1st session played since last Thursday,due to cash promo,etc. wish I hadn't bothered. lol
looks bad I know,but I felt I played ok tbh. yes,i had a number of crummy bad beats,and played a few bad hands mixed in,i guess. started at just after 7pm went down early doors... grinded it back and was level at around midnight.. wish i'd stopped then. lol anyway.. the rest is history now. no big deal..another mistake,just something else to think about.
going to try and find a way of playing some timed sessions,not going to be easy though,i'm thinking, as I've never done it before,and am fighting against 3 years instincts here.
won't be my last losing session,that's for sure,and I've no regrets as it's all a very sharp learning curve atm.
some good news... the arm's improving. lol still resting it up though,as much as possible and still playing with opposite hand atm. (if you've never tried it,which i'm sure many of you haven't,it's a bit like trying to write with your left hand,(if you are right handed,obviously,and is quite funny at first.) give it a go sometime,if you need a good laugh. lol
didn't really feel like playing after y'day,but knew I had to. intended on playing for 2 hrs today,but tables fell apart so left early. hooray at least I've managed to achieve something today.
still happy with my game overall and making slow progress. y'day was a disappointment obviously but that's water under the bridge now. my mentor has had a few words with me and told me in a nice polite roundabout way to sort myself out,which I hope today I have done!!! lol
Evening Dev, What are your opinions on 10nl, do you think a good 4nl game will be able to beat 10 as well? Also, do you tend to modify your style depending on the time of day at 10nl? all the best ccf Posted by calcalfold
hi ccf
i prefer nl10 to nl4. why? not sure,just do. i'm sure if anyone can win playing nl4 they would also win playing nl10. why then do some players continue to play nl4 when they could be winning more by playing nl10,and choose not to is a mystery to me.maybe some or most have tried it and lost and go back to nl4 where they feel more comfortable.the losses at nl10 are bigger but as long as players are properly rolled for it,that shouldn't be a major problem. it's only a jump up of 1 level or 2 i guess if you count nl8,which i don't. I've not beaten nl4 myself and am still a long way away from winning at nl10 but it's getting easier day by day ,i think. i try playing my own game whenever and whoever i play. i don't have any problem as to who i play.obviously the better reg's become familiar with your game as you do to theirs which you have to try and use to your advantage,as do they. if given a choice i would rather play un-knowns to me if you like as in theory they should be better to play against. playing the reg's though is inevitable as there are so many,so i enjoy the challenge of playing them now,and learning from watching them also. it was difficult playing them at first though and i'd be lying if i said anything different. make no mistake,many know what they are doing,as i have found out the hard way,and they will gladly take your money. i don't class myself as a reg myself just yet,but i plan on getting there,however long it might take. i have probably lost somewhere between £1000-£1500 so far this year,i would say by not playing DYM'S as i did last year. i think that tells you how serious i am about learning to play cash this year
i'm sure that you will do well at nl10 ccf,and i know you will be playing there full time very soon,and your nl4 days will be gone forever. gl dev
2 short sessions today,mainly due to other things but happy with the W probably not going to play tonight,might do a little watching laters.
monthly report;
1/5/13 b/roll £228.63
31/5/13 b/roll £351.43
profit £122.80 (inc playing dym promo,where I won approx. £130)
so in summary; almost level from my cash play for May,which includes a losing session of £61 a few nights ago, so taking everything into account not a bad month overall. going to continue playing nl10 in june 2-4 tables and shorter sessions too,hopefully.
still learning.still making mistakes,as you do,but at least breaking even from my play which is another step forwards,i think. plenty more to learn,but happy with how it's going.
big thank you to ARAZI too for all the help.ty mate.
all for now best wishes dev
ps; just had a read through all of May posts,what a turbulent month it was. playing dym promo then back playing nl4 again,after my original plan to take a month off from cash and re-build b/roll by playing dym.then back to nl10 again. lol
Just read through this, well done for going back to cash when you think your better at dyms, it will be an achievement when your crushing 10nl! I see you was playing alot of tables last night and I thought, from what I see, that you played well so well done, gl at the tables dev.
