Not sure what to play today - Getting bored with playing so much cash. I think i might do a different challenge next month and play DYM,s satelites amd MTT,s but will look at my results before then and try and find out where my best chances of winning are
EDIT : As it was during the happy hour had a quick 60 min sessiuon 3 x 5p action and 1 x 10p action - pretty qieut really
Date & TimeProductDescriptionAmountHeld FundsPlatformDetail10 Oct '12 at 18:38PokerAction Table 2£-0.13£0.00InternetHand History 10 Oct '12 at 18:32PokerAction Table 110£1.32£0.00InternetHand History 10 Oct '12 at 18:30PokerAction Table 116£1.61£0.00InternetHand History 10 Oct '12 at 18:30PokerAction Table 112£0.02£0.00InternetHand History
PTS 621 + £2.82
Nxt session lasted abit longer than i thougt. After been down about a tenner i ran deep in the £250GTD and had a half an hour battle HU where the chip lead changed hands numerous times but after missing 2 flushes to win game and finally got aces which got busted in big pot by a flush. Still happy with a 2nd (61 players) but it wudda been nice to win it
10 Oct '12 at 21:09Poker£200 Gtd (15 mins)£1.75£0.00InternetHand History 10 Oct '12 at 20:56Poker£250 Guaranteed£55.50£0.00InternetHand History 10 Oct '12 at 20:35Poker£200 Gtd (15 mins)£-1.97£0.00InternetHand History 10 Oct '12 at 20:16Poker£2,000 BH Sat£-2.40£0.00InternetHand History 10 Oct '12 at 20:15Poker£400 Gtd (30 mins)£-5.50£0.00InternetHand History £2.82 + £47.88 = + £50.70
Didn,t play yesterday so up to Day 21 now. Gonna have a little session tonight tho. Might play some timed tourneys and some satelites for a change. Will probably try some of the micro sats to the UKOPS as well as i,ve never played a UKOPS main event before (would normally play the DTD but missed the start)
DAY 21 BR £167.17 PTS 707
Played the £3 rebuy incl. a rebuy and add on and bubbled the cash in 5th place. After reading whacko,s thread - saying he was going to be playing low stakes MTT,s i thought i might bump into him at some point and sure did when i ran my a 10 s into his kk on the BB to crip ple my stack . also played the micro sat for UKOPS and played well and got into semi but spewed off most off my chips in first level - down to 140 - manged to get back to 1k but still alot of work to do EDIT : 1 minute later - ran my kk into aces and out in UKOPS semi
Bad session - Taking half an hour out before i carry on
On Day 22 - Didn,t play much but when i did play i din,t feel i was playing my A game. Tried 5 tabling but just felt i was clicking buttons on auto pilot , taking the fun out of it and not been able to get enough reads or really think out situations properly, so i won,t be be going past 4 again until i can get used to it.
This resulted in another losing day and won,t be able to play much in the next few days as i,m playing live tonight in local pub and live again tommorow in local snooker club for the Nuts leaugue Also going away Saturday morning and won,t be back until Tuesday night so thats 4 days out as well
Day 23
BR £135.20 PTS 801
(Must admit i am really enjoying playing live at the moment. Feel like i,m learning more and of course you get to meet a lot of new of new friends with whom you can discuss poker with. This always comes up as "one of the top tips" - to have friends you can discuss hands with etc and think its a gr8 tip for anyone wanting to improve their game)
Ended up playing in Nuts league at Hendrys Thursday night league - Only 12 players but a 2nd was a decent result after my 1st there last week putting me in overall lead in week 3 ( missed week 1). Just need to turn up now for the other 10 weeks and also aim for top 3 as it gives you 2 choices at regionals i think
Preston is buzzing with live games at the moment with more every week - own leagues, nuts and the other one i cant remember the name off - see a lot of the same faces about and also in the Casinos in Bpool - Preston could do with a casino tho - unfornately can,t see it
EDIT - As i,m playing at least 2 nights live as week thought i,d show a track of my live results
4 days with no poker now as i,m off to visit family - Need it
Was going to play earlier but after a last minute decision ended up playing at local snooker club in the 2nd week of the Nutz Leaugue where i came joint 1st from 14 players for £60 and got the pts for the win after a turnover.
