Did anyone else spot the very obvious colluders on the DYM 11 tables this evening?
They even had a near identical usernames :-(
@WARDDOG was on a couple of them with me...
How good are Sky at refunding these games (i lost in two of them to these guys)... ?
I have reported it to the care team via the live chat...
When it's against such obvious cheats/colluders, yes, 100%, as any one would be.
I posted it here (without their names) so others could also look out for it.
Do you think cheaters should prosper and refunds to those cheated by them shouldn't happen? Are you right in the head?
No fee. If you win, you make profit, if you lose you just try get refund.
Best thing to do is contact customer care with details.
I play 12 tables of DYM at the same time and auto register into the next table without checking the entrants.
When I saw these guys, I then started to unregister from games and yes, I did contact customer care - they sorted it swiftly to be fair, well played to them.
If you reported it to Customer Care, then it won't have been ignored, it will have been passed to the Fraud Teams to investigate & act as appropriate. Action is not always instant, but all reports of collusion are investigated & dealt with in due course.
Feel free to speak to CC again if you wish, but if it's been reported it will already be on file & it won't be ignored.
Try this
If you have suspicions, always correct to report. Bear in mind though - as I'm sure you will - that the evidence you suggest (same area) is purely circumstantial.
They are literally talking with each other in the chat, they clearly know one another, not saying they are based on 1 sng, but can imagine it helping to track it sooner rather than later. If others have been having the same issues.
Man.they the mite be friends...