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Ramblings of an old man



  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited August 2013
    so i'll start again but in shorter form

    forum hasn't changed much

    lots of great threads like yours

    some dopey ones 

    and some sh*te ones

    but imho it's still a great community

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    When I first posted on here I was a bit nervous about it.  I needn't have been. Early on Tikay really helped my thread with loads of great input and I felt welcomed by all. There were diaries from people like Devonfish which I liked. Everyone encouraged him and he responded to every post with a cheerful comment.  Lambert posted in the clinic and whilst I didn't always agree with his thoughts, I knew that he was always 100% trying to help people . This was the general theme of things. People were nice, everyone tried to help each other. There weren't comments such as "countdown to busto" or "I'm  better than this guy, I'll take bets on it"  Unfortunately that seems to be more the norm now,more than what I described before.  The majority of people who post on here are  still what I first saw, unfortunately there are a number who seemingly just want to pick fights and do a lot of d*ick waving. The forum a year ago was a really nice thing to be part of. I miss that forum.
    Posted by Jac35
    Hey Jac,

    It was about a year ago i first came across the forum and started posting.

    I had heard about it probably mentioned on the show and wasn't sure what to expect, but definatly wanted to have a lookin. I seen Lamberts thread, and read a bit and seen there were a few hands, so i ended up posting a hand asking for feedback on it lol I think that was my second post, had no idea where anything was or about the various sections. I might have to go back and see what the hand was, don't think i ever got any feedback haha, people were probably wondering who's this hijacking a thread.

    I don't remember how, but i soon felt at home amongst the community, and in my year on here i would say i've been made very welcome and really enoyed it.

    I don't know what it was like to prior 1 year ago. I would say recently there has been a few threads that have went a bit ott, there has been some negativity and even insulting posts. In my opinion this is a minority.

    I really do think it is a fantastic community for vast majority of people that come here. Of course on a public forum there will be spats/ negativity but feel this is a small percentage overall.

    Someone like CCF for example, at first i was wondering what the guy was all about. He posted a hand saying how bad is the play at 4nl, and i posted a hand where i had bluffed him a belter. He never had a go at me and took it in good spirit. There is some people he riles, but it's just his sense of humour. And someone like him, who goes against the grain, imo is a decent addition. He does have a different sense of humour and can beblnt but that's just who he is.

    While some stuff recently has been poor, i would say overall it is a very positive community. Which i wouldn't have believed 1 year ago if you had told me that about an internet forum, where there is relative annonimity.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2013
    On a lighter note!

    I may be off forum for a while after Sunday. 
    I'm expecting Derby to get battered by Blackburn and I just know that AjRockets will pop in to say hello.

    Australia should build on today and get a good first innings score.
    We haven't batted well so far this series, haven't really needed to. Be a test for us. Cook, Peterson and Prior have all struggled so far. My whitewash prediction may come unstuck at Old Trafford.

    Rory changes sponsor and so clubs as well.
    He doesn't get on with them and has fallen back dramatically from last year.
    I just don't get it. He already has more money than he could spend even if he wanted too. Why? In that case would you change to clubs that you're not comfortable with? Beyond me.

    Not played

    A rather pleasant 5 tonight, beer gardens ftw.

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2013
    GELDY, Henrik

    You're both right
    Vast majority is still good.

    Combination of warm weather, beer and the fact that I've got to get up in 4 hours has probably made me a bit grumpy.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited August 2013

    Huge signing for us today, Derby, Blackburn and the rest of the Championship must be quaking in their proverbial boots. 

    48 hours before the season kicks off, we have 13 fit first team players, all of which are outfielders, no senior goalkeeper on the books. 

    You'd think mr Dic k ov would be working round the clock to try and get some experienced bodies in. 

    Sky sports news report some breaking news from Doncaster.

    'finally' something has happened. I wonder who it is.

    "Doncaster Rovers have announced the signing of 1 direction member Louis Tomlinson' 


    ""I've been a massive Doncaster fan for a long time and growing up in Doncaster I've been to plenty of games at the Keepmoat," he said today. "To be part of the club is incredible."

    Ground going to be packed out with 14yr old girls and Mums. 

