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£40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm £1,069.18)...FINISHED



  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£867.58):
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£867.58) : hi Pat, nice easy tables then,just TommyD & Johnconnor to beat.  lol think i'll hang on ayt the £3's a little bit longer then.  lol yes i set my tables up the same as you except i am left/handed so for me it will be the opposite way around than you,but it is essentially the same as your set-up.i have 2 monitors,the r/hand won has my SKY POKER LOBBY,situated b/right of screen. i put my name down on as many tables as poss usually about 3 available,then as they load up the 1st one goes across to l/h monitor to top r/h side so is right in front of me and central to both monitors. the nxt table goes top left of that nxt table goes middle under 1st table then nxt table goes middle under top middle table.etc. i am always returning to lobby while playing and entering more tables. so basically once i have the 9 tables running on l/hand monitor in 3x3 rows i then load up the same on 2nd monitor starting from the inside and working across and down to the outside. when a table finishes on the l/hand monitor i then get rid of it as quickly as poss,and drag across another ongoing table from my r/hand monitor and replace it. i also try and choose the game with the highest blind level running. so in short, my left/hand monitor is where most of the important action is and the right/hand games are just going through the early to mid stages getting ready to be moved over for the finish. it can get a little bit frantic at times wnen i've got 15 to 18 tables running,but you do get used to it. i've also learnt thet you have to simply ignore some tables and let the time bar run out as i can't press 15+ buttons quickly  enough. i just concentrate on the tables that need it the most. i think from memory,and without checking,when i 1st started this challenge,which was only 4&1/2 months ago... yes,it seems longer,i was playing around 8/9 tables,so it has taken me that time to add another 6 or 7 i guess. i can play 15 tables now,almost with my eyes shut,but am finding it quite a challenge getting the 18th up,which i think would be my maximum and the target that i had always set myself. you say you play 4/6 tables and then take a break. that's fine but for me once i sit down to play,i like to get in as much volume as possible and not waste any chance of winning as many games as possible,but that's just me. it is only during the evenings between say 6pm and 10/11pm that all these tables are available,so during the day say between 10am and 1/2pm i might only be playing 8/9 to 12 tables,or even less. congrats on getting the 32 games in,in 1 session and winning,well done. i know some might argue/say that i'm playing too many tables and yes i'm sure at times i have,but i have always enjoyed pushing myself as far as is possible at everything i do. i can remember back playing those 9 tables and really finding it difficult getting the 10th/11th's up,but i did it. now as i say 15 feels comfortable, ,so who's right and who's wrong. anyway Pat,hope some of that might help a bit,i know i've gone on a bit... feels like i've been here writing for ages... oh,i have!!! good luck with it buddy. :) dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    Thanks Pal,

    Always wondered how other people get so many tables going.The laptop or me wouldn't handle so many tables.Maybe when things get better I can upgrade to a better computer.Seems if I was going to take these dyms seriously I need a better sysyem.Thanks for the reply and run good.

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£867.58):
    deffo move to £5 level - play 9 tables see how you got on don't be too worried about that jump the £5 - £11 is a bigger jump you can still find £5 tables with less regs on imo you could try 9x£3 & 4x£5 and see how you get on set it up so you can concentrate more on the £5 level and go auto pilot on the £3 level - good luck Dev, neary there
    Posted by rancid
    ty rancid,
    good advice,as always.
    yes i'll finish my challenge off by playing just the £3's as it seems to be working quite well atm.
    don't want to go messing up all the hard work done now by rushing back to the dreaded £5's again.
    will deffo be playing less tables though when/should i go there again.
    best wishes buddy.
    ps; hope mum is feeling a little/lots better.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited September 2012
    Seriously look how far you have come and at £3 max level - good stuff -

    you only started this in April, not even done your six months yet !
    Bearing in mind Gary done it in 8 months

    don't know about JC

    but thats some volume fella - pat yourself on the back - get to £1000 and take a holiday )
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£867.58):
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£867.58) : Thanks Pal, Always wondered how other people get so many tables going.The laptop or me wouldn't handle so many tables.Maybe when things get better I can upgrade to a better computer.Seems if I was going to take these dyms seriously I need a better sysyem.Thanks for the reply and run good. Pat
    Posted by day4eire76
    hi again PAT,
    your laptop might not cope with playing more than 6 tables m8,but your brain is a marvellous thing and can cope with an awful lot.
    you deffo need a new pc as i realised i did,and tbh it's the best thing i've ever bought myself,and has paid for itself already.(only bought it this March i think. £580 in total).
    it's like everything i guess,if you want to do something, try and do it well,that's my motto.
    my brother Mark annoys me,he's just got so much talent but he never does anything 100% like he should.
    he could make twice as much as me,if he wanted to.
               "food for thought"

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£867.58):
    Seriously look how far you have come and at £3 max level - good stuff - you only started this in April, not even done your six months yet ! Bearing in mind Gary done it in 8 months don't know about JC but thats some volume fella - pat yourself on the back - get to £1000 and take a holiday )
    Posted by rancid
    thanks again,rancid.
    yes,i would pat myself on the back....
    but i've only got short arms.  lol

    tbh,and it's easy with hind sight,but if i hadn't played the £5 and obviously that 1 night the £11's,)
    and just concentrated on the £3 level(once my b/roll allowed me to),which i am now doing...
    this challenge would be over now and i'd probably be on to the next one???? lol

    as for a  holiday...
    i don't really have them....
    to ****** busy playing poker,aren't i.

