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RSPCA Coaching



  • GREGSTERGREGSTER Member Posts: 386
    Just because someone gets a bit of coaching doesn't mean to say they are all of a sudden going to become brilliant, I think a certain amount is still down to natural ability. I'm sure RSPCA will be a great coach, but it depends on the students ability to take on board what he is saying / teaching and implement it in to there own play.

    I could go and get coached by a top football coach, but I wouldn't then be expecting to become a pro footballer in a couple of months.
  • miniman88miniman88 Member Posts: 134
    It's one thing for a group of players to get coaching from a really good player but it's a completely different thing for those players to retain the knowledge they've received, work their **** off after the coaching has finished and to actually apply that knowledge.

    The reason the top high stakes players don't get scared about selling their training courses is because they know the majority of people buying them are lazy and/or are not intelligent enough. I've done little to no studying w poker, reason being? because I'm lazy af. However, I love people offering their expertise and others wanting to improve themselves, that's human nature and that's literally how poker has evolved over the years. It should fuel people's competitive side and motivate them to improve on their own game.

    The only time someone should be scared with this scenario is if NLHE is solved and something tells me from playing on here it's far from being solved :D Would recommend players taking up on @rspca12 's offer, thinking of dropping a pm myself
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    GREGSTER said:

    Just because someone gets a bit of coaching doesn't mean to say they are all of a sudden going to become brilliant, I think a certain amount is still down to natural ability. I'm sure RSPCA will be a great coach, but it depends on the students ability to take on board what he is saying / teaching and implement it in to there own play.

    I could go and get coached by a top football coach, but I wouldn't then be expecting to become a pro footballer in a couple of months.

    You thinking it would be more like 6months?
  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    Actually hstake players never use to sellout before because there was so much money to be won at the tables.Now it is different,the 1mill + they are making for the courses has over taken what they can make at the tables.They understood when it was right to sell out, the coaches here dont understand that, as right now ur still make alot more at the tables than coaching.
    And again, they are coaching to players mostly who have nothing to do with the games they play.Here coaches coach players in a tiny pool and will face off with them regularly.

    They are not coaching players to beat tough games.They are teaching either small losing/to b/e players, who without that much educating can go from those levels, to solid enough winners.With sky size pool, this has a huge negative impact.6 handed, was 3 good players, 2 losers, one b/e.Now that b/e players is winning and taking a bunch of spots that were urs.

    One other point, because field so small, they are more than likely gonna share the reads they have on regs, so a double negative impact.
  • rspca12rspca12 Member Posts: 618
    Arrogant 50% off just for u u driving so much business my way gd lad. Time u spent commenting on this thread could got some study in decent vid posted below.
  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    how much is that an hour
  • GREGSTERGREGSTER Member Posts: 386
    MattBates said:

    You thinking it would be more like 6months?
    Yeah, give me 6 months and I'd be as good as Messi, just doesn't seem worth the effort though, don't think these top footballers earn enough, I'm not getting out of bed for £500K a week!
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited September 2020

    In order to help balance the ecology of the site, I too will be offering private coaching.

    If you're a good or average player looking to become a shite one, drop me a pm for more info on my rates.

    How much do you pay your students to coach them? :o
  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    Games get tougher but the coaches on here increase that at a rapid rate for a small reward that they will find out when its too late.

    Good example i use to play 180 man sngs on stars years ago.There were a load of us beating them at good rates and it wasnt because we were crushers, we just had good jam and call charts.But then ppl got greedy, and they started coaching, and even tho what they were teaching wasnt enough to turn anyone into a crusher, it was enough info to kill those games.

    You got coach
  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    You got coached to a level waller that if all the table was regs and wallers, all the crushers you speak of, their rois would drop dramatically
  • chappo100chappo100 Member Posts: 116
    @Arrogant you know the £2 deepstacks will forever be good value you can always move down and play these with me and make like £5 a game or sommit ;)
  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    Thats what they all think, if i coach couple players no impact on their winrate, but from what i can see that reg/fish ratio is getting worse.But why are these coaches so confident about this?
    The best atribute most of these coaches have is game selection, they have made a living from crushering terrible players but they think all of a sudden if fields get like stars or party, (the sites they all avoid), they can just improve and hold those winrates lol.
  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    rspca, i only just checked the video u linked.Thats quite ironic in a way because that dara guy i played alot too in sats and then a few changes/stables coming along killed them too, so the real tip u should learn from dara here is not the strat, its when to sell out.
    You see if you check slowdokes (dara) sat graph you can see he made like 400k, something alot of players where doing at the time but we all kept our graphs locked and kept printing and did our best not to let the cat out the bag.
    The you can see since 2015 doke has barely made anything in sats since then till today, during that time he started coaching and then released his book once the games were dead.
  • rspca12rspca12 Member Posts: 618
    edited September 2020
  • chappo100chappo100 Member Posts: 116
    @rspca12 you do actually play a really good schedule in terms of value from tourneys looking at pocket5s. I'd play a very similar one if my roll wasn't so busto.
  • The--DonThe--Don Member Posts: 393
    Arrogant said:

    If you got guys ruining the games for shorterm gain, calling them out on it is not being a ****

    You think one guy coaching a few people will ruin the game?

    Give over soft lad!

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