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  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,602
    edited September 2020
    MP33 said:

    Arrogant said:

    Hi MP33

    I checked ur tournament results and imo, very impressive.You actually have double the roi of a coach on here, so u a far from being a slight winner and maybe you would be better suited to being one of the coaches.

    If that doesnt interest you, well id suggest you try games a bit higher than what you currently play and see what happens.The standard shouldnt be too different, but if it is you can always drop down again or post hands in this thread
    to be able to cope with a tougher lineup.

    Thats probably something else this coaching can offer, solid bankroll management advice and when to move up or down.

    My stats will be open if we get to the point of charging for coaching, but while its free i keep them shut, as the less info players have about my ability on the tables the better.

    Slight winner - around 7k over many years and average buy in of less than a fiver.

    I think theres a huge difference when you get to £10 + buy ins and even some of the £5 ones you still get solid regs.

    @Arrogant This is a hand from my thread which sadly didn,t get any responses

    EDIT - Can,t post it but its on my thread - last page - Diary no.2

    The hand is on this page.....


  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    Id play it the same.Even if he has aces ur close to flipping and if you just call and make ur hand on the turn its gonna be harder to get max payout.
    Of course with the bounty added you need to gamble a bit more in these situations.
  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    edited September 2020
    What would you do if the hand was the same but the board was 5jq rainbow?
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    probably play it the same assuming 1 spade on flop

    Half an hour later i realised this bet sizing from him meant he was probably strong but it was too late by then
  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    The ss block.I actually have had alot of abuse on the tables with this one.You beat a losing player or bad reg in a pot and they desperately scramble to get ss open and check your stats praying that you have worse stats than them so they can try humiliate you.

    They always come back with, ahh ur blocked u must be a big loser in the games,not considering other reasons.

    Imo alot of big winners on this site have made a mistake not locking their ss.There was one site that had just died that was part of my schedule and i had to replace it.I searched ss leaderboards, what games looked to have potential, what sites had biggest earners and i came across the skypoker leaderboard.
    Very high win rates, good yearly earnings.If i had not seen these stats i may of not been playing on this site today.

    I have a question for you, if my ss stats were open, would just a better roi than you or just bigger profit be how you decide if someone can help improve you?
  • BlairReidBlairReid Member Posts: 74
    So we can blame the big winners for you being here and hoovering up all the money?

    If only they'd known at the time the level of player they were inadvertently attracting. Tots and pears to the leaderboard top 5. I'm sure we can start crowdfunding to cover the remainder of their Nytol bills.
  • steveyseesteveysee Member Posts: 75
    I totally agree with u on the other post arro, why someone is offering coaching on a site with an afs of 120 players (20 regs and 100 recs) is beyond me, i agree the players winrate is obv decreasing if he has to basically start giving up player notes as coaching.... if he had offered it on a site with a good player pool where its not almost collusion it wouldve made sense, i was suprised by the reaction to what seemed common sense to me, rspca has been around for a good few years im suprised hes gone for this option instead of just upping his volume on bigger sites
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    I can assure you RSPCA isn't doing it because he isn't winning much anymore

    Anyone who actually works on their game will never be afraid of coaching anyone because they know getting to the highest level is a factor of the work you put in. Plugging a few leaks for someone isn't going to get them to the top. It will bring them up a few rungs, but if you keep studying you will always be ahead of the curve. I challenge anyone to remember all the opening ranges in RYE, or all the lines PIO takes etc.

    I have coached many players in my time and my win rate has always improved- highest ever on sky this year. Especially improve when I coach a lot because I am forced to check my theories are correct, or find out the answer to questions i don't know.

    Pleno does 10+ PIO sims a day because he knows if he doesn't then someone will over take him. This is the kind of work ethic you need to reach the top in poker these days, and its hardly surprising considering the rewards that are available to the top players.

    There are plenty of people that will never get coaching too.

    IMO to make games more attractive rake should be redirected to purely incentivise new players, not rewards high volume ones. That is the real problem - making it so the only way to profit is to play as many tables as possible because the games have a high rake and low skill ceiling (spins, or dyms)- wouldn't it be better if that wasn't the case, more recreational players could be attracted to the games if hey weren't so dry, and were more incentivised to play.
  • tonyp142tonyp142 Member Posts: 33
    edited September 2020
    @steveysee - you say start giving up player notes as coaching? Want to elaborate on what you mean by that.
  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    Im not hoovering up all the money, i cant be, i dont play like any other reg on here, so the big earners probably like to play vs me but maybe there are other players who came here for the same reasons as me, and they are strong players who could damage team heavies income.

    Steve means, if note sharing is illegal (can anyone confirm?), then cheating is a possibility when you have the unique situation of such a small player pool where you could coach ppl on how to play vs specific players and share all ur notes and leaks on that player.

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    edited September 2020
    If sharing notes/reads/labels was illegal then surely every single poker stream would be outlawed.

    Many sites allow HUDs to tell them pretty much everything they need to know about a player. So I don't think sharing your reads on player will result in the poker police knocking at you door.
  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    Just telling the chat, this guy is a nit isnt doing any harm, but maybe breaking down that players play and how to counter it is illegal.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    Arrogant said:

    Just telling the chat, this guy is a nit isnt doing any harm, but maybe breaking down that players play and how to counter it is illegal.

  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    Because you will have been handed information about a player that someone else collected.That sounds illegal to me, but maybe it isnt, would be cool if skypoker could confirm or not.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    waller02 said:

    Arrogant said:

    Just telling the chat, this guy is a nit isnt doing any harm, but maybe breaking down that players play and how to counter it is illegal.

    Besides doesn't it soon become clear to yourself whilst playing who is nitty, who is a stn, who seems to be fairly solid? Then you adjust your game accordingly. Coaching that I have received hasn't really focussed on sharing notes on people, it has focussed on certain plays against certain types of opponents. I have not once sat down in a skype group and said right let's share our notes on Player "x", that isnt
    what happens during coaching.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    Arrogant said:

    Because you will have been handed information about a player that someone else collected.That sounds illegal to me, but maybe it isnt, would be cool if skypoker could confirm or not.

    Why do some sites allow HUDs then, which are far more sophisticated then any form of note taking we can do?
  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    Yeh i didnt say it does happen, but if it did, was it legal or not.
  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    Well at least chicken confirms, when a coach coaches, it isnt just a few guys, its many.

    I was afraid of studying also because of a post from pads, and that when he ran his stable he had to take all his players out of the big 109 on stars.He checked stats to say is was too reg heavy and barely anyone was winning in this.I thought this could happen on games on here too maybe too reg filled, but after reading several posts on here it seems if his horses just studied harder and stayed ahead of the curve that would of beaten that game.

  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,656
    Arrogant said:

    Well at least chicken confirms, when a coach coaches, it isnt just a few guys, its many.

    I was afraid of studying also because of a post from pads, and that when he ran his stable he had to take all his players out of the big 109 on stars.He checked stats to say is was too reg heavy and barely anyone was winning in this.I thought this could happen on games on here too maybe too reg filled, but after reading several posts on here it seems if his horses just studied harder and stayed ahead of the curve that would of beaten that game.

    Unlikely. Those guys studied hard and even ran group sims to see what worked most effectively in certain spots. That's how they learnt how profitable turn probing was.

    The 109 just reached almost total equilibrium where the only winner was the house.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    edited September 2020
    I feel I should share my notes on Arrogant - They are "Moaning Troll".

    Please do not share until we know whether it is legal or not.
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