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The ramblings of a young man (gazza127 diary)



  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited July 2013
    On Sky? Do you mean the mastercash tables? Can sit with 200bb at those bad boys.
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited July 2013
    Yep on sky.  I was on a 50nl cash table and saw someone sit down with 171....
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited July 2013
    If you leave a table with say 170 and return within a short period, you must sit with what ŷou left the table with.
    I may be wrong but pretty sure it's something like that.
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: The ramblings of a young man (gazza127 diary):
    Oh and i will most certainly be a tomato at the SPT. Question.... i've seen some people sit down on cash tables with more than the max buy in.... how?!
    Posted by gazza127
    that should be thru the reducing policy.

    should you leave a table with over the max buyin and try to sit down again at the same table within 30 mins then you must buyin with what you left with.
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited July 2013
    I see.  That makes perfect sense.  Thanks for clearing it up.  I was just a bit confused as I was sitting there big stack and suddenly this other guy joins and has me covered!
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited July 2013
    Dam it.

    Entered all the DTD today and the mini (4 tournaments in total).  DTD 2 was going really well. I was chip leader with 12 left.  Then got KK... three bet big and got called.  Ace on the flop.  I c-bet and a shove from oppo with no draws clearly showed i was crushed.  I ended up finishing 10th... not ideal but it covered my entries for all the dtds.

    Came 2nd in the mini.  Pretty annoyed at myself right now.  HU it was quite evident that i was outplaying him down the streets.... so he started open jamming pots....  I picked up A7 and he shoved dry.  I definitely should be folding as we were quite deep but I just thought its probably a flip of some sort... I may even be ahead.  He showed 66.  I whiff.  Game over.


    Now wondering why i didnt enter the main either.

  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited July 2013
    On the plus side im back into profit from the beginning of the diary.  Some may remember me starting with £300... losing the lot and re-depositing £300.  Balance is up past £600 now.  Dont think im going to withdraw any for the moment.  Keeping my BR at £600+ allows me to play a whole bunch of tournaments which accounts for variance.  Tomorrow is likely to be my last day playing poker til SPT Nottingham so better make it a good'un!
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited July 2013

    Hey GAz,

    Well done last night doing so well in the mini, 500 plus runners. Very well done indeed.

    When's Nottingham?

  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited July 2013
    Two more final tables today.

    3rd and 5th achieved.  if it werent for a loose call or two it would have been better. MTTs going well at the minute.  Cash on the other hand - disaster.  Should stay away.  BR has taken a hit.  It didnt help that three times i had AA... inflated the pot pre and got outdrawn on the board, and my internet went just after I four-bet my kings....  to find out that two other players got to showdown QQ and QJ.  I would have had both their stacks.  So i was a bit tilty to say the least.  Best stay away from cash until i lump my BR up to where it was.

    Nottingham is next weekend mate.  Dont suppose youre going?
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited July 2013

    No lol

    Going to go to Newcastle, as local as I will get for a SPT lol Shame they done away with the Glasgow one. 

    Looking forward to it, will be a good day out.

    GL Next Weekend when it comes, I hope you bring it down!

  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: The ramblings of a young man (gazza127 diary):
    No lol Going to go to Newcastle, as local as I will get for a SPT lol Shame they done away with the Glasgow one.  Looking forward to it, will be a good day out. GL Next Weekend when it comes, I hope you bring it down!
    Posted by LARSON7
    Yeah me too!  Off to Lanzarote tomorrow.  Obviously wont be updating the diary for a while - in fact the next update will most likely be after the SPT.

    Looking forward to meeting some forum regs - although I havent a clue who looks like what - so I'll probably be the loner in the corner until somebody feels sorry for me and talks to me! Good times.

    Those who are going to SPT, cant you let me know any beer/side event plans on the friday either on here or somewhere on the forum plleeeaaase. 

    Looking forward to it.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited July 2013
    Enjoy your hol!

    And good luck or the SPT
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited July 2013
    Right.  Now where do I start?

    Its been about 10 days since I last posted.  Since then ive been to Lanzarote for a week and played in the DTD SPT.

    Holiday was very good.  A good mix of going out, relaxing whilst also finding the time to go camel riding, snorkelling and visiting volcanoes.  The ideal holiday really.

    I got back the Friday morning at 2:30am because of a delayed flight, slept for a few hours then drove up to nottingham to play the side event on the friday night.  I entered the £25 freezeout - my first ever live tournament.  Needless to say I hadnt a clue what I was doing, making errors here, there and everywhere and as I was playing against some young locals who even though they limped in every hand, they knew I was there for the taking.  Went down to 15bb not long into the tournament... picked up 1010 and ran them straight into JJ.  Not a good night, however taught me a whole lot on the do's and don'ts of live poker.

