Played perfectly as far as i'm concerned. As the short stack you have less ICM considerations (although the stack sizes are all relatively comparable which makes this a little less relevant). I'm never raising that flop with 2nd pair, its an easy call. On that turn i think the reshove is the perfect play for exactly the reasons you give. Even if villain has an overpair or a Q, you still have good equity in the hand.
Played perfectly as far as i'm concerned. As the short stack you have less ICM considerations (although the stack sizes are all relatively comparable which makes this a little less relevant). I'm never raising that flop with 2nd pair, its an easy call. On that turn i think the reshove is the perfect play for exactly the reasons you give. Even if villain has an overpair or a Q, you still have good equity in the hand.
Well played.
Hiya Ivy,
Thank you for your insight on the hand I really appreciate you taking the time to reply. (I'm glad you agree with my play )
I think it played on my mind a little because of the difficulty of the table and the fact there was 2k up top. looking at it now i don't think i'd do anything differently. besides an ace high hero call HU I'm pretty happy with my play that evening.
One year ago I set out to see what I could do with a £50 Bankroll. As of December 31st I had just over 5k profit. I am very happy with how my game has developed over the year and of course the 5k isn't to shabby either.
New year new goals, After a nice break over December with a hefty chunk of my winnings and a much needed break from the tables I have decided to start fresh with a 2k roll and a set schedule of 18 selected games per day 4-5 days per week. Is a year goal of 20k too bold? Either way that's what I'm aiming for.
Here is how my first three days of play this year look (shameless brag )
Unable to upload a screen grab of sharkscope for some reason?
Games played: 45 Av Profit: £56.25 Av Stake: £9.52 Av ROI: 295% Profit: £2531 AB:79
2k of this came from winning the Sharpshooter last night
I even have the wee chorme spinny star thing for profit too lets see how long I hold onto that lol.
£50 into £5,000, that's just fabulous work Dean, many congratulations.
Good start to 2019, too.
Keep it up, that's some stiff target, but no harm in reaching for the moon, especially as you already did it once.
GL mate.
Thank you Tikay. I agree it is very stiff target, perhaps 10k is a more realistic target for my abilities, but where’s the fun in that? I enjoy a challenge, it keeps me going through the rough patches.
Quite the start to my year, way way beyond what I had forecast considering my volume vs stake goals. I have actually made more in one month than I made the whole of last year.
I failed to hit my volume target of 350MTT's per month this month due to my changing (again) of stake I have reduced my £5.50 buy ins to only two games per session 'the mini' for jackpot potential reasons and the 7:15 Rebuy, (which i really see as at least an £11 game) in order to run more of the £11's and £22's.
I quickly realised that I would fall a little short on volume as I can only play 4 tables at once on my current laptop setup, I miss some of the prime time £11 games because of this. I will be setting up a dual monitor system as soon as I get my spare room sorted out.
For now I am not playing higher than the £33 which I am happy to fire 2 bullets in. The exception being super sunday weekend where I decided to only play the four featured games which cost the same as my regular daily buy in amount with an allowance for one rebuy in the main that I thankfully didn't need.
Results so far:
As I said quite the month, not one I expect very often. The bulk coming from a 2k sharpshooter win and £1860 for finishing 4th in the Super Sunday main, the rest being made up of twelve other 1st place finishes, I think that may be the most tournaments I've won in one month. I really don't have to much to add, I had a dry break even slighty losing spell of 100 games for about £300 or so which is nothing really, other than that it's been a great run.
Goals moving forward:
- Stick to my set stake/daily buy in amount (shots taken where appropriate i.e. super sunday) - Increase volume as discussed - Review more hands, I feel that I keep getting into spots where I am missing value. - Stop paying off the same reg I think I did this three times one day, he clearly see's me coming. Again see review hands. - Actually FT a one of those pesky mini's I do so badly in these games - Work on my mental game for the inevitable dry spell/downswing. Stay sharp and focused. - Study study study - Stay off the spin ups - If I do decide to add in the £55 Sheriff to my shedule I really must try not to misclick rebuy again :-/ (It is very easy to do, perhaps too easy?)
