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  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280
    edited February 2010

    Afternoon all.

    A bit of a problem came to light yesterday & Sky Poker want to make everyone aware. Sky-Ling is off today, & Sky-Des is in meetings most of the day, so I said I'd make a Post to explain it all.

    Please read it carefully, & if you have any questions, fire away.

    You may have noticed that Mr Dohx7 put a Post on this Thread at about midday yesterday, asking me to read a PM he'd sent me urgently.

    The PM was a bit of a surprise, to put it mildly. Doh told me that he had suddenly realised that he had NOT met the TP criteria of playing "at least 10 SNG's at £11+".  What he had done, without realising it, was play a lot of Heads Up SNG's - & forgotten to realise that a £10 Heads Up SNG only has a £0.50 Reg Fee, whereas all the other £10 SNG's have a £1 Reg Fee. He played 32 SNG's in total, but in fact, only 7 met the £11+ criteria - the rest were all Heads Uppers at £10.50. (Nutter5932 ALSO played a lot of HU SNG's, but he played at bigger buy-in levels, so it did not affect him).

    He said in hiis PM that he realised he may have disqualified himself, but if that were the case, he'd like to know now, rather than wait until Saturday & discover that Sky Poker had disqualified him. He was mortified, but wholly honest. With his approval, & if necessary, I have no issues with Posting a copy of his PM to me.

    He also wrote an e-Mail, along the same lines, & at about the same time, to 'Ling. I was unaware of this, but when I took Doh's PM to Ling & Des urgently - as I had to - they were already deep in convo about the problem.

    They had rung Harrogate to check this, & bizarrely, Harrogate had just finished checking all the Team Tuck TP-ers stats to ensure they had met the criteria, & so had also just discovered the irregularity, too.

    Oh my, what to do?

    Firstly, if they go strictly by the Rules, Doh has, albeit inadvertently, disqualified himself. Simples. Or is it?

    Firstly, the "£11+ rule".  The clear & obvious intention by Sky Poker was to mean £10 + Reg Fee" SNG's, but  - I suspect - they clean forgot that HU SNG's only attract a 50p Reg Fee.

    As to Doh, well, he messed up a bit tbh - he made a mistake, a mistake which by all rights should lead to his disqualification.

    But it was a very easy mistake to make - who has not done such a thing? - & as soon as he realised his error, he wrote to Sky Ling, to fess up, & PM'd me, to seek my advice. His PM said, in his own words, "my bad, I'm sorry, if I'm disqualified, it's my fault, I'm very sorry".

    So, Sky Ling, Sky Des & the Harrogate Suits (Sky-Bernie & Sky-Adam) had a big tom-tom yesterday afternoon, & made their decisiion.

    The decision is that Doh will NOT be disqualified, penalised, or censored in any way.


    1) The rule was perhaps not framed optimally. It should have said "a minimum 10 SNG's at £10 Entry Fee or above". The first TP is a learning experience for ALL of us, & if it's repeated - & I think it may well be, but bigger & better - all the lessons learned will be incorporated.

    2) It's patently clear that Doh never intended to circumvent the Rules - it was an obvious mistake. And he fessed up, 100% openly, even put his "read my PM urgently" Post on this Thread. He did not intend to break any Rules, & he did not gain from so doing. Interestingly, though not relevant, none of the army of TP Railers noticed it, either.

    3) The Suits all agreed that in the spirit of TP, Doh should be allowed to continue in TP. In saying this, they took note of perhaps the most surprising thing about TP - that all the players, even from rival Teams, have openly & warmly encouraged all their competitor TP-ers. What a wonderful thing that has been to see, & if Doh were disqualified, I think his TP-colleagues would be genuinely mortified.

    So, Doh will be judged on Saturday night, along with his 5 Team-Tuck colleagues, on exactly the same basis as the others - that being his suitability as a potential "Total Player".

