Best snap fold it, today, form based.
6max £5.50 bh
Pocket, 10 10 & K K & AA & least the player in the SB had the Fortitude to Snap Fold 😏, that flopped 2 pair!

Set AAA 8 1/2 + on! Oh I wish big Phil was commentating 😏

& like Buses
how 'dat' big stack gonna get there? 'Phil' wad ya reckon?
3 blind mice

In all the time, GazMaBillZill ions hands, why I never got dealt one of these?

Maybe, big Phil will look looky in, now that, would really liven up, the subject matter

If it was about ability, be a totally different ball game
All In with a 10 10 10 SET, anyone

Offer Still Stands
You Lot self select, ya best 35 players, add myself, (gets abacus) makes 36
99 mtts, 33 bounty hunter 33 deep stack 33 thirty minute timed
One, only ONE simple caveat, full hand histories made available
IN FULL, for all to see, the following day after each mtt, simples innit
'your 52 card deck'
'your' "RNG"
and its going, a, little something
Like This
Cough cough, 1 card to come, 6% hand equity 🤣
& exciting times
11.29 twent hand 4 hand
chase dat inside straight Draw? No Siree
however pocket suited Q6 diamonds flopping TopTwo, weren't best pleased, exocetic!
Roderick Random Rhuffled em up, Bingo
5 mins later, went hand 4 hand again, too ft
Good that Roderick, exciting Times 😂
RowdyRoddyRandom, "produced" Guess!!
2players (hand 4 hand ing, ((again))!
What, we got ear Guv?
nuther inside straight draw, turned what? Top Pair, course its a million
Randy Random, served up a Rhuffled flopped Set (remarkable Jim)!
Dis No LIMPI. N. biz~niss
Ain't goin, V well, only coach, I need ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
💋💋💋💝💗💞💖💓❣️💏💟💟💟💟💟💘? 💞💕💖💝💗👄💋💔💋💔💋💔❣️💟💟💟💟💟
being a 'rinsed Rotten, all day, PON twice, tis Sundee Boss
Anyways, no matta' s
If any you lot Dancers,?
My monies ON, FirTee5 & classic Mota, fancing de~selves, under PON Disco Ball
do (please) buy this, me friends, V decent soul funk remixers
In, 86,bought me sum NuShooz I couldn't WAIT 👀🙏😋
Bang. IN. Choon
not often get nice surprises!
Skybet call me!
Inbound, a new Xchange (Poker Hedging)
Calling Him SKY¥FAIR, your Poker Hedging Xchange, ESTUPENDOO, him, gonna be MINTED, (again) 😇😎🐣
In, such a good Mood, if him feel brave, might.....
Tell Worlds funniest P(j) oke
Heard the One?
About the CockAtuu & Boris!
No Defence Offered!
Gwan, tt'let Gato.. out bag, how? Roddy Random 'do it' isiris binary
they, play, their.
07.30 £5.50 bounty hunter
5 hands, fold fold fold fold &....
Yep, pj a Million, still surprised, it didn't go turn J River 10s 😏
Or, Randomly, in the earlier £5.50
Argh, decent hands, but behind
HokeeDookee, how's about snapping the tourney defining shove, a, million on?
and they play one of these
@misterpj what does your coach say about you donk leading two streets then open folding river?
Try All & Every Deflection Tactic You Like
Put that too my Poker Coach, and this, Happy, more than happy to screenshot, and post in Full
Unedited Reply
So, if you have any 'sort of Pair'? doubt it, but happy to be proved wrong
You go first, Specifically, I will make it easy, very easy
Between 2pm & 6pm 2day,played....1,thats ONE, mtt
3 hours play, my fold pre % high 70% until final hand
Lost 2 defining hands, 15.05 & (obviously) exit hand 17.30 (approx)
Funnily Enough, same two players, heads up in both hands
For Crystal Clear Clarity
misterpj & merlinx
Now let's see, whom has the Boll.. think woodchopper, an Axe
To ANALYSE icm bet size
he Whole Shebang, 2 hands, hour & half apart, same 2 players
Perfect Example, about example number 2 milly
why, for some of 'us non'.. what?
because it sure as, sticky stuff, got near too zero about poker ability
Makes it impossible (lol)
hand in full dual technicolour, hand %s, full hand structure
While wring hands over that
Wind On an hour and a half
3 hours play, for this..........
ft, snapped off so fast (lmao)
Yet Again, concise, factual, crystal clear 😉
Hopes You all good n jiggy
do 'pass on to them'
'ring ring, ring ring, hi Phil, you got a moment'
'yeah bud, sure'
'coach, 2 1/2 hours deep, stats tellin me, fold pre near 80%,tighter than tight coach, waiting for the Monster Spots'
'lovin your play Paul'
'cheers Phil'
'anyways, flopped the stone cold Nut Flush,
'that's my boy, told ya pauli, you got the juice, just like me'
'whatcha get outta Pot'
'Phil, the fella had pocket 66'
'shame,he didn't flop a set, you coulda got the lot'
'no Phil, he actually flopped a set 666 into my flopped nut flush'
'brilliant kiddo, I'm stoked for ya'
'pretty happy with that, as well Phil'
'how much you manage to get? the lot I hope? max value?
'I thought the same'
but guess what happened next Phil, insta turned Boat
(brief silence)
explosion of expletives, Phil, 'they told me to ask you'
I have removed your bad beat stuff from your post above - please use your own threads for these. You've developed a habit of polluting threads by other people with your tales of woe, & it's becoming too much.
Stay here Mask up Stay safe. Don't do a Hancock .
can't be a problem
Big Phil said, say nothing
Show everything
OkeeDokee then
(flopped FH chinned, lol) naturally, turn river runner runner AA, lmao
05.26 & 05.27 consecutive hands
(nice work, same player, rivers the boat & turn river runner runner flush from a mile behind)
summary, for the sceptical
adjust your posture
same player!
