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Live Podcast #2 with Andy Young - aka ChicknMelt - Monday 7th September at 19:30

DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
Following all the positive feedback from last Monday's podcast (thanks again @MattBates!), I'm delighted to announce that @chicknMelt will be joining me next Monday (7th Sept) for round two. Andy was one of the first names on a lot of peoples lips when the idea of more podcasts was mentioned and I genuinely can't wait to find out what makes this absolute beast of the MTT world tick.

The overall format seemed to work pretty well last time out so I'll be keeping things the same for next Monday - I'll kick off the stream at the usual time of 18:30 with a bit of poker action before Melty joins me live at 19:30.

As before, if there is anything in particular you guys would like me to ask Melty then just let me know in here. All the questions you posted last time out with Matt really helped me put the whole thing together - from the supposedly obvious stuff I'd have otherwise forgotten to ask to the funny and outright bizarre ones.

It'll all be taking place at the link below and you can also find me live on there tonight from 18:30 where I'll be doing my best to pretend that I enjoy tournament poker:


  • LmfaoAllinLmfaoAllin Member Posts: 1,213
    Using the ordering machine at Mcdonalds, what do you have to press to get just a bun and gherkin?
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    1. Toughest opponent/s on Sky?
    2. Biggest win online and live?
    3. Who is the better guitar player, you or Duesenberg?
  • PKRParPKRPar Member Posts: 2,261
    Reason behind the username?
    Biggest mistake you see amatuer players making?
    WSOP Main Event, first hand you have Aces, utg goes all in. Do you call?
    Do you study, and if so what do you use?
    What would you like to see on Sky as part of any new changes coming around the corner? More rake races? ;)
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    What times the giveaway this week? I heard it was a free lesson of chickmelt
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Great stuff, looking forward to it!

    Think he mentioned somewhere he's a dad? Could you ask how he manages to balance that with the pokerzzz/ever had any big final tables interrupted by nappy changes or whatever
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,932
    Will Waller02 ever ever be any good 😉
  • Allan23Allan23 Member Posts: 877
    1. Your best guess on the future of sky poker
    2. Best/any live poker stories
    3. Any interesting tales from the world of backing/staking?
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    stokefc said:

    Will Waller02 ever ever be any good 😉

    They will be far too busy with other questions to answer this one on Monday I'm afraid, so you may as well delete it.

    (The answer is no btw)
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    I liked Matt’s story of the guy putting the neighbour’s bins out, are there any staking rules you’ve had to impose to stop someone getting the gins out?
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    Have you used training sites?

    If so which and why?


  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,659
    Do you have any thoughts on how much wood a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?
  • AMD68AMD68 Member Posts: 125
    I typed the following up during a work break, think I got carried away but Parkinson can edit the list to his hearts content. :smiley:

    "Melty" as Dues calls him (I think I'll call him "Chicken") was on the same table as me and Mr Bates last night. A right bit of rivalry building up between them with plenty needling going on in the chat box.
    Q1. Chicken, what's your favourite tipple as you clearly don't like coke and whiskey ie the preferred choice of Mr Bates.
    Q2. how tall are you (viewers seemed very keen on this question at the inaugural podcast).
    Q3. Other than Skypoker, which is your favourite poker site and why?
    Q4. If you were a playing card which one would you be and why?
    Q5. If it's not been asked already - biggest win? We won't talk about losses, us poker players never do.
    Q6. Craziest hand you've ever been involved in?
    Q7. Most generous gift you ever bought yourself as an award for a big win?
    Q8. Favourite music to listen to why playing poker?
    Q9. Max. number of tables you play at one time and what's the main technique to staying in control e.g. Mr Bates likes tiles I believe.
    Q10. Worst rant when had a bad beat? I destroyed a mouse once and someone else fessed up to kicking a door. Or are you a laid back Chicken who's too drugged up to your eyeballs to care for about a bad beat?
    Q11. How's Dues' interview technique?
    Q12. What's Dues' biggest strength on the poker table?
    Q14. Who do you see as the best (most skilled but perhaps not biggest wins) MTT poker player online and on the live circuit and why?
    Q15. Have you had COVID-19?
    Q16. What do you think of Scotland (careful with this answer :) )
    Q17. What do you think of players who hits Quads on the flop and fold :blush: Yup that was me 2 nights a go. Multi-tabling (does 2 tables at the same time count as multi tabling?) and didnt pay attention to the flop, just folded my hole cards 7 2 (flop was 222).
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    I think Andy is smart enough to know that you shouldn’t put a good coke anywhere near a good whiskey! Not sure what Matt’s up to polluting single malts, a rare leak perhaps.

    Dues - not sure if it will be relevant but think Andy posted a photo of his grind station not so long ago on here, if anything you chat about relates might be worth digging out. I’ll have a look for it.
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    Actually scrap that, I was thinking it was one of the more ‘grindy’ looking ones, but Melt’s is much more sleek and minimalist. Who knows maybe that’s a talking point, doubt it, but maybe if you get any awkward silences :D
  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
    Really appreciate all the good questions and feedback guys, many thanks to you all :)
  • giesahaungiesahaun Member Posts: 116
    edited September 2020
    I was in the forum archive and came across this thread "can-a-chicken-go-pro" from November 2013 and would recommend a read of it. There is so much detail that it will take a fair time to read. The thread is a good education as well as inspirational.

  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited September 2020
    I may add some more but for now!

    1. If you could perform a wrestling move on any sky player which move and which player? Have you ever wrestled in a casino?
    2. What is the highest number of live entries you have done in a week?
    3. I heard you once played 3 sessions in a week. How do you maintain such volume?
    4. Is note taking important? Do you keep a good balance between family life and poker? What are your notes on wingman/alba?
    5. Have you played much live plo? Ever staked anyone for live plo?
    6. You have some great results in SPT’s, what is the secret to your success? What % of day 1a that you have played have you remembered?
    7. In your diary you said, “I got get my C4P from october paid into my account too today. I didnt play enough last month for a mixture of reasons, so I didnt even get to 5000 points. my C4P payment was £59.70.” How many times this year have you got to 5k points?
  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
    Some excellent questions there @MattBates

    They should work nicely alongside me asking Melty whether he thinks Matt Bates is bitter that he's won almost the same amount of money in 2020 but with just half the volume? ;)
  • AMD68AMD68 Member Posts: 125
    Are you staying on topic tonight Dues? Pinky promise! :)
  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
    Well the good news is that I'll just be playing a little cash before our esteemed guest joins the stream at 19:30, so even I should be able to not completely **** that up.

    It all kicks off in 15 mins folks... :)
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