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  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665

    Well done Mark, but don't overdo it on that knee for a while yet.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    Ok so with just 7 weeks left until the big day it's back to the sweat box that is my training schedule. Going to be a little different this week as I am in Great Yarmouth, what a jet setting lifestyle I lead eh?

    Truth is it's just like Stoke but with slightly more in the way of beach and just a few less dust heads. However I can use the Pure Gym here without any extra charge and instead of hills I'm going to be hiking on sand. Lots of sand. Miles of the blooming stuff.

    Got the old just giving page up and running and noticed something. I suddenly have much less traffic on my facebook page since I made it a sticky. Hmm family eh, what you gonna do. actually most have just chucked cash at me and I'll put it all in the bank and make 1 payment complete with G.A. in about a fortnight. if I get a certain amount raised 4 weeks prior I get my trek shirt and stuff in time for the event.

    The knee is holding up well to general movement and driving so hoping to push it a little each day. Part of the training calls for a 4 hour hill walk on Aug 13th followed by an 11 mile mountain walk on the 27th before backing it off prior to the event.

    I have a plan for the Altwern, Penmaenbach and Conway Mountain horseshoe for the 4 hour and then a round on Snowdon of, as it happens, about 12 miles for the latter.

    Just as a sidenote I thought I would show my progress to date for those who like to see that kind of stuff.


    DEADLIFT - Jan 23 - 80kgs for 4 reps - July 23 - 140kgs for 4 reps

    HACK SQUAT - Jan 23 - 60Kgs for 6 reps - July 23 - 85Kgs for 6 reps

    INCLINE LEG PRESS - Jan 23 - 170 Kgs for 6 reps - July 23 - 305 Kgs for 6 reps

    BENCH PRESS - Jan 23 - 50Kgs for 6 reps - July 23 - 91Kgs for 6 reps


    1Km row - Jan 23 - 6min 10secs - July 23 - 5min 18sec

    !0Km bike - Jan23 - 27min 35sec - July 23 - 23min 55sec

    5Km walk - Jan 23 - 72min 41sec - July 23 - 62min 11sec

    Heart Rate from 150bpm held for 2 minutes down to 60bpm - Jan 23 - 9min 12sec - July 23 - 4min 10 sec

    For me the last one is the most impressive. I've cut my recovery time from working at 90% of my max for 2 minutes to my resting heart rate by over 50% and this is what's going to be the crucial factor over the next 7 weeks as this leads to increased endurance and performance levels.

    More updates soon, have a great week.

    Live, love, laugh and stay safe.

  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,529
    Looks impressive to me, GL.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    Training really hard this week, Monday saw a 25Km cross training effort comprising bike, rower and treadmill, whilst yesterday I was doing some brutal beach and sand dune timed walking at Horsey Gap.

    Originally went to see the seals but got bored after an hour so left the missus to take photos and generally Attenborough the heck out of it whilst I utilised the Norfolk coast path and abundant sands to clock up 5Km of quad and calf busting agony.

    Today was a gym day and what a day. A 10mile or 16Km bike, riding 2minute steady pace then 1 minute sprint until completion was followed by a flat out 1Km row. Then I went into strength mode shoulders, chest and legs got massively hammered.

    I took a risk on the knee holding up with the aid of a brace to smash a personal best leg press of 360Kg or 792lbs or 56 and a half stones. Not just a 1 rep max either, a proper 6 rep set. I even had an audience which is nice but when I train I am in a bubble and don't need any distractions.

    Now obviously I didn't just start at that but built up from 300Kgs with accumulative sets
    of 8 and then 6 reps. Chest and shoulders were all worked to total failure so it's a toss up as to what doesn't work the most when I wake up. Probably have T Rex arms because my shoulders refuse to obey the brain.

