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Memory Lane



  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,483
    edrich said:

    lucy4 said:

    Also remember the Salvation Army folk braving the pubs with copies of the War Cry.

    But when they used to come in to the pub at Christmas and start singing everyone used to stop,listen to them and pay them respect.
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,483
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,483
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,304
    edited July 2023
    SATURDAY morning Flicks Kemosabe: Oops!

  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,673
    lucy4 said:

    I once had a Ford Sierra that often stopped within 200 yards of setting off (some weird fuel starvation problem I think), anyway if you left it a few minutes it would then restart and be OK for the rest of the day. Anyway it got stolen once and my mate suggested we phone the police and report it, I said no lets just have a walk around the corner, if I'm in luck it won't have gone any further than that. Sure enough there it was, about 150 yards from where I'd left it. The buggers had stolen all my cassette tapes though!
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,304
    Gone to the Dogs.....

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,304
    Think I've Broken it.....

  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,483
    Enut said:

    lucy4 said:

    I once had a Ford Sierra that often stopped within 200 yards of setting off (some weird fuel starvation problem I think), anyway if you left it a few minutes it would then restart and be OK for the rest of the day. Anyway it got stolen once and my mate suggested we phone the police and report it, I said no lets just have a walk around the corner, if I'm in luck it won't have gone any further than that. Sure enough there it was, about 150 yards from where I'd left it. The buggers had stolen all my cassette tapes though!
    The good old days of simple car mechanics when a switch and a few feet of wire joined in to the coil wires made a cut out switch which you hid somewhere in the car. No one was stealing your car with one of those fitted cost about £5 or simply pop the bonnet and take the coil wire indoors. Nowadays you've got £50,000 cars with ultra sophisticated security systems being stolen by laptops,scanners etc progress at it's best!
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,801
    lucy4 said:

    edrich said:

    lucy4 said:

    Also remember the Salvation Army folk braving the pubs with copies of the War Cry.

    But when they used to come in to the pub at Christmas and start singing everyone used to stop,listen to them and pay them respect.
    Ahh the hypocrisy of the Sally Army. Standing outside berating people for taking their money into those "Dens of iniquity" Then taking the collecting boxes in for donations just before last orders.

    In fact you could set your watch by the schedule. 22.00 - 22.15 Kershaws man with the cockles and mussels, 22.20 - 22.30 Sally Army rattling the tins, 22.35 - 22.45 Last orders please. And thus ends another Friday night in the 80's in Stoke.
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,483
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824

    LOVED that orange film they wrapped it in.
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,483
    Tikay10 said:

    LOVED that orange film they wrapped it in.

    I can now hear the crinkly sound it made.
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,483
    lucy4 said:

    You knew who the well off people were as they had Lucozade in the house when nobody was ill... :D
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824

    Best thing about being ill was we got treated to Lucozade.

    These days it's an energy drink, whatever that is.
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,483
  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,530

    Tudor gammon crisps, loved them.
  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,530

    If you got skelpt with one of these you were oot of action for a while :# .
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