Just read through this, well done for going back to cash when you think your better at dyms, it will be an achievement when your crushing 10nl! I see you was playing alot of tables last night and I thought, from what I see, that you played well so well done, gl at the tables dev. Posted by robbie1992
ty Robbie,
I don't think i'm better at DYM's mate...I know I am. lol yeah,ran my KK into your AA & again v someone else too,and lost another all-in with my KK v AK came AA lol but apart from that played ok I think. report to follow. hope you enjoyed it playing at nl10 last night bet it seemed funny dropping down levels,didn't it.
anyway,thanks for posting Robbie,and best wishes mate. dev
you certainly seem to be playing good stuff when I see you, nice one. although there are 4 or so players (yourself included) I like to avoid at my tables
You got any aims this month?
Also what are you looking for when selecting a 10nl table to join? is it just absence of regs or is there anything else?
got a bit carried away whith loading tables and 4 became 6 and 6 became 9 lol thought i'd try playing a full session against all the usual suspects,which I know is going against my new plan of playing shorter sessions and only 2-4 tables,but I got carried away with myself and as it was a Saturday night,i'll let myself off...this time. lol happy with how I played for most of the session tbh. I know it looks bad on paper but losing 2.8 buy-ins which is all it is,doesn't really reflect how well I played,i think.
not sure if i'll be repeating this again,as I know it is a more risky strategy,but at least I've given myself a good test to see exactly where my cash game is at the moment. obviously it's only 1 session to go by,but I felt quite at home playing against the reg's. maybe I could make it a weekly Saturday night thing and see how that goes. don't think I would want to be doing it every session atm,but i'm sure that it will come at some point in the future.
sunday 2/6/13
won £13.81
1 x nl10 1 hr+
b/roll £336.76
c4p 273
back to something like normal today,which was nice. happy getting almost 1/2 of my loss back from last night.
it's going to be a real mental battle I feel this month,trying to keep the number of tables I decide to play under control,as i'm only into day 2 and I can already see what's coming... yes, a train crash.
anyway,i'm aware of the possible situation and it's up to me as to how it goes,and yes, if it does happen,then i'll only have myself to blame. hopefully though i'll get back on track ... well until Saturday at least. lol
In Response to Re: a new year..a new game...CASH.(Target £500...currently £351.43) : ty Robbie, I don't think i'm better at DYM's mate...I know I am. lol yeah,ran my KK into your AA & again v someone else too,and lost another all-in with my KK v AK came AA lol but apart from that played ok I think. report to follow. hope you enjoyed it playing at nl10 last night bet it seemed funny dropping down levels,didn't it. anyway,thanks for posting Robbie,and best wishes mate. dev Posted by devonfish5
Yeah those ones are very annoying, when I shoved I thought its kk. Yeah u played well I was impressed. Yeah abit weird but oh well I need to get my game back on track and wanna play with better brm so 10nl is fine now, plus it's mostly the same regs at 10nl and I'm getting to no there games better every session, u gonna try at the cash promo starting tommorow?
Hi Dev, you certainly seem to be playing good stuff when I see you, nice one. although there are 4 or so players (yourself included) I like to avoid at my tables You got any aims this month? Also what are you looking for when selecting a 10nl table to join? is it just absence of regs or is there anything else? Posted by calcalfold
ty ccf,
getting there mate.should be now though after 5 months non stop practise. lol just carry on playing nl10 hopefully mate. if my b/roll drops to £200 then i'll go and play some more dym's and top it back up again. lol
yeah,avoiding the regs is the main one for me when table selecting. I also look for how many players have stacks of under £10,the more the better,as this tells me they are not topping up which is what most good players would do after losing a hand,as sitting there with the max at all times should be optimal. so that's it,in a nutshell. gl dev
In Response to Re: a new year..a new game...CASH.(Target £500...currently £351.43) : Yeah those ones are very annoying, when I shoved I thought its kk. Yeah u played well I was impressed. Yeah abit weird but oh well I need to get my game back on track and wanna play with better brm so 10nl is fine now, plus it's mostly the same regs at 10nl and I'm getting to no there games better every session, u gonna try at the cash promo starting tommorow? Posted by robbie1992
ty Robbie. i'm starting to play with no fear now,if you like and if I think I should be making calls or going all-in even if it is with KK fre-flop,and losing,so be it. lol
yes mate,brm is so important I think anyway,and imo you are doing the right thing in dropping to nl10 . i'm sure you'll win and soon be moving back up the levels very soon mate. as long as you can keep doing it and playing each level within your b/roll you will ALWAYS be a winning player,no matter what format of poker you/anyone plays.
