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Do these players want to learn anything?



  • RickyVillaRickyVilla Member Posts: 258
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Do these players want to learn anything?:
    In Response to Re: Do these players want to learn anything? : Honest enough statement Ricky and i almost agree.  Yes we want the weakest players around so we can long term capitalise from it but players that are TOO weak can be detrimental to your game. Take a DYM with 5 complete fools and yourself playing. When i find a table like that, i know it will be incredibly difficult to cash because you struggle to get anyone to fold, EVER. Ultimately 1 of them will hit his lucky 4 outer and take you out. I much prefer a balance of stronger and weaker players as you can avoid confrontations with the stronger ones but pick on the weaker players and yes sometimes the fishes catch one of the stronger players making your road to the prize money that touch easier too. Also stronger more complex plays have a chance of working against someone who does have a basic strategy and knowledge but they will never work against calling stations. So I feel if the fishes did pick up their game a bit, the stronger players R.O.I. would ultimately go up.
    Posted by Hale72
    In the double your money example i would 100% want 5 idiots and me i just sit tight and let them do the work.
  • Hale72Hale72 Member Posts: 1,000
    edited August 2009
    In theory yes you would and sometimes this works but practice plays differently. I have literally cashed in DYM's by folding evey hand. No concept of bubble play any of em, they keep flatting and checking and the chips just go back and forward whilst you slowly get blinded away. Then you make your move and can get busted.
  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Do these players want to learn anything?:
    In theory yes you would and sometimes this works but practice plays differently. I have literally cashed in DYM's by folding evey hand. No concept of bubble play any of em, they keep flatting and checking and the chips just go back and forward whilst you slowly get blinded away. Then you make your move and can get busted.
    Posted by Hale72
    I have literally cashed in a DYM by not being at the table.
    I got to the table for the 22nd hand by which time I had already cashed.
    Give me 5 LAGs (for want of a better description) any day in a DYM.
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited August 2009
    I get where your coming from here Hale, for example when you make a bet on flop with top pair, some fish will call wiv pockets 2's and hit the 2 and think their sumhow good, but an experianced player realises they are well behind and u take the pot down. Also on bubble play in DYM's i've had fish that call all in with A2 suit when I've pushed equal stacks, then they hit the 4, a better player wud fold and find a better spot, or push wiv the A2 neva call.
  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Do these players want to learn anything?:
    This is my first and last post on the Sky Forum, I don't know why as I know what to expect by now. I was playing a £5 BH, had about 1000 chips with the blinds at 15/30. I have KK in the BB with three limpers. I put in a standard 4xBB + 1 for every limp raise and get two callers. The board is J 10 4, rainbow. I shove and get called by A 2 off. No draw and one overcard. WHY? Is it because it's a £5 BH or because he doesn't have a clue. I think it's both, but he will go away thinking he is so clever even if in future he doesn't hit his miracle card, hence learning nothing, Ever! Of course for all you Sky Forum regulars, I want to get called by such inept players with such junk, don't I?
    Posted by mmmchips
    hiya m8,totally agree with wot you say am fed up with the stupid calls people make on this site but as a decent player you need to rise above this and enjoy ure battles with the better players on this site.We all get these daft calls and prob always will do.Good luck in future against these fools.
  • Hale72Hale72 Member Posts: 1,000
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Do these players want to learn anything?:
    In Response to Re: Do these players want to learn anything? : I have literally cashed in a DYM by not being at the table. I got to the table for the 22nd hand by which time I had already cashed. Give me 5 LAGs (for want of a better description) any day in a DYM.
    Posted by MereNovice
    I honestly believe you, never happened on my table because if there is an away there, i will literally fold the bb to any flat caller because i dont want to get into a fight when my cash i guaranteed. I do see however others fighting over a pot when a player is 'away'on the cash bubble. Absolute madness!! Have they not got eyes in their heads???
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited August 2009
    sorry chips if you thought i was calling you a nutter--i meant the fella with a-2---these people make up a large percentage of our bankrolls though and you wouldnt have a go at someone that followed you around all day throwing cash at you, so why do it here?
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Do these players want to learn anything?:
    sorry chips if you thought i was calling you a nutter--i meant the fella with a-2---these people make up a large percentage of our bankrolls though and you wouldnt have a go at someone that followed you around all day throwing cash at you, so why do it here?
    Posted by oynutter
    If they threw pound coins, I might be a little annoyed. lol
  • daveydaveydaveydavey Member Posts: 217
    edited August 2009
    Such a bad and irrelevant opening post.