    Expect a hostile atmosphere at the keepmoat! 


    (Thankfully we did sign a goalie also, so we're up to 14 players. 4 more to go then we can fill the bench on Saturday :D
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2013
    I think many clubs in the championship have the same stories of woe.
    The gap between us and the Premier league is at an all time high. 
    From afar, things do actually seem brighter at Doncaster than many clubs? I know that kind of comment can be annoying for fans of the club. 
    I get it a lot with people saying how great it is that Nigel has balanced the books etc.

    Went to a game at the keepmoat a while ago (we won :))
    Thought it was a really nice ground but for a club wo seemingly have aspirations I was surprised at the attendance and lack of atmosphere. Think there were about 10,000 in the ground and we mus have taken 3,000 there.

    Do you think the new deal they're talking about will actually happen? 
    If it does surely you would have a great chance?

    By the way, wish I'd taken you up on the 10% and where do I vote for you?

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2013

    I want you to start a diary.
    Would love to hear more about China, what you do, your suits etc..
    You look like a very interesting gentleman.
    Think it would make for some great reading.

  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited August 2013
    i have done my threads in the past

    china - done

    £1000 double or quits in a month - done

    just waiting on my next hair brained scheme
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2013
    Well, I have started to play a few tourneys as planned.

    They were all I played for a number of years on Full Tilt until Black Friday.
    Getting used to the variance again. Sure, it's an incredibly small sample but feeling pretty good about it right now. Only playing the small ones £5.50's and £11's but doing ok.
    Just played a couple tonight and came 2nd in a £5.75 BH for just over £90 total. Bit frustrating as had 2/3rd's of the chips in play with 4 left but lost a couple of flips.


    First game of the season yesterday and looks like until we get a new manager we're going nowhere.
    We have a good midfield and attack but can't defend.
    Clearly then it makes sense to decide to try and defend for 45 mins after going 1-0 up!
    Surprisingly it didn't work out.


    Good to see PatWalshh back on the forum.
    At least now I won't be the only one you can put TL:DR on my posts.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2013
    Been a while so thought I'd do a quick update.

    I have been gettin into tournaments a little more and had a few cashes. Played a sat for the main last night and missed the seat by one which was frustrating. Had aces cracked by KQ which would have locked the seat and JJ couldn't hold up against Ace 8 - river straight. Got money back for my trouble, so not all bad. In the other tourney, just a little speed rebuy, I came second for £71 which was decent.

    Been mixing the tourneys in with the Dyms and played less cash. 
    Feels like it has been a bad month but when I look at it I'm £420 up, including rakeback, which is surprising but good all the same.

    Not getting out to play my first love, live cash at the moment due to circumstances changing considerably at home.
    I might make a last ditch effort for Newcastle now though as a planned golf trip has fallen through and I now have a pass out to play if I qualify. Only played the points freeroll for it at the moment and was a bit unlucky. Just the one seat up for grabs and came 4th out of the 48 runners.

    Golf - better, shot 78 today
    Football - sigh
    Work - mundane
    Alton Towers - excellent, loving the free fast track tickets.

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2013
    First live outing for a good while on Sunday. As usual, it ended up with me drinking far too much. I accept that it's just possible I won't play my best when I do this, but never mind, I'm having fun.

    Played the £30 rebuy with no success. Fairly standard exit hand, so no complaints and then moved onto cash.
    Pleasingly, it was a limp/calltastic table and I started to run well. Sat with £200 and pretty quickly was up to around £320.

    Had a couple of fun hands after that. 3bet the button to £14 against tight, way too serious player who had opened for £4. Flop 55Q, He check calls £19. Turn 6, he check calls £37, river 2, he check calls all in. I immediately table the 56 for a full house and he goes berserk as he flashes the AQ before throwing his cards at the dealer. He then spends a few minutes telling everyone how bad I am, mixing in a few expletives along the way. He also explained how he was trapping me and knew I was playing with rubbish. lols

    Had a really interesting hand which I was really happy with how I played but provoked some discussion afterwards. Next orbit on button I find the JJ. 4 limpers to me and so I make it £10. BB who I know quite well and is very tight makes it £26, sitting with around £170. They all pass and I decide to call. Reasons for this were I was pretty sure he had a big pair. Confident that even with AK he just flats because he sees me as aggro and would hate getting it all in with less than the big pair pre. I'm never folding pre and given the reasons already stated i'm not keen on reraising and giving him the perfect shoving stack.