Unfornately this was the Thursday league as the last time i went a cpl of weeks back i came 4th from about 20+ which i would have picked up some more points for, but the Friday leaugue is a seperate one although you can qualify from both.The points system seems quite complicated for this leaugue. Tonight i got 30% of 2800pts - 14 players x2k pts - winner 30% - 2nd 20% etc for FT and 80 pts just for turning up so got the best part of 900 pts
Haven,t played in any of these reginal finals yet but with that many pubs in Preston now running these leagues its something to aim for as well as our local pubs own final every 3 months BR £175.28 PTS 653
Day 18 - Another day off
Been out all day but just managed to catch the last game at my local- 14 players - £5 in - 3rd for £10. Was quite interesting tho as the guy to my right who i,d not seen in there before and came 2nd turned out to be one of the high stakes regs on here so hopefully see him a bit more and try to pick his brains a bit as he,s certainly a lot better than me, by looking at his stats
Hi Paul. Hope you've enjoyed your days off. Do you find that after taking time off you don't have the urge to get back into it the same, or is it just me? Looking forward to reading your next installment. Have fun. Jacqui
Hi Paul. Hope you've enjoyed you r days off. Do you find that after taking time off you don't have the urge to get back into it the same , or is it just me? Look ing forward to reading your next installment. Have fun. Jacqui Posted by Dagnamit
Thx - appreciate it
Thoroughly enjoyed it ( stayed an extra night so i could watch my neices and nephew do their taikwondo classes )and no poker for a week - didn,t even miss it, but now i,m back i,m ready to go again more than ever . I played live in nuts league again tonight but got outplayed, but i,ll be back online tommorow.
In anser to your question -I suppose it could be th reason your taking time off. Is it because you,ve been tilting , or losing interest or goin on holiday/break?
Lost track of day number but will be updating again tommorow Paul
Havent played yet today and pLaying in pub leaugue again tonight but might have a session later depending on what time i get in . (and how much i,ve had to drink )
The target was to get to 1k pts in cash for the King of the Cash Freeroll which i am still determined to make , hopefully this weekend
EDIT : Had a quick session during the happy hour 4 tabling ( 2 x 5p action and 2 x 8NL ).
V quiet ( no hands where i lost more than £1 and 1 hand where i won more than £1 - below)apart from 1 main hand : Had a feeling one of the opponents had a higher set as they were quite tight but very rarely lay sets down. If it gets beat by a higher set then thats just tough
Date & TimeProductDescriptionAmountHeld FundsPlatformDetail26 Oct '12 at 18:41PokerLubin£0.36£0.00InternetHand History 26 Oct '12 at 18:33PokerMaine Road£0.04£0.00InternetHand History 26 Oct '12 at 18:28PokerAction Table 116£0.83£0.00InternetHand History 26 Oct '12 at 18:28PokerAction Table 112£6.90£0.00InternetHand History
Finished day 40 over £30 down , but not to fussed. Thought i would play DYM,s today for a change while i get pts to 1k. Managed so far to play 2 and mess2 up as below - The cardinal sin in a DYM against a tight player didn,t have to play it - looking at it now tho its a bit more marginal
