Seeing Tikay managed to let slip about Wayne's 'almost the nuts' hand (see a couple of pages previous if that makes no sense to you), how about this one...
Tell me who this man is and why I would have taken a photo of him.
Seeing Tikay managed to let slip about Wayne's 'almost the nuts' hand (see a couple of pages previous if that makes no sense to you), how about this one... Tell me who this man is and why I would have taken a photo of him. Posted by TSP
Cabt remember his name, but I am sure he was interviewed and aired on last night show, he won the WSOP
In Response to Re: Live Updates Thread: GUKPT London - Go Go Gliter - Rideout rides into Town for the BIG ONE : Wrong! Ask Mum, she'll know. Did Aaron sort you out today? Posted by Tikay10
Yeah Aarons been helpful, still haven't got it working. Its pretty annoying I can't play properly till its sorted and I need to be grinding.
Just heard the bad news for Wayne how deep were they and what was the action?
In Response to Re: Live Updates Thread: GUKPT London - Go Go Gliter - Rideout rides into Town for the BIG ONE : Yeah Aarons been helpful, still haven't got it working. Its pretty annoying I can't play properly till its sorted and I need to be grinding. Just heard the bad news for Wayne how deep were they and what was the action? Posted by lJAMESl
By the way James, congratulations on your win last night..........sorry i didnt give you a better HU match-up but hey-ho, keep up the good work and Im sure your gonna be a superb ambassador fot TSP (even though TKP have them running scared )
In Response to Re: Live Updates Thread: GUKPT London - Go Go Gliter - Rideout rides into Town for the BIG ONE : Yeah Aarons been helpful, still haven't got it working. Its pretty annoying I can't play properly till its sorted and I need to be grinding. Just heard the bad news for Wayne how deep were they and what was the action? Posted by lJAMESl
Both players are around 27k effective at the start of the hand. Pre is a min raise from the opener and flat calls from 3 players - Wayne (button) and both blinds.
Flop goes check from the SB, check from the BB (who has flopped the straight), c-bet 600 from the opener, Wayne bumps it to 2,100 and now the BB makes it 4,500. Wayne felt that his hand was good, makes it 9,600 or so, BB shoves, time to call and hope it pairs.
cant blame the BB for the call really, getting a decent price on his money, if he hits a monster he wins big if not no biggie. just ul for GB. hes still in and you have to be in it to win it
Wayne's toast. Got his last few chips in with Q6s and got action off QJ which proceeded to turn a straight. The exit interview is wrapped up, as are Tikay, Wayne and I. It's going to be a cold evening out there. Let's hope you all run better on Sky Poker this evening than Wayne did here at The Vic.
Ask Mum, she'll know.
Did Aaron sort you out today?
Lewis. Proper playa.
Sort James out will you Lewis?
You can't get the staff, can you.
Yep, Wayne had pocket rockets. Just don't tell Mr Gryk...oh, he's out.
The best dressed men in town. The chap on the right is especially chatty with anyone who will listen and several dozen who won't.
Hiding in a far corner of the room, Bruno Fitoussi.
JP Kelly - one of those 'awesome British poker players'
Jerome Bradpiece. The sort of smile that makes you think he's always bluffing, am I right?
Seems our man in the snazzy outfit is Norwegian...
Tell me who this man is and why I would have taken a photo of him.
Gliterbabe is down to 900 chips.
One player at the table has been min-raising stacks of hands. Wayne flats on the button with 77, the big blind is in there with 35o.
Flop 7-6-4, two diamonds. Money goes in the on the flop, no board pairing.
He's not looking too happy and who can blame him.
Flop goes check from the SB, check from the BB (who has flopped the straight), c-bet 600 from the opener, Wayne bumps it to 2,100 and now the BB makes it 4,500. Wayne felt that his hand was good, makes it 9,600 or so, BB shoves, time to call and hope it pairs.