    Tomorrow is another sand day where I have to walk for 30 minutes and then return to the start point in 25 minutes. I have to do that twice but then it's off to Yarmouth races and then Friday is 5Km treadmill, 15Km bike using intervals and then 2Km row and a 1Km Ski followed by an arm and back session.

    Travel home Friday night about 11pm, have a leisurely Saturday morning, a gentle session Saturday night, probably just a steady 25 Km on the bike and then a 3 hour off road hilly walk is Sundays session.

    Don't know how much poker I'll play if any, especially as I've had a really cr@p night with suckouts and the like.

    Still I'm enjoying the training and feel it's coming together for September. So head down, press on and speak soon guys.

    Live, love, laugh. Stay safe, stay sane.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    Actually it was the legs that steadfastly refused to cooperate with any form of exercise, especially that which involved sand, ascent or speed.

    Consequently yesterday was what I would term a rest day meaning that I did little to nothing in the way of training except sit and watch the surf caressing the sands of Gorleston whilst a warm breeze and intermittent sunshine soothed my soul.

    Just off to the gym in a couple of moments. Whilst it's served a purpose, being much smaller than either of the Stoke Pure Gyms there's sometimes a wait for specific kit. Also being in an old Argos, a small Argos it would appear, there are no windows so it's all artificially lit and just a little gloomy.

    Anyway it's cardio then arms and back so best get to it.

    Trek is 6 weeks tomorrow.

    See ya laters.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    Ok, so Friday didn't quite go as I wanted but still got through a heck of a lot of work.

    Got a 10 mile bike ride in doing 2min at 70 rpm / 1min at 90 rpm intervals, then proceeded to knock off a 2 mile cross trainer, a 1 mile row and a half mile ski.

    Feeling quite pleased with myself I enter the free weight area to train arms and back only to find it's like a daycare centre with every 16 year old in Yarmouth doing bicep curls and such like 3 and 4 to a bench, all with awful form. Lat pulldown machines have a queue, cable machines are all taken, yup both of them, and I'm just on the verge of leaving for the day when the incline leg press becomes available.

    Now I am known to like a leg press, so arms and back becomes legs (again) but this time I'm going to leave this piece of kit in smoke by the time I'm done. Why young people feel the need to take 10 minutes to do a set, then use a phone for ten minutes before doing another set really pees me off. If you're at a gym WORK, it's not a playground.

    So here I am, annoyed by the continual sight of 3 or 4 lads around every bench or machine whilst 1 of them does a half hearted whatever it is they think they're doing and so I go into beast mode.

    The following was my leg press workout after biking, cross trainer and row.

    1 set of 8 reps at 300 Kg
    1 set of 8 reps at 320 Kg
    1 set of 8 reps at 350 Kg
    1 set of 8 reps at 375 Kg - P.B.
    1 set of 8 reps at 400 Kg - P.B.
    1 set of 6 reps at 410 Kg - P.B.
    1 set of 6 reps at 420 Kg - P.B. This is weird I'm feeling stronger
    1 set of 6 reps at 440 Kg - P.B. Sudden realisation that 1,000lbs is doable
    1 set of 5 reps at 445 Kg - P.B.
    1 set of 4 reps at 450 Kg - P.B.
    1 set of 3 reps at 455 Kg - P.B. YESSSSS 1,001lbs

    It was an insane feeling but I just seemed to get stronger with every set. I honestly thought 400 Kg would be my limit and would have been very proud with that. Whilst I need to concentrate on the Trek training, I do want to explore just how heavy I can go before my 60 year old body says enough. 500, 550, 600 ?

    Back at my own gym from tomorrow so happy about that.

    Have a great weekend.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    edited August 2023
    Update 02/08/23

    Sometimes I think it's better to just stay in bed. Sunday night saw me clock up the miles on the old stationary bike, rehydrate, bag 7 hours sleep and wake up Monday mid morning ready to go.

    Pre workout coffee consumed, I collect my training partner, daughter number 2, hit the gym and uh oh, Houston, we have a problem.

