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is Russia actually the worlds no1 superpower?

DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,292
to say we are been absolutely owned in ther extreme in Ukraine by Russia would be one of the most extreme understatements in all of human history if potentially galatic history referring other intelligent civilizations.

Whilst the propaganda from Western media implies that Russia has been proven weak because they cant handle little Ukraine this is a manifest distortion of the truth in the extreme.

Firstly Russia is not fighting just Ukraine are they? they are fighting all of NATO with the weapons been supplied produced and hundreds of billions in aid to Ukraine all in NATO countries.

on top of this there have been incidents to suggest we even have troops their fighting.

Sure Russias gains are slow but they are gaining not losing territory meanwhile the Russian economy is going from strength to strength as the West is been slowly bankrupt in this war of attrition.

It may be time to start learning Russian if you plan to remain here.


  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,809
    You asked a question.

    The answer is NO.

    Absolutely not. You have a Russia fixation.

    The Russian economy is in the toilet. The Russian people are openly unhappy. He is now sending badly trained conscripts.

    You want to see a real Superpower, take a glance at the Chinese.
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,136
    edited April 2024

    You asked a question.

    The answer is NO.

    Absolutely not. You have a Russia fixation.

    The Russian economy is in the toilet. The Russian people are openly unhappy. He is now sending badly trained conscripts.

    You want to see a real Superpower, take a glance at the Chinese.

    Russia has 1 of the World's best armies. But nowhere near 1 of the best economies.

    Which is 1 of the reasons why 15% of the population of Israel, some 1.3 million people, have migrated from Russia to, er, Israel.
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,292
    Essexphil said:

    You asked a question.

    The answer is NO.

    Absolutely not. You have a Russia fixation.

    The Russian economy is in the toilet. The Russian people are openly unhappy. He is now sending badly trained conscripts.

    You want to see a real Superpower, take a glance at the Chinese.

    Russia has 1 of the World's best armies. But nowhere near 1 of the best economies.

    Which is 1 of the reasons why 15% of the population of Israel, some 1.3 million people, have migrated from Russia to, er, Israel.
    Western economies are built upon debt in the extreme. Everywhere is because of fiat currency and what has a large control of countries.

    However the Western countries have low production levels these days and their economic model seems to be constantly building money via debt.

    I have heard that if you get one credit card and pay it off each month they increase your limit and then your credit rating goes up and you can get multiple credit cards and pay of each one with another one and juggling this you can build up to six figures then apparently you change address and they cant track you and you can run off with the lot.

    I think that is probably nonsense and may have worked one time along time ago but today its relatively easy for to track most people down.

    That been said if that did work and I did that and build up a balance of six figures but have no income am I then richer/better off then say a guy who has a bank balance of say only a few grand but regulary goes to work and makes a surplus each month?

    I mean sure if I can dissapear with all the money and not have to repay the debt but ultimately if I do have to repay the debt and nearly all my wealth is based on printing money and debt manipulation, am I economically more stable then other countries that have more production and natural resources.

    Russia does not do things like we do they slowly take territory at a turtles pace over time they are the largest country in the world because of this.

    they are stealing the natural resources from Ukraine and selling it for profit going from strength to strength whilst in the west food prices are doubling.

    There is a dark truth to Russia eventually you have to fight them. You may not have to fight them today but they will creep taking more and more land and enslaving more and more people if you held of and stayed out of it as long as you could you would hold off until eventually they declare war on you and invade you.

    If you dont fight them eventually they will attack you.

    The Nukes will fly eventually because Russia wants the world and nothing absolutely nothing then the entire world been enslaved to them is acceptable and they will use nukes if needed.

    Russia is without a doubt the most powerful country in the world and the truth is that our countries cower in fear before them but hope they can push the can down the road. Ukraine stands no chance and will lose eventually just slowly. our politicians know this they just want to drag the war out longer and longer and maybe that is for the best for our generation if it can be dragged out our whole lives but Russia will come.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,809
    Buddy you are talking through your Winni.

    Understand this and maybe sleep a little easier. If the Nukes fly as you put it, Russia gets obliterated too, ergo no more Russia.

