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Diary No.2 - December Challenge



  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    Always harder to update when on losing streak

    Taken some shots in the Main and ofc have to play the Mini just in case. Haven,t played well and getting a bit fed up with it. Might take a brk for cpl of days. Looking forward to first paid coaching session next week though.

    Season bets couldn,t be going much worse but my 700+ game acca is still going after 2 weekends - woop woop

    In slightly better news LA Lakers are leading the series in their Semi Final and have now gone to 1.38 on the exchange. I placed about £90 on them last year as their price got doubled to 7/2 in promo online. I don,t know the 1st thing about basketball but their obviously going well

    GL all

    BR £331.07
    Withdrawn - £223.89
    Up £54.96
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    Quick update

    Going from bad to worse. Had a night off last night as the bankroll carrys on dwindling. Think poor concentration is to blame again. I,ll be sticking to no more than 2 tables for the forseeable future and see if that helps and won,t be playing mixture of cash/tournys.

    Already reg'd for a cpl of £5 BH,s this morning so hopefully can give the BR a little boost with them

    BR £260.14
    Withdrawn £223.89
    Down - £15.97
  • hoban01hoban01 Member Posts: 80
    how many screens have you got on the go
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited September 2020
    hoban01 said:

    how many screens have you got on the go

    Too many. Think thats one of my problems. Gonna check my emails, facebook etc before i start session in future and no reading the forum whilst playing

    Sticking to 2 tables will also help me focus on notes which i like to make a lot off

    EDIT : and Twitch ofc
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    MP33 said:

    Quick update

    Already reg'd for a cpl of £5 BH,s this morning so hopefully can give the BR a little boost with them

    BR £260.14
    Withdrawn £223.89
    Down - £15.97

    Managed to bink 1 of the £5 BH,s for £41.62 + £20.15 in heads

    Got 1st coaching session this afternoon so will be back for the Main tonight with high expectations :)

    BR £321.91
    Withdrawn £223.89
    Up £45.80

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited October 2020
    Quick update

    BRM has gone out of the window and balance dropped dramatically - Got £109 left in account so will have to revaluate.

    Reavaluated - carried on the way i was going and went busto - Ended up playing spin ups for last £60-70 off balance. (Finished £277 down in total)

    Looking back it was obvious it was going to happen. I,d been on a mini tilt for over a week.

    So took a cpl of days off and came back playing fewer tables (2-3). Managed to grind back losses from Freerolls, lows stake MTT,s and bit of cash and also ended up with a £220 UKOPS BH seat so happy days again.

    I,ve also banned myself from the forum, twitch and discord while playing as concentration is one of my biggest leaks.

    I,ll start again with £100 balance and will put a percentage of any profits toward more UKOPS games

    GL all
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited September 2020
    Got a spot thats been bugging me since last night

    The hand worked out well this time but I think this is too loose to go for Bounty but my question is - What hands would you shove with here (how much equity would i need)

    I have the table well covered and the next biggest stack is croceyes with 30BBs

    I think the opponent had already taken 1 head so slightly bigger bounty than standard
    He had been quite steady and i put him on 66+, A9s+KQs,AT+ giving me 31.75% equity

  • chrisdonkbchrisdonkb Member Posts: 133
    When looking at bounty spots @MP33 it actually isn't useful to have stacks in BB. Opponent could have 300 chips at 10/20 or he could have 3000 chips at 200/100 from the same starting stack. These will give you wildly different ranges for you to iso his shove.

    Starting stack, remaining players and bounty size are all needed if you want to calculate your equity required :smile:
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited October 2020
    BRM has gone out of the window and balance dropped dramatically - Got £109 left in account so will have to revaluate.

    Reavaluated - carried on the way i was going and went busto - Ended up playing spin ups for last £60-70 off balance. (Finished £277 down in total)

    Looking back it was obvious it was going to happen. I,d been on a mini tilt for over a week.

    So took a cpl of days off and came back playing fewer tables (2-3). Managed to grind back losses from Freerolls, lows stake MTT,s and bit of cash and also ended up with a £220 UKOPS BH seat so happy days again.

    I,ve also banned myself from the forum, twitch and discord while playing as concentration is one of my biggest leaks.

    I,ll start again with £100 balance and will put a percentage of any profits toward more UKOPS games

    GL all

    EDIT :


    commit more time to learning (some time)
    Get to 80+ on SS (Been stuck on 73-76 forever)
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    BR £273.90
    Up £173.90

    On first day went down to just over £30 playing mainly cash. Don,t think i played too badly. Just need to choose my tables and opponents more carefully

    Tournaments faired better though with the highlight - a 2nd in the Megastack . Struggled when down to 3-4 players though, so something to look at there

    Decided to put my half my profit (if there is any) at the end of the week toward UKOPS games.

    The aim this week is to get back some form of studying and get a lesson or 2 before UKOPS next week, so won,t play too much.

    In other news not much happening really. Can,t really do a lot or plan anything with this virus. The little fella is settling nicely into nursery - Just hoping no-one gets it there as they,ll all get sent home

    GL all

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    Just played a little bit of cash today to get the 25 pts to the eliminator FR. Once again i walked away with no heads though. Just haven,t been able to get anything going in this one.

    There was better news however with the 6pm FR a cpl of nights ago where i picked up my second UKOPS seat. This time it was a £110 non bounty seat so very much looking forward to UKOPS now.