    I wish him well, as much - no more, no less - as I do the other 5. I hope you all do, too.
  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited February 2010
    well done sky it would of been such a shame to kick dohhhhhh out.

    fair play to the man for being so honest too.
  • BlackFish3BlackFish3 Member Posts: 2,418
    edited February 2010
    hahahaaha!!!! typical drunken dohhhh! DOHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! JJ your such a donk lol, glad you aint been disqualified though jeeez that would of been a disaster!
  • Macaroon2Macaroon2 Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2010
    My first day with SkyPoker.
    Can someone please direct me to the post that explains this TOTAL PLAYER thing. Or have I got to read all of them from Numnber One?
  • Seagull158Seagull158 Member Posts: 1,100
    edited February 2010
    My first day with SkyPoker. Can someone please direct me to the post that explains this TOTAL PLAYER thing. Or have I got to read all of them from Numnber One? Thanks
    Posted by Macaroon2
    Go to Home page, click on Sky Promotions and you'll see a link to Total Player
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited February 2010
    My first day with SkyPoker. Can someone please direct me to the post that explains this TOTAL PLAYER thing. Or have I got to read all of them from Numnber One? Thanks
    Posted by Macaroon2

    No probs please click here :)
  • Seagull158Seagull158 Member Posts: 1,100
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: OFFICIAL TOTAL PLAYER THREAD : Hi No probs please click here :)
    Posted by acebarry10
    I was making him work a bit and you give it to him on a plate!
  • phil12ukphil12uk Member Posts: 2,856
    edited February 2010
    As a member of Dohhhh's team (or rival if u wanna look at it that way), I would like to give my support to him.  I wouldn't like him to have been kicked out at this stage after he's gone through the whole process and the challenge!

    In my opinion, I would like to think that Tuck takes through 3/6 and not 3/5.

    Good luck Dohhhhhh man - looking forward to the battles of tomorrow night and hopefully beyond!!!
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited February 2010
    Afternoon all. A bit of a problem came to light yesterday & Sky Poker want to make everyone aware. Sky-Ling is off today, & Sky-Des is in meetings most of the day, so I said I'd make a Post to explain it all. Please read it carefully , & if you have any questions, fire away. You may have noticed that Mr Dohx7 put a Post on this Thread at about midday yesterday, asking me to read a PM he'd sent me urgently. The PM was a bit of a surprise, to put it mildly. Doh told me that he had suddenly realised that he had NOT met the TP criteria of playing " at least 10 SNG's at £11+".   What he had done, without realising it, was play a lot of Heads Up SNG's - & forgotten to realise that a £10 Heads Up SNG only has a £0.50 Reg Fee, whereas all the other £10 SNG's have a £1 Reg Fee. He played 32 SNG's in total, but in fact, only 7 met the £11+ criteria - the rest were all Heads Uppers at £10.50. (Nutter5932 ALSO played a lot of HU SNG's, but he played at bigger buy-in levels, so it did not affect him). He said in hiis PM that he realised he may have disqualified himself, but if that were the case, he'd like to know now, rather than wait until Saturday & discover that Sky Poker had disqualified him. He was mortified, but wholly honest. With his approval, & if necessary, I have no issues with Posting a copy of his PM to me. He also wrote an e-Mail, along the same lines, & at about the same time, to 'Ling. I was unaware of this, but when I took Doh's PM to Ling & Des urgently - as I had to - they were already deep in convo about the problem. They had rung Harrogate to check this, & bizarrely, Harrogate had just finished checking all the Team Tuck TP-ers stats to ensure they had met the criteria, & so had also just discovered the irregularity, too. Oh my, what to do? Firstly, if they go strictly by the Rules, Doh has, albeit inadvertently, disqualified himself. Simples. Or is it? Firstly, the "£11+ rule".  The clear & obvious intention by Sky Poker was to mean £10 + Reg Fee" SNG's, but  - I suspect - they clean forgot that HU SNG's only attract a 50p Reg Fee. As to Doh, well, he messed up a bit tbh - he made a mistake, a mistake which by all rights should lead to his disqualification. But it was a very easy mistake to make - who has not done such a thing? - & as soon as he realised his error, he wrote to Sky Ling, to fess up, & PM'd me, to seek my advice. His PM said, in his own words, "my bad, I'm sorry, if I'm disqualified, it's my fault, I'm very sorry". So, Sky Ling, Sky Des & the Harrogate Suits (Sky-Bernie & Sky-Adam) had a big tom-tom yesterday afternoon, & made their decisiion. The decision is that Doh will NOT be disqualified, penalised, or censored in any way. Why? 1) The rule was perhaps not framed optimally. It should have said " a minimum 10 SNG's at £10 Entry Fee or above ". The first TP is a learning experience for ALL of us, & if it's repeated - & I think it may well be, but bigger & better - all the lessons learned will be incorporated. 2) It's patently clear that Doh never intended to circumvent the Rules - it was an obvious mistake. And he fessed up, 100% openly, even put his "read my PM urgently" Post on this Thread. He did not i ntend to break any Rules, & he did not gain from so doing. Interestingly, though not relevant, none of the army of TP Railers noticed it, either. 3) The Suits all agreed that in the spirit of TP, Doh should be allowed to continue in TP. In saying this, they took note of perhaps the most surprising thing about TP - that all the players, even from rival Teams, have openly & warmly encouraged all their competitor TP-ers. What a wonderful thing that has been to see, & if Doh were disqualified, I think his TP-colleagues would be genuinely mortified. So, Doh will be judged on Saturday night, along with his 5 Team-Tuck colleagues, on exactly the same basis as the others - that being his suitability as a potential "Total Player". I wish him well, as much - no more, no less - as I do the other 5. I hope you all do, too.
    Posted by Tikay10