    After busting I played on blackjack for a couple of hours winning about £60 and met youngun.  Nice chap and was the first sky player I met over the weekend.  He was still in the side when I left so maybe hes sitting on a final table right now.

    Saturday came quick enough.  I was a little nervous as its my first proper live tournament, and I was anxious to meet some forum regs and put some faces to names.  My table was a good laugh from the beginning with a range of characters - bromley04 was on my right... another top bloke.  The whole atmosphere was quite light-hearted.  Nothing was too serious which made me settle down right away.  I picked up aces 3 times in the first orbit... thought this live thing was a doddle after picking up about 10k.  Lost it again however on an outkicked 10.  K10<A10.  Hands of note in the first day include:

    I have Q8s on the button.  Its folded to me.  I raise into the blinds.  SB folds.  BB raises 2.5x my bet.  I call in position looking to see a flop.  Flop J109 (2 spades).  Bam.  Flopped the straight.  He bets and then I reraise.  He tanks for a very long time - clock gets called by another player.  He eventually folds and shows KK.  Unbelievable.  Dont think I can fold Kings in that position being that deep.

    I then went hours without playing a hand being so card dead.  Dwindled down to 26k.  Then picked up A5s UTG. I raise and get two callers.  flop 234 (2 hearts).  Guy donk leads.  I reraise.  Other player folds.  Initial raiser shoves his stack in.  I call.  He has 105 of hearts and misses his split pot outs as well as the flush.  Up to 60kish.

    I have K5s on the BB.  Guy UTG min raises.  He gets 3 callers.  I think ive got the odds to call so i stick in the extra BB.  Flop K25 rainbow.  Guy c-bets.  Gets 1 caller.  I flat. Turn 5.  I check again. UTG checks.  Other player checks.  River 10.  I bet 1/2 pot.  UTG calls with a pair of 10s.  Other guy folds.  Up to 80kish.

    Im in the small blind with 88.  It gets folded around.  Button raises.  I flat.  BB flats.  Flop AA4.  I check.  BB checks.  Button checks.  Turn 8 - happy days.  I check again for deception.  BB bets.  Button folds.  I flat.  River K.  I check again hoping to get another bet out of him.  He bets and I raise.  He then asks me if I have a full house again.  I laugh.  He shoves.  I insta call and I stack him.  Up to 120k.

    Picked up another 30k with two pair later on and knocked out 2 players A8 />KQ and KQs>A9 as well and was sitting as one of the chip leaders at about 10pm on around 220k.

    Then runitsrann sits down on my table.  First orbit he raises 3 times pre.  I fold every time trying to suss him out and decide that he likes to bully the table a bit.  I pick up 102s in the big blind - If you think you know where this is going, I would read on and see....  Runitsrann raises in the cut off.  I decide im not going to let him boss my blinds every hand so I 3 bet.  He tanked for a bit then made the call.  Flop JJ7 (two diamonds).  I bet.... he then thinks about it and calls.  Turn is a 3 of diamonds (flush comes in).  I check as I would do for hands like AK and even overpairs to keep the pot controllable as i would be worrying about a flush draw coming in or him holding a jack.  He checks behind - Im thinking eh?  Either he has like quad Js and is looking for another bet or hes holding a small PP or has complete air and was floating the flop.  River K.  Now as I three bet pre im thinking this is such a mega card to rep.  I bet out for 60% pot.  He thinks for what seems like an absoiute age.  I look as calm as a cucumber giving nothing away.  He eventually calls.... and flips over Ace high.... and I take an orbit off to run over how the **** he thought he was ahead. Down to 120k.  The break couldnt come quick enough.

    After the break I pick up AA again.  I raise pre.  Get called in the SB and the BB (runitsrann) makes up the amount.  Flop 567(two hearts).  Runitsrann donk leads.  I think and decide to just flat.  SB then raises.  Runitsrann then reraises.  Im sitting there bamboozled and im convinced im behind and fold.  SB then shoves.  Runitsrann calls.  JJ<43 (runitsrann).  If the jacks reraise pre then its me who takes his stack.  Eurgh.  Guess thats poker.  Nothing else of note happened in day one and I finished the day with 111k - average 180k with 40 players left (33 cash).

    Met up with the likes of tommyd, mattbates, macapaca, maxally, geldy, roguecell, the don and a bunch of others I fail to remember and had a good laugh until the wee hours - a quality bunch who bear no resemblance to what I thought any of them would look like/act - no idea if thats a good or bad thing!

