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Middle East On The Brink.



  • legascaaclegascaac Member Posts: 201
    how can anyone support these Jewish ANIMALS
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,988
  • legascaaclegascaac Member Posts: 201
    no palistinian state joke, , no israel would be better , palistinian,s were there first it's there land invaded by jews
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    legascaac said:

    how can anyone support these Jewish ANIMALS

    if anyone made the statement how can anyone support these muslim/arab animals they would be banned for racism and hate speech.

    Of course I am not saying this that would be racist and I am not so small minded, but its abundantly clear that my clashes with you previously on the forums are because you are racist against me and think the job should have been finished with me and my kind back in the 40s.

    I mean I do agree with freedom of speech as much as I detest your views, but I do believe this should be on equal merit.

    Eg if its okay to be openly racist on the forums against Jews is it okay to be racist against blacks, whites, Asians and Arabs?

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,300
    We need a " Goldilocks" World filled with "Goldilocks" people. hic!
  • legascaaclegascaac Member Posts: 201
    Yes badly worded by me there’s plenty good Jews and Arabs especially in this country but unfortunately not in Hamas or the Israeli government who the comments were aimed at
    If you think I agree with what Hamas ( Iranian backed ) done I don’t that’s hideous as well and they are animals as well .barbarism at that music festival , absolutely sick ,but most off these people (hostages)that were taken are alive still despite the IDF best efforts in killing a fare few off them .. but if Israel’s approach was not to hurt civilians am afraid they’ve a funny way off doing that. Killing people with white flags off surrender how can anyone justify that . No one can .. all they’ve done is cause this shocking killing to continue .. for another 75 years. An eye for an eye doesn’t work , just causes more problems. The mane problem now is the lsraeli government Netin idiot is a war criminal along with his government he doesn’t want it to stop he doesn’t care about the people taken either . As once it stops he’s finished just look at how many people want it stopped in Israel . over and above that he’s trying to start more trouble with settlers in the West Bank and on other fronts as well .. As for racism bit against you no against the horror show on tv yes absolutely hate it . But what he is doing is causing the problems all over the world for Israeli people. A couldn’t care about folks race or colour but don’t you think this is all wrong and if you think am being racist towards you I’m not and am sorry if you think I am
    What needs done is people returned from both sides proper piece talks but that won’t happen unfortunately .
  • legascaaclegascaac Member Posts: 201
    They need to share Palestine / Israel and grow trust can you see that happening
  • legascaaclegascaac Member Posts: 201
    finishing my last post
    if Palestinian's agree to that on there land . people are openly racist on public platforms against all off the above religions and people off different colour and more mine included but we don't bother about it or take a hissy fit about it ..
  • legascaaclegascaac Member Posts: 201
    anyone watching al jazeera right now much respect roger waters
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,465
    legascaac said:

    anyone watching al jazeera right now much respect roger waters

    I watch a lot of different news channels from around the world,it gives you a totally different perspective as to what's actually going on,compared to what we get fed by the media in this country.
  • legascaaclegascaac Member Posts: 201
    yeah that's why a watch as well . if you saw it . av no doubt it will be on again powerful total respect from me roger aka pink floyd waters .
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,988
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,988
  • legascaaclegascaac Member Posts: 201
    Racism pot kettle

    They poor people .Starving at the hands off a sick Government. And that Government in Westminster . Out off touch Sick sick treatment off innocent Palestinians if it’s no bombs it’s IDF snipers shooting injured civilians

    Just sad but they’ve done it from 1948 Israel that is horrible sick people in charge there .Causing problems worldwide.
    No wonder there’s attacks all over the world But that’s what happens when you think you’re better than others .

    Would it be peaceful if they weren’t there ? A think I know the answer .

  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,988
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,988
  • legascaaclegascaac Member Posts: 201
    It’s horrendous what’s happening in Gaza but the troubles are happening here as well and a suppose if you support either in this country and shout your mouth off
    The trouble will come to you quickly
    A was out last night and saw 3 boys get absolutely hammered for it one off them said We are gods chosen people and all Palestinian’s should be killed . In the Scotmid . Noo they’re in intensive care probably , what a f in doing they got for there comments .. Av heard already they’ve been told to get out o cauther or basically they’ll be ran out
    Got to admit after what they said good enough for them But they are ……… the ones with that attitude .. the problem .. As it won’t be tolerated up here as I saw last night ..
    Causing problems here and all over the world for all the descent Jews who are getting a lot off trouble they don’t deserve . For a minority that try to justify what’s going on . It’s causing nice people problems and it’s that government in Israel to blame for an awful lot of this . A don’t like seeing things like that happening and probably could have stopped it but if you say things like that you deserve everything you get
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,988
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,988
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,988
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