    Nothing was working as it should. I had no muscular strength, no energy, my form was rubbish and most troubling of all, I had little in the way of endurance. Mentally I was in a good place, motivated and eager, but like issuing instructions to a rebellious puppy, my body was incapable of doing what the brain commanded.

    Advice was sought and the consensus of opinion was that I had overtrained the previous week and not allowed the body proper recovery. Muscle fatigue plain and simple and fortunately easily remedied. The large day on day gains of the last few days had pushed legs, back and shoulders to a point where they hadn't been able to recover correctly and this was the bodys way of saying whoa, slow down fella.

    The advice was to leave the weights completely for a week and just to do cardio and bodyweight exercises. The training plan calls for increased cardio vascular work now anyway so perhaps it's good to rein it in somewhat.

    So last night was a steady treadmill walk on a 7.5% incline for 99 minutes at between 1.7 and 2.3 mph. Walking on a treadmill is awkward for me as usually I hike / trek with poles which serve not only to prevent too much stress through knees and ankles but also keep my walking posture more upright and aligned.

    Todays effort will be an evening walk along the Trent and Mersey towpath, complete with full kit that I will use on the Challenge itself. Starting opposite the Bet 365 I will just walk for about 90 minutes in the direction of Barlaston and then turn around and head back. If I'm feeling good it might even be 2 hours each way.

    Ok, that's it you're all caught up, I'm off for coffee and see you soon.

    live, love, laugh. Stay safe, stay sane.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    Update 03/08/23

    Evening all.
    Yesterdays towpath walk didn't happen due to some thunder and lightning in the local area, so it got transferred to the treadmill instead. I don't mind training in rain, wind, snow, fog, hail etc. But lightning nah, not when I'm by large bodies of water with trekking poles in my hands.

    However, just got back from a good 8 Km / 5 mile, fastpack, well fast for me, utilising the Canal, the paths at the rear of Radial park and the River Trent path.

    I was carrying a full trek load including mandatory kit, nutrition and water. The only exception being my footwear. As today was all tarmac or gravel I went with trail running shoes rather than my lightweight boots. Not sure if I could get away with them on the South West Coast Path or whether I need that ankle protection.

    Todays figures.

    11,700 steps, 1950 cals, average heart rate of 117 with a max of 139, elevation gained 205M, time elapsed 2 hr 42min.

    Ok that's today done. Tomorrow is officially a rest day so going to use it to assess any aches or niggles from today.

    As always guys, live, love, laugh, stay safe, stay sane.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    Update 09/08/23

    NOW things are getting serious. As I enter the final month of training and the mandatory kit prep is in full swing.

    Mainly been walking over the last few days, nothing major, just following the plan and making sure I don't do anything silly. At this point that would be a disaster as there is no recovery opportunity should injury strike.

    Tomorrow is a 75 minute cross training session which I will split between Bike, treadmill, rower, skierg and stair climber whilst keeping heart rate at 120 - 150 bpm.

    Friday I am in Wales so I will do a 60 minute walk incorporating 6 x 5 minute brisk intervals followed by 50m sand dune shuttles.

    Saturday is a rest day but I will go for an hours swim just to keep everything loose.

    Sunday is a 4 hour off road hilly walk. I'm either going to The Sychnant Pass or The Glyderau, whichever I choose it's going to be a 5am. start as I need to be parked up and ready to hit the hill by 6am latest.

    I am aiming to maintain a Trek pace of 2.5kmph which would mean that I complete inside 8 and a half hours. whilst this is slow in comparison with normal walking the variable surface and the constant elevation changes of the route will probably mean that this is an acceptable pace.

    So that's it, you're all caught up and I'm off to have some food before 9pm.

    Will update on Monday and let you know how the weekend went. Until then as always, live, love, laugh. Stay safe, stay sane.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    edited August 2023
    Update 14/08/23.