    no seriously,there's nowhere that i'd really like to go....
    been Cornwall a few times as a kid. 
    got lost around Bournemouth a few years ago and in Bath too.
    lost my car in Bristol once...
    wen't there  to meet this girl that i met on holiday up at 'Sandy Bay' holiday park in Exmouth...
    somehow managed to find her house....
    wish i hadn't, she dumped me.  lol.
    not to mention took me 3 hours trying to find my car,
    would have been nearly as quick walking home  lol.
    i once was going to go 'deep sea fishing' with my brother,dad and his friend,who's boat it was....
    we got as far as the 'clock tower' along Exmouth sea front,about 200 yds or so from where we set off,
    and i was 'sea sick'.
    and it was quite a nice 'calm day'
    so we returned to Exmouth docks,got the 'eggs & bacon' on...and i felt fine then!!!   lol

    so,no i just think i'm a home bird,(no nothing like that...)
    and travellings not for me.
    (oh,and as a kid,i used to get 'car sickness' just travelling to Exeter,....about 10 miles!!!   lol)

    you gotta laugh,haven't you!!!
    (* *)

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2012
    DAY  138
    sat  15/9/12

    won £42.60

    b/roll £910.18

    c4p  114
    total 1623 = £16.23 to come

    ran horribly for the 1st hour or so then got on a roll & wooohoooo...
    into the £900's.
    what a great night,all i have to do now is win another £130 and that's over.

    not sure if/how much i'll be playing tomorrow,but i'm sure i'll find an hour or two.
    meeting up with GaryQQQ  tomorrow,so looking forward to that....
    can't believe that he only lives a few hundred yards away from me....small world,isn't it.
    i'm sure we will both have plenty of stories to tell.  lol
    back tomorrow

  • stretch83stretch83 Member Posts: 154
    edited September 2012
    Wow. I have been offline a few days and you have moved from 700's to 900's.  Nice going Dev!
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,638
    edited September 2012
    Been lurking Dev. Excellent results, U and gary are inspirational. Keep it up! 
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited September 2012
    Delighted for you pal.Finish line in sight.Thanks for all the advice today.Enjoy your drink today.
  • yidette9yidette9 Member Posts: 703
    edited September 2012
    this is briliant Ian, sorry I haven't been dropping in to say hello so much of late, I've been a bit pre-occupied with family stuff :(

    Really pleased and proud of you :) x
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£910.18) wooohooo:
    Wow. I have been offline a few days and you have moved from 700's to 900's.  Nice going Dev!
    Posted by stretch83
    ty Nick,
    yes,ran pretty good last few days...
    couldn't have a few more off,could you?
    best wishes,
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£910.18) wooohooo:
    Been lurking Dev. Excellent results, U and gary are inspirational. Keep it up! 
    Posted by Glenelg
    ty m8,
    it does seem to  get easier week by week,well almost,you know what i mean.
    not to far to go now....
    starting to get a bit excited,as i knew i would.
    just hope i can kick on again today & tomorrow.
    best wishes
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£910.18) wooohooo:
    Delighted for you pal.Finish line in sight.Thanks for all the advice today.Enjoy your drink today.
    Posted by day4eire76
    hi Pat,
    ty m8.
    no worries m8.
    if u do ever decide on getting a new pc,give me a shout,i'll give you all my pc details,just so u can compare.
    be lucky m8
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited September 2012
    small world ! good going )
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£910.18) wooohooo:
    Wow! this is briliant Ian, sorry I haven't been dropping in to say hello so much of late, I've been a bit pre-occupied with family stuff :( Really pleased and proud of you :) x
    Posted by yidette9
    hi Lorraine,
    ty m8.
    "thought you'd emigrated,or something"!!!  lol

    no worries,i guessed as much tbh.
    it can be tough at times,can't it.
    nice to hear from you,as always.
    "be good"
    (* *)
    ian x
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2012
    DAY 139
    sunday 16/9/12

    won £3.30

    b/roll £913.48

    c4p  57
    total 1680 = £16.80 to come

    ran rubbish but fortunately scrapped out a sm w.
    ran my KK into AA and also lost with KK v 22 both all -ins, (not mentioning any names....
    Patwalshh).  lol
    so still happy 2b in the £900's tbh.

    probably back laters 4 a small session after meeting up with GaryQQQ for a pint later,which should be nice.
    have a good day all
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£910.18) wooohooo:
    small world ! good going )
    Posted by rancid
     hi rancid,
    yes m8,it is,isn't it.
    glad 2 hear mum's feeling a bit better
    hope you have a good day....
    enjoy the party...lots of jelly & ice cream!!!

    (* *)
  • MITANDY117MITANDY117 Member Posts: 70
    edited September 2012
    like your system for bankroll, think I will run with that as well.

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited September 2012
    Hey Dev,
    Nice going son , i've been too busy with the house move and decorating to play much in the last month or so but been reading your posts regularly.

    Really impressive stuff.
    Didn't we have a little wager earlier that you would buy the beers when you hit £1000?? lol

    Keep it up buddy
    Hopefully i'll get chance to play a bit more soon.

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£913.48) wooohooo:
    like your system for bankroll, think I will run with that as well. MITAndy117
    Posted by MITANDY117
    hi m8,
    i really can't take the credit for it as i copied it from Johnconnor when he did his DYM challenge,a little while ago.
    it is a very aggressive strategy,and for me anyway,probably to much so for my liking.
    i did manage to keep to it up until i reached the £5 level,but from there on it no longer worked,for me anyway.
    johnconnor was able to carry the plan through though,to a very successfully conclusion.(22 buy-ins each level,i think)
    that's why still to this day, i call him 'the master' and my self 'the apprentise'  lol

    gl with it if you decide to 'go with it'
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