    yep seems very fair ,

    well done skypoker,

    looking forward to Saturday night ,

    gl to all,

    anyone of you deserve to go through !

  • Nutter5932Nutter5932 Member Posts: 349
    edited February 2010
    No quarms over  it, 

    Good luck tomorrow night guys i've only just recovered mentally ha :)
    edited February 2010
    Recently as 1 of the Total Players who will be playing in the next round, I have received an email from sky with certain challenges for Bootcamp Phase 2. One of these is to play more cash. I just want to issue a challenge to all fellow Total Players. I WANT TO PLAY YOU HU. I'll be sitting and i'll be waiting on the nights Phase 2 begins.

    Regards and gl on the tables yipeeyappee aka TPYipeeYappee
  • BlackFish3BlackFish3 Member Posts: 2,418
    edited February 2010
    a durrr challenge? how exciting!
  • Grimstar30Grimstar30 Member Posts: 1,400
    edited February 2010
    Innocent mistake. Lesson learned for Season 2. Lets look forward to Sat night.
  • jakallyjakally Member Posts: 421
    edited February 2010

    Just caught up with this.

    IMO the correct decision with regards to Dohhhhh by Sky............not even the slightest chance he was trying to gain an advantage.
    GL Dohhhhhh mate for tomorrow.

  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited February 2010
    No Fiasco here, nothing to see, move along.

    Totally the right decision, glad to see fairness and great sportsmanship throughout this competition.

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited February 2010

    Aup guys, been avoiding this thread today, a bit nervous about reading it thought there may be a back lash of comments, and quite rightly so too. 

    Ive read it, and I notice 3 of the 5 members of team Tuck have replied. Ive spoken personally to Dylan, and as Kyzer is unlikely to use the forum, I thought Id reply now.

    The reaction has been great, especially from Phil, Nutter, Jak and Dylan, who helped me realise the mistake. Obviously we are in direct competition, so for you guys to back skys decision here is great, and I'm very grateful to you for not giving them/me a hard time about it. 

    I was so gutted when I realised on Thursday morning what I'd done, or not done. I could accept being dropped, and still will accept being dropped, If my game wasn't good enough. But to ruin my own chances by being so stupid, would have been hard to get over. 