    What do you want the forum regulars to say to this? You've answered your own question in the original post, you want calling by this hand 100% of the time. Everybody gets bad beats and i'm sure the profitable players on this site have lost the odd pot to such players.

    I've lost my head and broke a few mice with this sort of play, but i'm a long term profitable player on SkyPoker and this sort of thing comes with the territory.

    What seperates players with abillity and players with sustainable profit is IMO the abillity to roll with this sort of thing. I stopped getting upset about this about a year into Poker and you should do the same and concentrate on getting this sort of call more often.
  • annie_dukeannie_duke Member Posts: 545
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Do these players want to learn anything?:
    Such a bad and irrelevant opening post. What do you want the forum regulars to say to this? You've answered your own question in the original post, you want calling by this hand 100% of the time. Everybody gets bad beats and i'm sure the profitable players on this site have lost the odd pot to such players. I've lost my head and broke a few mice with this sort of play, but i'm a long term profitable player on SkyPoker and this sort of thing comes with the territory. What seperates players with abillity and players with sustainable profit is IMO the abillity to roll with this sort of thing. I stopped getting upset about this about a year into Poker and you should do the same and concentrate on getting this sort of call more often.  
    Posted by daveydavey
    anyone got the RSPCA number?
  • RickyVillaRickyVilla Member Posts: 258
    edited August 2009
    They won't care mice are vermin
  • annie_dukeannie_duke Member Posts: 545
    edited August 2009
    danger mouse wasn't
  • bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
    edited August 2009
       Tom said to Jerry , " I hate mice's to piece's"       

                Davey must  be Tom in disguise ???
  • Hale72Hale72 Member Posts: 1,000
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Do these players want to learn anything?:
       Tom said to Jerry , " I hate mice's to piece's"                    Davey must  be Tom in disguise ???
    Posted by bennydip2
    Think you've got your cartoons confused benny. Tom and Jerry never actually spoke (with the exception of the very poor feature film)
    I think your referring to Mr Jinks from Pixie and Dixie.
    Yes before anyone asks, it is sad that i knew that!
  • RickyVillaRickyVilla Member Posts: 258
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Do these players want to learn anything?:
    In Response to Re: Do these players want to learn anything? : Think you've got your cartoons confused benny. Tom and Jerry never actually spoke (with the exception of the very poor feature film) I think your referring to Mr Jinks from Pixie and Dixie. Yes before anyone asks, it is sad that i knew that!
    Posted by Hale72

    Not sad you know that at all - everyone should know it - these programs are the cornerstone of society.
  • Hale72Hale72 Member Posts: 1,000
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Do these players want to learn anything?:
    In Response to Re: Do these players want to learn anything? : Not sad you know that at all - everyone should know it - these programs are the cornerstone of society.
    Posted by RickyVilla
    Just too many spare hours and a two year old that loves tom and jerry!
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,295
    edited August 2009
    Think you'll find it was Sylvester the cat and I'm happy I know that. Meeeeeeaaaooooo  and he did talk.? help I'M up a tree call the fire Brigade.
  • Hale72Hale72 Member Posts: 1,000
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Do these players want to learn anything?:
    Think you'll find it was Sylvester the cat and I'm happy I know that. Meeeeeeaaaooooo  and he did talk.? help I'M up a tree call the fire Brigade.
    Posted by goldon
    No definately Mr Jinks, Wikipeida it if you dont believe me.
    Sylvester teamed up with tweety pie who's catchphrase was i tort i taw a putty cat!
    Sylvesters catchphrase was sufferin succotash!

    Sorry your thread got pulled mate
  • RickyVillaRickyVilla Member Posts: 258
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Do these players want to learn anything?:
    In Response to Re: Do these players want to learn anything? : Just too many spare hours and a two year old that loves tom and jerry!
    Posted by Hale72
    Lol i love Tom and Jerry and i'm 36!
  • Hale72Hale72 Member Posts: 1,000
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Do these players want to learn anything?:
    In Response to Re: Do these players want to learn anything? : Lol i love Tom and Jerry and i'm 36!
    Posted by RickyVilla
    I'm 37 and watch em everyday on boomerang!! Not keen on scooby doo tho.

    Aint it amazin these threads slowly drift from the initial post!
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