i'm tempted to play cash promo,but it's risky with my b/roll,and tbh unless you finish top 5 or so,is it really worth the effort? so,i'll sign in for it I guess,but i'm not expecting any big payday,lets leave it like that. lol what about yourself? gl if you do play it. dev
Totally agree dev. Lots of stacks in the £5-9 range is that I prefer. Those pesky £2 or £3 stacks that keep shoving all in with any pair/ace/broadways can get a bit annoying though. Oh, and I would say 9 tables is a bit woaaah! My optimum is 2 or 3. Managed 4 last night, but that was at about 1am and was probably playing drunk degens. So was a bit easier. Posted by calcalfold
yeah,£5-£8 is my preferred
my optimum is 2-4 I think. 9 is ok but it's more about pressing buttons though. you do obviously get a lot more premium hands though,so whether that will pay in the long run remains to be seen. I know it's better playing 9+ tables for dym's but will it work as well playing cash? guess there is an argument both ways on it.
anyway,i'm off... dinners ready and i'm starving...roast beef. yummy. lol gl buddy dev
same calcalfold, havnt reached 4 yet tho drunk poker must be fun.....im guessing you wont respect anyones aggression if your drunk tho lol
Dev you could get the top 5 playing the amount of tables you play tho couldn't you? well im going to opt in and try play maybe 6hours days x 2, 8 hours dayx 3, hoping just to get cash because iv never done anything like this before, if it is messing up my b/r I will go back to normal because my b/r is small anyways, gl too .
same calcalfold, havnt reached 4 yet tho drunk poker must be fun.....im guessing you wont respect anyones aggression if your drunk tho lol Dev you could get the top 5 playing the amount of tables you play tho couldn't you? well im going to opt in and try play maybe 6hours days x 2, 8 hours dayx 3, hoping just to get cash because iv never done anything like this before, if it is messing up my b/r I will go back to normal because my b/r is small anyways, gl too . Posted by robbie1992
yes mate I could probably make top 5 even top 3 if I played 9+ tables every session. but It's hard work,and you really have to put the hours in every day for that. also tiredness creeps in and you make silly mistakes which are costly,especially at nl10. so i'm not going to play any more than I would normally,this time.
mon 3/6 13 day off tue 4/6/13 day off wed 5/6/13 day off
thurs 6/6/13 got withdrawal symptons...
so..deposited $7 (£4.75) into *** account
won $3.01
playing 2 x 1c/2c
b/roll $10.01
fri 7/6/13 received £18.08 c4p
b/roll £354.84
sat 8/7/13
won $4.10 (while watching BGT FINAL on tv)
playing 2 x 1c/2c
*** b/roll $14.11
back here next week when cash promo is finished. don't see any value playing atm. enjoying the change playing at ***, and when my b/roll reaches $40 i'll move up to the next level which is 2c/4c (10 buy-ins)... and so on.
Really sweet you decided to concentrate on cash, to work at it and improve. You have came a good distance in the time you started playing cash.
Previously, you had done really well at DYM games. I was just wondering, would you find it to much of a distraction if playing both games, instead of just focussing on one?
lost £61.58
b/roll £332.30 (up 48p this year. lol)
c4p 1744
4 x nl10
7&1/2 hrs
1st session played since last Thursday,due to cash promo,etc.
wish I hadn't bothered. lol
looks bad I know,but I felt I played ok tbh.
yes,i had a number of crummy bad beats,and played a few bad hands mixed in,i guess.
started at just after 7pm went down early doors...
grinded it back and was level at around midnight..
wish i'd stopped then. lol
the rest is history now.
no big deal..another mistake,just something else to think about.
going to try and find a way of playing some timed sessions,not going to be easy though,i'm thinking, as I've never done it before,and am fighting against 3 years instincts here.
won't be my last losing session,that's for sure,and I've no regrets as it's all a very sharp learning curve atm.
some good news...
the arm's improving. lol
still resting it up though,as much as possible and still playing with opposite hand atm.
(if you've never tried it,which i'm sure many of you haven't,it's a bit like trying to write with your left hand,(if you are right handed,obviously,and is quite funny at first.)
give it a go sometime,if you need a good laugh. lol
back laters
won £9.68
b/roll £341.98
c4p 1763
4 x nl10
1&!/2 hrs
didn't really feel like playing after y'day,but knew I had to.
intended on playing for 2 hrs today,but tables fell apart so left early. hooray
at least I've managed to achieve something today.
still happy with my game overall and making slow progress.
y'day was a disappointment obviously but that's water under the bridge now.
my mentor has had a few words with me and told me in a nice polite roundabout way to sort myself out,which I hope today I have done!!! lol
back tomorrow
What are your opinions on 10nl, do you think a good 4nl game will be able to beat 10 as well?
