoker15/02/2013 14:26NL Hold'em £2 + £0.31/17£12.697576212HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker15/02/2013 12:12NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957575916HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker15/02/2013 11:40NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.95
As for a holiday, I'm already booked to go to Vegas in 3 weeks, paid for by last years £51 to £1,051 BR challenge. Sky Poker have already generously given me a seat in the Big Freeroll and an £11 tournament seat (not taken yet), see page 1 of this thread.
Day 45
No change
(Didn’t play today)
No change
(Didn’t play today)
Day 47
Closing Balances; Cash £65.30 Poker Points 266
Up £4.63 today
After 72 hours away from the tables I returned to enter a £2.30 Bounty Hunter this afternoon. It was destined to be a near miss when I exited in 3rd/32 for a small profit.
A poor player at my table from the start was my nemesis throughout. He got lucky several times, no matter how I tried I just couldn’t win a big pot against him. In my heart I knew my demise would come at his hands, and it did at the sharp end. I got all my chips in with A8 on an 876 flop and couldn’t hold against his KQ. While this was somewhat frustrating I want guys like this at my tournament tables, I know it’s important they have their day every once in a while to keep them in the games.
My only other games were a couple of HU matches. In the second I made a pleasing come-back after finding myself 120-2880 down after being 3-outered with 2 to come for my stack after getting it in good on a level 1 flop (see below).
Today’s results;
7590457HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker18/02/2013 16:22NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957590604HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker18/02/2013 16:03NL Hold'em £0.5 + £0.052/2-£0.557588152HNLB0.3GBPSkyPoker18/02/2013 12:45NL Hold'em £2 + £0.33/32£4.23
Don't panic! Don't panic!
I came back to win this game;
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGaryQQQ Small blind 10.00 10.00 1550.00 Big blind 20.00 30.00 1420.00 Your hole cards 9 Q GaryQQQ Raise 30.00 60.00 1520.00 Raise 100.00 160.00 1320.00 GaryQQQ Call 80.00 240.00 1440.00 Flop 8 8 9 Bet 240.00 480.00 1080.00 GaryQQQ All-in 1440.00 1920.00 0.00 All-in 1080.00 3000.00 0.00 GaryQQQ Unmatched bet 120.00 2880.00 120.00 GaryQQQ Show 9 Q Show Q K Turn K River 8 Win Full House, 8s and Kings 2880.00 2880.00
Closing Balances; Cash £72.06 Poker Points 273
Up £6.76 today
Today’s results bring mixed feelings. A 10%+ increase in my balance is always very welcome, though at the same time I’m somewhat frustrated it wasn’t even better.
I managed third and second in two small £2.30 Bounty Hunters. In the first I was eliminated with K9<J9 aipf for a pot worth the chiplead, going out without any bounties and with a prize that didn’t quite cover my entry fee. In the second I spent at least an hour as chipleader but was unable to close it out when heads-up. My lead diminished when I was out-flopped several times and my opponent survived a standard aipf confrontation when short. Eventually I went out as runner-up when the boot was on the other foot, I jammed A7 into TT and didn’t improve.
Still, there is much to be happy about. Healthy upwards progress continues and I haven’t suffered a downswing yet. I’m using an aggressive 20-buy-in BRM rule at the moment. That means after today I now consider myself sufficiently rolled for £3.30 Bounty Hunters and £1 rebuys (assumes 1 buy-in, 1 rebuy and 1 add-on).
Today’s results;
7591957HNLB0.3GBPSkyPoker19/02/2013 12:15NL Hold'em £2 + £0.32/19£6.117594182HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker19/02/2013 11:44NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957591278HNLB0.3GBPSkyPoker19/02/2013 10:15NL Hold'em £2 + £0.33/10-£0.3
Closing Balances; Cash £78.50 Poker Points 282
Up £6.44 today
After 7 weeks away I was delighted to return to my favourite morning tournaments today; the two £150 gtd Bounty Hunters with a £3.30 entry fee.
The 9-45am is best forgotten. I exited after 30 minutes of play without having won a single pot, going out when my pocket 99 was no good against Q9o, BB vs button.
The 10-45am went somewhat better. My chances took a big knock when I finished second in a crucial level 6 race, TT<AQ aipf with a big pot and a head-prize up for grabs. From there it was an uphill battle and I spent the rest of the tournament well below average. Somehow I survived all the way to the final table, eventually busting in 5th/86 when I jammed any two cards (Q6o) from the button into QQ on the BB. While my prize was very welcome it was less than I’d usually expect for fifth as I didn’t manage to take any head-prizes.
I was hoping to reg into a few more tournaments in the afternoon but found myself too busy due to non-poker stuff. I did manage to squeeze in three HU STTs and was pleased to win all three.
Today’s results;
(two HU STT matches were missed by Sharkscope, so I've copied/pasted results from 'my account')
20 Feb '13 at 16:21Poker£2 + £0.10£1.90 20 Feb '13 at 13:09Poker£0.50 + £0.05£0.45 20 Feb '13 at 10:17Poker£1 + £0.05£0.95 20 Feb '13 at 10:16 Poker £150 B/Hunter £6.44 20 Feb '13 at 09:43Poker£150 B/Hunter £-3.30
So far so good. Graph of progress taken from my spreadsheet.
Closing Balance £74.25
Down £4.25 today
It wasn’t my day today. I ran pretty badly through most of my session and dropped a few quid.
I started off with a couple of £2.30 Bounty Hunters but didn’t get any joy. In the first, after a good start, I was eliminated by the only player at my table who had me covered. His QQ held-up against my AsKs with all the chips going in on a 7d6sTs flop. A short stack was also all-in. My hand was 55/45 favourite and I’m runaway chipleader if I hit one of my 15 outs. Win or lose I was happy to play for my tournament life in such a good spot. In the second game I just couldn’t get anything going at all.
Heads-up matches didn’t really go much better. I’m perfectly happy with my play, it was just a case of my opponents running much better than me in a few key all-in spots.
Losing days are fully expected. In fact today’s disappointing results are probably long overdue after my recent upward streak. There'll undoubtedly be many days much worse than this ahead on my path to £1K. I'm pretty much tilt-proof and will take them in my stride.
The £500 freeroll at 7-00pm this evening is quite attractive at this stage of my challenge, I’ve decided to adjust my sleeping pattern a little to let me participate. I’ll probably take a high variance approach and gamble early if I find a suitable spot. If I do manage to bink I’ll return later to edit this entry.
Now that I have a comfortable cushion of money in my account my poker points balance has little relevance, for that reason I’ll no longer be reporting it from today.
Today’s results;
7602831OPLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker21/02/2013 16:11PL Omaha Hi £1 + £0.051/2£0.957603486HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker21/02/2013 15:44NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957603457HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker21/02/2013 15:34NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057603384HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker21/02/2013 15:29NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057603312HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker21/02/2013 15:23NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057601071HNLB0.3GBPSkyPoker21/02/2013 13:45NL Hold'em £2 + £0.315/44-£2.37603066HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker21/02/2013 13:25NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957603028HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker21/02/2013 13:11NL Hold'em £1 + £0.051/2£0.957602924HNLHU0.05GBPSkyPoker21/02/2013 13:09NL Hold'em £1 + £0.052/2-£1.057600510HNLB0.3GBPSkyPoker21/02/2013 12:15NL Hold'em £2 + £0.39/15-£1.55
Worst i have had for ages and only playing 1 table.