    I realise that only a tiny %age of the forum users have replied so far, and there may be people who dont agree with the decision still to come, but so far your reactions have been wicked, it was honestly, a genuine yet stupid mistake. Thanks also to sky, I expected the worst.

    Thanx all, John

  • rossjb14rossjb14 Member Posts: 700
    edited February 2010
    Aup guys, been avoiding this thread today, a bit nervous about reading it thought there may be a back lash of comments, and quite rightly so too.  Ive read it, and I notice 3 of the 5 members of team Tuck have replied. Ive spoken personally to Dylan, and as Kyzer is unlikely to use the forum, I thought Id reply now. The reaction has been great, especially from Phil, Nutter, Jak and Dylan, who helped me realise the mistake. Obviously we are in direct competition, so for you guys to back skys decision here is great, and I'm very grateful to you for not giving them/me a hard time about it.  I was so gutted when I realised on Thursday morning what I'd done, or not done. I could accept being dropped, and still will accept being dropped, If my game wasn't good enough. But to ruin my own chances by being so stupid, would have been hard to get over.  I realise that only a tiny %age of the forum users have replied so far, and there may be people who dont agree with the decision still to come, but so far your reactions have been wicked, it was honestly, a genuine yet stupid mistake. Thanks also to sky, I expected the worst. Thanx all, John
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Dohx7, All the best for tomorrow along with the rest of Team Tuck.  It was an innocent mistake and I'm delighted with the decision reached.  Now lets look forward to tomorrow's verdict.

    Sleepless night for the guys and Mr Tuckman.
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited February 2010
    Just caught up with this. IMO the correct decision with regards to Dohhhhh by Sky............not even the slightest chance he was trying to gain an advantage. GL Dohhhhhh mate for tomorrow.
    Posted by jakally

  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited February 2010
    Aup guys, been avoiding this thread today, a bit nervous about reading it thought there may be a back lash of comments, and quite rightly so too.  Ive read it, and I notice 3 of the 5 members of team Tuck have replied. Ive spoken personally to Dylan, and as Kyzer is unlikely to use the forum, I thought Id reply now. The reaction has been great, especially from Phil, Nutter, Jak and Dylan, who helped me realise the mistake. Obviously we are in direct competition, so for you guys to back skys decision here is great, and I'm very grateful to you for not giving them/me a hard time about it.  I was so gutted when I realised on Thursday morning what I'd done, or not done. I could accept being dropped, and still will accept being dropped, If my game wasn't good enough. But to ruin my own chances by being so stupid, would have been hard to get over.  I realise that only a tiny %age of the forum users have replied so far, and there may be people who dont agree with the decision still to come, but so far your reactions have been wicked, it was honestly, a genuine yet stupid mistake. Thanks also to sky, I expected the worst. Thanx all, John
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    I have just got back in to see this, glad to see the rest of Team Tuck being supportive of DOHx7, as Doh said, we both spoke about this personally and he knows my feelings on this matter - there were a lot of cyber hugging when he got the good news that he wasn't DSQ, know you were worried mate and you have been relieved since, well done to SKY as well for being fair on this matter - imo DOHx7 was probably drunk and probably thought he was playing £105.00 HU SNG and not £10.50 HU SNG lol!!

    The results are nearly upon us, good luck to my fellow Team Tuckers - whatever the result, three people will be dissapointed, I may be one of them or I may not be, as Tuck said on the forum, we have all given him reasons to keep us so it's out of our hands now - but what a rollercoaster of a three nights - and I think all 6 of us would all agree that we have learned new things to our game from our mentor therefore the experience so far... has been great and well worth the UP's and Down's!!!!


  • Any2SuitedAny2Suited Member Posts: 1,240
    edited February 2010
    Good decision sky, Doh has been up front and admitted an oversight.It wasn't done maliciously and nice to see a bit of team spirit from the other TPers. Good luck all of you tomorrow.
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