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£1050 to £2050 challenge/// Diary of a HUSNG Hyper grinder// Current Balance: £1230.2



  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited June 2013
    flush over flush, set over set; same difference mostly.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2013
    lol yep just thought i'd show a couple of hands which summed up my first foray onto the tables today, still can't do alot about hands like that, be back on the grind soon.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013
    Had a awful start after a bad day yesterday. Te hands u posted I think u played fine just coolers. 
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2013
    Yeah just caught up with your post, i just took a timeout would reccomend doing the same if your feeling tilted 10nl can be rather frustrating when all you do is pay off the nitregs nuts and the fish who has been donating to every other reg but it happens lol gl for the rest of the day.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited June 2013
    Thanks for your comments Benc
    Good luck with the promo
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2013
    Just finished up, did aload of hours today probably 20 total over the last couple of days grinds like these make me realise how much i actually enjoy the game.. why else would i spend so many hours playing 10nl lol. The small break prior to my second session did me good and i managed to turn a profit for that session and dig into earliers brutal spell, had alot of big hands go both ways in what was an incredibly swingy session built some really big stacks but still ended up on a loss for the day although that was soley due to the sick spell i had when i first started and taking a small break definetly was the best thing to do. I will continue to put in some cash sessions in the evening maybe mixing in the odd 20nl table, want to get alot of HU volume in now though so that will be my main concentration.

    Cash Today:
    Session 1
    Hours: 1 and a half
    Profit/Loss: £-49.05

    Session 2
    Hours: 8ish
    Profit: £17.18

    Day total: -£31.87

    Total for week: £112.77  (glad i turned a 3 figure profit before bonus as it's been tough at times with the bonus i should be nearing 200 so very happy with that)

    As its the end of the week will update on overall track:

    since 17/05/13

    Heads up: £269.15
    Mtt: -38.74
    Rewards: £130.88
    Overall: £555.47

    Overalll will be +600 after whatever bonus i end up getting so very happy to be back on track and enjoying playing at the moment which is the most important thing.

    Not sure where to go with the diary from here really, promo has been good for regular updates and stuff, but i will probably limit posting so much as things get back to normal there are lots of diaries and i guess it can get a bit stale at times. I will continue to update when i think there is stuff worth discussing and any really good/bad days.

  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited June 2013
    well done in getting to the end and turning a decent profit. i got into plus figures for the week but not by much, bad 3 days but overcame them even by dropping down.

    eagerly await tomorrows table now,i think you will be able to hold top 5 if not move up, i still dont think i can hold onto 2nd tho, i got around the 1860 points mark, not bad with 3 days of nl4 lol
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2013
    Thanks tintin, good to hear you turned it around. Funny you say that as i didn't see pepo or supercrazy today so i have small hope of being in the top 5 but realistically am expecting 6th, whatever you get from the bonus added to the profit means a nice 3 figure week well done on the grind- dunno how you do it day in day out i feel pretty drained lol
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited June 2013
    good work with the profit benc hope it continues.
    as for myself it won't be until my bankroll reaches over £300 that i will play on a  nl8p or nl10 and even then it will be just 1 table along with 3 or 4 action and nl4p tables i might have a go in a tournament next week.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2013
    Thanks Craig no doubt share some tables with you in the future and yeah if you have a good days profit behind you why not buy in for a tournament as long as you are enjoying playing, just posted in your thread with some advice on a hand gl at the tables.
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited June 2013
    well i finally dropped down the list only to be replaced by yourself. well done, extra bonus money on its way to you.

    i got 4th in the end up. i did say top 5 i'd be happy with n got there without too much chasing.

    well done
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2013
    Well i managed to somehow get up to 2nd in the promo for £150 so really pleased with that as i thought 5th was max i could achieve, so the total weeks grind came to £262.77, i think i will be lowering the tables to 6 now the promo is out the way and mixing in 20nl with 10nl when i play cash and just going from there.

    Thanks Tintin really didn't expect that fully expected yourself dtm and supercrazy to be above turns out supercrazy must not of even put much of a grind in this week, although i had such swingy sessions last couple of days which combined with the amount of hours and tables must of made for aload of rake. Well done on getting in the top 5.

    After sitting at a desk staring at 9 tables on a screen for 20ish hours last couple of days i'm taking it easy today, said i'd take gf to see hangover and for a meal to make up for fact i was a zombie the last couple of days lol probably still end up on the tables at some point later, well done to all that grinded and probably see you at the tables soon.

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited June 2013

    Well done on comin back from 5-0 down, epic!

    Enjoyed the games, nice come back! lol i looked at the 5th game and i was down 2 500 chips lol

    Cant even remember how i got down to that haha

    5 each fair result

  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2013
    lol it was the all the action in that nl4 distracting us, gg mate shall sort out some more games in the near future.

