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its not going better life will never be the same again.



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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,035
    MISTY4ME said:

    Essexphil said:

    MISTY4ME said:

    Essexphil said:

    Been out of action with Covid since 24th December.
    Not had it as bad as many, but quite scary enough, thanks.

    Yes, there are problems in the World.
    But things WILL get better.

    Sorry to hear you had CV Phil @Essexphil , and over Xmas too, at least you wouldn't have felt like over-indulging ;)

    Really good to hear you are WELL again. It really is nasty, but as you say things will get better for the vast majority of us....... so it's a HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone, especially to you @Doubleme

    I always look at life with the thought that if I was a leaf, I would only be on this Earth for 6 months or so, and a fly even less ......... so just be grateful and extremely HAPPY that we are who we are.

    Cheers Jez.
    Lost 10 lbs in 10 days :)
    Nice one Phil ...... Covid diet it is then.

    I only lost 6, but the hospital food (especially the biccys) was quite good
    Ounces or pounds?
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,035
    Doubleme said:

    So I read recently that the covid Vaccine will be available to us hopefully by the end o autumn which means end of november but of course this government is always great for meeting its targets (sarcasm)

    so effectively the only time we will get the vaccine is when the virus has mutated enough to make the original Vaccine redundant. this Virus is going to be around for the rest of our lives.

    Some time ago I was thinking about how in nature it is always a constant struggle to survive and we seem to be brought up in this life where everything is safe and stable. The only thing stopping us surviving long enough to procreate is the active choice not to procreate or in the case of manic depressives not to continue living. However for the vast vast majority of us continuing to live and been able to procreate and have offspring that see adulthood is has been very high probability should that be what we desired.

    However that stops now the economy has been overburdened with debt for decades of a rigged flawed system which relies on further debt to print money, the compounding interest building a system that was waiting to topple over which covid is doing. a deadly virus which yes has a high survival rate but constant reinfections and consistantly rolling that die means eventually we most of us will either life long disabilities or death.

    then when the economy finally crashes down the continue development towards the political extreams will result in extreamist governments popping up all over the world. world Wide civil war is imminent. global economic crash deadly virus and different fractions spreading across multiple countries.

    there will be a very small percentage of us that make it through to the end of this. Yes sure the human race is not going to go extinct I just see us going from a population of 7 billion to a population of under 100 million and large parts of the planet been affected by nuclear radiation which in some places will help to mutate the covid virus into a zombie virus.

    Your glass is definitely half empty.

    I am regularly inspired by those that achieve incredible success despite seemingly impossible circumstances, disadvantages, or disabilities.

    The can only do this if their glass is permanently half full.
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