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Insult to poker



  • block513block513 Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2009
    Sky poker is the worst poker site i've ever come across. It seems that the "loose" players seem to get rewarded, i've lost count on how many bad beats i've came across, and some of the players are a disgrace, calling all ins with 7/4 o/s and somehow managing to flop trips or a straight.

    The tournaments espically that are 600 strong end up being one by someones whos lucks in on the day, and not to the most skillfull poker player.
  • huuuuumehuuuuume Member Posts: 569
    edited July 2009
    my 2 cents

    the structure of the open and bounty hunter tournaments is not great because the blinds do rise quickly and therefore the luck element is bigger (good for me cos i run like god).  sky have done a lot to improve what they offer and if u want a longer structure play the 1k bounty hunter at 9.30 instead which is a fantastic alternative.  i think the open should stay as it is because as has been mentioned before it gets the most players and is suited perfectly for the tv stuff.  i would love to see the a few other £10+ buy ins available during peak hours tho as the player base expands.

    for those people moaning about the luck factor i have 2 suggestions
    1) dont play it if you dont like it - sounds obvious but im sure the open can survive without u
    2) bankroll management - if you have the correct bankroll to play the tournament then you wont be so upset when the (inevitable) bad beats happen.  i think most of the players complaining cant afford to be playing this tournament on a daily basis

    the open should remain as it is - yes there is a big luck element but that is only natural with that number of players regardless of the blind structure.  the only change i would make is having more similar sized buy in tournaments available during the peak hours especially with more and more players joining the site.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: Insult to poker:
    my 2 cents the structure of the open and bounty hunter tournaments is not great because the blinds do rise quickly and therefore the luck element is bigger (good for me cos i run like god).  sky have done a lot to improve what they offer and if u want a longer structure play the 1k bounty hunter at 9.30 instead which is a fantastic alternative.  i think the open should stay as it is because as has been mentioned before it gets the most players and is suited perfectly for the tv stuff.  i would love to see the a few other £10+ buy ins available during peak hours tho as the player base expands. for those people moaning about the luck factor i have 2 suggestions 1) dont play it if you dont like it - sounds obvious but im sure the open can survive without u 2) bankroll management - if you have the correct bankroll to play the tournament then you wont be so upset when the (inevitable) bad beats happen.  i think most of the players complaining cant afford to be playing this tournament on a daily basis the open should remain as it is - yes there is a big luck element but that is only natural with that number of players regardless of the blind structure.  the only change i would make is having more similar sized buy in tournaments available during the peak hours especially with more and more players joining the site.
    Posted by huuuuume
    EXCELLENT point. (Highlighted). By playing within our Bankroll, the Beats don't hurt. They DO hurt when you are playing above your Bankroll, & that is a big part of the problem for those who struggle to handle their beats.

  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: Insult to poker:
    my 2 cents the structure of the open and bounty hunter tournaments is not great because the blinds do rise quickly and therefore the luck element is bigger (good for me cos i run like god).  sky have done a lot to improve what they offer and if u want a longer structure play the 1k bounty hunter at 9.30 instead which is a fantastic alternative.  i think the open should stay as it is because as has been mentioned before it gets the most players and is suited perfectly for the tv stuff.  i would love to see the a few other £10+ buy ins available during peak hours tho as the player base expands. for those people moaning about the luck factor i have 2 suggestions 1) dont play it if you dont like it - sounds obvious but im sure the open can survive without u 2) bankroll management - if you have the correct bankroll to play the tournament then you wont be so upset when the (inevitable) bad beats happen.  i think most of the players complaining cant afford to be playing this tournament on a daily basis the open should remain as it is - yes there is a big luck element but that is only natural with that number of players regardless of the blind structure.  the only change i would make is having more similar sized buy in tournaments available during the peak hours especially with more and more players joining the site.
    Posted by huuuuume
     That bit i agree with :)
  • scrumdownscrumdown Member Posts: 1,609
    edited July 2009
    i  do  agree  with  some  of  the  things  that block  513 says  about  suiting  looose  and  the  fish  and  i  dont  play   many  tv  tourneys  because  of the  blind  struture   too fast  before u  know  it  if  your not  getting  any  cards  your  in  allin  mode  within   45 min  but  thats  my  choice   so  find  some ting  that  suits  your  style   block
  • inka2003inka2003 Member Posts: 184
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: Insult to poker:
    Sky poker is the worst poker site i've ever come across. It seems that the "loose" players seem to get rewarded, i've lost count on how many bad beats i've came across, and some of the players are a disgrace, calling all ins with 7/4 o/s and somehow managing to flop trips or a straight. The tournaments espically that are 600 strong end up being one by someones whos lucks in on the day, and not to the most skillfull poker player.
    Posted by block513
    Block513 ... of course there is an element of luck BUT if you watch or play the Open daily, you will find the same players either winning or going close, day after day.   I wish it was ALL luck and then I may have a chance myself but unfortunately they are regularly won by a player from a group of the more skillful Sky MTT players
  • joelye1989joelye1989 Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2009
    i played online poker for about 6 years on loads dif sites, but this site is amazing most of the players dont have a clue they in pots they shouldnt be in go all in with nothin ect ect, maybe these clueless players just play on here to get a shot on tv? i dont no but like i said some of the worst moves iv ever seen in poker, this site is full of donks so all you sharks out there get on these cash tables an take all the dead money because i sure will be :) they should change the name to sky donker.
  • Bza3swordsBza3swords Member Posts: 91
    edited July 2009
    What an amazing post you troll.
  • facupfacup Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2009
    there is absolutley no skill in sky poker tournaments, this is why i play because i have no skill!!! lol we all know its for muppets like myself who are at best reasonable gamblers.
  • roiroiroi1roiroiroi1 Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: Insult to poker: couldnt agree more.
    Totally agree its a joke. You can't read anyone's game as half the time they are just doing it to win the bounties. I don't like the format with the main tournaments on sky to be honest. I enjoy playing poker on here but I personally can't see the skill when the blinds are going up like every 5 mins and going up to a considerably huge amount each time. It just makes it down to luck in getting good hands at the start otherwise you are just pushing in low stacked after no more than 30 mins to an hour. Then with the bounty hunter you get people just pushing all in from the start due to the bounties. Sorry but to me thats not poker. Don't get me wrong a do like playing on this site but the formats in my eyes makes it more down to luck than ever and it does not suit my game at all
    Posted by Mozza1987
  • MrWh1teMrWh1te Member Posts: 963
    edited July 2009
    Hmm, what an interesting post when you can get between the trolling.