    Came back to day two with 20bb.  Picked up 0 hands of note - dealt utter garbage but sneaked my way into the cash finishing 27th for a min cash of £400 - not bad for a £2 satellite (with a few rebuys).  Exit hand - im in big blind with 43 suited with 11bb.  Blinds are about to go up and antes are getting ridiculous. Its folded around to SB who limps.  I shove from the BB knowing I have live cards.  He calls and turns over QQ.  Oops.  Still...  apart from one bluff that somehow got called I think I played quite well for my first live tournament.  Met a quality bunch of people, had a good time and even managed to make some money.  Happy days.

    Things ive learnt this weekend:
    • Announce your raises.  If you stick in 1 big chip thinking its a raise without saying so ITS A CALL - noone told me!
    • Matt Bates is happy - not the emotion, the dwarf. :)
    • Tommy D looks remarkably normal... almost too normal.
    • Dont get into a cab with roguecell. :)
    • If youre dealt 12 in blackjack and the dealer has got a 6.... stick.
    • Dont ever bluff runitsrann.


  • bromley04bromley04 Member Posts: 416
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: The ramblings of a young man (gazza127 diary):
    Right.  Now where do I start? Its been about 10 days since I last posted.  Since then ive been to Lanzarote for a week and played in the DTD SPT. Holiday was very good.  A good mix of going out, relaxing whilst also finding the time to go camel riding, snorkelling and visiting volcanoes.  The ideal holiday really. I got back the Friday morning at 2:30am because of a delayed flight, slept for a few hours then drove up to nottingham to play the side event on the friday night.  I entered the £25 freezeout - my first ever live tournament.  Needless to say I hadnt a clue what I was doing, making errors here, there and everywhere and as I was playing against some young locals who even though they limped in every hand, they knew I was there for the taking.  Went down to 15bb not long into the tournament... picked up 1010 and ran them straight into JJ.  Not a good night, however taught me a whole lot on the do's and don'ts of live poker. After busting I played on blackjack for a couple of hours winning about £60 and met youngun.  Nice chap and was the first sky player I met over the weekend.  He was still in the side when I left so maybe hes sitting on a final table right now. Saturday came quick enough.  I was a little nervous as its my first proper live tournament, and I was anxious to meet some forum regs and put some faces to names.  My table was a good laugh from the beginning with a range of characters - bromley04 was on my right... another top bloke.  The whole atmosphere was quite light-hearted.  Nothing was too serious which made me settle down right away.  I picked up aces 3 times in the first orbit... thought this live thing was a doddle after picking up about 10k.  Lost it again however on an outkicked 10.  K10<A10.  Hands of note in the first day include: I have Q8s on the button.  Its folded to me.  I raise into the blinds.  SB folds.  BB raises 2.5x my bet.  I call in position looking to see a flop.  Flop J109 (2 spades).  Bam.  Flopped the straight.  He bets and then I reraise.  He tanks for a very long time - clock gets called by another player.  He eventually folds and shows KK.  Unbelievable.  Dont think I can fold Kings in that position being that deep. I then went hours without playing a hand being so card dead.  Dwindled down to 26k.  Then picked up A5s UTG. I raise and get two callers.  flop 234 (2 hearts).  Guy donk leads.  I reraise.  Other player folds.  Initial raiser shoves his stack in.  I call.  He has 105 of hearts and misses his split pot outs as well as the flush.  Up to 60kish. I have K5s on the BB.  Guy UTG min raises.  He gets 3 callers.  I think ive got the odds to call so i stick in the extra BB.  Flop K25 rainbow.  Guy c-bets.  Gets 1 caller.  I flat. Turn 5.  I check again. UTG checks.  Other player checks.  River 10.  I bet 1/2 pot.  UTG calls with a pair of 10s.  Other guy folds.  Up to 80kish. Im in the small blind with 88.  It gets folded around.  Button raises.  I flat.  BB flats.  Flop AA4.  I check.  BB checks.  Button checks.  Turn 8 - happy days.  I check again for deception.  BB bets.  Button folds.  I flat.  River K.  I check again hoping to get another bet out of him.  He bets and I raise.  He then asks me if I have a full house again.  I laugh.  He shoves.  I insta call and I stack him.  Up to 120k. Picked up another 30k with two pair later on and knocked out 2 players A8 />KQ and KQs />A9 as well and was sitting as one of the chip leaders at about 10pm on around 220k. Then runitsrann sits down on my table.  First orbit he raises 3 times pre.  I fold every time trying to suss him out and decide that he likes to bully the table a bit.  I pick up 102s in the big blind - If you think you know where this is going, I would read on and see....  Runitsrann raises in the cut off.  I decide im not going to let him boss my blinds every hand so I 3 bet.  He tanked for a bit then made the call.  Flop JJ7 (two diamonds).  I bet.... he then thinks about it and calls.  Turn is a 3 of diamonds (flush comes in).  I check as I would do for hands like AK and even overpairs to keep the pot controllable as i would be worrying about a flush draw coming in or him holding a jack.  He checks behind - Im thinking eh?  Either he has like quad Js and is looking for another bet or hes holding a small PP or has complete air and was floating the flop.  River K.  Now as I three bet pre im thinking this is such a mega card to rep.  I bet out for 60% pot.  He thinks for what seems like an absoiute age.  I look as calm as a cucumber giving nothing away.  He eventually calls.... and flips over Ace high.... and I take an orbit off to run over how the **** he thought he was ahead. Down to 120k.  The break couldnt come quick enough. After the break I pick up AA again.  I raise pre.  Get called in the SB and the BB (runitsrann) makes up the amount.  Flop 567(two hearts).  Runitsrann donk leads.  I think and decide to just flat.  SB then raises.  Runitsrann then reraises.  Im sitting there bamboozled and im convinced im behind and fold.  SB then shoves.  Runitsrann calls.  JJ<43 (runitsrann).  If the jacks reraise pre then its me who takes his stack.  Eurgh.  Guess thats poker.  Nothing else of note happened in day one and I finished the day with 111k - average 180k with 40 players left (33 cash). Met up with the likes of tommyd, mattbates, macapaca, maxally, geldy, roguecell, the don and a bunch of others I fail to remember and had a good laugh until the wee hours - a quality bunch who bear no resemblance to what I thought any of them would look like/act - no idea if thats a good or bad thing! Came back to day two with 20bb.  Picked up 0 hands of note - dealt utter garbage but sneaked my way into the cash finishing 27th for a min cash of £400 - not bad for a £2 satellite (with a few rebuys).  Exit hand - im in big blind with 43 suited with 11bb.  Blinds are about to go up and antes are getting ridiculous. Its folded around to SB who limps.  I shove from the BB knowing I have live cards.  He calls and turns over QQ.  Oops.  Still...  apart from one bluff that somehow got called I think I played quite well for my first live tournament.  Met a quality bunch of people, had a good time and even managed to make some money.  Happy days. Things ive learnt this weekend: Announce your raises.  If you stick in 1 big chip thinking its a raise without saying so ITS A CALL - noone told me! Matt Bates is happy - not the emotion, the dwarf. :) Tommy D looks remarkably normal... almost too normal. Dont get into a cab with roguecell. :) If youre dealt 12 in blackjack and the dealer has got a 6.... stick. Dont ever bluff runitsrann.  
    Posted by gazza127