    Ok so Monday night finds me dumped out of all 3 Triple Takedowns which means I can now post this update.

    The weekend was not without it's moments. Got to Rhyl, got the shopping in and settled in the caravan by 2.30 after a nightmare journey of hold ups, tailbacks, and assorted route changes.

    Went for a couple of circuits of marine lake as the Sunday walk was brought forward to Saturday in order to facilitate family requirements on the Sunday.

    Woke up at 05.00 on the Saturday to absolute Biblical weather and therefore didn't escape the Van until almost 06.15 when the missus decided that I had disturbed her enough.

    Went to the Ogwen Valley in the Glyderau, parked up at 07.00 and hit the hill about 15 minutes later as many others huddled by the as yet closed brew shack or made use of the toilets to put on extra wet weather gear.

    The initial plan was to do a round of Cwm Idwal then go through the Devils Kitchen to attain the ridge before descending via Y Garn and back to the brew shack for a Bovril.

    Always have a plan B, and thank goodness I did as the wind strengthened to a point where walking and even standing was difficult and in some situations, dangerous. So as I gained the lake, I turned right instead of left and headed directly for Y Garn as the shoulder of the far flank should afford some protection from the elements and I would simply reverse my intended route.

    Two hours later and the plan was simply to get back safely to the car park. I'm not saying the rain was intense but I saw sheep, goats, cows and horses all lining up in 2 by 2 formation whilst some wizzened old guy was asking what a cubit was, the hoped for protection wasn't there and the consequences of a mishap here are dire to fatal.

    I have decent hillwalking gear, but by this time nothing is really doing its job and I resemble a drowned badger albeit one struggling to maintain an upright posture. Getting back takes longer than anticipated as twice I stop to assist others. One was a Japenese lady who was literally blown off her feet and was in some pain on the ground whilst her husband and daughter stood there unsure of what to do. I got her into a seated position after checking for injuries and just allowed her to recover in her own time whilst trying to keep her warm and as dry as possible.

    The second was a trail runner who slipped and went down with a huge fall. Fortunately there were several people in the vicinity 2 of whom belonged to OVMRO so after determining that further assistance was not required, I left the experts to it.

    Eventually I got back to the car park, changed into dry clothes, had a Bovril, sent texts to my responsible person to confirm I was safely off the hill and then took a while to look at the people starting up.

    Now I'm not elitist and believe that the mountains are for all, but FFS people were starting up in jeans, trainers and pac a macs. Some were actually in shorts, whilst others wore wellies. Maybe if MRT charged for callouts, these muppets would perhaps give more consideration to proper attire. sorry but I get really wound up when people don't give mountains due respect. The Glyderau see fatalities every year as does the whole Snowdonia National Park. People see car parks, toilets, paths and refreshments and think it's all a jolly stroll. Rant over.

    Saturday afternoon I went for a swim, nothing strenuous, just a gentle half hour doing lengths.

    So Sunday, a much better day weather wise saw me taking Daughter, Son in Law and Grandson to the Bronze mines on the Great Orme Llandudno. So just a small chance to get a couple of Km in there.

    Drove back in another monsoon today, had a rest day although I'm off to the gym in about an hour 23.30

    A final thought about Saturday was that my hill pace was constant, my heart rate was between 120 and 145 during the constant ascent, the knees coped better with the descent and I finished the whole morning feeling tired but not broken. A first for me for that route.

    Anyway it's time to sign off so until next time, live, love, laugh. Stay safe and stay sane.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    Update 22/08/23

    What's that coming over the hill ?.

    Well depending on your perspective it could be the rapidly advancing Trek13 challenge, or it could be a heaving, sweating, panting mass of lard training for the aforementioned Trek 13 challenge.

