Hi Rich you forgot the one thing that Tikay could not do without for a special boys night in :0) . A scaled model of CONCORDE that should just about push Tikay over the edge .
Hi Rich you forgot the one thing that Tikay could not do without for a special boys night in :0) . A scaled model of CONCORDE that should just about push Tikay over the edge. Posted by chew07
...I had exactly the same thought when Tikay and I visted the White Cliffs of Dover recently...
PS- I believe Tikay picked up a large inflatable Concorde from a specialist store in Soho the other week. Don't know what he plans to do with it- probably a decoration or something.
In Response to Re: a bustodegen saying hi... : ....sounds like everything Tikay needs when he's on his own and is looking to relax 'the man's way'.... Posted by RICHORFORD
In Response to Re: a bustodegen saying hi... : ....sounds like everything Tikay needs when he's on his own and is looking to relax 'the man's way'.... Posted by RICHORFORD
Rich do you know if he got round to pumping it up ,if the answer is yes do we get a prize for guessing what he used to pump it up with ???????? Posted by chew07
In Response to Re: a bustodegen saying hi... : I suggest you specify a NEW one and not Tikay's cast off.. Santa shoving that in your Chimney could be a tad surprising. Posted by LML
Im not sure how me introducing myself has ended up with the depravity of Tikay's sloppy seconds... but I think I like it
LOL Only you Rich could get away with with a post as suggestive as that! But then again, I may have read Into It wrongly and the hanky Is to wipe the tear from Tikay's eye as he admires the beauty of those gorgeous trains, tracks and tunnels x. Posted by TiaDalma
Of course that's what I meant, Tia. Honestly-you women are one-track minded.
Guys, don't humour him. He's not funny. Not at all.
Do I look like I'm amused?
A scaled model of CONCORDE that should just about push Tikay over the edge .
...I had exactly the same thought when Tikay and I visted the White Cliffs of Dover recently...
PS- I believe Tikay picked up a large inflatable Concorde from a specialist store in Soho the other week. Don't know what he plans to do with it- probably a decoration or something.
All I know is, there's a very large hole at the back of the plane.
I assume it must be the exhaust or something.
I don't!