Yeah, removing those two wins even with my loss in volume for the month i'm still on target for my profit goals, they do help massively right enough for when the variance eventually comes to take its share.
Hi Dean Congrats on all your hard work, looks like its paying off . Just wondering what kind of hours you put in per week? Playing hours and study hours? Im trying to up both myself. cheers
Fantastic results Dean, have just added you to list list of players i hope to avoid ! On the study side i really enjoy poker podcasts , especially The Chip Race by Dara Okearney and David Lappin , both worth a follow on twitter and read up the blogs. Thinking poker another fav. Dara also has a webinar out on Satellite strategy , and a book coming out soon. he is considered by many to be the best around for satellite coaching. Looking forward to your future posts, and good luck on the quest.
Hi Dean Congrats on all your hard work, looks like its paying off . Just wondering what kind of hours you put in per week? Playing hours and study hours? Im trying to up both myself. cheers
Hi Seadragon,
Thank you very much
With regards to my poker time I have always liked having a set schedule. Last year when I was trying to build my roll (January - August) I was playing from 9am all £5.50's, £3.30's and £2.20's the last game I would register was usually the 14:30 £5.50BH so on a good day I was done just after 5pm.
Come August when I had built a fairly chunky roll from starting I decided to start a little later on in the morning usually around 10:30 and skip all of the £2:20's and add in the £11 games and the 3pm £22 game and my last registration would be the 5pm £11 Rebuy (which realistically is a £22+) and play through as long as that game would last.
I was playing 3-4 days per week around my job during these schedules.
My Study time during this year was kind of as and when really, especially at the start when I was just focusing on plying the game and learning as I went always tagging and noting as much as I could and learning ways to exploit the frequent players in these games. I used sharkscope a fair bit for basic information on a player but i never solely rely on it.
Towards the end of the year I started this thread to reach out to the community looking for advice on moving up the stakes and to find other paths to pursue studying the game more accurately a few great players were kind enough to offer insight into this and I have followed a lot of the suggestions they made ( have a nosey on page one)
My current schedule has completely changed. I play full time, five days per week. I start off at 3pm and register up until 11pm I play most of the £11 games, all of the £22 games (except midnight express) the 7:15 £5.50 Rebuy and the nightly Main and Mini so between 14-18 games per night.
I like spend a couple of hours before each session looking over some spots from the previous session, I'm afraid to say I have been a bit lax this month but intend to sharpen up my study game massively over the coming months.
Fantastic results Dean, have just added you to list list of players i hope to avoid ! On the study side i really enjoy poker podcasts , especially The Chip Race by Dara Okearney and David Lappin , both worth a follow on twitter and read up the blogs. Thinking poker another fav. Dara also has a webinar out on Satellite strategy , and a book coming out soon. he is considered by many to be the best around for satellite coaching. Looking forward to your future posts, and good luck on the quest.
Hi Glencoelad,
Thank you very much. I have a list too... doesn't help though!
Stunning part of the world is Glencoe, whenever I see you on my table your alias makes me realise how much I miss Scotland.
I have never come across those podcasts before I will be sure to check them out. Having played exactly 0 satellites this year I will be sure have a look at that webinar before I start to add them into my schedule, especially pre UKOPS (soonish @tikay?) as I don't think my bank roll can take the pounding off nightly £110's.
Keep it up man! best thing you can do now is invest in a solid setup, decent computer, a monitor or two. Up that volume and it'll pay for itself soon.
Just read your comment about satellites, huge value in satellites on this site, so many mistakes are made from a lot of people, even top regs. Plenty of content out there.
