Cheers @Tikay10. Will send you a PM about Vegas. Seems I have a poker fund now.
Friday is normally off limits as eldest daughter (17, so on her way out of the teens), goes to ice hockey practice that night. But the men have made the play offs, and Men's game > Women's practice. Suspect Men's practice > Women's game too...
I looked up when I last won a main, as it seemed ages ago. It was exactly 9 months earlier, and on a Friday too. She needs to quit, sure she'll understand.
Cheers @Tikay10. Will send you a PM about Vegas. Seems I have a poker fund now.
Friday is normally off limits as eldest daughter (17, so on her way out of the teens), goes to ice hockey practice that night. But the men have made the play offs, and Men's game > Women's practice. Suspect Men's practice > Women's game too...
I looked up when I last won a main, as it seemed ages ago. It was exactly 9 months earlier, and on a Friday too. She needs to quit, sure she'll understand.
We used to play golf 2 or 3 times a week in the 90's, he's a really decent player, around 3 Handicap when we were playing regularly together.
He's always played Poker, probably coz he had the money to, and I know he was Commercial Manager at the ALEA Casino in Nottingham for a while.... I think he was there when the SPT was at the ALEA, but sadly I couldn't go
He's a GREAT Lad, tho' a bit of a 'Marmite' one ......
Please say Hi from me (he used to call me Stumpy ) if ever you see him again...... I haven't seen him for 20 years now.
Clues? Played for 20 different clubs - including at the very highest (English) level - & scored over 100 goals in his career.
I don't suppose it's my mate Jemo is it ??
( Nigel Jemson ?? )
Friday is normally off limits as eldest daughter (17, so on her way out of the teens), goes to ice hockey practice that night. But the men have made the play offs, and Men's game > Women's practice. Suspect Men's practice > Women's game too...
I looked up when I last won a main, as it seemed ages ago. It was exactly 9 months earlier, and on a Friday too. She needs to quit, sure she'll understand.
( Nigel Jemson ?? )
Wow, good spot Jez, how did you get that so quickly?
Look forward to it David, & well done last night, deffo gives you a bit more ammo for Vegas.
Wow, good spot Jez, how did you get that so quickly?
@Tikay10 the bit in bold may have helped, surely?
I know him from his days with 'The OWLS'.
We used to play golf 2 or 3 times a week in the 90's, he's a really decent player, around 3 Handicap when we were playing regularly together.
He's always played Poker, probably coz he had the money to, and I know he was Commercial Manager at the ALEA Casino in Nottingham for a while.... I think he was there when the SPT was at the ALEA, but sadly I couldn't go
He's a GREAT Lad, tho' a bit of a 'Marmite' one
Please say Hi from me (he used to call me Stumpy
"@Tikay10 the bit in bold may have helped, surely?"
I assumed you were bluffing, never realised people who live in Cornwall had mates.
I see him regularly, so yes, I'll give him your Regards when I next see him.