    There's a billion Chinese just over the border. China is one of the major players dependent upon trade with most of the world. Don't think for one minute that they won't hesitate to act should Russia threaten their future ability to do that.

    Russia is struggling to take 1 very small country and that's with the help of Belarus. If it decides to take on The West it's getting its 4rse handed to it on a plate.

    Under the banner of The USSR it's best units were Ukranian and Crimean, since the break up it's a large but relatively poorly trained, and not very well equipped force. Many of the ground weapons they are using are Cold War vintage. Their air force is perhaps their best service, their navy is adequate although they seem to lose ships on a regular basis and their army is, apart from numbers, not the best.

    Stop worrying, there are bigger threats to the world than Russia.

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,310
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,292

    Buddy you are talking through your Winni.

    Understand this and maybe sleep a little easier. If the Nukes fly as you put it, Russia gets obliterated too, ergo no more Russia.

    There's a billion Chinese just over the border. China is one of the major players dependent upon trade with most of the world. Don't think for one minute that they won't hesitate to act should Russia threaten their future ability to do that.

    Russia is struggling to take 1 very small country and that's with the help of Belarus. If it decides to take on The West it's getting its 4rse handed to it on a plate.

    Under the banner of The USSR it's best units were Ukranian and Crimean, since the break up it's a large but relatively poorly trained, and not very well equipped force. Many of the ground weapons they are using are Cold War vintage. Their air force is perhaps their best service, their navy is adequate although they seem to lose ships on a regular basis and their army is, apart from numbers, not the best.

    Stop worrying, there are bigger threats to the world than Russia.

    bigger threats in the world then Russia do you by any chance mean the Tic Tacs? so many people go on about the Tic Tacs but its hard to verify as nearly all the evidence is testimony anyway.

    If in fact the Tic Tac stuff does turn out to be aliens then they have been here a long time far exceed anything we can do are like gods to us and could wipe us out instantly. The thing is they have not done so and would have by now if they wanted to so I wont worry to much about that.

    Ultimately There are massive economic threats which I have allured to at many points.

    Russia fights wars of attrition there aim is to economically cripple us they are doing very well.
    Russia is fighting all of NATO in Ukraine.

    They wont declare war on NATO not right now they will take non NATO land right now to avoid the fight whilst trying to pick at the alliance. There is much non NATO land they can take whilst they wait for the TRUMP movement to do away with NATO.

    now you may say Trump wont win bookies disagree but then sure the favourite does not always win. but even if Trump does not win this one his ideas and movement wont go away they wont die with him he has started something now.

    your thinking about today Russia moves over longer time scales then that.
  • Bean81Bean81 Member Posts: 638
    Russia certainly isn't the no.1 superpower but they are the most intimidating most of the world. When you have nukes and a lunatic in charge, that's always going to be worrying
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,292
    Bean81 said:

    Russia certainly isn't the no.1 superpower but they are the most intimidating most of the world. When you have nukes and a lunatic in charge, that's always going to be worrying

    The problem is we think like the Westerners we dont think like Putin or Russia or dictators think.

    If we lose 500 soldiers it is a massive scandal a Prime Minister might be deposed for that, if Russia loses 100,000 soldiers it does not matter they have a large population they can draft many more people from.

    There is a lot of anti immigrant sentiment in this country I am sure that if the there was a policy of forcibly conscripting these immigrants and sending them to a front line of a war to fight many scream about this been outrageous. In Russia that would be the norm.

    We may not have the best working conditions or workers rights but we have not as yet reached the point of forced labour camps. Russia and other dictators have.

    If a large proportion of your production can be done by slave labour you are willing to lose hundreds of thousands/millions of people and you do not care in the slightest about killing civilians on mass murder whether that is those on your side who speak out or masses on the other side you are in a stronger position then us.

    We panic and have moral outrage at the idea of mass death our politicians are short term elections every 4 or five years. They have elections in other countries but in name only.

    Russia is equipped for a long scale war of attrition and open abuse of human rights we are not.

    Our production has been stripped in the extreme as most production is shipped out to China and third world countries for cheap labour.

    Some people point out yes but our military production is very competitive, maybe so I have not specifically looked into that but factories and warehouses can be converted rapidly to handle or produce military equipment we dont have the same numbers as those elsewhere we are at a big disadvantage.

