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$4 to $1000 can we do it?

DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 1,963
So I have not bothered with stars for some time and had a balance of zero I randomly logged in around the anniversary of the sunday million to see if any freebies because I was bored I got $4 I then turned this into $11 with what I would call aggressive bank roll management but really is just f*** it who cares if go broke here then we went down to $4.50 then we went back up to $33 then we went down to $24 and now we have $43.

This is not my main site and only my casual play here and there when not on a proper poker session day. I will mostly be playing spin and goes $1 up to $200 then 100 buyin rule from then on. the occasional mtt may happen. Just curious if I end up turning $4 into $1000 or going broke first I deposited nothing so I guess its a free roll.


  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,258
    GOOD LUCK with this Coo1 David :)
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 1,963
    at $61 now once we pass $100 its pretty much assured I do it. so now its more likely I turn $4 into $1000 then go broke. the thing about bankroll challenges is they dont really prove anything do they? I mean its easy to be profitable at micro stakes, and once you pass the initial hurdles its pretty much a given with sensible bankroll management that you pass the milestone. I mean 50 to 1k I say pretty much every reg could do. 50 to 10k reg same again just depends if you need to withdraw because of life but just grind games you can beat.

    I suppose it only really becomes a challenge if it has time limits.

  • Allan23Allan23 Member Posts: 874
    edited April 2023
    Doubleme said:

    at $61 now once we pass $100 its pretty much assured I do it. so now its more likely I turn $4 into $1000 then go broke. the thing about bankroll challenges is they dont really prove anything do they? I mean its easy to be profitable at micro stakes, and once you pass the initial hurdles its pretty much a given with sensible bankroll management that you pass the milestone. I mean 50 to 1k I say pretty much every reg could do. 50 to 10k reg same again just depends if you need to withdraw because of life but just grind games you can beat.

    I suppose it only really becomes a challenge if it has time limits.

    You do have a point here. The only challenge is not going broke with the initial 5 or 10 £ you start with. Once you have more than about 10 buyins these challenges are over, as long as you're profitable
  • JammyFkerJammyFker Member Posts: 357
    GL @Doubleme

    Once u reach the 1K perhaps go 1-10K which should be a breeze after going from zero but encounter so many more tougher players and games, would make a great blog imo
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 1,963
    I went back down to £48 due to run bad then run good put me back up to $75 generally spin and goes are high variance id say you have a realistic chance of going broke with less then 50 buyins at any stake though at micros it unlikely if 50+.

  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    You will do it definitely.... just take you alot longer than odds dictate, especially on Stars..... :D
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 1,963
    so it been swingy been playing ultras I went down to mid $20s before bouncing back up to just over $100. dont really have a lot of time for this because exam coming up. I just procrastinate a lot. I want to get @TheWaddy playing micro stakes ultras because they are beatable but the swings are brutal and people do really stupid things and get lucky enough times. Eg I was called by 63 off suit from a button shove at 8bb small blind called and had 63 off suit and hit a 3 I had AX that did not improve not really a story but imagine if this had happened to thewaddy.

  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    I think losing an all in preflop at hold em is not something im gonna use in any of my examples. Its like 2-1 against him winning in your hand there. Its quite normal!

    I have a losing day maybe once a week on average, which is going to be nearly always less than 3 games down, usually just one, so i dont have to look at swingy games to make a good profit.

    Omaha hi lo is a **** of alot easier to make a steady profit over hold em for several reasons;

    1 its a pot limit game with slow blinds... its not possible for someone to push in preflop and luck out for some time, as in your example. So they have to beat you over a longish game.

    2 players play hi lo very badly and you can be patient due to the pot limit and slow structure

    3 its a 2 pot game and when you learn to use this to your advantage, you can be guaranteed a return with cards left to come.

    4 its very hard to lose a game to a novice for all of the above reasons

    I can also spot were 'i am being set up' to lose hands due to vast online experience. For instance, flopping a hi only nut straight (despite only being up against one opponent heads up) is one were if it goes to the river, just simply never holds online.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,579
    TheWaddy said:

    I think losing an all in preflop at hold em is not something im gonna use in any of my examples. Its like 2-1 against him winning in your hand there. Its quite normal!

    I have a losing day maybe once a week on average, which is going to be nearly always less than 3 games down, usually just one, so i dont have to look at swingy games to make a good profit.

    Omaha hi lo is a **** of alot easier to make a steady profit over hold em for several reasons;

    1 its a pot limit game with slow blinds... its not possible for someone to push in preflop and luck out for some time, as in your example. So they have to beat you over a longish game.