    Either way another training trek is in the bag, but this one was done on already knackered legs following Sundays exertions. The plan for the rest of the week is simple, allow the legs to recover properly before Sundays big training hike of 11 miles and then crush it on the very boring Llanberis Path to the summit of Yr Wyddfa. It's 5 miles in each direction so the walk from and back to the car park will account for the rest. that last 800m from the end of the path to the car on aching legs, bruised feet and painful knees will be the absolute worst part.

    Aside from the preparation, the fundraising is going well and stands at 86% of my target, although the pledges I already have means that the target will be surpassed. It never ceases to amaze that even when times are hard people will still find a way to help and support good causes, but perhaps despite the bad press that we often get as a society, people are, at heart, intrinsically compassionate.

    So right now I'm getting out my wifes foot spa, tens machine and foam roller. I was going to use the little personal massager she has, but I don't think it's meant for that.

    Ok, that's about it, there shouldn't be anything really until Sunday, just a few 30 minute
    slow recovery walks, so I will post next week.

    Until then as always. live, love, laugh. Stay sane, stay safe.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    Two signings today mate
    We're gonna pi$$ this tinpot league :p
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    stokefc said:

    Two signings today mate
    We're gonna pi$$ this tinpot league :p

    Really hope so Sean, although having said that it's perhaps the toughest league in the world as pretty much any of the 24 teams can beat any of the others on any given day. No easy games here.
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,645

    Update 22/08/23

    What's that coming over the hill ?.

    Well depending on your perspective it could be the rapidly advancing Trek13 challenge, or it could be a heaving, sweating, panting mass of lard training for the aforementioned Trek 13 challenge.

    Either way another training trek is in the bag, but this one was done on already knackered legs following Sundays exertions. The plan for the rest of the week is simple, allow the legs to recover properly before Sundays big training hike of 11 miles and then crush it on the very boring Llanberis Path to the summit of Yr Wyddfa. It's 5 miles in each direction so the walk from and back to the car park will account for the rest. that last 800m from the end of the path to the car on aching legs, bruised feet and painful knees will be the absolute worst part.

    Aside from the preparation, the fundraising is going well and stands at 86% of my target, although the pledges I already have means that the target will be surpassed. It never ceases to amaze that even when times are hard people will still find a way to help and support good causes, but perhaps despite the bad press that we often get as a society, people are, at heart, intrinsically compassionate.

    So right now I'm getting out my wifes foot spa, tens machine and foam roller. I was going to use the little personal massager she has, but I don't think it's meant for that.

    Ok, that's about it, there shouldn't be anything really until Sunday, just a few 30 minute
    slow recovery walks, so I will post next week.

    Until then as always. live, love, laugh. Stay sane, stay safe.

    Hi Phil, always read your mitherings but dont often post. All the best for Yr Wyadda.. Reason for posting & to give you some old running pal of mine robbie bryson holds (still i think) the record for the ASCENT...38 mins 47 secs. 1986 i think...record for up & down 62mins i think..
    Kenny Stuart fae the lakes ??
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    Glenelg said:

    Update 22/08/23

    What's that coming over the hill ?.

    Well depending on your perspective it could be the rapidly advancing Trek13 challenge, or it could be a heaving, sweating, panting mass of lard training for the aforementioned Trek 13 challenge.

    Either way another training trek is in the bag, but this one was done on already knackered legs following Sundays exertions. The plan for the rest of the week is simple, allow the legs to recover properly before Sundays big training hike of 11 miles and then crush it on the very boring Llanberis Path to the summit of Yr Wyddfa. It's 5 miles in each direction so the walk from and back to the car park will account for the rest. that last 800m from the end of the path to the car on aching legs, bruised feet and painful knees will be the absolute worst part.

    Aside from the preparation, the fundraising is going well and stands at 86% of my target, although the pledges I already have means that the target will be surpassed. It never ceases to amaze that even when times are hard people will still find a way to help and support good causes, but perhaps despite the bad press that we often get as a society, people are, at heart, intrinsically compassionate.

