...maybe this time not pick 'good players' but real newbies. Would be easier to get a difference in skill level and finishing positions. Posted by haddockman
imo some of the players that were picked had more to teach the 'experts' than the other way around.
That was the exact problem, most of the players were better than the mentors were. And the time scale you are talking about Haddock isn't weeks it's months and years I just don't see any benefit to Sky doing this for one player.. no offence but it is a complete waste of time. Posted by lJAMESl
I disagree that it's a waste of time it would just have to be done correctly, much of the problem is when people come into poker they think it will be quick to learn, they think once you've learnt the rules/hand strengths you know what you doing etc etc
Unless you really really want to get better you wont, and those who do really really want it can normally do it on their own with their own work ethic.
some sort of competition where a player gets help from the pool of sky guys during the nights they are contracted to appear on could work well, maybe even have a league and see who is best at the mentoring!!
This happened. It was called Total Player. And that had a huge flaw - many of the players selected were miles better poker players than the "experts". If you actually wanted some of the best players on sky to mentor somebody in a total player kind of way, they certainly wouldn't do it for free.
Please guys, the fella has asked a fair question, & I'll reply to it as appropriate on the "Ask tikay" thread.
I disagree that it's a waste of time it would just have to be done correctly, much of the problem is when people come into poker they think it will be quick to learn, they think once you've learnt the rules/hand strengths you know what you doing etc etc