    2 players play hi lo very badly and you can be patient due to the pot limit and slow structure

    3 its a 2 pot game and when you learn to use this to your advantage, you can be guaranteed a return with cards left to come.

    4 its very hard to lose a game to a novice for all of the above reasons

    I can also spot were 'i am being set up' to lose hands due to vast online experience. For instance, flopping a hi only nut straight (despite only being up against one opponent heads up) is one were if it goes to the river, just simply never holds online.

    And yet you can't seem to get past the fact that novice/ weak players sometimes luck out despite your careful analysis. Don't forget that pesky RNG.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Ahhh well at hold em they can luck out in a defining single hand and you can accept 'a bad beat'.... at PL08 and you get to your 10th all in with cards left to come and they are 10-1+ to hit something to split or scoop for the 10th time.... and they do it again, then the combined odds are then astronomical....

    Basically when i am playing this standard and this is the scenario during the game, i should maybe lose one in a blue moon.

    When im like just 5-4 games up and this has been the typical games scenario in all games, every day.... then the maths tell you all is quite not what it seems.....

    Its just maths, you either believe what the maths is telling you or you dont. But im told if im winning overall, this can not be true.
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 1,963
    TheWaddy said:

    Ahhh well at hold em they can luck out in a defining single hand and you can accept 'a bad beat'.... at PL08 and you get to your 10th all in with cards left to come and they are 10-1+ to hit something to split or scoop for the 10th time.... and they do it again, then the combined odds are then astronomical....

    Basically when i am playing this standard and this is the scenario during the game, i should maybe lose one in a blue moon.

    When im like just 5-4 games up and this has been the typical games scenario in all games, every day.... then the maths tell you all is quite not what it seems.....

    Its just maths, you either believe what the maths is telling you or you dont. But im told if im winning overall, this can not be true.

    I doubt anyone will convince you that there is no rig. Your mind is made up its like talking to a creationist you can make many valid points but eventually you will circle around to the the first point again like it was never made and you will go on arguing in perpetuity.

    The thing is though, you make a profit, you can lose that profit entirely or just keep pushing and make a steady profit without getting wound up. Then at the end of the day does it matter if rigged or not?

    you either need to provide evidence of a rig or just shut up about it and carry on. Otherwise eventually you risk been banned due to responsible gambling legislation and etc.

  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    I could do, but i feel its selling out, like the other online profiteers who say that. I would still play if it was finally cast in stone that it was for entertainment purposes, as i do now.

    It just i feel there needs to be a banner saying it was for leisure and entertainment purposes and that there is gntd return percentage.

    What about the young (but naiive) talented poker player who comes to online poker thinking he can play like he would a real deck? And he loses his 'start in life' money he has built up in live play, because he is told by sites that he is just unlucky and the odds will even out over time (and ive seen many examples of support that do say this)?

    I stand for poker and for the players, not my own gain. Though of course you are right, keeping quiet would be the best option, if i entirely thought of myself.
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 281
    A quids alot of money for waddy, that's why hes so upset, get off his case
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 1,963
    TheWaddy said:

    I could do, but i feel its selling out, like the other online profiteers who say that. I would still play if it was finally cast in stone that it was for entertainment purposes, as i do now.

    It just i feel there needs to be a banner saying it was for leisure and entertainment purposes and that there is gntd return percentage.

    What about the young (but naiive) talented poker player who comes to online poker thinking he can play like he would a real deck? And he loses his 'start in life' money he has built up in live play, because he is told by sites that he is just unlucky and the odds will even out over time (and ive seen many examples of support that do say this)?

    I stand for poker and for the players, not my own gain. Though of course you are right, keeping quiet would be the best option, if i entirely thought of myself.

    What are you on about? there are plenty of people who make a living from online poker. some who make a very decent living. anyone who is sensible with bankroll management would not lose money they cannot afford to lose.

    live play is a lot softer then online eg if the games have not changed since I last played I am pretty sure I can beat 100NL in live play. I am though very doubtful I could beat the same stakes online. I used to play in an £80 weekly tournament at my then local casino and was very profitable in this. Most poker sites if I played an £80 plus tourney I likely would not have an edge. Online games are a lot tougher then live games there are many reasons for this.

    The absolute best case you could make is someone puts time and effort into trying to make it in online poker and fails. If the deck was fixed this would be pretty awful that someone lost that effort due to a scam.

