Yes the luckbox is running well but the call on the flop? Hmmmm Edited to say oops I got it a bit wrong as Michael has pointed out. Must pay closer attention when i look at HH's. But he's still a luckbox
dagg burnsy didn`t call on the flop mate he raised pre then c bet the flop which you flatted and then gave him a free card on the turn which gave burnsies newly repaired luckbox time to kick in unbpower015£10.50 + £22.50 Head Prizes + 4 League Points3
Yep FD I went into that hand just on a bluff but when you flat I knew either you were drawing which I gave low odds or you hit part of it but wasnt totaly happy with your hand hence no futher bet by me. Any reraise even min on my flop bet and I was out of there.
Then of course as pointed out my luck box kicked in but then dont we make our own luck as well? lol Vul on the outcome
Well done sporny I think FD as he cant post he is using his energy for the tables watch out he is on a roll lol
Well done j3 on your cash
100 BH
MRBURNS405£9.90 + £9.86 Head Prizes + 4 League Points5
50 gtn
MRBURNS403£10 + 6 League Points
500 bh sat
MRBURNS402Entry to £500 Bounty Hunter + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £11, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee.
ps only doing small torny to push those mtt points to make sure Alba and Divisdreams dont get any ideas of catching me in last few days, that number 1 is mine again you hear me guys lol
jeffter06£2.34 Head Prizes1
Jeffter740001£80 + 20 League Point
2130 bh
j3ono06£65.10 + £12.19 Head Prizes + 24 League Points3
Last time Kiwini4u took the honours with a mightily impressive ROI of 583%.
400gtd 10 quid 0000
j3ono03£60 + 18 League Points
Another cash for sporny (I'm sure hes just making these up he was never this good lol)
£9.30 + 6 League Points
It's hot and humid today
10.45 150gtd 3.30 bh
j3ono06£5.36 + £1.13 Head Prizes + 4 League Points1
Good luck guys ;0
Good luck if your playing later
That's me done til tomorrow
nice cashes Mrb