And the mental side of poker is defo one of the most important things, probably my weak point, so easy to get tilted and play different when things aren't going your way, gym and meditation will hopefully help me in that area
Hi Dean Congrats on all your hard work, looks like its paying off . Just wondering what kind of hours you put in per week? Playing hours and study hours? Im trying to up both myself. cheers
Hi Seadragon,
Thank you very much
With regards to my poker time I have always liked having a set schedule. Last year when I was trying to build my roll (January - August) I was playing from 9am all £5.50's, £3.30's and £2.20's the last game I would register was usually the 14:30 £5.50BH so on a good day I was done just after 5pm.
Come August when I had built a fairly chunky roll from starting I decided to start a little later on in the morning usually around 10:30 and skip all of the £2:20's and add in the £11 games and the 3pm £22 game and my last registration would be the 5pm £11 Rebuy (which realistically is a £22+) and play through as long as that game would last.
I was playing 3-4 days per week around my job during these schedules.
My Study time during this year was kind of as and when really, especially at the start when I was just focusing on plying the game and learning as I went always tagging and noting as much as I could and learning ways to exploit the frequent players in these games. I used sharkscope a fair bit for basic information on a player but i never solely rely on it.
Towards the end of the year I started this thread to reach out to the community looking for advice on moving up the stakes and to find other paths to pursue studying the game more accurately a few great players were kind enough to offer insight into this and I have followed a lot of the suggestions they made ( have a nosey on page one)
My current schedule has completely changed. I play full time, five days per week. I start off at 3pm and register up until 11pm I play most of the £11 games, all of the £22 games (except midnight express) the 7:15 £5.50 Rebuy and the nightly Main and Mini so between 14-18 games per night.
I like spend a couple of hours before each session looking over some spots from the previous session, I'm afraid to say I have been a bit lax this month but intend to sharpen up my study game massively over the coming months.
Fantastic results Dean, have just added you to list list of players i hope to avoid ! On the study side i really enjoy poker podcasts , especially The Chip Race by Dara Okearney and David Lappin , both worth a follow on twitter and read up the blogs. Thinking poker another fav. Dara also has a webinar out on Satellite strategy , and a book coming out soon. he is considered by many to be the best around for satellite coaching. Looking forward to your future posts, and good luck on the quest.
Hi Glencoelad,
Thank you very much. I have a list too... doesn't help though!
Stunning part of the world is Glencoe, whenever I see you on my table your alias makes me realise how much I miss Scotland.
I have never come across those podcasts before I will be sure to check them out. Having played exactly 0 satellites this year I will be sure have a look at that webinar before I start to add them into my schedule, especially pre UKOPS (soonish @tikay?) as I don't think my bank roll can take the pounding off nightly £110's.
Keep it up man! best thing you can do now is invest in a solid setup, decent computer, a monitor or two. Up that volume and it'll pay for itself soon.
Just read your comment about satellites, huge value in satellites on this site, so many mistakes are made from a lot of people, even top regs. Plenty of content out there.
And the mental side of poker is defo one of the most important things, probably my weak point, so easy to get tilted and play different when things aren't going your way, gym and meditation will hopefully help me in that area
Cheers @miniman88 I'm looking into having a computer built, any advice what i'll need/won't need? I'm not the best with computers. when I have this up and running I will be able to play more tables so will definitely be adding satellites into my schedule. The nine year old macbook pro doesn't like 5+ tables and there so tiny on the 13" screen.
Congrats mate. I have played with you a few times and have been impressed with your play.
I have also been thinking about moving up the stakes as I have been playing an average buy in of about £5 for a couple years now, only problem is I am still a student and whenever I build up a roll I have to withdraw a bulk to pay bills and ****.
Congrats mate. I have played with you a few times and have been impressed with your play.
I have also been thinking about moving up the stakes as I have been playing an average buy in of about £5 for a couple years now, only problem is I am still a student and whenever I build up a roll I have to withdraw a bulk to pay bills and ****.
Hi @Summers119 thank you very much, we have indeed played together a good amount.