    We not just at a disadvantage in terms of Nukes there is a lot more Russia has then Just Nukes.
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,292
    btw I am not making aspersions to what we should do or advocating for anything I am just stating the situation.
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,551
    Russia-NATO nuclear war maps show how UK cities would be annihilated in conflict.

    Chilling maps have revealed the catastrophic impact a nuclear strike could have on major UK and cities, as fears of World War 3 escalate. This comes as Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his readiness to deploy nuclear weapons if the US sends troops to Ukraine.

    In a tense interview with TV presenter Dmitry Kiselyov for RIA Novosti last month, Putin ominously stated: "Weapons exist in order to use them." He then confirmed that Russia is prepared from a military-technical standpoint and that its nuclear missiles are always combat-ready.

    The despot said he would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if there was any perceived threat to Russia's statehood, sovereignty, or independence. According to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), Russia possesses just under 6,000 nuclear warheads, making it the world's largest nuclear arsenal.

    These can be launched from land-based missiles, submarines or planes, as confirmed by ICAN. The terrifying map, developed by Alex Wellerstein, creator of Nukemap and a historian of science and nuclear technology, calculates the radius of the fireball, the spread of radiation, and the estimated number of casualties resulting from a nuclear detonation.

    Here are the effects a typical Russian nuke would have on some major UK cities.

    If a Topol (SS-25) 800 kt bomb were to strike the Palace of Westminster in London, it would instantly vaporise everything from Westminster to Soho, obliterating iconic landmarks such as the London Eye, Tower Bridge, Big Ben and the National Theatre.

    The devastation could extend from Wimbledon to Wood Green, causing significant damage to residential buildings and resulting in massive loss of life. The thermal radiation could cause third-degree burns, damaging nerve endings, bones, muscles, and tendons.

    In total, it could result in approximately 1 million fatalities and around 2.3 million injuries - affecting an average of 7 million people within 24 hours.

    If the same weapon was to strike Manchester's city centre, the destruction would spread from Castlefield to Ascots, including the Science and Industry Museum.

    The blast's outer ring, stretching from Carrington to Oldham, could result in an estimated 369,280 fatalities and 831,330 injuries. On average, approximately 2,321,029 people within the light blast range could be affected within 24 hours.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,809
    Nuke maps for Russia please.
  • green_beergreen_beer Member Posts: 1,939
    nobody is messing with the usa......all the other nuclear powers are afraid they have "star wars"......nukes are for chest thumping, no one will ever release one ever again, they know it would be the end of everything imo
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,292
    The debate on whether Nukes will or wont be used is one thing, personally I think its a real possibility it seems incomprehensible to us because we value live but Putin does not. If he cant have his way its a free roll to him because its his way or nothing matters.

    However with the United States soon to pull out of NATO I think the US in the discussion is a moot point. I doubt Russia will attack the US as things currently are. I think though NATO without the US cannot beat Russia in a conventional war without Nukes and nukes are used we are at a big disadvantage. I also doubt the NATO alliance will remain united and all honor article five without the US.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,809
    Doubleme said:

    The debate on whether Nukes will or wont be used is one thing, personally I think its a real possibility it seems incomprehensible to us because we value live but Putin does not. If he cant have his way its a free roll to him because its his way or nothing matters.

    However with the United States soon to pull out of NATO I think the US in the discussion is a moot point. I doubt Russia will attack the US as things currently are. I think though NATO without the US cannot beat Russia in a conventional war without Nukes and nukes are used we are at a big disadvantage. I also doubt the NATO alliance will remain united and all honor article five without the US.

    Why do you think that NATO couldn't defeat Russia in a conventional war. NATO's troops are better trained, better equipped and capable of moving on several fronts at once. You seem to believe that Russia is as strong as the former USSR. It isn't, nowhere near.

    Also if the USA pulls out of NATO it loses it's strategic ability to control much of the tactical airspace as it loses it's forward strike capability through not having bases in Europe. Can't see any President giving up that advantage.

