Don't recognize anyone on Table Wayne - Table 3, Seat 2 - though it does include a geezer with a 9 letter name which includes 4 "a"'s. So we know he's not Arry Aardvaak.
91 runners at the moment, & I think there were 80-odd yesterday. So, give or take a few bags, that's £400k in the Prize Pool so far, with plenty of alternates expected to boost that.
Blandy & Motherare still trying to sort out the Video Upload procedure, there seems to be a few issues. We will overcome. Blandy rung Mother on her day off - he'll learn, poor fella, she's giving his ears a right chewing.
Watching the stream, it just looks like a load of blokes falling asleep. 5 times in 5 minutes - they've said they don't expect anything to happen at all in this level - is there any point in having the level??? what did the blinds start at? Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Welcome to "live" Poker JJ. And that's why Live poker is rarely shown "live", it's a slow-burn affair.
Blinds start at 25-50, so that's 500 x BB. Oooooohhhh.
Watching the stream, it just looks like a load of blokes falling asleep. 5 times in 5 minutes - they've said they don't expect anything to happen at all in this level - is there any point in having the level??? what did the blinds start at? Posted by DOHHHHHHH
so you have the time and chips to play with and to sit back and get a feel for your table without the pressure of having to play a hand.
Dave is having a mare with the Video Upload, hence my waffley stuff. The show must go on. He'll sort it, I'm sure, but he's doing a lot of huffing & puffing & sighing. Where's Mother when you need her?
107 Reg'd now, the Prize Pool just shy of half a mill.
S-U & D - we are up & running.
Don't recognize anyone on Table Wayne - Table 3, Seat 2 - though it does include a geezer with a 9 letter name which includes 4 "a"'s. So we know he's not Arry Aardvaak.
Nah. His Mum would not let him come out to play. She said it's too cold.
91 runners at the moment, & I think there were 80-odd yesterday. So, give or take a few bags, that's £400k in the Prize Pool so far, with plenty of alternates expected to boost that.
Over 100 runners (today) now, & the Prize Pool is showing as £472,500, with £139k+ to the winner. MBN.
Starting stack = 25,000, & Clock = 1 hour.
Glad I'm working today, or I may have been seriously tempted to play this. I've run well this year, & the proceeds are burning a hole in my lucy.
Blandy & Mother are still trying to sort out the Video Upload procedure, there seems to be a few issues. We will overcome. Blandy rung Mother on her day off - he'll learn, poor fella, she's giving his ears a right chewing.
Blinds start at 25-50, so that's 500 x BB. Oooooohhhh.
poker would be so much better live if they banned poker talk in the card room.
Sorry about the delay with the Videos, it's a bit of a struggle to get them uploaded at the mo.
Talk amongst yourselves.
Info incoming from Wayne........
He has played a hand!
A-K, raised up, 1 caller, 8-8-9 floopen, he fires out, next case.
How about THIS for plasy in a £2,500 Tourney.
Wayne says one geezer on his Table has limped into EVERY hand so far.
Limpo Limps, there's a Raise to 175, Limpo calls.
Flop 4-5-8.
Raiser bets, Limpo calls.
Turn, Q.
Rinse, repeat.
Turn, 2. Now it all goes off, with incremental Raises back & forth until 30,000 chips are in the Middle, at which stage Limpo just calls the last bet.
Bet you can guess BOTH hands!
OK, a clue. Limpo had A-3 (!!!), & has just spewed off 60% of his stack.
Dave is having a mare with the Video Upload, hence my waffley stuff. The show must go on. He'll sort it, I'm sure, but he's doing a lot of huffing & puffing & sighing. Where's Mother when you need her?
107 Reg'd now, the Prize Pool just shy of half a mill.
Go on you know you want to!