With regards to the moving up it did take me a few tries to get comfortable with it. Like yourself I alway built a good enough roll then had to withdraw for bills, car repair, missus maintenance etc...
First time I tried to move up I went on a £450 downswing which was very disheartening so I went back to playing my regular games for a couple of months to rebuild my roll. After a couple of months I had another crack at it and lost another £450 and again with my tail between my legs moved back down and rebuilt the roll. After a fair bit of trial and error I managed to gradually move up and build a bigger roll before commiting to my current schedule. Its definitely much more challenging and I still have a lot of work to do but I'm learning something new every day.
I'm never raising that flop with 2nd pair, its an easy call. On that turn i think the reshove is the perfect play for exactly the reasons you give. Even if villain has an overpair or a Q, you still have good equity in the hand.
Well played.
Thank you for your insight on the hand I really appreciate you taking the time to reply. (I'm glad you agree with my play
I think it played on my mind a little because of the difficulty of the table and the fact there was 2k up top. looking at it now i don't think i'd do anything differently. besides an ace high hero call HU I'm pretty happy with my play that evening.
One year ago I set out to see what I could do with a £50 Bankroll. As of December 31st I had just over 5k profit. I am very happy with how my game has developed over the year and of course the 5k isn't to shabby either.
New year new goals, After a nice break over December with a hefty chunk of my winnings and a much needed break from the tables I have decided to start fresh with a 2k roll and a set schedule of 18 selected games per day 4-5 days per week. Is a year goal of 20k too bold? Either way that's what I'm aiming for.
Here is how my first three days of play this year look (shameless brag
Unable to upload a screen grab of sharkscope for some reason?
Games played: 45
Av Profit: £56.25
Av Stake: £9.52
Av ROI: 295%
Profit: £2531
2k of this came from winning the Sharpshooter last night
I even have the wee chorme spinny star thing for profit too lets see how long I hold onto that lol.
Best wishes and good luck at the tables for 2019.
£50 into £5,000, that's just fabulous work Dean, many congratulations.
Good start to 2019, too.
Keep it up, that's some stiff target, but no harm in reaching for the moon, especially as you already did it once.
GL mate.
Quite the start to my year, way way beyond what I had forecast considering my volume vs stake goals. I have actually made more in one month than I made the whole of last year.
I failed to hit my volume target of 350MTT's per month this month due to my changing (again) of stake I have reduced my £5.50 buy ins to only two games per session 'the mini' for jackpot potential reasons and the 7:15 Rebuy, (which i really see as at least an £11 game) in order to run more of the £11's and £22's.
I quickly realised that I would fall a little short on volume as I can only play 4 tables at once on my current laptop setup, I miss some of the prime time £11 games because of this. I will be setting up a dual monitor system as soon as I get my spare room sorted out.
For now I am not playing higher than the £33 which I am happy to fire 2 bullets in. The exception being super sunday weekend where I decided to only play the four featured games which cost the same as my regular daily buy in amount with an allowance for one rebuy in the main that I thankfully didn't need.
Results so far:
As I said quite the month, not one I expect very often. The bulk coming from a 2k sharpshooter win and £1860 for finishing 4th in the Super Sunday main, the rest being made up of twelve other 1st place finishes, I think that may be the most tournaments I've won in one month. I really don't have to much to add, I had a dry break even slighty losing spell of 100 games for about £300 or so which is nothing really, other than that it's been a great run.
Goals moving forward:
- Stick to my set stake/daily buy in amount (shots taken where appropriate i.e. super sunday)
- Increase volume as discussed
- Review more hands, I feel that I keep getting into spots where I am missing value.
- Stop paying off the same reg I think I did this three times one day, he clearly see's me coming. Again see review hands.
- Actually FT a one of those pesky mini's I do so badly in these games
- Work on my mental game for the inevitable dry spell/downswing. Stay sharp and focused.
- Study study study
- Stay off the spin ups
- If I do decide to add in the £55 Sheriff to my shedule I really must try not to misclick rebuy again :-/ (It is very easy to do, perhaps too easy?)