    So right now I'm getting out my wifes foot spa, tens machine and foam roller. I was going to use the little personal massager she has, but I don't think it's meant for that.

    Ok, that's about it, there shouldn't be anything really until Sunday, just a few 30 minute
    slow recovery walks, so I will post next week.

    Until then as always. live, love, laugh. Stay sane, stay safe.

    Hi Phil, always read your mitherings but dont often post. All the best for Yr Wyadda.. Reason for posting & to give you some old running pal of mine robbie bryson holds (still i think) the record for the ASCENT...38 mins 47 secs. 1986 i think...record for up & down 62mins i think..
    Kenny Stuart fae the lakes ??
    Cheers buddy.

    Fell runners and particularly the ultra runners inspire both admiration and suspicions of insanity in equal measure. Mountain runners are a level even beyond that as they blast past at speeds that seem impossible given the underfoot conditions, usually sporting a beard, munching a vegan flapjack and looking for a convenient bush or boulder.

    I am going to volunteer at some of the Mountain marathons next year simply because that's as close as I will get in person to competing.

    My own personal ambition running wise is to start Park Runs 5Km, once I can get round in under 1 hour.

    Hmm, maybe next year I could do a Park Run Journey Blog, you know tripping over dogs, getting beaten by Dads pushing a baby in a buggy, trying to not be the last finisher. that kind of thing. Might be good for laughs and bants.

    Oh I'm not Phil. I'm Mark, but that's easy enough to get confused. After all we are both, intelligent, good looking, urbane and brilliant at poker.

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,645

    Glenelg said:

    Update 22/08/23

    What's that coming over the hill ?.

    Well depending on your perspective it could be the rapidly advancing Trek13 challenge, or it could be a heaving, sweating, panting mass of lard training for the aforementioned Trek 13 challenge.

    Either way another training trek is in the bag, but this one was done on already knackered legs following Sundays exertions. The plan for the rest of the week is simple, allow the legs to recover properly before Sundays big training hike of 11 miles and then crush it on the very boring Llanberis Path to the summit of Yr Wyddfa. It's 5 miles in each direction so the walk from and back to the car park will account for the rest. that last 800m from the end of the path to the car on aching legs, bruised feet and painful knees will be the absolute worst part.

    Aside from the preparation, the fundraising is going well and stands at 86% of my target, although the pledges I already have means that the target will be surpassed. It never ceases to amaze that even when times are hard people will still find a way to help and support good causes, but perhaps despite the bad press that we often get as a society, people are, at heart, intrinsically compassionate.

    So right now I'm getting out my wifes foot spa, tens machine and foam roller. I was going to use the little personal massager she has, but I don't think it's meant for that.

    Ok, that's about it, there shouldn't be anything really until Sunday, just a few 30 minute
    slow recovery walks, so I will post next week.

    Until then as always. live, love, laugh. Stay sane, stay safe.

    Hi Phil, always read your mitherings but dont often post. All the best for Yr Wyadda.. Reason for posting & to give you some old running pal of mine robbie bryson holds (still i think) the record for the ASCENT...38 mins 47 secs. 1986 i think...record for up & down 62mins i think..
    Kenny Stuart fae the lakes ??
    Cheers buddy.

    Fell runners and particularly the ultra runners inspire both admiration and suspicions of insanity in equal measure. Mountain runners are a level even beyond that as they blast past at speeds that seem impossible given the underfoot conditions, usually sporting a beard, munching a vegan flapjack and looking for a convenient bush or boulder.

    I am going to volunteer at some of the Mountain marathons next year simply because that's as close as I will get in person to competing.

    My own personal ambition running wise is to start Park Runs 5Km, once I can get round in under 1 hour.

    Hmm, maybe next year I could do a Park Run Journey Blog, you know tripping over dogs, getting beaten by Dads pushing a baby in a buggy, trying to not be the last finisher. that kind of thing. Might be good for laughs and bants.