    Nice post mate - a pleasure to meet you and share a table for a LONG time!  Hope the double dose of chicken had been digested lol

    Things i've learnt this weekend:
    Do not try and steal your big blind!!

    Ha - see you on the tables

  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited July 2013
    Lol.  Yep that nando's run was probably a bit ambitious in the break.

    I did tell ya... i've always got it in the big blind.  Just leave it alone.  Haha.

    Nice to meet you too.  I last saw you at the bar in the early hours of Sunday morning hitting a few shots... then you dissapeared...  who knows where.

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited July 2013
    For a second live outing that's a fantastic result. It is really daunting at first when you play live but it seems that you had no trouble getting comfortable with it. It was a really strong field with the number of good DTD regs who played as well. Pity I didn't get to meet you. Well done!
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited July 2013
    lol well done on the cash, very nice roi

    Sounds like it was a great time as well! Outstanding
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited July 2013
    Thanks Jac and Larson - means a lot.  I'll admit im a bit chuffed as I expected to get nowhere near the cash and just went to meet some people and have a good time.

    Too bad I didnt bump into you Jac.  I was sat on the same table... in the same seat for a total of 13 of the 14 hours I played so didnt get to talk to as many people as I would have liked.

    Think I was ok with live purely because I played on the friday night - otherwise I would have been all over the place.  Definitely took a steep learning curve with the way I played on the Friday.  Im really starting to see the appeal of live poker.  You forget sometimes that there are people behind the usernames online and its nice to get out and meet new people and share stories etc. over a single tournament, especially with players who you've played with online.

    I think I might have to go to another one now...
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited July 2013
    Great update Gazza and a great result for your first SPT.

    Gonna get round to doing one of my own tomorrow, the results won't be quite as positive but still had a great weekend.

    Hopefully you'll try to get to another one soon cos didn't really get a chance to say hello properly.
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,661
    edited July 2013

    Good to meet ya Gazza and congrats on the result. You will have the 'buzz' now for SPTs.
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