Targets: £20,000 profit +4000 MTT's
Current Profit: £5,366
MTT's played: 258
Great stuff @ironpump1.
Even if we exclude the 2 big binks as being variance, the rest of the graph is steadily upward for the entire month.
Hope you can sustain it - I'm confident you will.
eventually comes to take its share.
Congrats on all your hard work, looks like its paying off
On the study side i really enjoy poker podcasts , especially The Chip Race by Dara Okearney and David Lappin , both worth a follow on twitter and read up the blogs.
Thinking poker another fav. Dara also has a webinar out on Satellite strategy , and a book coming out soon.
he is considered by many to be the best around for satellite coaching.
Looking forward to your future posts, and good luck on the quest.
Thank you very much
With regards to my poker time I have always liked having a set schedule. Last year when I was trying to build my roll (January - August) I was playing from 9am all £5.50's, £3.30's and £2.20's the last game I would register was usually the 14:30 £5.50BH so on a good day I was done just after 5pm.
Come August when I had built a fairly chunky roll from starting I decided to start a little later on in the morning usually around 10:30 and skip all of the £2:20's and add in the £11 games and the 3pm £22 game and my last registration would be the 5pm £11 Rebuy (which realistically is a £22+) and play through as long as that game would last.
I was playing 3-4 days per week around my job during these schedules.
My Study time during this year was kind of as and when really, especially at the start when I was just focusing on plying the game and learning as I went always tagging and noting as much as I could and learning ways to exploit the frequent players in these games. I used sharkscope a fair bit for basic information on a player but i never solely rely on it.
Towards the end of the year I started this thread to reach out to the community looking for advice on moving up the stakes and to find other paths to pursue studying the game more accurately a few great players were kind enough to offer insight into this and I have followed a lot of the suggestions they made ( have a nosey on page one)
My current schedule has completely changed. I play full time, five days per week. I start off at 3pm and register up until 11pm I play most of the £11 games, all of the £22 games (except midnight express) the 7:15 £5.50 Rebuy and the nightly Main and Mini so between 14-18 games per night.
I like spend a couple of hours before each session looking over some spots from the previous session, I'm afraid to say I have been a bit lax this month but intend to sharpen up my study game massively over the coming months.
I hope this helps.
Best of luck,
Dean. Hi Glencoelad,
Thank you very much. I have a list too... doesn't help though!
Stunning part of the world is Glencoe, whenever I see you on my table your alias makes me realise how much I miss Scotland.
I have never come across those podcasts before I will be sure to check them out. Having played exactly 0 satellites this year I will be sure have a look at that webinar before I start to add them into my schedule, especially pre UKOPS (soonish @tikay?) as I don't think my bank roll can take the pounding off nightly £110's.
Best of luck,
Just read your comment about satellites, huge value in satellites on this site, so many mistakes are made from a lot of people, even top regs. Plenty of content out there.
And the mental side of poker is defo one of the most important things, probably my weak point, so easy to get tilted and play different when things aren't going your way, gym and meditation will hopefully help me in that area
There is - usually - a UKOPS around Easter time.
I have also been thinking about moving up the stakes as I have been playing an average buy in of about £5 for a couple years now, only problem is I am still a student and whenever I build up a roll I have to withdraw a bulk to pay bills and ****.
With regards to the moving up it did take me a few tries to get comfortable with it.
Like yourself I alway built a good enough roll then had to withdraw for bills, car repair, missus maintenance etc...
First time I tried to move up I went on a £450 downswing which was very disheartening so I went back to playing my regular games for a couple of months to rebuild my roll. After a couple of months I had another crack at it and lost another £450 and again with my tail between my legs moved back down and rebuilt the roll. After a fair bit of trial and error I managed to gradually move up and build a bigger roll before commiting to my current schedule. Its definitely much more challenging and I still have a lot of work to do but I'm learning something new every day.
Best of luck at the tables.