    Oh I'm not Phil. I'm Mark, but that's easy enough to get confused. After all we are both, intelligent, good looking, urbane and brilliant at poker.

    Face palm. I knew that. Nae idea why i typed Phil.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    edited August 2023
    Hi Paul,

    Llanberis path, boring? I was up there last Thursday and thought it was stunning, although the Miners' track is probably a little more scenic tbf. Was very busy at the summit, we had to queue for 20 mins for a photo, but there are worse places to be stood around waiting.

    Best of luck with Trek 13.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    Guess what arrived this morning.

    Yup my shiny, new, technical top emblazoned with the Alzheimer's Society logo. The 3XL was something of a let down as I'd specified a 4XL when I signed up but hey it fits in a sort of figure hugging manner.

    To complement this came my bib and four safety pins to attach it to said technical top.

    My bib number is 13112 which I'm going to take a guess means that I am participant number 112 in the 13 mile event. More worryingly however was the device attached to the bib which the event organisers refer to as a "timing chip".

    Now, timing chip rather than tracking chip would indicate that contrary to what the sign up information stated, there is going to be a fairly strict application of cut offs and that there may be some real time pressure in play.

    The main problem I have here is that nobody seems able to provide a definitive answer to the question, and it's been that way since training began, of what is the cut off time.

    Now I've trained to be able to maintain a pace of 2.5Kmph over varied terrain with sharp deviation of elevation. That gives just under 8 and a half hours or an approx finish of 5pm. if the required pace is say 3Kmph that means 7 hours to complete which is possibly doable but my pace with a pack with the mandatory kit comes in at approx 24 minutes per Kilometre so I'm 0.5Kmph down straight away.

    My big fear is that I either go off too fast and blow up after a couple of hours or I set off nice and steady and then find I have to push like mad to beat a cut off and need to make a pace that I'm not capable of.

    The trek info states that the 26 mile should be doable in 8 -10 hours but some hikers will take up to 12 to finish which means that there is a possibility that I am over estimating the severity of the route. Anyway as they go off 2 and a half hours ahead of us I'm hoping that we all have the same cut off for finishing in which case that gives me 9 and a half to get it done. like I said the distance isn't the issue just the time required to do that distance.

    Either way, I will complete this. Whether that's having a great day and enjoying it, all smiles and a hail fellow well met demeanor or stumbling into the finish looking like a fugitive from some Hollywood disaster epic bruised, battered and broken and crying like a little girl.

    Whatever, I'm committed, Snowdon beckons for Sunday and I'll put up a review of that later in the week.

    Have a banging Bank Holiday. Live, love, laugh. stay safe, stay sane.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665

    Getting exciting now.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    Update 28/08/23.

    I know that I have legs because I can see them, feel them and even move them after a fashion but right now they aren't functioning as legs. Mind you I also have muscle soreness in the back, shoulders and chest. It's safe to say yesterday did not quite go to plan.

    I had planned on hitting the sack by 9pm on the Saturday night but my family being the sum of it's several dysfunctional units conspired to ensure that ended up being 11.30, way too late for a 3am start.

    However dragged myself out of bed at the appointed hour, threw my kit in the car whilst the kettle boiled, presented the missus with a cup of tea as I bade her farewell and by 03.30 I was on my way.

    Stopped at Gateway on the A55 to indulge in a Sausage and egg McMuffin, complete with obligatory hash brown and a coffee and was rolling into Llanberris at around 05.45.even at that hour the car parks are 50% full and it's obvious that there are already lots of people on the hill.

    It's from here that things start to go South. Firstly, the car parks have no facility to pay by card, unless you go online and a signal here is like trying to find a trophy in the Spurs cabinet, and this is only exacerbated by the fact that they don't take notes either. So as I don't carry £12 (yes £12 effin quid to park) in change on a regular basis plan B is put into operation.