    My 2 pence worth, is that there arent that many mtt's on the site I like to play.  That said, I simply dont play them.
    I love the deep stack games,  plenty of play.  Would sky consider running a deep stack game every so often on the TV tables? 
    It is true that the tv tables fast become a lottery, the facts stand for that, but as pointed out, dont play them.

    About the standard of play, there is no doubt that there are a lot more fish here than most other sites and the other sites that come close are ones that have a betting site attached.  That said, there are a lot of sharks on here now because of that and my ROI as certainly dropped lately because of it.

    Block513 maybe the loose players are just better than you?  Poker is a game of skill.  I don't believe in luck I believe in variance.  Personally speaking, if I can put a player on AA/KK or something which they regard as a big hand, I will call 3x BB bets with 72o if I can. 
    The reason being, when I miss I can fold, when I hit I can not only take their whole stack but they will believe I am a weak player and proceed to hand over more money.

    Ivanovic play nice and don't bait the nice fishies!
  • mr_mbromr_mbro Member Posts: 1,152
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Insult to poker:
    i agree totally with you DON.As for people like Kirstii,acebarry and greghogg they are just skypoker sheep who are clueless and know no better
    Posted by igimc
    Now your out of order to name anybody on the site.
    If you dont know these people why take that sort of attitude, as all you are doing is name calling and falling below the standard.
     If you have a point to make, sir, then i'm sure you can make it without any personal attacks on fellow players. 
  • jasonjeggojasonjeggo Member Posts: 67
    edited August 2009
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Insult to poker:
    i agree totally with you DON.As for people like Kirstii,acebarry and greghogg they are just skypoker sheep who are clueless and know no better
    Posted by igimc
    Reported to Moderator - "personal attack".

    You have no right whatsoever to abuse any Sky Poker players, particularly those as loyal as AceBarry, Kirstii, & Greg, & I suggest you refrain.

  • Grimstar30Grimstar30 Member Posts: 1,400
    edited August 2009
    It's just a game of poker, we are here to have FUN, there is no need to be offensive.
  • will56will56 Member Posts: 7
    edited August 2009

    I have only recently noticed this thread, and to be honest i dont think that the nightly opens and and tv tourneys offer good value for money and so therefore i personally choose not to play them.  this is only my opinion, but many other people obviously enjoy these formats and therefore play them.  no one is right or wrong!!!! the fact that it is getting personal is pathetic!!!! each to there own and i persoanally think its a good thing for the site that different ppl enjoy different games. 

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Insult to poker:
    I have only recently noticed this thread, and to be honest i dont think that the nightly opens and and tv tourneys offer good value for money and so therefore i personally choose not to play them.  this is only my opinion, but many other people obviously enjoy these formats and therefore play them.  no one is right or wrong!!!! the fact that it is getting personal is pathetic!!!! each to there own and i persoanally think its a good thing for the site that different ppl enjoy different games. 
    Posted by will56
    Good Post Will.

    Sky Poker offer Tourneys to suit a wide range of Tastes. They have regular, scheduled Tourneys with structures from 1 minute/500 chips up to 15 minutes/5,000 Chips. The latter is gainng popularity rapidly, but right now, most Sky Poker players prefer the rapid structures.

    Very often, 700 players - the maximum - enter the 9pm fast-paced Open or BH. Clearly, they must enjoy it. Those who prefer a more sedate structure are catered for in slow-clock Deepstacks, which run every single Hour, 24/7.

    So there is something for everyone, & the Poster who suggested Sky only have fast structures might do well to look again.
  • igimcigimc Member Posts: 625
    edited August 2009

    I unreservedly apologise for my recent attack on barry,kirsty and greg.I was bang out of order.
     I must accept my punishment
    I do agree with DON and felt they just rubbished him,but once again i was bang out of order and apologise
  • mr_mbromr_mbro Member Posts: 1,152
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Insult to poker:
    apology I unreservedly apologise for my recent attack on barry,kirsty and greg.I was bang out of order.  I must accept my punishment I do agree with DON and felt they just rubbished him,but once again i was bang out of order and apologise
    Posted by igimc
    Hi I must admit did not expect an apology, so you have my respect sir. 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Insult to poker:
    In Response to Re: Insult to poker : Hi I must admit did not expect an apology, so you have my respect sir. 
    Posted by mr_mbro

    I second that, well done Fella.

    Let's move on.

    I did use the "Report Abuse" Facility, but I hope the Mods will now aceept that it was out of character, & that'll be the end of that.
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