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Full House, Aces and 5s
played won lost EDIT £5 DYM,s 5 4 1 £3 DYM,s 1 0 1
28 Oct '12 at 17:21PokerDouble Your Money£4.50£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History 28 Oct '12 at 17:00PokerDouble Your Money£4.50£0.00InternetHand History 28 Oct '12 at 16:59PokerDouble Your Money£4.50£0.00InternetHand History 28 Oct '12 at 16:05PokerDouble Your Money£-5.50£0.00InternetHand History 28 Oct '12 at 16:04PokerDouble Your Money£-3.30£0.00InternetHand History 28 Oct '12 at 16:04PokerDouble Your Money£4.50£0.00InternetHand History
At 6.15pm gonna play the rest of happy hour on te 5p action x 4 tables. Just realised its about a year since i actually got 1kpts before
session 2 - made some pts but lost some cash in a a cpl of Timed touyneys and NL4 and NL10 - bit tired but gonna play on -got alittle bit back at the end - these were last 4 results
EDIT got it up to 913pts although lost a bit in the process - nothing serious tho and feel good about this king of cash 5k frerroll - nother 87 to go- will update tommorow
Just got in after another little seesion earlier but missed the happy hour - not a gr8 session but only 12pts off 1k now so gonna complete 1 target now ---some of the following games from earlier session
DAY 41 Close Edited for the 8th time - Ended up coming 3rd for £87.78 incl heads
EDIT _ Forgot to take the £11 off
£133.20 + (87.78 any xtra in this BH (6th of 18 - toptp 10 pay )AND1KPTSexactly
edit 3 -3rd of 13 -ten pay - just the 1 head
edit 4 - another brk but despite whaty happens will be a gr8 end to the month - In last now with 3 left after running my 33 into the might off k4 and oppo spiking a 4
BAD_BLEET1520001£173.60 + £79.92 Head Prizes8£23.72altair1202£105.40 + £35.49 Head Prizes6 MP3303£74.40 + £9.38 Head Prizes2 Tinman7204£62 + £8.44 Head Prizes2 bigstu705£49.60 + £43.53 Head Prizes8 martyn198006£43.400 Will8507£37.20 + £9.38 Head Prizes2 smith140808£31 + £20.16 Head Prizes4 whostheman09£24.800 benjiman20010£18.60 + £13.36 Head Prizes3 thebookie2011£3.75 Head Prizes1
Well done. Best of luck in the freeroll, register early mind.
In regards to my post earlier it wasn't because of poker that I stopped playing. It was other reasons and now I only really play the DTD and the Orfordable for fun. Stick in the odd DYM (PLO for preference) and thats it really. I do enjoy it once I get going. its just the getting going thats the problem.
Anyhoo, enjoying the diary, hope you keep it going.
Well done. Best of luck in the freeroll, register early mind. In regards to my post earlier it wasn't because of poker that I stopped playing. It was other reasons and now I on ly really play the DTD and the Orfordable for fun. Stick in the odd DYM (PLO for prefer ence) and thats it really. I do enjoy it once I get going. its just the getting going thats the problem. Anyhoo, enjoying the diary , hope you keep it going. Posted by Dagnamit
Deffo . 1k pts might not seem alot to some ppl but for me i used to get more than that every month and had less time to play. I,ve tried doin diarys before but never lasted this long .