    However this is not the case plenty of professionals doing well online. whatever you want to say about the RNG right or wrong if you put the effort in and had the attributes you could do well from online poker.
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 1,963
    So omg I cannot believe how bad my luck has been like I had AA in the SB and guy limps button I make it 4bb (we playing ultras starting stack 15bb) the big blind calls flop comes 664 I am playing trappy check call turn comes K check shove he has K6 like he is so bad and just gets it. and then I lost with QQ against q6 when the guy should never have called and I got **** on every table and could like predict it coming and lost five of five.

    of course last spin of five won 4 out of 5 btw my initial starting roll of $4 is now at $161.

    So maybe you might get the point I am making here but prolly not you prolly just read the first paragraph and felt vindicated.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    My point is people who make money on online poker to a good degree, irrespective of the stakes involved, know the deck is not going to perform the same as a real one.

    They know this. Youre yo yo-ing at the moment, so youre not at the win rate that im talking about. But when you start to win consistently, the realisation will have set in on how you are doing this.

    My grievance is that the vast majority who are making that good percentage profit, get annoyed when i point it out to the average players (you will notice alot came in immediately on my early posts).

    They like it kept quiet, as like me, they have learned over many years to adjust to an online deck. They also want to come across as some kind of site ambassador.... many are desperate for sponsorship and you sure wont get that if you are seen to be biting the hand that will feed you!

    They have also won many tournament packages, been treated very well by online companies and obviously its in their own selfish interests to let this continue.
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 1,963
    TheWaddy said:

    My point is people who make money on online poker to a good degree, irrespective of the stakes involved, know the deck is not going to perform the same as a real one.

    They know this. Youre yo yo-ing at the moment, so youre not at the win rate that im talking about. But when you start to win consistently, the realisation will have set in on how you are doing this.

    My grievance is that the vast majority who are making that good percentage profit, get annoyed when i point it out to the average players (you will notice alot came in immediately on my early posts).

    They like it kept quiet, as like me, they have learned over many years to adjust to an online deck. They also want to come across as some kind of site ambassador.... many are desperate for sponsorship and you sure wont get that if you are seen to be biting the hand that will feed you!

    They have also won many tournament packages, been treated very well by online companies and obviously its in their own selfish interests to let this continue.

    what the hle are you talking abot i not g0ing to get spiongoaip i not a ambsaod no site gouibg spongr auti ct duse that metions dominatroc and styuf u just chat etc,

    think you inb your won world.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    i dont know if you missed this previously but i was staked by for $500 per day, so despite all the small time trolls who like to put me down, i do know what im talking about and clearly this is a level that is beyond their comprehension and ability.
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 1,963
    TheWaddy said:

    i dont know if you missed this previously but i was staked by for $500 per day, so despite all the small time trolls who like to put me down, i do know what im talking about and clearly this is a level that is beyond their comprehension and ability.

    yeah that sounds really impressive to everyone until it is read through a second time.

    $500 a day is not a lot of staking when playing for a full day on sky through all the mtts at 5s and 10s I flush through £350 or so. which at the moment is $432. but a while back would have been over $500. playing $1 ultras I could get through about 700 a day.

    that is $700 now I mean the standard in those is god awful, but realisticly rakeback and everything included could make like $6/$7 an hour.

    on an 8 9 hour day then I would return $48-$63. if someone staked me for these and took 50% they would be making $24-$31.50 for a return of between 3-4.5% on that investment in a day. Why wouldnt people want to stake me at those stakes if I asked? I of course would not offer that I am not going to sit down and play 8-9 hours straight to make about three fiddy an hour. but from the backers perspective its a slam dunk.

    You only need two things to be worth backing
    1. be a profitable player
    2. be trustable

    if I have the bankroll to back people and could know how to tell point no2 I would be willing to back any reasonably profitable player. I could easily get backed right now.

    I would also be willing to back you for 50% if I could verify your results and knew I could trust you. think it would be like for £30 or £40 a day but your profitable so i would return a profit and would make a passive income of £10 daily or there abouts.

    I mean congratulations on been allegedly backed for micro stakes games. This does not proof you to be a world class expert.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited May 2023
    I would consider someone backing me for $500 a day to be a good indicator to my poker ability. I was not backed for micro stakes games, i just play these now due to the results of Black Friday.

    Ive no idea what that 2nd to last post was, but a little worrying.

    You are talking about turning $4 into $1000 as its a big deal, but then are saying its no big deal when its something i do as standard!

    To get backed i had to deposit $10 and make $1000, that was the qualification. It took me about 10 days i think in the times of pre black friday when bad beats were just bad beats.

    You are gambling $400 a day but your title is can you make $1000?????

    And you are saying that its me they should be looking at for responsible gambling?

    You could not get backed right now, as your making money and **** it off again....
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