Also, do you tend to modify your style depending on the time of day at 10nl?
all the best ccf
i prefer nl10 to nl4.
why? not sure,just do.
i'm sure if anyone can win playing nl4 they would also win playing nl10.
why then do some players continue to play nl4 when they could be winning more by playing nl10,and choose not to is a mystery to me.maybe some or most have tried it and lost and go back to nl4 where they feel more comfortable.the losses at nl10 are bigger but as long as players are properly rolled for it,that shouldn't be a major problem.
it's only a jump up of 1 level or 2 i guess if you count nl8,which i don't.
I've not beaten nl4 myself and am still a long way away from winning at nl10 but it's getting easier day by day ,i think.
i try playing my own game whenever and whoever i play.
i don't have any problem as to who i play.obviously the better reg's become familiar with your game as you do to theirs which you have to try and use to your advantage,as do they.
if given a choice i would rather play un-knowns to me if you like as in theory they should be better to play against.
playing the reg's though is inevitable as there are so many,so i enjoy the challenge of playing them now,and learning from watching them also.
it was difficult playing them at first though and i'd be lying if i said anything different.
make no mistake,many know what they are doing,as i have found out the hard way,and they will gladly take your money.
i don't class myself as a reg myself just yet,but i plan on getting there,however long it might take.
i have probably lost somewhere between £1000-£1500 so far this year,i would say by not playing DYM'S as i did last year.
i think that tells you how serious i am about learning to play cash this year
i'm sure that you will do well at nl10 ccf,and i know you will be playing there full time very soon,and your nl4 days will be gone forever.
Totally agree about less tables. I started 4nl playing 4 tables and eventually progressed to 7.
Started 10nl with just two tables, now sometimes putting in an extra table if I am feeling good and have no distractions.
4nl was all about the cards for the most part, now im finding it very useful to use notes, or at least pay attention to the table at all times.
Thursday 30/5/13 day off
Friday 31/5/13
session 1
won £3.25
4 x nl10 45 mins
session 2
won £6.20
3 x nl10 30-40 mins
b/roll £351.43
c4p 1808
2 short sessions today,mainly due to other things but happy with the W
probably not going to play tonight,might do a little watching laters.
monthly report;
1/5/13 b/roll £228.63
31/5/13 b/roll £351.43
profit £122.80 (inc playing dym promo,where I won approx. £130)
so in summary;
almost level from my cash play for May,which includes a losing session of £61 a few nights ago,
so taking everything into account not a bad month overall.
going to continue playing nl10 in june 2-4 tables and shorter sessions too,hopefully.
still learning.still making mistakes,as you do,but at least breaking even from my play which is another step forwards,i think.
plenty more to learn,but happy with how it's going.
big thank you to ARAZI too for all the help.ty mate.
all for now
best wishes
ps; just had a read through all of May posts,what a turbulent month it was.
playing dym promo then back playing nl4 again,after my original plan to take a month off from cash and re-build b/roll by playing dym.then back to nl10 again. lol
I don't think i'm better at DYM's mate...I know I am. lol
yeah,ran my KK into your AA & again v someone else too,and lost another all-in with my KK v AK came AA lol
but apart from that played ok I think.
report to follow.
hope you enjoyed it playing at nl10 last night
bet it seemed funny dropping down levels,didn't it.
anyway,thanks for posting Robbie,and best wishes mate.
Hi Dev,
you certainly seem to be playing good stuff when I see you, nice one.
although there are 4 or so players (yourself included) I like to avoid at my tables
You got any aims this month?
Also what are you looking for when selecting a 10nl table to join? is it just absence of regs or is there anything else?
lost £28.48
b/roll £322.95
c4p 263
9 x nl10 6-7 hrs
got a bit carried away whith loading tables and 4 became 6 and 6 became 9 lol
thought i'd try playing a full session against all the usual suspects,which I know is going against my new plan of playing shorter sessions and only 2-4 tables,but I got carried away with myself and as it was a Saturday night,i'll let myself off...this time. lol
happy with how I played for most of the session tbh.