Its hard to post after a bad day and you see your Roll diminish, but this diary was to get me going again. If you don,t want to post a diary then try writing down your results on paper or spreadsheet if your computer literate. I,m not and did it on paper one month . This really helped me as well
Also like yourself i try different forms of the game - always makes it more interesting
Cheers and GL
Ps - One thing i would advise against - if you don,t feel like playing then don,t. Theres always tommorow
Thought i may as well keep my Thursday night live nuts leaugue up to date as i,m currently playing approx 3 nights a week live and thoroughly enjoying it ( I also belive you can learn more from live games - perhaps because your just 1 tabling )
Week 4 of 13 (still 2nd despite an early exit last week) I,ll just post the top ten in future
PTS 608
Not sure what to play today - Getting bored with playing so much cash. I think i might do a different challenge next month and play DYM,s satelites amd MTT,s but will look at my results before then and try and find out where my best chances of winning are
EDIT : As it was during the happy hour had a quick 60 min sessiuon 3 x 5p action and 1 x 10p action - pretty qieut really
Date & TimeProductDescriptionAmountHeld FundsPlatformDetail10 Oct '12 at 18:38PokerAction Table 2£-0.13£0.00InternetHand History 10 Oct '12 at 18:32PokerAction Table 110£1.32£0.00InternetHand History 10 Oct '12 at 18:30PokerAction Table 116£1.61£0.00InternetHand History 10 Oct '12 at 18:30PokerAction Table 112£0.02£0.00InternetHand History
PTS 621 + £2.82
Nxt session lasted abit longer than i thougt. After been down about a tenner i ran deep in the £250GTD and had a half an hour battle HU where the chip lead changed hands numerous times but after missing 2 flushes to win game and finally got aces which got busted in big pot by a flush. Still happy with a 2nd (61 players) but it wudda been nice to win it
10 Oct '12 at 21:09Poker£200 Gtd (15 mins)£1.75£0.00InternetHand History 10 Oct '12 at 20:56Poker£250 Guaranteed£55.50£0.00InternetHand History 10 Oct '12 at 20:35Poker£200 Gtd (15 mins)£-1.97£0.00InternetHand History 10 Oct '12 at 20:16Poker£2,000 BH Sat£-2.40£0.00InternetHand History 10 Oct '12 at 20:15Poker£400 Gtd (30 mins)£-5.50£0.00InternetHand History £2.82 + £47.88 = + £50.70
Closing BR £175.28
PTS 653
BR £175.28
PTS 653
Gonna mix it up today and play a bit of everything incl. cash . DYM,s . MTT,s and maybe a satelite or 2
EDIT - manged to get a cpl of hours cash in at 5p action x 4 tables. Lost about £7 but didn,t play to badly and racked up some more pts
PTS 707
Didn,t play yesterday so up to Day 21 now. Gonna have a little session tonight tho. Might play some timed tourneys and some satelites for a change. Will probably try some of the micro sats to the UKOPS as well as i,ve never played a UKOPS main event before (would normally play the DTD but missed the start)
DAY 21
BR £167.17
PTS 707
Played the £3 rebuy incl. a rebuy and add on and bubbled the cash in 5th place. After reading whacko,s thread - saying he was going to be playing low stakes MTT,s i thought i might bump into him at some point and sure did when i ran my a 10 s into his kk on the BB to crip ple my stack . also played the micro sat for UKOPS and played well and got into semi but spewed off most off my chips in first level - down to 140 - manged to get back to 1k but still alot of work to do
EDIT : 1 minute later - ran my kk into aces and out in UKOPS semi
Bad session - Taking half an hour out before i carry on
Day 23
On Day 22 - Didn,t play much but when i did play i din,t feel i was playing my A game. Tried 5 tabling but just felt i was clicking buttons on auto pilot , taking the fun out of it and not been able to get enough reads or really think out situations properly, so i won,t be be going past 4 again until i can get used to it.
