Hey Dev, Nice going son , i've been too busy with the house move and decorating to play much in the last month or so but been reading your posts regularly. Really impressive stuff. Didn't we have a little wager earlier that you would buy the beers when you hit £1000?? lol Keep it up buddy Hopefully i'll get chance to play a bit more soon. Regards Mick Posted by VespaPX
hi Mick, ty m8. hope the decorating 's going better than your poker 'used to' lol if you can get down to Exmouth sometime buddy,i'll be more than happy getting you that pint that i think did say i would get you once getting to £1000. in fact i am meeting up with GaryQQQ very soon for a pint,just waiting for him to phone me now,in fact. keep in touch m8, and look forward to playing against you again very soon. be lucky dev
just got back from having a pint (&1/2 actually) with GaryQQQ & his partner Lea. it was very nice meeting up with them both,with most of the talk being about poker,it was a nice way to spend a Sunday evening,away from my normal 2 poker screens looking back at me. with Gary & Lea also being an mtt player, it was interesting to hear their take on things. the one thing that struck me was just how competent & knowledgeable Gary was about his poker,and his passion and love of the game was very obvious to me,and the same can be said for Lea too.
i wish them both all the very best of luck. anyway, back tomorrow, best wishes everone, dev
In Response to Re: £40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£941.38) only £98.62 to go!!! : yes,m8.... who would have thought it? nearly £1 per post...not bad is it. gogogogogo..gone. (* *) ^ dev Posted by devonfish5
Excellant effort mate, hope you get there sooner rather than latter :0))
In Response to Re: £40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£941.38) only £98.62 to go!!! : Excellant effort mate, hope you get there sooner rather than latter :0)) Posted by Herbie536
ty Herbie, yes,hopefully shouldn't be here very much longer.
question,what's that all about with your picture being sideways? dev
tbh ran pretty rubbish all night,apart from the finish where i won something like last 6 games from 7. so another decent win.the finish line is in my sights now and i'm hoping i can find a bit more stamina from somewhere, and with some run good we are home and dry. (* *) ^ dev
Hey dude, been a while since I checked in here. Really well done and on getting this far! Not far to go...my advice - dont push harder for the line tempting as it may be. GL run well.
Hey dude, been a while since I checked in here. Really well done and on getting this far! Not far to go...my advice - don't push harder for the line tempting as it may be. GL run well. Posted by mj8bs
ty m8, yes,i'm sticking with the game plan i've been using since August 1st of just playing the £3 games. i really can't believe just how well the past 6&1/2 weeks or so have gone. my b/roll August 1 was £310 today £976....unbelievable!!!
What you have is what you got, they are just a bonus that you will get in the future. Anyways man keep playing as good as you are & getting the results, you may well reach the target before c4p are paid.
Simple answer to that Dev & its no you don't. What you have is what you got, they are just a bonus that you will get in the future. Anyways man keep playing as good as you are & getting the results, you may well reach the target before c4p are paid. Keep up the good/hard work Ian Mike Posted by Woogie8688
ty Mike, yes,you are right again as usuall m8. i didn't think that i should tbh but i just thought i'd ask anyway.
hope you are good m8,and still building that b/r of yours. be lucky dev
on the contrary - you should absolutely add it on. This is money that you have earned - that will definitely be coming your way and only if Sky goes bust do you not get it. (and then we all have bigger problems than c4p).
great grinding dev - and I love your commitment to the £3 dyms - based on practical experience.
on the contrary - you should absolutely add it on. This is money that you have earned - that will definitely be coming your way and only if Sky goes bust do you not get it. (and then we all have bigger problems than c4p). great grinding dev - and I love your commitment to the £3 dyms - based on practical experience. Posted by GELDY
ty GELDy, i haven't been adding the c4p to my b/roll all the way through this challenge and always waited untill it arrived b4 adding it on,but my thinking here is now i am so close to my target,i am thinking i could get this finished b4 c4p is nxt due,so should i allow myself to do it here just on this 1 occasion. ty for your opinion m8,i'll see how today goes and what others might think. dev
ty m8.
hope the decorating 's going better than your poker 'used to' lol
if you can get down to Exmouth sometime buddy,i'll be more than happy getting you that pint that i think did say i would get you once getting to £1000.
in fact i am meeting up with GaryQQQ very soon for a pint,just waiting for him to phone me now,in fact.
keep in touch m8,
and look forward to playing against you again very soon.
be lucky
night off....
just got back from having a pint (&1/2 actually) with GaryQQQ & his partner Lea.
it was very nice meeting up with them both,with most of the talk being about poker,it was a nice way to spend a Sunday evening,away from my normal 2 poker screens looking back at me.
with Gary & Lea also being an mtt player, it was interesting to hear their take on things.
the one thing that struck me was just how competent & knowledgeable Gary was about his poker,and his passion and love of the game was very obvious to me,and the same can be said for Lea too.
i wish them both all the very best of luck.
back tomorrow,
best wishes everone,
monday 17/9/12
won £27.90
b/roll £941.38
c4p 111
total 1791 = £17.91 to come
another nice win,played ok,not perfect by any means.
only another £98.62 to go boys & girls,and it's all over.
back tomorrow
not really m8,
just wanted to see £1000 looking back at me,and not £40.
i know i've said it b4,but it's the truth.
i'll just take it 1 day at a time & see where we go from here.
(* *)
who would have thought it?
nearly £1 per post...not bad is it.
(* *)
yes,hopefully shouldn't be here very much longer.
question,what's that all about with your picture being sideways?
tuesday 18'9'12
won £35.40
b/roll £976.78
c4p 126
total 1917 = £19.17 to come
tbh ran pretty rubbish all night,apart from the finish where i won something like last 6 games from 7.
so another decent win.the finish line is in my sights now and i'm hoping i can find a bit more stamina from somewhere, and with some run good we are home and dry.
(* *)
yes,i'm sticking with the game plan i've been using since August 1st of just playing the £3 games.
i really can't believe just how well the past 6&1/2 weeks or so have gone.
my b/roll August 1 was £310 today £976....unbelievable!!!
(* *)
yes,unbelievable isn't it.
(* *)
should i add on my c4p for this month,£19.17 atm, to my total or not?
i know that it is coming but not until nxt month.
i am in two minds.
yes,you are right again as usuall m8.
i didn't think that i should tbh but i just thought i'd ask anyway.
hope you are good m8,and still building that b/r of yours.
be lucky
& yes add c4p, it's money you have grinded for
i haven't been adding the c4p to my b/roll all the way through this challenge and always waited untill it arrived b4 adding it on,but my thinking here is now i am so close to my target,i am thinking i could get this finished b4 c4p is nxt due,so should i allow myself to do it here just on this 1 occasion.
ty for your opinion m8,i'll see how today goes and what others might think.
will see how today goes,as mentioned
thanks buddy.