05.26 rivers the fullhouse
05.27 chins set KKK with turn river runner runner club club flush
shuffles heiny & same player
Guess what? same player
turn river runner runner K & 10 for straight, chinning.
Phil tells me this is hysterical
Pocket AA anyone @ 06.55
07.05 "even if I say it myself, abysmal play misterpj"
although big Phil assures me, correct & disciplined fold, all day, every day
so amend abysmal play, if I had of played like a, labotomized Ghumbass
woulda got the Lot, be about right
07.14 hmm inspired
they seem to be ableto play, plenty these
(bakers dozen if subscribe to VIP poker insider)
£5.99 a week, bitcoin only, keep mum, send up Norf
very last hand, of the last breakfast timed mtt
Pocket 8s, only 9s On, 1 too come, must be a new world record, 8s & 9s on shots, chinned on the river, a 3 month plethora
Oh, and requests to ask my poker coach
ere ya go, he say
'tell them too ASAP get the Dealer checked over for this
must wrap this breakfast glee fest up, banning myself for 24 hours
be like a 'potted parrot by 5pm'
Angela Merkal Henning Wehn Andy (goose~step) Muller, can you hear me?
this time, your getting it, HORIZONTAL, we're dat Sun Don't Shine
England win 90 mins £400 6/4
England to score 3 or more goals (in 90 mins) £80 5/1
Fifa man of match Jack Grealish £50 9/1
& he now go, mute, dark, silent, till October, best wishes, one and all xxx
England win 90 mins £400 6/4
England to score 3 or more goals (in 90 mins) £80 5/1
Fifa man of match Jack Grealish £50 9/1
& he now go, mute, dark, silent, till October, best wishes, one and all xxx
Good Luck with those bets. ! as for Houdini
You're not going to Poker Uni, or at Her Maj pleasure for four Months. cough!
take care .
Mueller-Rice on pitch?
not good, at corners 😂
because of one's ocd (genuine by way hey hey)
everything, simply has to be, neat, rounded & tidy
defacto, Wed June 30th, neat & rounded = midnight (witching hour tonite)
which is then, a glorious Thursday 1st July (bravo us)
Won't be so much as a peek~a~boo from yours truly, at all, till October
Moulah~Benji can have his entire ROLL
(with supreme confidence) at 999-1 on that.
© after WITCHIN hour ®
So, a very very good morning all
By the way, written in the Stars, for this country of ours, forget its coming home
(this time it is)
the touch paper is alight, the Cosmos Script is written
England win this, Canter
which will give the country a, monumental feel good ignition & bounce
(ask those that were alive in 66,I was)
Boom (economic time) Inbound
he is called BOUNCE (do hold that thought, bounce, in your mind)
Argh, mentioned a bankroll, above, because the boy goldie & yours truly, intellectual surrogate 'bruvs', 'gold' keep it yourself, do invest a few pennies, shillings, or sixpence, in this
Don't need much on, for a reet facespitter (retirement bet) fella on the machine, kopped a million for a tenner other day, acca,confirmed authentic, Ascot, gee gees Golf, on the golf, last leg, for a milly, 'Harris English' Real surname won on the 8th playoff hole!, to land bet of a, lifetime.
Snaffle this now, English ante post football
All each way a quarter 1 2 3, tis 2 x 1 x 1 x 2
league 1 (Nap) Nigel Adkins Charlton Athletic 12/1 best & general
league 1 (.nb.) Russell Martins MK.Dons 22/1
fancy prices long gone, but 22/1 best & general
league 2 Kenny Jacketts Leyton Orient 20/1 best & general
national league Phil Parkinsons! Wrexham 6/1 best & general
national league south Steve Kings Dartford 5/1
very well run ambitious progressive football club,very good higher level squad
knocking each way bet
and, the potential shrewdies dark horse coup
Dennis Kutriebs Ebbsfleet Utd, 20/1
(goldie,keep em Shaw Taylored with these)
dodge pot tipping lines will rip this one off!)
12/1 & 22/1 20/1 6/1 5/1 & 20/1
each way singles each to take out levels
2x1 top two 12s 22s & 20s perm ew double
1x2 bottom 6s 5s & 20s perm ew double
the ew accas 8 bets, shillings give you a limit buster
a few days ago, the Magician Dave Challinor was long odds on for Wrexham
check the fellas full management cv, Inc getting Hartlepool league 2 this season
doubt he is staying, wherever Challinor goes, fellas a genius coach, keep em Shaw Taylor'd
Ebbsfleet, Big Big monies, June 2nd they appointed the secret Klopp, watch the top quality inbound young German higher level players rock up, between now, & pre season
Given you lot a betting gift from the God's
Phil Parkinson in bound at ambitious Wrexham
played just 2 mtts £5.50 bh & £3.30 timed
get the same phenom seated on my left both separate mtts!
gotta check em, ain'tcha? when you can't win a hand against em
Benji, watch out, this fellas the new Isuldar1 👀
Even the cynics, is GIGGLING 😇
the deal, (Well the deal & run out, that I get)
Concede one thing, regular as clock123work
No matter, the time of day, or the mtt, or the Poker Mathematic
its the river bullet, everytime, if you all knew, the Real, True, Ratio
all cynics be shocked, pollution?
Debate n arf there, maybe in October
thing is, hands like the crescendo hand, next, make all the difference, on the day, week, month, career, on here, as it is impossible, to hold, for multi bounties and a very chunky playable stack
misterpj has not given up poker, he's still playing daily on Sky Poker, mostly freerolls, in fact he played the 0645 freeroll this morning.