This resulted in another losing day and won,t be able to play much in the next few days as i,m playing live tonight in local pub and live again tommorow in local snooker club for the Nuts leaugue
Also going away Saturday morning and won,t be back until Tuesday night so thats 4 days out as well
Day 23
BR £135.20
PTS 801
(Must admit i am really enjoying playing live at the moment. Feel like i,m learning more and of course you get to meet a lot of new of new friends with whom you can discuss poker with. This always comes up as "one of the top tips" - to have friends you can discuss hands with etc and think its a gr8 tip for anyone wanting to improve their game)
Ended up playing in Nuts league at Hendrys Thursday night league - Only 12 players but a 2nd was a decent result after my 1st there last week putting me in overall lead in week 3 ( missed week 1). Just need to turn up now for the other 10 weeks and also aim for top 3 as it gives you 2 choices at regionals i think
Preston is buzzing with live games at the moment with more every week - own leagues, nuts and the other one i cant remember the name off - see a lot of the same faces about and also in the Casinos in Bpool - Preston could do with a casino tho - unfornately can,t see it
EDIT - As i,m playing at least 2 nights live as week thought i,d show a track of my live results
4 days with no poker now as i,m off to visit family - Need it
Player#PlayedAve.Total1Neil Bevan73351460281216242Paul Robinson7335152018708703Mohammed Ali7335127818308304Michael Curry7335146823507005Kevin Steel7335174323356706Shabaz Hussain7335127615505507Geoff Stapley100400322484968Elaine Roberts100398514304309Tony Hewitt73351457218136210Andrea Whiteside1004017131031011Kevin 'twostrokecharlie' Roberts1003984123023012Jerome Williams1004801119819813Will Johnson1005839117017014Kristen Goddard7335146728016015Jack Culligan7335152528016016Rene Mollinga73270728016017Kala Axall733517421808018Rachael 'BabyFaceAssassin' Houghton6883671808019Layla Axall733517461808020Mohammed Khan733512771808021Mahala Whiteside10047671808022Terry Woods10039941808023Ali Arshad733512791808024Ben Folan733514581808025Kevin Houghton733517451808026Marie 'Marie' Hunter7335010218080
Day 17 - Day Off ( Well kind off)
Was going to play earlier but after a last minute decision ended up playing at local snooker club in the 2nd week of the Nutz Leaugue where i came joint 1st from 14 players for £60 and got the pts for the win after a turnover.
Unfornately this was the Thursday league as the last time i went a cpl of weeks back i came 4th from about 20+ which i would have picked up some more points for, but the Friday leaugue is a seperate one although you can qualify from both.The points system seems quite complicated for this leaugue.
Tonight i got 30% of 2800pts - 14 players x2k pts - winner 30% - 2nd 20% etc for FT and 80 pts just for turning up so got the best part of 900 pts
Haven,t played in any of these reginal finals yet but with that many pubs in Preston now running these leagues its something to aim for as well as our local pubs own final every 3 months
BR £175.28
PTS 653
Day 18 - Another day off
Been out all day but just managed to catch the last game at my local- 14 players - £5 in - 3rd for £10. Was quite interesting tho as the guy to my right who i,d not seen in there before and came 2nd turned out to be one of the high stakes regs on here so hopefully see him a bit more and try to pick his brains a bit as he,s certainly a lot better than me, by looking at his stats
Just thought i,d have a quick session before an early night
Played a £3 DYM and a £2.20 sat to the 2k BH. Won in both so will be staying up a bit later than i thought
BR £135.70
PTS 806
Will be back to carry on diary on Day 28 or 29, but will update if i cash in BH
Thoroughly enjoyed it ( stayed an extra night so i could watch my neices and nephew do their taikwondo classes )and no poker for a week - didn,t even miss it, but now i,m back i,m ready to go again more than ever . I played live in nuts league again tonight but got outplayed, but i,ll be back online tommorow.
In anser to your question -I suppose it could be th reason your taking time off. Is it because you,ve been tilting , or losing interest or goin on holiday/break?
Lost track of day number but will be updating again tommorow
BR £135.70
PTS 806
Havent played yet today and pLaying in pub leaugue again tonight but might have a session later depending on what time i get in . (and how much i,ve had to drink )
The target was to get to 1k pts in cash for the King of the Cash Freeroll which i am still determined to make , hopefully this weekend
EDIT : Had a quick session during the happy hour 4 tabling ( 2 x 5p action and 2 x 8NL ).