    *Edit, small update playing aload of HU sngs again at the moment will probably update on my running total for all disciplines at the end of the weekend.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2013
    Had a go at nl30 for the first time today decided rather than taking a shot in the main with HU money i would take a shot at that level, saw some value on the table, one of which left not long after and two guys i respect alot were left with another player i havnt played before but seemed solid so thought i better leave. Even so it was good to have a go at that level and i was happy i was able to bet and play as normal without worrying about the fact that 100bb is 30 instead of 20-10 even found a 5bet jam without AS-KS  which at nl10 would normally mean busto lol, have mixed in a bit of nl20 and nl10 recently but only sparsley as HU been going very well. So tonight i 4 tabled, 1nl10 mc, 2 20nl mc and 1 30nl less tables, more concentration and a short session. I ended the session  +£44.88 which i was happy with, think i was up about 20ish on the nl20 mc after someone donated to my set of A's with bottom pair and 20ish on the nl30, no really big hands one hand i 3bet after an open and two calls and got one call from the original opener and two streets of value with a decent hand and also had the hand i 5bet a good aggro oppo which didn't see a flop so all in all pretty happy with how that went. Just going to play cash when i fancy it and mainly carry on with £10 standard husngs whilst they are going well.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2013
    Had my best every win streak this morning of 15 which i don't think i'll ever beat at turbo games, i think my previous was 13 and that wasn't in one session was pretty sick to constantly have the best hand hold up, win all the 60/40s etc. Proper update about everything tomorrow or sunday most likely, there is alot of diaries around atm so i don't want to be constantly posting and taking away from there possible exposure/ or clog up the forum so people get fed up.

    Today copied from scope

    Av Stake: £5
    AV profit per game:£3.70
    AV ROI: 70.4%
    Profit: £70.29
    Max Cashing: 15

    Just seen that there is going to be another cash promo, not sure what to think of that really it's good that they are running promos alot but a bit of variation would be nice not sure if i will grind or not yet.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2013
    Thought i'd give an update about how things have been going recently, less posting more playing at the moment but i do like to look back through this as the months go by so definetly want to try and update it every so often.

    I decided not to bother with the cash promo this time around, for two reasons my motivation to mass multitable 10nl with a few of the same nitty regs just dissapeared completly i realised i was literally just pushing buttons when i was playing and not really enjoying it, the last promo i think the novelty of multitabling on a monitor meant i saw it through and found some big grinds but i just didn't feel it this time, so have been playing the odd game on 20nl mastercash as a break from hu and trying to enjoy myself when i play cash and actually play the game, rather than being a robot against the same 3-4 guys on aload of tables.

    I have been on a pretty sick heater HU recently, probably my best ever spell, notably helped by a few meetings with my two favourite regs at £21 hypers who have quickly climbed to the top of my most profitable opponents on scope ( mainly have been table selecting against specific oppos than actually grinding them). That is another reason i have stuck to HU recently, i feel like i'm playing consistently well at the moment and have been playing a mix of £5.25 turbos, £5.25 hypers, £10.25 and £21 hypers.  I have carried on tracking every hu game/ cash session and mtt i play, mtt is the only format i havnt had any success in. I have been really frustrated with mtts recently as i get to a vital point get my chips in good and can't seem to hold, i know i'm getting the chips in good so just need to be patient but when you don't play alot of mtts it can be hard to deal with it happening constantly when you do, i.e. tonight in mini primo AA v j10 on 10 high flop in 3bet pot we get it in they turn two pair, qs against js aipf for really big stack in £11 bh the other night they flop J and last night i managed to sat into the £55 from a micro 3bet aqs on button get called by k4hearts they lead for pot on A high flop get it in they have a draw and get there on river. I'm well aware these are completely standard, its just in cash or hu i get so much volume in i can shake it off, with mtt's i find myself doubting whether i'm doing the right thing alot, but hopefully i'll get a decent win soon.

    So at the moment i don't have any set targets, would be nice to sneak into the leaderboard for sngs but thats probably a bit of a way off atm, got my scope up to its highest point for HU so will just be trying to keep that on course, going to carry on playing 20nl here and there between hu and hopefully i'll catch a break in an mtt soon. Move back home next week, going bennicassim mid july and then it's time to sort everything and get a job have already applied for something hopefully will at least get an interview but going to be an interesting next few months and hopefully poker will continue to provide me with a nice bit of money on the side. Have withdrawn alot of the profit i have made since i started tracking for various reasons, eventually i'll get round to just letting my roll grow so i can think about playing higher but for the moment i'm more than content with the games i'm playing, it's less than a year ago i knew nothing about brm, donked around and wasn't really going anywhere with poker so i'm very happy that things are continuing to go well.

    Track since 17/05/2013

    Cash: £346.47 (includes promo prize from last promo).
    Heads up: £644.85
    Mtt: -£185.66
    Reward points: £211.86 (includes this months total so far)

    Overall: £1017.52
  • Mariusz80Mariusz80 Member Posts: 102
    edited June 2013
    Very nice going benc. Keep it up :)

    Sick heater at HU - wish I could catch one of them :)

    And be patient with MTT's - you will catch your break!! But when you don't play too many of them it is soooo annoying to play for few hours and get it way ahead and still loose - trust me - I know!!!!

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    edited June 2013
    Just had a read through your latest update. CRUSHING the HU. Keep it up!
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited July 2013
    Glad you had a good holiday and break mate.

    Look forward to hearing how you get on with this and will keep up with your progress.

    Your learning/ studying has paid dividends literally. I've been really impressed anytime we have played and you will crush these as you have done in the past.

    Pretty decent aswell, your profits have enabled you to do things you otherwise wouldnt have been able to do/ buy.

    Good luck with your new challenge
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