I know it looks bad on paper but losing 2.8 buy-ins which is all it is,doesn't really reflect how well I played,i think.
not sure if i'll be repeating this again,as I know it is a more risky strategy,but at least I've given myself a good test to see exactly where my cash game is at the moment.
obviously it's only 1 session to go by,but I felt quite at home playing against the reg's.
maybe I could make it a weekly Saturday night thing and see how that goes.
don't think I would want to be doing it every session atm,but i'm sure that it will come at some point in the future.
sunday 2/6/13
won £13.81
1 x nl10 1 hr+
b/roll £336.76
c4p 273
back to something like normal today,which was nice.
happy getting almost 1/2 of my loss back from last night.
it's going to be a real mental battle I feel this month,trying to keep the number of tables I decide to play under control,as i'm only into day 2 and I can already see what's coming...
yes, a train crash.
anyway,i'm aware of the possible situation and it's up to me as to how it goes,and yes, if it does happen,then i'll only have myself to blame.
hopefully though i'll get back on track ... well until Saturday at least. lol
gl all
getting there mate.should be now though after 5 months non stop practise. lol
just carry on playing nl10 hopefully mate.
if my b/roll drops to £200 then i'll go and play some more dym's and top it back up again. lol
yeah,avoiding the regs is the main one for me when table selecting.
I also look for how many players have stacks of under £10,the more the better,as this tells me they are not topping up which is what most good players would do after losing a hand,as sitting there with the max at all times should be optimal.
so that's it,in a nutshell.
i'm starting to play with no fear now,if you like and if I think I should be making calls or going all-in even if it is with KK fre-flop,and losing,so be it. lol
yes mate,brm is so important I think anyway,and imo you are doing the right thing in dropping to nl10 .
i'm sure you'll win and soon be moving back up the levels very soon mate.
as long as you can keep doing it and playing each level within your b/roll you will ALWAYS be a winning player,no matter what format of poker you/anyone plays.
i'm tempted to play cash promo,but it's risky with my b/roll,and tbh unless you finish top 5 or so,is it really worth the effort?
so,i'll sign in for it I guess,but i'm not expecting any big payday,lets leave it like that. lol
what about yourself?
gl if you do play it.
Lots of stacks in the £5-9 range is that I prefer.
Those pesky £2 or £3 stacks that keep shoving all in with any pair/ace/broadways can get a bit annoying though.
Oh, and I would say 9 tables is a bit woaaah!
My optimum is 2 or 3. Managed 4 last night, but that was at about 1am and was probably playing drunk degens. So was a bit easier.
my optimum is 2-4 I think.
9 is ok but it's more about pressing buttons though.
you do obviously get a lot more premium hands though,so whether that will pay in the long run remains to be seen.
I know it's better playing 9+ tables for dym's but will it work as well playing cash?
guess there is an argument both ways on it.
anyway,i'm off...
dinners ready and i'm starving...roast beef. yummy. lol
gl buddy
Dev you could get the top 5 playing the amount of tables you play tho couldn't you? well im going to opt in and try play maybe 6hours days x 2, 8 hours dayx 3, hoping just to get cash because iv never done anything like this before, if it is messing up my b/r I will go back to normal because my b/r is small anyways, gl too .
but It's hard work,and you really have to put the hours in every day for that.
also tiredness creeps in and you make silly mistakes which are costly,especially at nl10.
so i'm not going to play any more than I would normally,this time.
gl though if you do play it.
mon 3/6 13 day off

tue 4/6/13 day off
wed 5/6/13 day off
thurs 6/6/13 got withdrawal symptons...
so..deposited $7 (£4.75) into *** account
won $3.01
playing 2 x 1c/2c
b/roll $10.01
fri 7/6/13 received £18.08 c4p
b/roll £354.84
sat 8/7/13
won $4.10 (while watching BGT FINAL on tv)
playing 2 x 1c/2c
*** b/roll $14.11
back here next week when cash promo is finished.
don't see any value playing atm.
enjoying the change playing at ***, and when my b/roll reaches $40 i'll move up to the next level which is 2c/4c (10 buy-ins)...
and so on.
Really sweet you decided to concentrate on cash, to work at it and improve. You have came a good distance in the time you started playing cash.
Previously, you had done really well at DYM games. I was just wondering, would you find it to much of a distraction if playing both games, instead of just focussing on one?
Do you find it helps just playing one discipline?
How come you are avoiding the promo?