I was a bit late getting on line tonight but I'm in......or rather out of the ME already! lol Still, three more to go and the old fella is on my table to start the ToTty! What joy!
I'm in but i must admit I struggle playing ................and b4 TK says it , yes i prob will be out one tournament b4 the next begins. My aim tonight is to help Solly win Totty :):):) Posted by JAEGERBOMB
FYP, Plopper.
PS - I overslept, & never logged in until 8.20pm. I'm still in, though.
In Response to Re: Linger longer : Don't be daft - i just haven't sorted the table yet because only two events have started. Some people! Posted by MereNovice
I think you can see into the future. Or your Spreadsheets come pre-Sorted.
Edit: Coxy is on there too! Even more joy!
I've included Mr. Orford whether he wants it or not.
PS - I overslept, & never logged in until 8.20pm. I'm still in, though.
20 minutes late, & I'm leading!
Found A-Q very first hand, got called in two spots, Q high board, 2 of us chopped it.
Some people!
Plodding along nicely at the rear of the fields, as per, at 9.30pm.
Main Event, 69th of 110 remaining.
TOTTY, 20th of 32 remaining.
9pm NLHE, 17th of 57 remaining.
Is Solly out yet?
Glad you are pleased, Vince.
Step aside guys, I'm about to change gear.