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‘It’s Only A Game’ so, let’s Be ‘avin’ you, Biggest Reveal, in Humankind History



  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    We're? Do? Herefords finest, off the books go?
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Spin that, in google,answers? None, coz it ain't plagurized
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    My last last WORDS on the subject,they ain't crashing Commander Fravors door,nor mine X
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603
    edited June 2019
    @goldon, you have a competitor, a kindred spirit.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    No worries Tony, it's all jack smak,you keep believing that, old son, (think) 1970 -2019,not even fifty years, when? Did the Wrigh Brothers, start struutin their stuff? , so a monumental,quantom leap,just 'happened? Did it, erm, ever heard of 5g? What is that? Any idea? Oh, I know, it's real, as is, Astra TRB 3 - black manta-, 5g advertised 'todays' big breakthrough, how long you think? It has really existed? Anyway, those that enjoy IVORY TOWERS, I pity YOU, ps, if you google earth me, it's pitiful, how many operations? Physical? As in, repairing smashed bones, do you think I have had? Dare me,goad me,to scan post the proof, why I would rather be in diego garcia, playing poker with military guys n gals X
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,641
    Sounds like ya beat the clock misterpj?
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,359
    edited June 2019

    No worries Tony, it's all jack smak, you keep believing that, old son.

    Think,1970 -2019, not even fifty years.

    When did the Wright Brothers, start strutting their stuff?.

    So a monumental- quantom leap just 'happened?

    Did it?

    Ever heard of 5g?

    What is that?

    Any idea?

    Oh, I know, it's real, as is, Astra TRB 3 *(footnote 1)

    - black manta-*(2)

    5g advertised 'todays' big breakthrough, how long you think (ago) ,it has really existed?

    Anyway, those that enjoy IVORY TOWERS, I pity YOU.

    ps, if you google earth me, it's pitiful, how many physical operations do you think I have had? (As in, repairing smashed bones )

    Dare me, goad me, to scan post the proof ?

    Why, I would rather be in diego garcia (3), playing poker with military guys n gals X


    *1 Anti-gravity aircraft (4)
    *2 fictional character -
    *4 Ask Vespa.
  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2019
    I hope you're ok @misterpj you seem a bit manic lately (I can relate).

    My use of punctuation leaves a lot to be desired at times so I shouldn't really throw stones and I don't want to cause offence... but could you possibly try to write without using so many commas? Maybe just ditch them completely? I would like to read what you have to say but it's so difficult to get through it when,it's,all written, like,this. :/

    At a table the other day you were on the verge of telling me a story about Ram Vaswani, Joe Beevers and Vicky Coren (now that sort of stuff I'm definitely interested in) but you were spirited away before fashioning the narrative...
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,791
    Ram Vaswani, Joe Beevers and the incomparable Victoria Coren. Give us the story.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    How old is the universe ? 13.8 billion years old.

    This information helps astronomers determine the age of the universe. Age may only be a number, but when it comes to the age of the universe, it's a pretty important one,the universe is approximately 13.8 billion years old.
    How old is earth ? 4.543 billion years old.
    Meteorites,that have crashed into Earth,(meteorite fragments) for the hair splitters,have been dated to 4.5 billion years old by carbon ‘lead’ - lead dating.
    How old are Homo Sapiens ? 200,000 years old.
    Fossils of anatomically modern humans are from the Middle Paleolithic, about 200,000 years ago such as the Omo remains of Ethiopia and the fossils of Herto also known as Homo Aapiens Idaltu.

    I have zero idea,if anyone,reading this,has ‘lateral thinking ability ?’ education ? knowledge ? ,if not for yourself,for your children and grand children,here is,a massive clue, Göbekli Tepe ( it is a place,in Turkey) Pandora’s Box (the keys to).

    When was the first ever poweerd flight ? 116 years ago,thanks to Orville and Wilbur.

    Contemplate that, for a moment, a hundred and sixteen years ago.

    When,was the first working,fully functioning,but prototype Astra TR3B BlackManta being tested ? in the late 1980’s. Orville and Wilbur,just about get a ‘prop’ powered bi-plane,just off the ground,for a short period of time ( 1903) lets go fast forward to ( 1988) shall we do some maths ? 1988 minus 1903 = 85. Eighty Five Years (only)

    From a ‘prop’ powered bi –plane,to a ‘duel fuel,’exoticlly powered piece of mastery.How ? Who ? Why ?

    Benjamin Robert Rich (June 18, 1925 – January 5, 1995) was an American engineer and the second Director of Lockheed's Skunk Works from 1975 to 1991, Regarded as the "father of stealth",Rich was responsible for all the development of the F-117, the first production stealth aircraft,and the F-104, U-2, A-12, SR-71, and F-22, among others.

    One day,the among others,will include,the Astra TR3B BlackManta What is so special,about that ? a lot, ever seen one ?, unlikely, I am pretty sure,there will not be,one of these,turning up,at an airshow,any time soon ( hope I am wrong). How do they ‘fly’ ? operate ? ,well, as,the origenal technology,has (is) already superceeded, A circular plasma-filled accelerator ring, called a magnetic field disruptor, surrounds the rotating crew compartment. This magnetic field technology does not officially exist,(hmmm) !
    Sandia and Livermoore Laboratories developed this reverse-engineered MFD technology,the mercury-based plasma is pressurized to 250,000 atmospheres at a temperature of 123.15 degrees Celsius.
    This results in a superconducting plasma with 50,000 revolutions per minute and generates a magnetic field that reduces gravity by 89 percent. The TR-3B thus has an anti-gravity drive.
    MFD technology makes the TR-3B extremely lightweight and enables the aircraft to maneuver out any other aircraft, the TR-3B can reach an altitude of 120,000 feet, which corresponds to approximately 36,000 kilometers.
    The high-flying stealth reconnaissance aircraft has three engines mounted on each corner of the triangular shape of the TR-3B. The maximum speed is Mach 9 and based on this it is he fastest plane in the world,and reach any place on earth within a short time.The three multimode engines are powered by an atomic thermal rocket engine and use hydrogen or methane in combination with oxygen as fuel.
    Want to ‘see one ? ‘ up close and personal,(and you will need to be very very lucky) lucky meaning,in the right place,at the right time,in non stealth mode,I could not possibly tell you,or even hazard a guess.
    On a completely,unrelated,separate matter,that ‘relaxing’ camping break,the ‘dart’ landed in,on,Machrihanish a beautiful village in Argyll, on the west coast of Scotland. A short distance north of the tip of Mull of Kintyre,facing out towards Ireland over the Atlantic.

  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,528
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Living in a much BETTER WORLD
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    If your brain was dynamite,I would want 100-1,plus,enough their,to lift,even your HAT
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,467
    Personally, I can't see, what anyone with any neurones, can find fault, with the punctuation, and/or grammar, on any of pj"s posts.....(going for the record now..)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 1bigbluff1bigbluff Member Posts: 71
    and you wonder why the forum is dying with rubbish like this
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,298
    Tikay10 said:

    @goldon, you have a competitor, a kindred spirit.

    Thank you Mr T but "misterpj" is far to intellectual for comparison to me, he uses joined up long words and sentences with punctuation and bells & whistles.
    You can't beat a Picture to tell the Story...........
    My forte

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