  • green_beergreen_beer Member Posts: 1,939
    Doubleme said:

    The debate on whether Nukes will or wont be used is one thing, personally I think its a real possibility it seems incomprehensible to us because we value live but Putin does not. If he cant have his way its a free roll to him because its his way or nothing matters.

    However with the United States soon to pull out of NATO I think the US in the discussion is a moot point. I doubt Russia will attack the US as things currently are. I think though NATO without the US cannot beat Russia in a conventional war without Nukes and nukes are used we are at a big disadvantage. I also doubt the NATO alliance will remain united and all honor article five without the US.

    the powers that be have had folk terrified about nukes for years, go back to the 60's, its bben the same story since.

    just incase you dont believe listen to this song from the 60's, the same message you are saying right now;

    the world just turns and repeats.........
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,292

    Doubleme said:

    The debate on whether Nukes will or wont be used is one thing, personally I think its a real possibility it seems incomprehensible to us because we value live but Putin does not. If he cant have his way its a free roll to him because its his way or nothing matters.

    However with the United States soon to pull out of NATO I think the US in the discussion is a moot point. I doubt Russia will attack the US as things currently are. I think though NATO without the US cannot beat Russia in a conventional war without Nukes and nukes are used we are at a big disadvantage. I also doubt the NATO alliance will remain united and all honor article five without the US.

    Why do you think that NATO couldn't defeat Russia in a conventional war. NATO's troops are better trained, better equipped and capable of moving on several fronts at once. You seem to believe that Russia is as strong as the former USSR. It isn't, nowhere near.

    Also if the USA pulls out of NATO it loses it's strategic ability to control much of the tactical airspace as it loses it's forward strike capability through not having bases in Europe. Can't see any President giving up that advantage.

    So if its NATO which includes the US vs just Russia and maybe Iran North Korea Belerus etc yeah NATO probably wins in a conventional war.

    If however the US is not involved and its the rest of NATO then yeah Russia probably takes it if its a nuke fight at this point Russia obviously takes it but I am not sure what happens if Russia goes off and nukes a large proportion of the world into oblivion does everyone else just cower in fear or is that enough is enough?

    without nukes a long war of attrition Russia wins because they can replace armaments and men much quicker.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,809
    How many NATO countries do you think have nuclear capability outside of the US.

    Ok well it's common knowledge that Belgium, Germany, Italy, Turkey, The Netherlands and the UK have US missiles. The UK also has it's own programme

    France and Spain possess nuclear missiles although the source of these is undetermined.

    That took about 5 minutes of research. I am sure that there are others with either covert or overt capabilities.

    Also Russia doesn't have the vast numbers of troops you seem to think they have. Many of their infantry numbers were lost when the USSR broke up. They are currently using poorly trained conscripts in Ukraine.

    They can put 500,000 poorly trained, ill equipped and badly paid conscripts with zero morale and experience into a major theatre and they will lose and lose big.

    I can't understand why you are so scared of Russia, yes they can rattle a sabre and talk the talk. However, when it comes to walking the walk, well, Afghanistan anybody, and that was when they were the mighty Soviets.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    EMP strike is more likely and would cause more damage to a country.
  • mnolan8317mnolan8317 Member Posts: 50
    The whole Russia/Ukraine thing is just propoganda so the naive public will tolerate money laundering of our money, poverty, and ultimately depoopulation on a massive scale. Think of how much of our taxes have been sent to Ukraine with no accountability of where it is spent. If that money was spent wisely in the UK, you could literally end homelessness.
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,292
    ultimately I think the ideal strategy for Russia is not to take Ukraine right away but drag this on for decades whilst starving the west economically and weaking us. If they just flat out take all of Ukraine and then head to the next country we may not be hit so hard economically.

    The whole Russia/Ukraine thing is just propoganda so the naive public will tolerate money laundering of our money, poverty, and ultimately depoopulation on a massive scale. Think of how much of our taxes have been sent to Ukraine with no accountability of where it is spent. If that money was spent wisely in the UK, you could literally end homelessness.

    there is truth in what you say but they keep doing this they did it for covid and will do it for many other things. It does put an ecomic strain but all they care about is pillaging whatever they can however they can for themselves and their rich friends hopefully we can get rid of this tory government but I don't see it.
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