Still not impressed with the sky software, compared to other sites like bet 365 and betfair. I have complained about this before, but have never recd. a reply. I have a 24" screen and can only use a quarter of it, while on other sites I can use the full screen. I have found no difference in the original client and the new downloadable client. I have windows 7 ultimate and a dual core cpu with 4gb memory. Cpu speed is 2.5ghz Posted by wynne1938
Are you meaning in terms of the maximum size you can make a table?
Many sites have a maximum size for some reason, some older sites let you full screen one table but that's not much use anymore with so many people playing more than one table. The onus is on multi tabling + speed rather than focusing on one tabling customers. You could reduce your screen resolution so that the size of the table gets bigger other than that you just have to deal with it really it's not a feature that would likely benefit much of the community.
Dohhh how many other things are you running when you get lag, and what do you define Lag actually as.
You just need to be able to see enough of the table to see the sit out button don then you can tell which tables you've timed out on. There's not much else you can do this auto focus is massive massive improvement on the last iteration of the sky software.
I had just msn, and a web page of the forum open beaneh.
The lag, (as I see it) I was 8 tabling on mini. And I'd have a rush of 4 folds, which obviously I took some of the time bar to make on each. Then following the folds, after a 3 second delay, there was another table that popped up, where I had maybe 1/2 seconds to act. If I'm folding it's fine, but if I'm looking at action, bet sizing, etc, I've got no chance......So there's a delay on the table popping up.
I signed out of msn which didn't make much difference.
Also, when I go 5/6/7/8.....seconds without having a table pop up, I'm paranoid about being sat out on 1 or more. As there's no other way of knowing.......
Not impressed playing on the web page I have had no problems ….. Lost a good few hands because of freezing ….. Example …. My hand was showing that I had a Q7 two queens showing in the flop so I obviously raise by a few thousand chips ….. Screen freezes and flop completely changes this has happened a few times…….would def nor recommend downloading worked perfectly fine via web
My download got disconnected while I was 3 handed on the final table of the Velocity - i was successfully on msn/fb/other sites. Blinds 6k/12k lol. Lost like half of my stack but managed 2nd.
Cost me £35 quid. Should get a free tournament entry imo...
Just finished an evening of 6 tabling on the client. Usually only do 3-4 on a web browser. No problems at all auto focus works really well. Thumbs up from me
I think folk yet again are suffering from the sky tinted specs syndrom.
In all honesty, there is no notably difference. Whats the point in offering a downloadable version when zero has changed?
Fair enough offer a downloadable client if you take customers feedback and act on this.
I still cannot change table sizes and playing in mini view is farcical to say the least.
I however do applaud sky for attempting to take the site to the next level but quite frankly they are years behind and have lost shed loads of potential users due to the time taken to attempt at an upgrade.
To say the new download is "amazing" and "incredible" is nonesense, wake up and smell the fresh air before coming here and endulging in the daily sky poker love in.
The download is undoubtedly a major improvement and makes sky poker more appealing to play.
I would, however, like it if on the poker lobby if it showed your balance and your in-play balance aswell. Most other sites do this already and it makes it much easier to see what your total balance is while you are still multi-tabling. If you're playing 3-4 cash tables its hard to keep track of how much money you have especially if you top up a few times.
In Response to Re: Sky Poker Download Client - Official Feedback Thread. : You'll only really notice the autofocus system when multi tabling with overlapping tables. It queues up the tables to pop up in order of when action is required. On the old system it would always focus a table window, even if you are trying to act on another. I.E. it would take away focus from your active table. Now it will wait until you've taken your action. E.G. placed a bet, saved a note, typed in the chat box, before brining the next table to the front. It allows you to easily cascade multiple windows on a smaller monitor. Turning this off simply means you windows will never take focus, you have complete control, but it means that you may miss actions if you are overlapping windows. Have a go and let me know what you think, i believe it's a massive improvement when multi tabling. The option is there on the web version too, but we its effectiveness is limited by the different we browsers, many of which have hard coded rules that prevent/limit us from forcing focus when we want to Best Wishes, glad you like it :-) Adam Posted by Sky_Adam
This is a huge improvement! Good work.
One thing which could be better is having re-sizeable tables for the multitablers.
I have been waiting for this for 2 years....just read my emails and found out that the download was available.....great news. its allready on my desktop.
I will be back at Sky Poker as soon as i withdraw my bankroll from Pokerstars. I had other plans this weekend but they are now out the window. Sky Poker it is.
I have been away for so long due to not being able to play properly on the web version hopefully this should solve all my problems and ill be back for good. I'm sure that there are many players like me out there who have been waiting for this and will now come back to the site.
My only question is what took you so long lol???????
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the tables - unfortunately it just got a little harder for most :-p
One thing I think would be a good addition with regards to the cash/tourny lobby.
If you are sitting at a cash table or registered for a tourny can that table/tourny be highlighted by italics or a different colour so you can see which of the cash tables you are on easily and which tournies you are and aren't registered in with just a glance.
The lag is just your computer/the graphics and processor combined. plus the fact you only get 10 seconds per decision anyway.
I used to have those problems on my mac laptop and when playing on the web version a while ago but there seems to be alot less lag issues since mini view etc.
Try and work out at what number of tables y ou start to see lag regularly.
THANK GOD THEY HAVE DONE IT!!!!!! I have been waiting for this for 2 years....just read my emails and found out that the download was available.....great news. its allready on my desktop. I will be back at Sky Poker as soon as i withdraw my bankroll from Pokerstars. I had other plans this weekend but they are now out the window. Sky Poker it is. I have been away for so long due to not being able to play properly on the web version hopefully this should solve all my problems and ill be back for good. I'm sure that there are many players like me out there who have been waiting for this and will now come back to the site. My only question is what took you so long lol??????? Looking forward to seeing everyone at the tables - unfortunately it just got a little harder for most :-p Thank you Sky Team, I love you all!!!!!! Posted by goddenkyle
Not impressed playing on the web page I have had no problems ….. Lost a good few hands because of freezing ….. Example …. My hand was showing that I had a Q7 two queens showing in the flop so I obviously raise by a few thousand chips ….. Screen freezes and flop completely changes this has happened a few times…….would def nor recommend downloading worked perfectly fine via web
In Response to Re: Sky Poker Download Client - Official Feedback Thread.:
My download got disconnected while I was 3 handed on the final table of the Velocity - i was successfully on msn/fb/other sites. Blinds 6k/12k lol. Lost like half of my stack but managed 2nd.
Cost me £35 quid. Should get a free tournament entry imo...
COYS! 8- />