    I decide to see the flop in position. Flop of AK3. I'm convinced that his shoulders slump a little and equally convinced it is not some kind of dramatic reverse tell he's trying to give off. He leads for £20 and I call. 5 on turn and he checks. I bet £46 and he folds QQ face up. Being drunk I flip my cards and he's not happy. Disappointed I showed, no need for it really.

    After that serious guy and QQ guy spend a long time discussing how bad I am. I say nothing and just carry on drinking my drink. Trouble is every so often the other drunk on the table keeps saying "you're only bxtching because he keeps kicking your  fxxking arsxs" I can't help giggling everytime he says it and so it continues until serious guy gets up and goes to other table because "you can't beat bad players"

    Had one more hand of note where I get it in pre from SB against new nicer guy on my right for around a £90 pot with AK. He had KK and I spike my Ace. He says "nice hand, it played itself". Just grateful I wasn't up against IDCU here as I seem to remember a similar pot he had against AJRockets, where his reaction was a little different.

    As I tend to do I donked off around £130 before ending the night but still made £280 profit and I had fun, so never mind.

    Felt absolutely evil on Monday. I'm way too old for this drinking lark. Although, no doubt, i'll do the same again before too long.


    I am the worst golfer ever. Played Saturday and was horrific. Comp tomorrow and will be up to 10 for first time in 15 years if I miss buffer yet again.
    Think I need to buy some new sticks!
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2013

    Don't rant normally but...

    Decided to have one go only at SPT Newcastle
    Got through the semi

    Just played the £24 which made 2 seats and £88 for 3rd
    Money bubble on big blind and guys limp! utg
    I flop flush and lead out, he shoves with set and gets there. That's £88 that would have been locked up and looking very good 1 of 3 for the seat.

    Shove a couple that get through. They fold to my big blind twice when I have AA and QQ.

    Back to covering the limp guy, I shove 55 in small against his 5bb stack. He tanks! and eventually calls with AK!
    He hits immediately.

    2 hands later I shove Ace Rag. He snaps utg+1 with Ace8. Looks like being a split on QQJ10. he hits his flush on river.

    GG Newcastle


    In mini go out 14th ACE 10 V 33 aipf. Flop 10 turn 3, GG mini
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    edited August 2013
    You should rant more, you're pretty good at it :)
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    You should rant more, you're pretty good at it :)
    Posted by bbMike


    P.s. ta for nomination

    Edit: I don't normally rant about poker.
    Nigel Clough and I just can't help myself
  • FLASHJONNYFLASHJONNY Member Posts: 2,537
    edited August 2013
    very entertaining paul as always shame you wont be at newcastle but im still not having it gl johnny
  • FLASHJONNYFLASHJONNY Member Posts: 2,537
    edited August 2013
    and im still on cloud 9 after saturday you know what its like just a lovely feeling
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    and im still on cloud 9 after saturday you know what its like just a lovely feeling
    Posted by FLASHJONNY
    Fantastic result mate. So pleased for you.


    One day sir you will come to accept the Baseball Ground was he best stadium this country has ever seen.
  • FLASHJONNYFLASHJONNY Member Posts: 2,537
    edited August 2013
    you sir are clearly deluded i think you are on some mysterious narcotic but i still enjoy your ramblings
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2013
    Well, just had my first ever thread closure.
    Might well have been a topic that's been covered numerous times but I have been getting frustrated by all the thread closures. To close it is just ridiculous in my opinion

    I guess this complaint means the end for this thread. I suppose I've had a good run and 300 posts isn't bad.

    Before I get shut down a quick word about  my golf today.
    As I've mentioned, I've been really struggling recently.
    Today, I had the worst start to a round in my memory, 9 over through 6. Managed to only drop 2 more shots for the entire round to just sneak into the buffer and preserve my 9 handicap. Pretty chuffed with myself for grinding it out. I think Lambert would be proud of me!
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,661
    edited August 2013

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