    The last cpl of days I decided to to not play as much and spend the time doing some study in preparation. That was the main idea of this diary - too make myself do some study. (which has been an epic fail so far)

    I,m also still undecided whether to concentrate on cash or MTT,s and am doing a mix at the moment. I managed to figure out how to get hand historys imported to Poker Snowie from another site so i will start playing some cash on there as its so much easier to analyse hands.

    I,ve also purchased another audio book. "Excelling at No Limit Poker" by Johnathon Little. Haven,t started it yet but will update with my views once i get into it.

    There was another book i came accross although its not available in audio , called "Applications of No limit Holdem" by Matthew Janda. It sounds really good but its from 2013 and i,m not sure if it will be relevant anymore.

    Has anyone read it or have any views on it ?


    GL all

  • Mayhem357Mayhem357 Member Posts: 96
    Mastering Small Stakes by Jon Little is superb book in my opinion, aimed more at intermediate level players rather than beginners though.
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    I remember Matthew Janda content from cardrunners. Honestly it was probably the best content available at the time - His videos were all on the theory of poker rather than an ego stroking HH review. He was one of the first to advocate a small cbet to deny equity for example.

    No Idea if his content is still considered up to date but since he was theory based rather than anecdotal it has probably stood the test of time more than most books.

    Books in general aren't a good way to get up to date poker strategy though in my opinion.
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    @Mayhem357 - That was the 1st audiobook i got a few weeks back. Wasn,t overly impressed with it but that was mainly because i was listening to it on headphones while out and about. I couldn,t keep referring to the charts that are mentioned so much in it. I,ll probably go over it again sometime when i,m sat at computer with charts in front of me.

    @chicknMelt Cheers m8. I,ll look out for some of his vids.

    BR £301.55
    Up £201.55

    Decided i,m going to withdraw the £201.55 and keep £100 for UKOPS and just play the £10 games. (I can always reload another £100) I,ve already got 2 seats into the bigger games later on in the series.

    Another option i,ve thought about is getting staked to play games that i wouldn,t normally consider. I,ve put a package on a staking site to play the £110 Bounty Hunter tomorrow night with 2 bullets. I,m not sure it will sell but will see how it goes tomorrow and take it from there. (Its sold 1.8% so far and needs to get at least 60% for me to play it but i,m assured most of the buying happens on last day)

    GL all

    UKOPS BR £100
    UKOPS seats won £330
  • Asho28Asho28 Member Posts: 825
    Good luck with UKOPS mate, hope you get a few good results.
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    UKOPS Day 1

    So much for sticking to £11 games. Jumped in the 1st UKOPS game for £22. The anticipation was too much. Also played the Mini rebuy and the Hyper and a cpl of all in sats. Got off to a cpl of good starts but ran badly when it mattered.

    Had another lesson of chicknmelt in preparation. In some ways its depressing because i realise how many levels above me these top guys are thinking but its definitely benefiting my game and always gives me things to think about.

    A losing night but thoroughly enjoyed it esp. with Wallers stream on the side

    Bring on tonight

    PS (Unfortunately package to the £110 BH only sold 1.8% but was worth a try)

    UKOPS BR £68
    Seats £330 (2 seats)
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    Quick update

    Just played the £10 Rebuy BH last night with 1 rebuy and addon. Got involved in big pot with AKo KK aipf and missed. That would have been to take lead but sadly out with no bounties or min cash.

    Temped by the £22 Freezout tonight but its a little early for me so will have a brk and back tomorrow and definitely play the £11 freezout and maybe hyper. (will probably have to reload though)

    GL all

    BR £37
    Seats £330
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    Quick update

    Played the £220 BH last night with my free seat.

    Part of me was looking forward to it and part of me was bricking it. I,d seen some of the previous £220 BH and knew i would be the fish on the table and would probably get targeted.

    By the time it started my stomach was churning and i felt sick. In the first few hands i had KK, QQ, AKo and AQo and still managed to lose 1/4 of my stack.

    Then before the 1st break i had 10 10 on a 10 K 9 board all spades (i had none) I got it in and was snapped off by KK. Luckily he had none either and the board ran out with 2 more spades. I started to settle after that and soon got up to double my stack and 1 bounty. I then lost a cpl of flips and had to nurse a 10-15 bb stack for a while after going card dead for what seemed like ages. What i wouldn,t have done for some of those early hands now.

    It had to be a bad beat in the end KJs vs K5s aipf - Even hit my jack but was rivered by the straight and out in 20th , 10 off the money.

    It was a great experience to play against such a strong field despite having a pounding headache by the end but i,m hoping to be more settled for the next free seat - The £110 Main event on Sunday . This game will certainly help with that.

    UKOPS BR £108
    Seats £110
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,426

    "Then before the 1st break i had 10 10 on a 10 K 9 board all spades (i had none) I got it in and was snapped off by KK. Luckily he had none either and the board ran out with 2 more spades"

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    Totally forgot about Mini UKOPS

    Found a promo on another site which i,m quite enjoying and building up the BR a bit.

    I,m also playing a little bit of cash but think its better to play elsewhere so i can upload hand historys and carry on learning.

    I,ll be back next month with new BR (May have a little dabble on Mini UKOPS before it finishes though)

    GL all

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