    Plan B is simple, drive into Nant Perris and use the park and ride. ah except it's not quite that simple, as the park and ride goes to the Miners and Pyg tracks at Pen Y Pass and not back into Llanberris. Ok, I'm adaptable, I'll go to Pen Y Pass and walk up the Pyg and come down the Miners. So I pay my £5 (yes only £5 all day) by card and then go to look at the timetable.

    Oh dear, the first bus is at 07.15 and that's another hour away. just as I'm contemplating getting my head down in the car I get approached by a guy who asks if I want to share a taxi. it transpires that he has ordered a large taxi and if there's more than 5 people it's only £2 each so I pile in along with a couple of ladies, a family of 4 and a father and son.

    Now I hate the Pyg Track. For my money it's the worst of the standard 6 routes up, not that it's particularly technical, although there a a few sections where you require the use of hands, but it's design does not allow for a settled stride or pace as you constantly have to adjust step height, stride length and cadence. Oh and it's steep from the off.

    The plan of walking The Llanberris Path was that apart from the first 200 tarmac yards which are a brutal 1 in 5, the path rewards a steady pace with a steady incline, gradually drawing you to the summit. This was what I desired, not the punch you in the face, allow you to get up, recover slightly then kick you in the balls approach that the Pyg takes.

    The weather was playing it's part in my misery as driving rain and strong gusting winds sought to keep spirits and clothing damp and cold. I had my usual gear on but apart from keeping my temperature warm and toasty I was sodden within an hour or so. It didn't help that there are several natural choke points on the Pyg and these coupled with a veritable cornucopia of inexperience from what seemed like every other Mountain user created delay after delay as each step that required anything other than hands in pocket walking backed everybody up.

    Consequently what should take between 3 to 4 hours took almost 5 and that wasn't even to the summit. I sacked it off after exiting the top of the zig zags when reports of a 200m queue to get to the trig, a full to bursting summit cafe and no views at all came back via those coming down.

    The journey back down was just as frustrating as it took an age to get back down the zig zags, and along the Pyg to the junction with the Miners Path. I always enjoy taking a few minutes to watch those using this piece of real estate as only about 30% ever follow the correct route. How there are not a spate of injuries and accidents here every weekend amazes me. Eventually after more waiting around as people struggled with the few technical bits and route finding I am standing by Lyn Glaslyn with nothing between me and the shuttle bus back to dry clothing except a couple of miles of easy path.

    Well, that was the theory. However, the descent from the outflow at Glaslyn to the shoreline of Lyn Llydaw is about a 30 degree slope and whilst I have been on top of my hydration I neglected to bring electrolytes, well actually I brought them but as they are in my car they may as well be on the moon. The result was that the quad muscles which had taken the brunt of the days work went into cramp. Big cramp. Like scream at the world cramp.

    So now resembling something from a Hammer film of a bygone era, I shuffle awkwardly along, stopping, sat on a rock every couple of hundred yards to frantically try and massage some semblance of compliance into the legs.

    I make it back to Pen Y Pass, stagger onto the bus, stagger off at Nant Perris, waddle to my car, throw kit into the back, mix and drink some sodium to combat the cramp and drive into Llanberris.

    All the while I'm planning to go to Pete's Eats that legendary cafe renowned throughout the outdoor world, get a nice meal, a pint of tea, use the showers and get into dry clothing.

    I drive into the village, pull up outside excitedly and it's shut. Not just closed but shut, no tables or chairs inside, empty, bereft of life, nothing. An apt epitaph to a totally horrible day.

    I arrive home at 7.30 to a hot bath, cold beer and good food and decide that there are worse ways to end an epic.

    Yesterdays figures.
    8.4 miles
    37,000 steps
    6987 calories
    1562 feet of elevation

    Ok, that's all for the moment, I'm going to try a short recovery stroll later today but I'm not setting that in stone.

    Until next time, live, love, laugh. Stay safe and stay sane.
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