V quiet ( no hands where i lost more than £1 and 1 hand where i won more than £1 - below)apart from 1 main hand : Had a feeling one of the opponents had a higher set as they were quite tight but very rarely lay sets down. If it gets beat by a higher set then thats just tough
Date & TimeProductDescriptionAmountHeld FundsPlatformDetail26 Oct '12 at 18:41PokerLubin£0.36£0.00InternetHand History 26 Oct '12 at 18:33PokerMaine Road£0.04£0.00InternetHand History 26 Oct '12 at 18:28PokerAction Table 116£0.83£0.00InternetHand History 26 Oct '12 at 18:28PokerAction Table 112£6.90£0.00InternetHand History
PTS 829
PTS 913
Finished day 40 over £30 down , but not to fussed. Thought i would play DYM,s today for a change while i get pts to 1k. Managed so far to play 2 and mess2 up as below - The cardinal sin in a DYM against a tight player didn,t have to play it - looking at it now tho its a bit more marginal
EDIT £5 DYM,s 5 4 1
£3 DYM,s 1 0 1
(inc. NLO and PLO )
just need this one for 3 in a row
MP338785 roncw1450 Dan22071030 jfmpoker11735 jackAherts05
Got it
PTS 941
28 Oct '12 at 17:21PokerDouble Your Money£4.50£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History 28 Oct '12 at 17:00PokerDouble Your Money£4.50£0.00InternetHand History 28 Oct '12 at 16:59PokerDouble Your Money£4.50£0.00InternetHand History 28 Oct '12 at 16:05PokerDouble Your Money£-5.50£0.00InternetHand History 28 Oct '12 at 16:04PokerDouble Your Money£-3.30£0.00InternetHand History 28 Oct '12 at 16:04PokerDouble Your Money£4.50£0.00InternetHand History
At 6.15pm gonna play the rest of happy hour on te 5p action x 4 tables. Just realised its about a year since i actually got 1kpts before
BR £143.83
PTS 829
Had a little mini session but despite a sslight loss, mangaed to sat into the 2k BH at 9.30pm
EDIT got it up to 913pts although lost a bit in the process - nothing serious tho and feel good about this king of cash 5k frerroll - nother 87 to go- will update tommorow
Gonna and try and make it tonight - nothing major last session but cpl of quid up
Still up just over £25 up today so just need to keep itthat way
EDIT - After making 2pts on cash - was ten off so bought into £10 BH + 10pts as a treat plus im playin ok
with my 2pts cash
edit - at 50/100 still no heads but 50 bb,s
edit 2 - just took 1st head- -up to 13.7k at 75.150
EDIT _ Forgot to take the £11 off
£133.20 + (87.78 any xtra in this BH (6th of 18 - toptp 10 pay )AND 1KPTS exactly
edit 3 -3rd of 13 -ten pay - just the 1 head
edit 4 - another brk but despite whaty happens will be a gr8 end to the month - In last now with 3 left after running my 33 into the might off k4 and oppo spiking a 4
BAD_BLEET1520001£173.60 + £79.92 Head Prizes8£23.72altair1202£105.40 + £35.49 Head Prizes6 MP3303£74.40 + £9.38 Head Prizes2 Tinman7204£62 + £8.44 Head Prizes2 bigstu705£49.60 + £43.53 Head Prizes8 martyn198006£43.400 Will8507£37.20 + £9.38 Head Prizes2 smith140808£31 + £20.16 Head Prizes4 whostheman09£24.800 benjiman20010£18.60 + £13.36 Head Prizes3 thebookie2011£3.75 Head Prizes1
Closing BR - DAY41
In regards to my post earlier it wasn't because of poker that I stopped playing. It was other reasons and now I only really play the DTD and the Orfordable for fun. Stick in the odd DYM (PLO for preference) and thats it really. I do enjoy it once I get going. its just the getting going thats the problem.
Anyhoo, enjoying the diary, hope you keep it going.
Its hard to post after a bad day and you see your Roll diminish, but this diary was to get me going again. If you don,t want to post a diary then try writing down your results on paper or spreadsheet if your computer literate. I,m not and did it on paper one month . This really helped me as well
Also like yourself i try different forms of the game - always makes it more interesting
Cheers and GL
Ps - One thing i would advise against - if you don,t feel like playing then don,t. Theres always tommorow
Week 4 of 13 (still 2nd despite an early exit last week) I,ll just post the top ten in future