Suebradsy9133773.72 £8.40 Head Prizes4£3.79tempah88521.28 £8.75 Head Prizes7£3.89DTWBANDIT63705 £6.33 Head Prizes7£3.10ponda150104£12.87 + £8.68 Head Prizes + 12 League Points7 pet105£10.44 + £2.24 Head Prizes + 10 League Points2
tempah173905.12 £8.75 Head Prizes7£3.89DTWBANDIT112094.88 £9.17 Head Prizes8£4.05Suebradsy903£15.73 + £8.40 Head Prizes + 14 League Points4 ponda150104£12.87 + £8.68 Head Prizes + 12 League Points7
SoLack168476.24michad53042.37lillies6151070.37DELTA47062.50dixiecel2343410.50thebil12334938.50mm1230255ABSsDad29485trevil2528975.25micawber26490.01jjjach24428Bbuster16450mmmchips15185murphy0613175lordbobby12895watchoutAA9661.26Dudeskin8017£2.42 + 1 League Pointsrawhand018£2.42 + 1 League PointsKiwini4u019£2.42 + 1 League PointsYOUNG_GUN020£2.42 + 1 League Pointsmorrismino021rich211022
DTWBANDIT2860001£38.61 + £17.11 Head Prizes + 20 League Points9tempah02£22.45 + £8.75 Head Prizes + 16 League Points7Suebradsy903£15.73 + £8.40 Head Prizes + 14 League Points4ponda150104£12.87 + £8.68 Head Prizes + 12 League Points7pet105£10.44 + £2.24 Head Prizes + 10 League Points210bite1406£8.58 + £10.48 Head Prizes + 8 League Points11AP197707£7.15 + £4.98 Head Prizes + 6 League Points5darich08£5.72 + £1.50 Head Prizes + 4 League Points2neal_b09£4.29 + £0.75 Head Prizes + 3 League Points1stokie99010£2.86 + £2.44 Head Prizes + 2 League Points3
Nice 1 DTW well played and well deserved for starting the Monday LLL
wrong time, should i of picked better?
still 2 more tourneys to take down rather then min cash lol
Just won the 7-05 BH
came 31st in 7-15 deepy
out of totty
Excellent Work tonight Hawk pm me if you can do it again next week
Well Done to all that Cash tonight & i hope everyone has a lot of Fun at the Tables